Pampered by Millions

Chapter 103: Kingdom Rise 2

      The wolf's eyes that shine like stars.

    "Listening to the class is more serious than I am."

    "..." Caesar couldn't help but hooked his lips very quickly: "Little boy, you are really hard to chase."

    Zhao Leng picked up the empty beer keg from the ground, and he changed the subject: "Lilith said you took your names by yourself, is it yours too?"

    "I was told that the name had a revolutionary meaning," Caesar replied: "He took it."

    "Who is so literate, generally not all emperors?"

    The man with wolf eyes didn't answer the casual question to the lamp, Caesar looked at the sky and motioned him to go back together.

    "It's going to rain."

    Caesar whispered.

    As expected, a heavy rain fell on this coast within ten minutes, and the night rain with amazing momentum in the dark washed the world, and the power users who were grilling reacted and ran to the base one after another. The power user tried to turn the heavy rain pouring on his head into harmless water vapor, but unfortunately he almost scorched his eyebrows, Oriola was the fastest, she stood in a safe area where there was no rain, facing everyone Beckoning, the rain drenched her delicate eye makeup, and Caesar looked back at him.

    "Hug? Let's rush over."


    Chaodeng hooked his shoulders with ease, the latter skillfully hugged the black-haired and dark-eyed young man, compared to running, it was more like a teleportation only in magic movies, When Chao Deng came back to his senses, they were already standing outside the base. The big red-haired beauty whistled frivolously at him and Caesar. Her slender and slender body was fully exposed by the rain-drenched clothes.

    He was led by Caesar to the room next to the other party. After closing the door, he took off his clothes and went into the bathroom. The flow of warm water continued to slide down the side of his face toward the lamp, and his own figure in the floor-to-ceiling mirror In the mist of water, he slowly lowered his eyes toward the lamp.

    Everything the other party told him this night was too unbelievable. Compared with being reluctant to say anything at first, Caesar's attitude has indeed changed a lot after the emotional fragments returned, and he told himself almost everything. The scent of the shower gel melted into the water vapor, and after coming out of the bathroom toward the lamp, I lay on the bed.

      It was more like a fantasy. He seemed to be in his second year of college when he died. He went on a trip to Thailand with his classmates. When passing through Hong Kong, the plane he took was circling at sea due to the overload of fuel. In his impression, there were praying Muslim believers in the plane. His joking boy with trembling hands took his phone to record his last words. Going a little further, he struggled for the college entrance examination like everyone else. Every time the high school took the big test, the books and materials in the corridor became the strongest memory. Except for his mother and Linlang, there was nothing particularly abnormal in his life. His mother chose to commit suicide after sobering up, but since he was studying in middle school and living in school, the influence of the abnormal family has become weaker and weaker, and even Lin Lang has only become a small dark shadow in his mind in the end.

    The 99.99% given by the supercomputer was the direct reason for Caesar to find him. The moment the plane fell, time seemed to be frozen, and the velvety voice in his mind told him that if the task was completed , give him a second life.

    So...why did he and Caesar have such a high, almost miraculous fit?

    The rain was torrential at night, and the sound of rain fell into a dream. When the sun woke up, the beautiful face full of red blood in front of him was so startled that he almost kicked the lamp. Linlang always likes to go to him after he is asleep It's really great to see such a charming little face staring at me as soon as I wake up in the morning, provided that she ignores her skeleton frame. Someone knocked on the door at this time, and after getting the answer to the light, Caesar asked. Pull the door open.



    The headlight gently pushed the girl away from her body, but she refused to go down. The man by the door watched their every move with great interest. After a while, Caesar just spoke.

    "Linlang seems to be a three-and-a-half-star consciousness beast?"

    "Huh? It's..."

    Remembering the test he gave Linlang at the end of the hunting battle, it was indeed three and a half stars. Usually, consciousness beasts that are half a star away from full stars have a lot of room for growth. He was looking forward to the Linlang meeting. Won't be a 4 star any day.

    "I should be able to help her raise to four stars," he glanced at Lin Lang: "Would you like to try?"

