Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 132: Levi Khan's glorious moment

   Zuifeng was tightly bound by the power of the earth, almost out of breath.

   The reality of Death Wing was too sudden.

After the last lesson, he obviously became more scheming-he will return to Azeroth tomorrow morning, but he has been lurking in the dark, only to give a Nycruz a jewelry, obviously this jewelry is a An incredible magic item, once Nekruz dies, it will directly summon Deathwing.

In this way, Deathwing can restrain Drunk Wind with its own sudden attack. As long as Drunk Wind does not use Khaz'goroth’s Hammer, no one can break the Demon Soul—Onyxia on one side has not When he returned to the dragon form, he was also tied to the ground by Deathwing.

   At this moment, Drunken Wind regrets not giving the Hammer of Khaz'goroth to Levi Khan first, otherwise, if the Shadow Hunter directly smashes the Demon Soul, the Red Dragon Queen can hold the Wing of Death!

   "Pandaman, do you still want to resist? Each of your hesitation will bring you more pain!"

   said, Deathwing opened his mouth and spit out a thin lava ray, and the hot lava ray directly cut off a toe of Drunk Wind.

   The severe pain caused the drunken sweat to flow down instantly.

   "How about, Pandaren? I would love to count, how many toes and fingers do you have!"

   Zuifeng fell into deep despair at this time.

   Deathwing is too powerful, and when he was in Draenor, it was so terrifying just relying on his own strength. And back to Azeroth, Deathwing can easily mobilize the power of the earth, and the feeling of drunken wind is even stronger than that of Kil'jaeden!

"Father, wake up!" Watching her lover suffer, Onyxia was already crying, "Don't be dominated by the ancient gods! We are the guardians of the earth, not the accomplices of the ancient gods! "

"Shut up, idiot!" Deathwing turned his head and shouted at Onyxia without hesitation, "What do you know? The Titans are dead, and I won't follow their script again! What the hell! Guardian, I am not rare!"

   "I am the embodiment of power!"

   "As for you." Deathwing narrowed his eyes slightly, "I'll talk to you in a while!"

   said, Deathwing once again shot a lava ray toward Drunk Wind.

   At this moment, the sudden change occurred!

   Levi Khan suddenly jumped up, blocking the drunk wind.

   The scorching rays hit Levy Khan's abdomen, tearing his wounds to blood.

   "What a touching friendship, Ant!" A grinning smile appeared on the corner of Deathwing's mouth, "Unfortunately, you are all going to die!"

   Levy Khan, who was seriously injured, was facing Deathwing.

   "Ant? We are ants? Unfortunately, you don't have a mother to teach you. If you want to kill a ant called a troll, you must chop off his head or dig out his heart!"

   Talking, Levi Khan put his hand into his **** abdomen.

   In the shadow hunter's violent cough, he took out a disc that was broken in half.

   Demon Soul!

   Just now, when Levi Khan heard what Drunk Wind said, he was afraid that Deathwing would find the Demon Soul, and immediately hid the disc in his wound.

   Drunk Wind was bound by the wings of death. At the moment of his death, Levi Khan chose to sacrifice himself without hesitation. The scorching lava ray directly penetrated his wound, and of course, it also crushed the demon soul.

   Throwing the shattered demon soul to the ground, Levi Khan laughed.

   "Damn, despicable and dirty troll, what have you done!"

   Death Wings is simply unbelievable at this time, he personally smashed the Demon Soul, he already had a foreboding that something was going wrong at this time!

   "Despicable? Dirty? What qualifications do you have to laugh at our Darkspear troll?"

"Ten thousand years ago, the minions of the ancient gods and the huge army of worms wreaked havoc on Azeroth-it is our troll, our great Zandalari empire and the worms are fighting on the front line, so that this world will not fall into Darkness! It was at that time that our ancestors of Dark Spear used their weapons that were soaked in the blood of worms, leaving the name of Dark Spear!"

   "After the War of the Ancients, a large number of demons were scattered everywhere, still polluting this land. It is also our troll. Even though we are fighting with others, we have never stopped fighting the demons!"

   "Hakkar, the blood **** from the Twisting Void, tried to swallow the world, and it was our Gurubashi Empire who expelled him from this world. In that battle, our Dark Spear was still the main force of the battle!"

   "Maybe some of our customs have become backward, but now that we have left Stranglethorn Vale and changed the custom of cannibalism, the Darkspear troll looking for their new home is not something you can laugh at and despise!"

  Although he was seriously injured and dying, Levi Khan stood up straight, his always rickety body, his eyes calmly stared at Deathwing, and the corners of his mouth showed a mocking smile.

"For thousands of years, our trolls, especially our darkspear trolls, have never flinched when facing ancient gods and demons! And now and in the future, we will still not flinch! The souls of our ancestors and nature The spirit always bless us!"

"Today I followed the guidance of fate and fell to Grim Batol, and you, the minion of the ancient gods, I will stare at you! At this moment, my soul returns to peace, and your soul Will always be restless!"


   Crazy Deathwing spit out a big mouthful of The raging flames burned the body of Livihan, turning this great shadow hunter into a lava statue standing on the top of the main peak of Grim Batol.

   When Deathwing was out of control, Zuifeng and Onyxia got rid of the **** of the earth.

   At this time, the drunk wind avoided the deadly flames, and looked at his partner in a daze.

Levi Khan-Drunk Wind remembered his pride when he showed off his son Lockhan, remembered his pride when he talked about his wife and his newlywed life, remembered his reliability every time he took a serious path, and remembered his image along the way Take care of my brother...

   The first meeting in Stranglethorn Vale seemed to be yesterday, but the shadow hunter who smiled at himself and said that Daz'dingo had left this world forever.

   This time, Drunken Wind really felt the Darkspear Troll's loyalty to his friends and love for Azeroth.

   The oath-binder of life and the red dragon queen Alexstrasza could not restrain her feelings at this time, and her beautiful big eyes were also full of sadness.

   "Bless you, great and brave Darkspear warrior. The Red Dragon Legion will protect your venerable people-your new home will receive my blessing."

After    finished speaking, the Red Dragon Queen looked at Deathwing angrily: "And Neltharion, Deathwing! You are dead this time! I swear I will return the shame I suffered a hundredfold!"

   At this time, the sky has broken, and the dragon army in the distance has revealed its figure in the morning light.


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