Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 232: Illidan's New Eight Trigrams

   Fandral Staghelm has been very unhappy recently.

   The teacher knew about the gossip by himself last time, and as a result, he was severely criticized by Malfurion, and he was restricted from fighting the devil this time and not allowed to leave the Emerald Dream.

   This is a very serious punishment. Fandral collapsed at one time, especially when many druids mentioned their brilliant record intentionally or unintentionally when they entered the dream rest.

   "Huh, what's so great!"

  Fandall, who was still thinking about it, started to wander in his dreams and finally met the drunk wind.

   "Eh? Are you not drunk? I heard that you and Shishu were fighting the devil together on the other side. Why did you come into the dream?"

   "Don't talk about that first, come over and see if you can pick up this plate."

   Although Fandral was full of doubts, he still picked up the Demon Soul.

   "What's wrong, is there any problem? It doesn't look heavy."

   Something is wrong! Zuifeng didn't understand it. In his dream, everyone was a soul. Why would only oneself be burned by the devil's soul?

   Wait, in the emerald dream?

It seems that I heard Malfurion say that his own state is not the same as that of the druid. The druid acts more with the power of the dream in the dream, while the drunk wind acts with his own soul. Dahl was not burned because he did not use the "hand" of the soul to pick up the devil's soul, but used the power of the dream to "hold up" the devil's soul above his hand?

   Drunk Wind had a keen mind, and he began to try to mobilize the power of the Emerald Dream. Although he was not a druid, after all, he was purifying the dream for so long, and it was still possible to temporarily mobilize one or two.

   This time Drunken Wind finally took the Demon Soul from Fandral, and he laughed.

   "Not bad, Fandral, are you still very useful!"

   "What?" Fandral was confused about this, "This plate is great?"

   "Of course!" Zuifeng nodded, "This disc is very important!"

   Hearing Drunk Wind said this, Fandral became excited. He hasn't had a good chat with anyone for a long time. In the past few months in the Emerald Dream, he felt that he had been suffocated.

   "Drunk Wind, can you tell me what happened on Suramar's side? We don't even know what's going on on your side!"

Seeing Fandral's eagerness, Drunk Feng laughed blankly: "I'm afraid it's only you who don't know, right? Some time ago, Varoson under Azshara led the demons to besiege Black Raven Fortress, but we spent a lot of effort to fight back The devil!"

   "Oh! o"

   The tall and serious Fandall showed a surprised expression, making Drunk Wind couldn't help but secretly smile.

   "Can you tell me more specifically?"

   The road is also boring, the drunk wind needs to travel a long way in the dream to deliver the devil's soul to Illidan. The road is a bit boring, and it is good to find someone to chat with!

   So Drunk Wind asked Fandral if he had time to accompany him for a while.

  The leisurely uncomfortable student Fandral readily accepted.

   is different from the last time Fandral said endlessly, this time he said endlessly changed to drunk wind.

   "I told you that Illidan is now fascinated by a priestess named Maiev."

   "How is it possible!" Fandral shook his head frantically, "It wasn't that no one was pursuing Master Uncle before. Those poor girls were all rejected with stern words. The few who wanted to stalk them were not the girls who were heartbroken!"

   Hearing what Fandral said, Drunk Feng smiled secretly. If he didn't help himself, classmate Illidan was destined to be alone for a lifetime.

   Thinking of this, Zuifeng's eyes rolled and he began to compose Illidan's gossip.

  Why Illidan and Maiev fought side by side and then had a relationship with each other, but the relationship is currently...not yet.

   What the two went through a lot of ups and downs and witnessed the brutality of the devil together. This is true, but it always sounds a bit awkward.

  Why Illidan was injured, Maiev did not get rid of his clothes and served all day long. There were injuries and treatments, but it was only because Maiev was a priestess of the Sisterhood of Elune, which was her job.


   The drunk wind talked with joy,

Fandral was ecstatic.

  Because of being a direct participant in the incident, many of Zuifeng's gossip has noses and eyes, but they often carry out some peculiar obscuration and no-responsibility speculations at the key points, making good comradeship relations extremely ambiguous.

   The easiest lie to be believed is precisely this kind of lie. True and false stories often make people subconsciously think they are true.

   But Fandral, the second cousin, just likes to listen to this. He carefully wrote down all the narratives of Drunk Wind along the way, and said that Drunk Wind is so amazing that you can find so many hard materials.

   With Fandral as it is now, the love story between Illidan and Maiev may soon replace the love triangle between Stormrage Brothers and Tyrande and become the headline talk of the night elves after dinner.

   Poor Illidan is still waiting for Drunk Wind to return. He never expected that he would be sold by Drunk Wind, who seems to be reliable, because of the temporary evil taste...


   When Drunken Wind returned with the Demon Soul, Illidan was already waiting anxiously.

   "This is the soul of the devil?" Looking at the ugly and ugly black plate in front of him, Illidan couldn't believe it, "Are you sure you didn't take the wrong thing?"

   "Of course I am sure, this is the thing."

   Drunk Wind curled his lips.

   "I even destroyed this thing in the end!" Of course, Drunk Wind didn't say this sentence.

  Since Drunk Wind is so Illidan no longer doubted, he simply grabbed the demon soul and wanted to go to Jin Azshara.

   "Wait a minute!" Drunk wind decisively stopped him, "Don't worry, this time you may see the demon's collar. Although the portal is not enough to summon him, it can summon you."

   Illidan nodded to signal that he understood.

   "So we need to correct the lines and think about how to make Sargeras believe you. I dare not be there to remind you at that time. If he finds out, we will die together."

   "Is it really that serious?" Looking at the serious drunk wind, Illidan frowned, "Azshara can't even show you, so be so cautious?"

   "Azshara?" Drunk Wind shook his head, "A hundred Azshara can't compare to Sargeras!"

   In this case, Illidan had to discuss with Zuifeng how to answer Sargeras' words, and fabricated an almost seamless story about the acquisition of the demon soul.

   After Illidan memorized the story so thoroughly, Drunk Wind told him for the last time.

   "The power of the Burning Legion is far from your imagination. I hope you can stick to your original intention to use fel energy to fight against it. I don't want you to get lost in your power. If you can't do it, think about her."

   "Don't worry, for Tyrande, no one can shake me."

   Seeing Illidan's self-confidence, he sighed drunkly. To be continued.

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