    The girl's blood-stained black hair fell to the ground, she sat on the edge of the bed, the half of the skeleton stretched out her hand to hold the five fingers of the lamp, the latter looked at her consciousness beast without any expression His face, looking back at Caesar with some confusion.

    "Does this really work?"

    It feels like nothing happened.

    "My consciousness beast has spiritual abilities, it can invade the consciousness of the ability user, and get the information you need from it. It was also because of this that it became the system in your mind before. "He pointed to his temple: "Our sea of ​​consciousness is already connected. When I help you guide, Linlang should be... eh?"

    Caesar raised his eyebrows slightly.

      Soothing the other party's sea of ​​consciousness, but unexpectedly the void there is getting bigger and bigger, as if something is about to burst out—


    The pupils of facing the lamp condensed and enlarged in an instant, and all the scenes in the field of vision were turned up several times. Before he could react, the sudden pain in the sea of ​​consciousness made him involuntarily close When he closed his eyes, there seemed to be someone talking in the haze. The other party's tone showed a rare anxiety, but the volume became weaker and weaker.

    He opened his eyes.

    The boiling crowd almost drowned him, the slender girl holding the card was scantily clad, her smooth arms as white as milk raised high, and the raised electronic card was printed with brightly colored number.

    Number 58799.

    …back in the tower?

    "Bai Chang is so big! He actually died in the hands of Maotou boy!" The man standing beside Chao Deng cursed, "I wasted a thousand points in vain."

     "Don't say it, it's really rare to see people with superhuman abilities like this."

    The skeleton-like power user next to him smiled contentedly. There was no doubt that the skeleton man was the winner of this gamble. The man who had cursed earlier gave him a vexed look : "Have you seen that kid's consciousness beast? The evil sect is tight, this is the second power user who didn't move when he was fighting. Although No. 40000 is not a big cow, it is not enough to be scared by the kid. Stupid bastard. The little **** shouldn't be a spirit type, right?"

    "Who knows, buddy," the skeleton man said absently, "I just know I can lie in Tina's **** tonight."

    "Damn, you can sleep with machines."

    Zhao Deng unconsciously stood on tiptoe to look at the object of their discussion. Fortunately, he was tall and could barely see the little **** in the man's mouth. With dull hair, blood and scars all over his body, he was so in pain that he could barely stand up. He stumbled and stumbled while walking. His eyes were as tall as a rebellious wolf.

    "Sorry, please let me—"

    The man who was pushed away by him showed impatience, but when he saw the face of Chao Deng, his eyes could not help but grow greed, and he noticed that the man took his hand and slowly covered his body When he came up, before he could give the order to the lamp, Lin Lang, who was floating above his head, quickly twisted the man's wrist.

      The man no doubt proved that this ability had returned to him, and before causing even more commotion, he buried his head in the lamp and walked away from the center of the crowd as quickly as possible.

    What's the matter, why is this ability back?

    While observing the surrounding area and walking towards the sparsely populated area, the boy who came out of the dark alley happened to meet him directly, realizing that there were only the two of them around, the boy's gray-blue eyes flashed There was a faint light, and the sharp blade pierced into the bones, and Lin Lang dodged to the front of the lamp to block the sudden attack for him.


    My day.

    Are young people fighting like this now?

    The half-human, half-skull consciousness beast threw the boy against the wall, and blood poured out of the boy's body. But it was full of undisguised murderous intent.

    "Linlang," Chaodeng stopped the consciousness beast that wanted to attack the opponent: "Let's go."

    Skull girl tilted her head, the sharp white bone that was about to touch the boy's throat suddenly stopped, she casually fluffed the long hair that fell to her chest, and stepped to keep up with the lamp.

    If I read it right, this kid should be the psychic who was fighting on the stage just now. It is estimated that he has been seriously injured before and will walk out of the way, but he never thought of such a remote You can meet people everywhere... Even if you come up like this, your awareness of defense is super heavy!

