Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1684: Beating

In the mid-air, three Lingxian attacked strongly, and the Emperor's Finger broke out, and immediately underwent the Ming Luo Shengzi.

This left everyone sluggish, especially the demon outside the country, and the pride on his face turned into shock.

That is the Son of Ming Luo. Even if they look at their world, they can be regarded as outstanding people. However, in a small state higher than Lingxian, it was suppressed, which is simply incredible. !!

"What kind of avatar is that? How could it be so powerful?"

"In my estimation, at least 60% of the combat power must be reached!"

"Oh my god, is this really just a clone? How do I think that's his body!"

Everyone thought it was incredible, and so was the Son of Ming Luo.

As a party, he naturally knew better than the spectator. In his perception, the two avatars are not 60% combat power, but 70%!

You know, avatars are universally recognized as chicken ribs, and so is their world. In his impression, there is a method that can make the avatar strong, but at most it is equivalent to 50% of the combat power of the body.

However, Ling Xian's two avatars have reached 70%. How can he not be shocked?

As soon as he thought of the appalling number, he felt dizzy.


Lingxian yelled, and the body shot strong, like a storm, and the Ming Luo Shengzi could only passively defend.

Not only because his avatar has 70% combat power, but also because he has two more hands.

Even if Ming Luo Shengzi blocked the attack of Ling Xian's body, the attack of avatar would fall on him.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Ming Luo Shengzi became red and his face was a bit pale.

And this is just the beginning.

The Lingxian Emperor's fist danced wildly, the gods pointed to the sky, and the Ming Luo Shengzi was busy and confused. And if it is fortunate to trigger the battle of immortal bones, it will leave scars on this person.


Ming Luo Shengzi's lungs exploded quickly, and the magic gun fluttered wildly, sweeping for nine days and ten places.

The **** sea of ​​the corpse mountain emerged, soaring into the sky, making everyone cold like a falling ice cave.

However, Lingxian could not be deterred.

His left hand emperor boxing, his right hand pointed, the Lord killed.

The left avatar hangs the flower of the main road, the main defense.

The avatar on the right made the Qitian seven changes and responded from the side.

The three Ling Xians complement each other and work together to keep Ming Luo Shengzi under the wind. It can even be said to be repression.

Because this is one gasification and three Qings, not only let the avatar have the 70% combat power of the body, but also have everything of the body. Even the battle of immortal bones is no exception.

Therefore, when three Lingxian ignites the fighting bones at the same time, the attack intensity has reached an appalling level. It's like the three great gods join forces, God blocks the God, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha!

"Oh my God, he actually suppressed the Son of Mingluo ..."

"Impossible, this is impossible! The Son of Ming Luo is the strongest heir to the royal family, how could he be suppressed by an indigenous man?"

"I must have been dazzled, and it would never have happened in my dreams!"

The demon outside the world was unbelievable, and the Son of Ming Luo could not accept it.

He is the strongest heir to the royal family, with powerful combat power and unlimited potential, and is known as the future Xeon. However, it was suppressed by Lingxian. How did this make him proud?

"Go to death!"

With a loud drink, it shook for nine days and ten places.

The Son of Mingluo went mad, the sharp gun disintegrated, turned into endless blood, and fell like a heavy rain.

This changed everyone's color, and he swept towards the rear without a word.

On the one hand, the power is too strong; on the other hand, the scope is too wide, covering the whole area.

After that, the space became so riddled with holes and mountains that they were eroded by blood and rain. Looking from a distance, it is like coming to a blood world.

Ling Xian was also corroded, but the body was okay to say, but he spit a few blood, but the avatar was melted.

"Ha ha, lost your clone, I see how you can resist!"

Mingluo Shengzi smiled in the sky, his hands moved, and the blood gun condensed to the face of Ling Xianmei.

The gale was violently windy and thunderous. The shot was stunning and terrifying, making the scalp numb and cold all over the body.

"Without an avatar, wouldn't I unite again?"

Ling Xian laughed, and the two clones coagulated again, raising her hand to block the shot.

After that, there was a torrential storm, surging.

He widened and closed, and the main body was attacked blindly. It was extremely fierce and extremely powerful.

Bang Bang!

Fist punched into the flesh, blood splattered, Ming Luo Shengzi was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

Although he is unwilling to accept it, the fact is already in front of him. Ling Xian in this state is really not his opponent.

If there is no battle with immortal bones, then he would be able to slay Lingxian with the advantage of a small realm. But as long as Lingxian triggered the battle of the immortal bones, he looked weak.

"Let me die!"

Lingxian drank, his body pinched the Emperor's fist, and he drew his fingers to his head, bursting out.

At the moment when the fistprint fingertips burst out, the fighting battle bone glowed, and the mysterious power was blessed above the fistprint fingertips.

This means that all three attacks are ten times more powerful!

This shocked Ming Luo Shengzi, desperately resisting, but looked so small and so weak.


The blood stained the sky, and the Son of Ming Luo was bombarded by a mighty mountain on a distant mountain, and the whole person was about to fall apart.

"Heshanding, suppress me!"

Ling Xianmei's heart glowed, and the two returned to the body.

Immediately, he went on a trip to Yuding, and brought the power of the town to the Son of Ming Luo.


The sound of bone fracture sounded, Ming Luo Shengzi sprayed blood madly, extremely weak.

He stared at Ling Xian, who was standing in the mountains and rivers, with resentment and bitterness.

Defeat. Defeat.

Although he did not want to admit it, he did lose. He lost to Lingxian, who was a little lower than him!

"Mr. Mingluo was defeated ..." an alien demon muttered to himself, wondering what to say.

The rest fell silent.

The facts are in front of you, no need to repeat them, let alone doubt!

In the case of a small realm, Ling Xian completed a gorgeous counterattack when everyone was not optimistic!

At this moment, everyone thought of what he said.

I don't need them to be bullish.

Yes, he does not need it, even if he is not optimistic about the world, it does not matter. He will use facts to give everyone a loud slap!

Ming Luo Shengzi also suddenly thought of his evaluation of Ling Xian.

Too weak?

If he is too weak, what is he who suppresses himself?

Mingluo Shengzi was bitter and sighed, "You won."

Hearing that Ling Xian did not speak.

He looked down at Ming Luo Shengzi, chilling in his eyes.

The Son of Ming Luo is a heavenly pride with amazing potential. If he is allowed to grow up, he will surely become a difficult existence. At this moment, it is undoubtedly the best opportunity to kill him.

But in the end, the chill in Ling Xian's eyes dissipated.

The Son of Mingluo cannot kill. If he is killed, the extraterrestrial demon will ignore the agreement. By then, it will be difficult for everyone, including him, to survive.

Therefore, Lingxian's mouth raised, revealing a white tooth.

"You will keep your vows, right?"

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