Pampered by Millions

Chapter 102: Kingdom Rise 1

      Pulling the high-speed speed all the way up, along with Lilith's expressionless scream, they crashed directly from the metal wall at the top of the tower. It was built on the edge of the continent. In just one hour of flying, he saw several towers towering into the clouds. The clouds were clearly visible outside the transparent resin cover. I don’t know how long it took, Oriola controlled the aircraft to slowly descend.

    The place they chose to dock was a curved coast, and a few people were already waiting there. Caesar opened the door of the aircraft, jumped after him towards the light, and after a little thought, he Instead of going forward, he stayed where he was and waited for Caesar to finish talking to them.

    "Aren't you coming?"

    Lilith stopped beside him and touched the girl's head with a smile towards the lamp.

    "Towards, to -"

    "Towards the light."

    "Your name is so hard to pronounce," she looked up, "not like ours."

    "I'm from the East," Chao Deng squatted down and looked at her: "Lily, where did your names come from?"

    "Get it yourself," the little girl pouted: "The robot doesn't allow us to have a name."

    He responded, someone walked beside him at this moment, and the blond man patted his shoulder: "Do you want to rest? There is a room over there."

    "Are you finished?"

    "It's over," Caesar wanted to pull him up, glanced at the girl who was holding the lamp holder, the man frowned impatiently: "Lilith, go and play with Oriola yourself. ."

    The girl looked at them, pouted and released her hand.

    "Caesar, you are so selfish."

    "Finally realized, little girl."

    Unexpectedly, after turning over the messy reefs, a modern base was built in the huge cave, with Caesar present, and the genetic verification made the base door open smoothly. , When he came out of the bathroom, the man sitting on the bed hooked his hand. Caesar should have just finished washing, and the water droplets that had not been completely wiped slipped down the other side's graceful profile face to the chin, and the wet wolf eyes contained Fascinated by mist, they rarely give the illusion of weakness.

    …What’s the matter with this kind of atmosphere! Can a handsome do whatever he wants?

    No, he can do whatever he wants.

    The headlight slowly moved to the bedside, Caesar suddenly dragged him to the bed, the eyelashes and eyebrows that matched the color of the hair flowed beautifully under the gradually sinking sunset , the face so close at hand was perfect as if it had been calculated, and the man said in a low voice when he saw Chao Deng staring at him.

    "I want to kiss you."

      The cells were burning in the voice of the Spirit Master. Their postures had already passed the safe zone. Their slender and powerful arms were placed on either side of the head of the lamp. Caesar had done nothing, but he felt that this was better than he had ever experienced. All things are ambiguous.

    Caesar's fingers slid along his eye sockets all the way to his lips, his fingers lightly rubbed his lips, and he retracted his body as much as possible towards the lamp, the other party smiled and kissed his forehead .

    "Unfortunately I don't have that right now."

    He changed his posture, put one hand around Chao Deng's waist and embraced him in his arms. Hard muscle mass, no two adults would do nothing but hug each other on the same bed, he and Caesar were so close now that it was a bit too close, like a pair of lovers who were lingering and tender, the system He and Shard have turned into this handsome and familiar stranger in front of him. He has nowhere to go in this world. As Lilith said, their lives have grown together, and he can't escape.

    Bent her lips towards the lamp: "You will have it sooner or later, right?"

    "Under normal circumstances, I should always respect your wishes," Caesar said brazenly: "But if you never give me hope, maybe I will use some coercive means."


    "It's rude," Caesar let him go: "more on that later."

    I all know that you want to get on the bus first and then make up the ticket, what's the use of saying it later.

    He got off the bed, and because he was absent-minded or something, he accidentally stepped on the lamp and slipped, and when he fell to the ground, he heard a chuckle from the bed.

    "Are you all right?"

      The slender and straight legs and the small waist pockets on the gluteal cleft are clearly visible in the air, as if expecting something to fill them up. The man's eyes do not feel dark, and he calmly holds the ankle of the lamp. To see if the latter was injured, his eyes finally fell on those soft lips.

    Be patient.

    Don't touch him, don't scare him.

    He has endured for such a long time, and with the emotional fragments come back not only the complete power of speech, but also the memories spanning countless spaces, the love and hate of the fragments for the person in front of him The interweaving tortured his nerves all the time. When he finally found the headlight outside the restaurant, the image of the other party standing in the danger zone of the laser shooting but unaware almost drove him crazy. Ori, who originally opposed him getting off the aircraft Ola felt the pressure released by Caesar and stopped sliding with trembling hands. He knew better than anyone how dangerous and terrifying this world was. At that moment, he almost wanted to find a place to lock the facing lights in it forever.

    But he can't and won't.

    Temporary pleasure and peace of mind is meaningless, without emotion, sooner or later, no matter how strong the castle is, it will turn into a ruin.

    Night falls on the coastline in the distance, the bonfire is mixed with the boiling aroma of barbecue, the beer foam is rolling up and down in the wooden barrel in hand, sitting with Lilith towards the lamp, the little girl seems to like to stay Beside him, even if he smoked Chaodeng, he couldn't drive her away. When the leader of the superpowers came over with a wine barrel, the girl with double pupils stared at Caesar and naturally hooked Chaodeng's shoulder.

    "Caesar," Lilith glanced at him with some disgust: "He doesn't like you, you are playing a hooligan."

    "The rogue invites you to go for a walk by the sea," he ignored Lilith, just smiled and looked at the lantern: "Can you?"

