Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 231: Raiders of the Drunken Wind

   According to the map given by Ysera, Zuifeng began to search for Deathwing's lair in his dream.

   Before the Well of Eternity exploded, the pattern of the entire Azeroth was very different. It took a long time for the drunken wind to arrive at Deathwing's lair in the dreamland.

   Seeing a familiar place, Zuifeng sighed.

   "It's a pity, many of my engineering gadgets can't be used-otherwise I would definitely give Deathwing a great gift!"

   shook his head, Zuifeng returned to the real plane, and began to sneak into the action lightly.

   Very strange, there is no black dragon at the main entrance of Deathwing Lair-there are only a few Drogbars playing snail races boringly. They yelled and ran faster than the snails they found.

   "The origin of the custom of Drogbar race snails is really early." In the shadows, Drunk Wind shook his head, "It has been ten thousand years, this group of guys haven't even changed the track..."

   These ancient Drogbars are strong and stubborn. They are the products of the curse of blood and flesh of the ancient gods. In many ways, they miss the earth spirits, but the difference is that they are closer to the earth.

It is precisely because these poor Drogbars are close to the earth that they will be stared at by Deathwing and become his slaves-but in the eyes of Drunk Wind, these Drogbars are still very calm, without the anger of being enslaved... …

Just as Drunk Wind was tiptoing towards the depths of Deathwing Lair, two painful roars suddenly came out from the lair. One of the voices was familiar to Drunk Wind, from Deathwing, and the other was from Deathwing. To other black dragons.

   "Huh, trash!"

   In Deathwing's complaint, the body of a black dragon was carried out.

   Hiding in the corner, Zuifeng carefully looked at the poor black dragon-it looked like a young female black dragon, her whole body was scorched, her neck was strangled, and it looked like she was strangled by the tail. Based on the shape of the trace, Zuifeng initially judged that Deathwing had done it--except for him, no black dragon should have such a thick tail.

  Because of being far away, Zuifeng didn't have the opportunity to observe carefully, so he couldn't judge where the fatal wound of this black dragon was, but at this moment, he already understood why Deathwing said she was a waste.

After using the Demon Soul, although Deathwing defeated the Dragon Legion and severely wounded the Blue Dragon, the sequelae were also very obvious-his body was constantly splitting, did the shadow and lava gush out from the crack? .

   Other times are fine, but as the dragon king of the black dragon, Deathwing is responsible for the task of reproduction after all, but who can bear a guy who is full of fire?

  Actually, this is the third black dragon carried out after Deathwing used the Demon Soul...

   "Call Sinestra, call Sinestra!"

   Hearing Deathwing's cry, Zuifeng silently sympathized with his mother-in-law, and then happily continued to go deep into the lair.

   "This is all right, I can guarantee that my big chin will have no time to come over and take care of me, mother-in-law, you have worked so hard..."

   It's not that Drunk Wind doesn't want to help Cinestra, he doesn't dare-if there is any butterfly effect, when he goes back and finds his wife is gone, who should I cry?


   Maybe it's because Deathwing's attention has been drawn away by the happiness of the rest of his life, and the drunk wind's infiltration is extremely smooth.

   Under the light car and familiar road, Drunk Wind quickly came to the deepest part of Deathwing's Lair-not far away from a wall, a certain black dragon king was engaged in an indescribable movement.

   "Hope that Deathwing has no habit of carrying the devil soul with you..." Drunk Wind prayed secretly, "At least not now..."

   In the showroom of Deathwing Lair, where Blackhorn said he found the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, Drunk Wind saw the Demon Soul.

No time to care about the warning magic, Zuifeng went straight forward and wanted to take down the disc. At this time, he noticed that there were a lot of black dragon eggs on the platform not far away. These dragon eggs seemed to be performing some kind of ritual. .

   "Did the deathwing corrupt black dragon begin at this time?" Zuifeng raised his eyebrows, "It seems I can take care of this matter."

   thought of this

, Zuifeng directly Xianglong jumped onto the platform in the sky, and then sat on the ground.

   "See Su Baopu!"

   I don't know if it is a psychological effect. Zuifeng feels that since he came into contact with the branches of Garnia, the effect of using skills such as Jiansu Baopu has been much better.

  The white halo spreads, the corrupted dragon egg is purified by the drunk wind, and the breath of the ancient **** on it is getting weaker and weaker.

   "Well, this can't work." Zuifeng stopped quickly, "Deathwing is not a fool. If I purify these dragon eggs, he will definitely corrupt again."

   Thinking of this, Drunk Wind stopped seeing Su Huo Pu, put the slightly polluted dragon eggs, turned and jumped off the platform.

   This time, Zuifeng didn't care about the three seven twenty-one, and directly picked up the Demon Soul.

"Who's there?!" Just when Drunk Wind’s fingertips touched the Devil’s Soul, a majestic voice exploded in the nest, "There are ants who dare to watch my treasure? You will die without being buried. Land!"

   It's a pity that Deathwing's intimidation didn't have any effect.

   Zuifeng directly grabbed the soul of the dragon in his Although the soul was burned in pain, he still cheered up and returned to the dream for the first time.

   If you change it to something else, Drunk Wind cannot easily substitute into the dream world, but the Demon Soul itself contains a part of the essence of the green dragon, so this transfer is effortless.

On the plane of reality, Deathwing rushed to his collection showroom for the first time. The Hammer of Khaz'goroth was still there, but the Demon Soul was missing. He sniffed carefully and found Drunk Wind The smell of emerald dreams left behind.

"Ysera, good..." Deathwing laughed angrily, "Your cleverness is very good-but I don't believe you can hide in dreams forever! As long as you dare to come out, I guarantee you are dead! "

   On the other side, Drunk Wind, who had just entered the dreamland, dropped the dragon's soul on the ground.

hand pain!

  The artifact is not that easy to handle, especially the evil artifact like the Dragon Soul.

   At this moment, although Drunk Wind's hands were in the state of soul, they were completely burned. The pain of the soul made him have to temporarily put the demon soul aside.

   "No, I can't just carry it like this, otherwise it may leave some permanent damage, I have to find a way to get a container..."

   "But I can't just put it here, after all, this is the soul of the devil..."

   Just when the drunk wind was tangled, he saw a familiar tall figure. (To be continued.)

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