Originally, he only thought that the soldiers were rumored to be rumored, so he just raised his sword and pretended to scare the money.

Unexpectedly, the two soldiers under her hand were immediately exposed.

From their excitement, it can be seen that the position of this woman in the heart of Long Muzhen is absolutely extraordinary.

"You two, now go back and tell Long Muzhen, his woman is in my hands. If he doesn't want this delicately-dropped king to mourn Huang Quan, he will roll it back to the holy country and give it to Zhao. Yang County Lord, promised that the king will never ask the glory of the country!"

An Yuan re-arranged the sword to the neck of Qian Duo Duo, and overlapped with the sword of General Shen.

The little head of money blossoming instantly became a hamburger patties sandwiched by two swords, fixed in the middle.

But even then, she was still picking her eyelids and killing him with sorrow.

"An Yuan, I advise you to still be less daydreaming here, this girl is proud and noble, and will never be threatened by you!"

‘啪啪——’ Two consecutive crisp sounds, An Yuan’s palm shot on the head of the money blossoming, and she screamed twice.

Then, the sharp blade, close to her white and delicate skin, made a small wound, and revealed a hidden blood.

"I warn you, if Long Muzhen does not agree with my request, I will unload the arms and legs of the flower, then cut her nose, dig her eyes, and infuse her in the jar to be a human being! ”

Anyuan released a swearword and threatened two soldiers.

The sword in his hand, waving wildly in the ears of the flowers.

Inadvertently, she cut off the hair that she was hanging on her side.

It has been a while for the gate to be bombed. If it was attacked by the holy country, one person could smash him into a meat.

Therefore, the only hope of living is to be pinned on the money.

Even a soldier listened to this and scared him to sweat.

Looking at An Yuan's thin forehead, the blue veins jumped straight, like a beast that was completely irrational and forced into a desperate situation. Anything could be done.

They did not dare to act rashly for a time, fearing that the wrong hand really hurt Wang Hao.

After a while, I decided to calm down their excitement.

"Okay, let's go back and pass your request to the king. Don't be excited, we must guarantee the safety of our Princess!"

Said, the two turned their heads out of the city gate and ran back to the gate of Jingzhou City.

——Duoer dividing line——

After the soldiers of the two kings of the army went away.

General Shen took a hemp rope and tied the hands and feet of the money, in case she took the opportunity to escape.

Looking at the towers of the corpses all over the fields, there are only a few remaining soldiers, each with a gray face and a dejected face.

There is a feeling that the big limit has gone.

"Wang Ye, this time we are simply defeated, we are still trapped here, what are we going to do next?"

"It’s strange that this **** woman has ruined our efforts. If it weren’t for her value, she would have dumped her eight pieces and made it--”

Anyuan rubbed the blood on his face and shattered.

However, if his words have not been finished, then someone will not be afraid of death.

"Is it a man?"

(Recommended friend text "Love the sick and weak husband: the door to the drug" Original)

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