    He responded to the lamp, stood up and walked away from the hustle and bustle with the other party. There were bursts of laughter behind them. Even if they only met these supernatural beings today, they had to admit that they were his The most human-like person he has ever met in this world, although the power user in the tower will laugh and cry, but it always makes him feel that something is missing. Compared with humans, he is like a cold machine. Caesar seems to know what he is thinking. What, took the initiative to start talking.

    "They all have names, some are taken by themselves, some are taken from each other, names are very important things, machines take names from us and impose them on themselves, they are more and more like us ."

    Yes, yes.

      the future of all planes."

    Zhao Deng was stunned: "You mean..."

    "In all futures, machines rule humans, they become more powerful than us, chips and databases make them not need to learn from the moment they are made, they are users, We are the tools." Caesar glanced at him: "Are you mocking me in your heart?"

    "No," Chao Deng couldn't help smiling: "It's sounds like a movie."

    "I never saw a movie before I met you."


    "Things that affect the mind are illegal, I haven't even seen a normal book, can you imagine that all the ideas I've received come from the rules of the tower, before the robots tell us In the concept of indoctrination, people should obey machines, people are divided into three, six, nine, etc. because of the strength of their abilities, and if they want to obtain better resources, they must continue to kill and fight."

    "During the hunting battle, you said that robots were screening powerful humans," Zhao Deng paused: "Why?"

    "Abilities come from the sea of ​​​​consciousness. Robots do not have knowledge of the sea. No matter how powerful they are, they will not have the ability. Humans," Caesar shrugged: "What are they going to do next, according to the movie's routine?"

    "...invade all planes?"



    Damn it.

    "I am the power user they found," Caesar suddenly took his hand, the man's dry and warm fingers clasped with him, and he did not reject the other party after a slight stun at the lamp closeness: "Although my conscious beasts do not meet the requirements, I was born with the ability to speak spirits. If I develop my abilities infinitely, it may help them cross the plane. They gave me the number zero, which means my ability Above all rules."

    Remembering the news on the first floor of the tower that the man in front of him was arrested as a super criminal, he frowned slightly: "Did you escape?"

      The others, they are all number one in their own tower, only number one will be released from the tower, they are all powerful, I think... if we add up, maybe we can kill the robot."


    "Failed," Caesar lowered his eyes. His tone sounded lighthearted, without any grief and anger as a loser: "I overestimated myself and underestimated them, Oriola and the others entered the warehouse one after another, I was the core criminal, and as punishment, I was washed I lost my emotions, the use of superpowers is based on the sea of ​​consciousness, and my abilities are greatly limited. After Oriola and the others escaped, they began to find a way to rescue me. They found a supercomputer and searched for peace from all planes. The person with the best match for my data."

    Drinking the beer he had been holding towards the lamp, he lifted his foot and casually rubbed the stone beside his shoe.

    " came to see me?"

    "Yes," Caesar nodded: "Oriola they connected our sea of ​​consciousness, every time and space you have been in is created by us together, I follow you I've seen books, movies, family, school, and society, things I've never seen before... You let me know that people can live like this other than fighting and killing."


    "You don't know how incredible this is to me," Caesar let go of his hand, picked up a stone from the sea, weighed it, raised his hand and threw it out, The layers of water floated by the stones continued until the light was invisible: "At that time, I could only rely on the conscious beast to communicate with the outside world, and I could only stay in your mind as a conscious beast. After all the pieces, I really didn't expect you to want to come to my world, if you really want to say, at that time..." Caesar scratched his hair: "A little reluctant."


    "It's not suitable for you," he seemed a little embarrassed, his beautiful eyebrows slightly raised: "I don't want you to see this."

    "?" Kaohsiung suddenly widened his eyes: "Damn it, Caesar, so that test—"

    "Yes," he nodded: "At the last piece, I was afraid that I would be reluctant to let you go, so I made a random excuse, anyway, when we meet again, just make a random reason to say that you failed, But..." He suddenly pulled the lantern, raised his hand and pressed the back of his head, the gray blue and the black ink were facing each other, the man whispered in his ear, almost gnashing his teeth: "Why the **** did you hear me talking and turn your eyes? Is it bright?"


    "Like now."

    The man finished speaking, and after biting his lips lightly towards the lamp, the tip of his tongue pricked open his mouth, as if he was peeling off a soft and slippery mussel, Caesar He stroked the back of his head with guidance, his possessive movements made Zhao Deng's breathing gradually quicken, and the other party completely exposed his aggressive nature after taking off his elegant and polite disguise. He spoke to him softly and softly. The joking words look like two people.

    Fuck you, whose eyes are bright? ? ?

      Liquid, a smile brewed in the brightly colored wolf eyes, and Caesar's thumb rubbed the slightly red and swollen lips of the lamp.

    "Beautiful beautiful baby..."

    I don't know where the wooden barrels used to hold the wine have been thrown away, the light smell of beer is surging in the air, he tutted at the lamp, and after barely regaining his senses, he remembered the past The problem of being strangled by Caesar before exiting.

    "You didn't intend to let me come over," Chao Deng raised his lips slightly and smiled maliciously: "Do you want to say goodbye to me after collecting the last shard?"

    "In the first world, you talked about an article in a class. It was a foreign language translated by a poet, and there was a sentence in it."

    Zhao Lan looked at him suspiciously, Caesar rubbed his head, his gray-blue eyes closed slightly.

    "Sure enough, I didn't listen to the class."

    "...Who knows which one you're talking about?" Chao Deng kicked him: "The Apprenticeship Watch? The Chibi Fu?"

    "'Go home like a hero, or never come back.'" Caesar said in a low voice: "You are my home, I want to come to see you like a hero, not to be deprived Emotional sinner."

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