    But Linlang seems to have hurt him badly at that moment, maybe he wouldn't die at first, but now he will...


    Stopping towards the lamp, after hesitating for a moment, he turned and walked towards the unconscious boy by the wall. He noticed that someone was coming, and the half-closed wolf eyes suddenly opened, and the boy's gray color was clear. Blue eyes are full of reflections towards the lamp.

    He looks pretty good, a bit like the hooligan of Caesar, with very similar eyes.


    As soon as he opened his mouth, there was a faint pain in the sea of ​​​​knowledge. Seeing that he had no other reaction except for a moment of stunned, the boy closed his eyes in resignation.


    How strong the boy was originally. Idiot Caesar said that he wanted to give Linlang a star rating, but somehow threw him into this tower-like place. He is not very proficient in manipulating Linlang now, but his crazy ability to attract people's admiration has returned. If something really happened Accident…

    Looking at the drowsy boy in front of him, he raised his eyebrows thoughtfully towards the lamp.

    Leave a thigh first.

    Take care of your thighs, let’s talk about it later.

    "Children," Zhao Deng squatted down with a smile, his black eyes filled with a smile: "Do you want my brother to save you?"


    "If you don't say anything, you agree." He tentatively touched the boy's hand. Sure enough, the other party didn't even have the ability to move. Where the card is, there will be a room number on it, and he turned a blind eye to the savage stare from the latter: "Don't be angry, don't be angry."

    There was another slight pain in my mind, I shrugged at the lamp and deliberately poked the boy's wound: "I don't have a room, if I don't borrow your room, we will all sleep on the street."



    When the boy opened his eyes again, the familiar ceiling gave him a rare sense of security. The cooling drugs proved that most of the wounds on his body had been treated. He didn't open his eyes, but he could hear completely The voice of another person in the room, the other party has not yet let the boy down on his own actions, he seems to be communicating with his consciousness beast, in the impression before the coma, that consciousness beast actually has a name.

    "Linlang, is he really not going to die?"

    The consciousness beast seemed to shake its head, and the owner of the voice continued.

    "But he has been in a coma for two days. I remember that people will die if they don't drink water for three days..." Chao Deng scratched his hair in distress: "Do you want to water?"


    The consciousness beast motioned him to look at the bed.

    "Ah, you're awake," he walked towards the lamp to the bedside, the boy's gray-blue eyes were looking at him silently, and the vigilance in it made him smile: "I used you for a while. the medicine box." He pointed to the corner of the room: "You fainted for two days and two nights. I moved you from the arena to the residential area and gave you medicine."


    The boy's voice is a little hoarse, and the damaged vocal cords give his tone a nondescript metallic texture.

    "Remember my great kindness," Chao Deng was very shameless: "Get well soon, let me hug my thighs."

    "...Your consciousness beast has a name." The young man's expression was light: "It's illegal."

    "I also have a name," he approached the boy beside the bed and dragged the boy back to wash the blood and ashes from the other's body during the medicine process, Chao Deng accidentally found that he was very good-looking . To be precise, it is quite good, with short white-blond hair, gray-blue eyes, a straight and straight nose, and thin lips, but the shape of the lips is very good-looking: "My name is Chao Deng."


    Such hair color and eye color, spiritual ability, although I don’t know why this person can’t use the word spirit, but—

    "Do you want a name, can I get it for you?"


    "It's called Caesar?" Seeing that he didn't speak, he said to the lamp, "Emperor Caesar, very handsome."


    "The name is revolutionary."

    Now learning and selling now.

    He remained silent.

      Panama? Big dog? Barking?"

    "Caesar," the teenager in front of him interrupted: "I want this name."

    He meant to.

    I didn't want to, I didn't ask, I knew better than anyone about the rules made by robots at the beginning, but still chose to resist, probably in the course of this teenager's growth, he felt it more clearly than anyone else Arriving at that deformed constraint, the robot deprives humanity of humanity, first taking names, and then obliterating existence.

    Caesar will find him, and the super calculator shows that they have such a high match rate because they have already met in this inexplicable situation.

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