Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 131: The Returning Deathwing

   To be fair, Necruz has good strength, and as a warlock, his vigilance is also quite good.

   Panic turned to panic, Nicrus made the right choice the first time.

   The summoning circle on the floor of the room lit up with a purple light, and Nekruz immediately started to summon the demon.

   With the help of the Demon Soul, Necruz's combat power (at least the summoning ability) far exceeds his own strength. In desperation, Drunken Wind and others can only choose to face the demons he has continuously summoned first.

   There are so many demons, and the whole room is crowded with dense little ghosts. For a moment, Drunk Wind even thought that he had returned to the dark temple in Draenor.

   At the same time, the entire Grim Batol Fortress was alarmed, and a large number of Dragonmaw Orcs, urged by the warlord, began to flood towards the location of the accident. Once faced with a large number of enemies, even if this squad is very strong, it will inevitably drink hatred on the spot, and Zuifeng and others will suddenly become passive.

   But fortunately, everyone had expected this situation long ago-after all, fighting in the enemy's nest, these situations are inevitable.

Fortunately, the terrain here is relatively favorable. It is still possible for Dai Lin to block the door for a while-as long as he captures and destroys the demon soul, the regained Red Dragon Queen takes her children and destroys these orcs in minutes. .

   The orcs of the Dragonmaw clan obviously also realized this, and they began to launch a desperate shock. Many orcs even set themselves on fire or charged with explosives.

   The drunk wind who saw this scene has already scolded the **** goblins ten thousand times in his heart. Drunk wind swears that at least Gazlowe’s invention must restrict the sale of objects. These explosives are too dangerous!

Fortunately, Dai Lin summoned the sea element in time to stop this explosion. Otherwise, the raid team of Drunk Wind might actually use the life to help the goblin bomb in the advertisement-"XX explosives, killing five legends at once is not a dream. !"

   Zuifeng shook his head quickly and expelled the idea from his mind.

   Under this scene, everyone unreservedly opened the big move.

   Although the drunk wind summons the gods' skills and Onyxia's dragon form skills, they cannot be used in a small room. But everyone took the second place and used all the skills that can be used here.

   The eight Pandaren clones resisted the attack of the devil stubbornly, squeezing a way out of life, and Onyxia helped Dai Lin turn the outer space into a sea of ​​flames. Levi Khan finally got a one-on-one opportunity with Necruz under the cover of everyone.

   The narrow space is obviously more conducive to close combat. Levi Khan did not hesitate to pull out the sharp edge of his waist, and after clenching his backhand, he walked towards Necruz step by step.

"Hey, trolls~ we don’t have to fight!" Nekruz was trying to persuade Levi Khan in a not fluent common language at this time: "The forest trolls were once our ally, I think you jungle trolls too Yes-we can form a new tribe, don't mix with humans, they always look at us with their nostrils!"

"They are not your friends, we can be." Seeing Levi Khan unwaveringly, Nekros continued to bewitch the Shadow Hunter: "Moreover, you are not determined to win. The heroic Dragonmaw Orcs can't stop it. Yes, besides I have a helper, join us now!"

   It's a pity that Levi Khan is still unmoved.

   Seeing that Levi Khan had come to his eyes, Necruz finally revealed his true colors: "Since you don't want to submit to the tribe, then be crushed by the tribe!"

   A lot of curses were hung on Levi Khan's body, and the shadow hunter's movements became slow and weak, and even the gray skin turned pale.

   Fortunately, the Shadow Hunter has a good shadow resistance in dealing with voodoo all year round, which allows Levi Khan to retain a good combat effectiveness.

   Just when Levi Khan raised his short knife to cut towards Necruz, a saboteur in the shadows suddenly gave himself up, and the sharp demon's blade cut directly through Levi Khan's abdomen.

   As the pain deepened, Levy Khan fell to the ground feebly, and the smell of blood quickly spread.

  Nikelus laughed: "Idiot, you still want to deal with a powerful warlock? My demon will tear you apart!"

"You are an idiot, an alien barbarian." Unexpectedly, Levi Khan's voice appeared behind Necruz, "Your mother must have never taught you to kill a troll or hack Lower his head or dig out his heart."

   The corpse in front of Necruz turned into a shadow and slowly disappeared.

   What else the orc warlock wanted to say, but Levi Khan did not give him this opportunity.

   "Goodbye, Orc."

   Following Levi Khan’s last word, a sharp knife wiped Nekruth’s neck—this orc warlock couldn’t catch his eyes!

Levi Khan clutched his stomach and coughed twice. Although he killed Necruz, the shadow hunter's injuries were real. In order to deceive the warlock's perception, Levi Khan was stabbed by the Destroyer. These real blood Letting the warlock relax his vigilance gave the Shadow Hunter this crucial opportunity.

   took the Demon Soul from Livihan was about to pour voodoo potion to relieve his injury, and suddenly a huge mutation occurred!

An accessory worn by Necruz on his chest was activated by his blood. This piece-shaped accessory suddenly exploded. The violent fluctuation directly cut off the main peak of Grim Batol by a large section, the whole Grim Bator Fortress instantly became an open-air fortress.

   With the help of five black dragons, the red dragons in the fortress took off one after another, and the scene was chaotic.

   Amidst this chaos, a majestic voice came over: "Hahahaha, I'm back again!"

   The sudden change made Levi Khan clenched the short knife in his hand.

   Hearing this voice, Zuifeng and Onyxia's hearts tightened-the owner of this familiar voice is Deathwing!

   "Levy Khan, give me the Demon Soul! Only the Black Dragon or the Hammer of Khaz'goroth can destroy this thing!"

   Unfortunately, before Drunk Wind’s words were finished, the huge figure of Deathwing had already appeared in the sky above Grim Batol.

   This time, Deathwing stopped talking nonsense, but directly summoned the power of the earth to restrain the drunk wind.

   "Pandaman, hand over that hammer-I won't make such a mistake again, this time you have no chance of winning."

   The Red Dragon Queen had already flown into the air, trying to attack Deathwing.

   But due to the weakening of the Demon Soul, her attack looked more like a joke, and the flame of life hit Death Wing without leaving even a trace.

"My patience is limited, Pandaren-now hand over the hammer, I can still give you a happy ~ ~ welcome book friends to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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