Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 961: Insult my goddess image!

General Shen shook his head and took the money to his side with one hand, the cold and sharp blade, sticking to her throat.

"Two princes, you don't know, this woman is not ordinary, she is the king of Long Muzhen, you think about it, now our 10,000 arrows are blown up, and the army of Long Muzhen will soon be under the city, to At the time, we will be in danger and in jeopardy."

"But if we have her as our protective shield and talk about conditions with Long Muyu~"

Although General Shen did not finish the words, even if he was a fool, he could hear his extra-string sound.

It’s just to take the money and blossom to threaten the dragon!

Thinking about it in the heart of Qian Duo Duo, I can't take it for granted, but I snorted and looked awkward.

"Don't be a woman, how can he admire all the conditions for a stunted chicken? I still cut her head and put blood to pay homage to our dead soldiers!"

Say, Anyuan raised his sword and smashed it toward the head of Qian Duo Duo.

When Qian Duodu looks up, he can scream with sternness: "An Yuan, you must kill and listen to you, but you can't insult my female personality and dignity!"

The vows who vowed to protect the money blossoming, and the enemies of the same enemy.

"An Yuan, we are there, you are going to move our king to a hair!"

"Yes, our Wang Hao is the heart of the prince, even if you hurt her hair, our lord will never give up with you! Certainly the end of the world will kill you, will destroy your family, plan your graves, and then throw you away The wilderness, let you be a ghost of the wild!"

They screamed and threatened, hoping to shock Anyuan, let him worry, do not hurt the money blossoming.

Qian Duodu shrinks his neck, and he is very proud of his body, and he is particularly unconvinced.

"You are a good prince, how can you say what you are saying? Who is stunted, who is a chicken, your eyes are gone, you can't see the graceful curves of this girl, and the high-end atmosphere is beautiful. Small and lovable Wang Tsai little ~ cough!"

She is holding her own chest and wants to show off her own little girl, but suddenly she reacts. In front of so many men, it seems that something is wrong.

So the word "馒头" was hardly swallowed by her.

Then, he said with a sigh of relief: "You are the perfect goddess image that seriously damages my money and blossoms in the hearts of the soldiers and the people of the holy country!"

Also said what to cut her head to bleed ~

Do you think this is a dog's head, to exhale blood and exorcise?

It’s a tragedy~

"........." The two soldiers looked squinted and squinted, not daring to look at the fascinating look of money.

Wang Hao, do you think that you are coming to the beauty contest, or are you bargaining with the referee, and you are arguing endlessly?

You are still a goddess, you are not honest, you will become a female ghost soon!

"Interesting~ It's no wonder that Long Muzhen, a marshal marshal, can be fascinated by a teenage girl, and it looks like the king is finding a treasure!"

An Yuan played with the hilt and looked at the sinister look of the money.

I have long heard that Yu Wang has recently won a new woman, and the pet is simply not tolerated.

Originally, he only thought that the soldiers were rumored to be rumored, so he just raised his sword and pretended to scare the money.

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