Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 963: The arrival of Tuoba

Qian Duo Duo dismissed him and glanced at him: "I said two princes, so many strange ways to die, can you be creative? For example, throw me into the viper team or the beast group, watching us kill each other. More painful ~ or tie me on a stick, grill it on the firewood, see if I can be baked, the outer focus is tender, not oily, not greasy, can not be comparable with the oven pig, is also a Kind of enjoyment~ It’s awkward, it’s awkward, this kind of death, how much!”

General Shen looked at the money, his hands and feet were tied into a scorpion, and he danced everywhere and danced everywhere.

The appearance of spitting is quite exciting.

He felt very curious, especially funny.

"You are a woman who is really interesting. It’s all dead. It’s so embarrassing, I really admire you.”

Even if they are generals who have fought in battles, even when they face the line of life, they will be in chaos.

What's more, it's a little girl with no hands.

The money blossoming hippie smiled and smashed up like a zombie, and his feet went to the side of the tower.

"Of course, anyway, nothing to do, let's talk about the ten major tortures in the Qing Dynasty. Yes, I forgot to tell you, if you really want to put me into a jar, remember Add some vinegar to kill bacteria and eliminate inflammation, otherwise it will grow black mold, and soon affect my beauty?"

The money blossoming and screaming, and the big men said it was dizzy.

However, her eyes have been screaming everywhere.

Looking at the distance between the tower and the ground, there is also a height of two floors.

Will the free fall of the gray fall, will it be broken into two petals from the butt?

However, if you break your arm and break your leg, you will lose a lot of parts, and you will lose a lot of life.

The little man in the heart of the money, kneeling on the ground, heading south, sizzling and burning.

I was thinking about what kind of beautiful posture to spread the high gray.

Suddenly, a soldier ran up the tower and screamed in a hurry.

"Two princes, General Shen, is not good. The extension of the Nanzhao Kingdom, with five thousand soldiers rushing toward our rear, is approaching the city gate."

When General Shen heard it, he slammed the money and slipped over.

"Go, let me go and see if it is a blessing or a curse."

General Shen and An Yuan, one hand pressed a shoulder of money blossoming, regarded her as a natural human shield.

Go to the gate of the city and prepare for the next step.

Just heard not far away, there was a footsteps of neatness, and there were hooves of hooves.

Tuoba sat on a black and beautiful, a special navy blue navy, with a sword inlaid with a beautiful jade.

The face of the handsome and beautiful, I still want to see the fascination of a book that is light and elegant.

However, after seeing the money that was **** from the downstairs, the whole person’s gas field became very fierce.

Damn woman, is it fun on the battlefield?

Where is the danger, where to drill?

There is also Long Muzhen, what is he doing, and even let the money blossom into such a dangerous situation?

When Takuya was in a hurry, the whole person could jump and jump immediately, and he was almost in a hurry. He almost didn't roll to the ground.

"Tuo Yu ~"

Money blossomed and screamed his name.

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