Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 262: The rise of the clan king

After learning that Thrall had become a shaman, the entire Durotar was boiling. Lewen Novel Network

As early as in Draenor, after the birth of the warlock, the orcs lost the response of the elements, and the spirit of the elements did not recognize the actions of the orcs and abandoned the orcs.

After many years, in Azeroth, a new orc shaman was finally born!

For the orcs, the shaman is not only a powerful spellcaster, but also a guide for the entire clan. Shaman can communicate with the elements, and under the guidance of the shaman, the life of the orcs is also under the care of the elements.

The birth of the new shaman means that the orcs have found their way again!

In the gaze that the orcs worshipped, Thrall couldn't even restrain his feeling of floating.

Drektal quickly noticed this bad momentum, and that night, he found Thrall.

"How does it feel to be a shaman, kid?" Drektal pulled Thrall by the campfire.

"This is pretty good!" Thrall looked extremely excited, "I never imagined that I would have such a powerful force."

Looking at Thrall, Drek'tal smiled kindly.

"Yes, the elements do possess indescribable power."

"But—" Drektal's tone changed, "You must use this powerful force carefully!"

"The shaman is the messenger of the elements. We pray to the elements to gain the power of the elements."

"So, we cannot go against the will of the elements."

Speaking of this, the old shaman took a deep breath.

"I lost my wife and children when I was in Delano."

Hearing Drektal say this, Thrall was a little at a loss, he didn't know how to comfort the old man.

"You don't have to think about it. It's because of illness." Drektal shook his head. "I was out hunting and was no longer in the tribe. When I came back, I only saw their bodies."

"I begged the elements, but I couldn't get a response-I was so angry, I even roared at the wild spirits, wanting to order them to resurrect my wife and children."

"Uh..." Thrall put himself in and thought about it, and found that Drektal's choice seemed to be natural, "and then? Then what happened?"

"The elements rejected me. They told me that birth, old age, sickness and death are the rules of all things, and there is no new life without death. They said that my request was barbaric and unreasonable, saying that I insulted the elements and insulted the shaman.

"So I was punished, and for a long time, I didn't get Elemental's response. Later, in repentance, Elemental forgave me."

"After a long time, I realized that the element is a law, a law-only by observing this law, the whole world can get better and better, especially when Gul'dan led many shamans into warlocks. After that, I have a deeper experience."

"Warlock, I have seen this profession-in the arena, he makes me extremely uncomfortable, he is completely different from my people."

"Bah!" Drek'Thar sipped, Thrall had never seen him so uncivilized, "You know, Guil—we had to leave our home in Delano because These warlocks, they distorted the will of the world and imprisoned the spirit of the elements. As a result, the earth cracked, the water dries up, the lava erupts, and the wind is endless!"

"According to the tradition of our orcs, we have lived in peace with the spirit of the element for generations, and even our ancestors have merged with the spirit of the wild, protecting their children and grandchildren forever."

"In Draenor, it is the same in this world called Azeroth."

The next day, after learning to use his power carefully, Thrall began to participate in the hunt. This was the first time he began to use his connection with the elemental spirit to help the clan.

Thrall asked the spirit of the earth to tell him where there is a herd of beasts nearby, and asked the spirit of wind to change the wind direction so that the smell of the orcs would not be smelled by the alert creatures.

When the supply became dangerously low and their hunting luck was getting worse, Thrall began to pray for the help of the wild spirit.

Thrall knew that there were reindeer herds in this area, and found nibbling bark and fresh manure. But for days, those cautious creatures kept avoiding them. They were hungry and ran out of food.

So Thrall closed his eyes and opened his heart.

"The wild spirit that gives life to all things, I ask for your gift. We just want to fill the belly of the people, and never ask for more. I ask you, the soul of the deer-sacrifice yourself for us. We will not Waste any of your gifts, we will respect you. Countless lives depend on the dedication of one life."

When Thrall opened his eyes, he saw a white stag standing close to him. The people walking with him didn't seem to see anything. When the stag's eyes met Thrall, he lowered his head and then left. Thrall found that he had not left any traces on the snow.

"Come with me!" Thrall greeted the orc, "I think our harvest is here."

His companions immediately followed, and after walking some distance, they found a large, healthy stag lying in the snow. One of its front legs twisted at an abnormal angle, and its gentle brown eyes turned in horror. The snowflakes around him were stirred, and it was obvious that the stag could not stand.

Thrall approached it, instinctively sending a calm message.

The deer fell silent and lowered its head. Thrall touched its neck lightly, and then quickly broke the long neck—without any pain.

After standing up, Thrall saw some different emotions in the eyes of the people around him, just like they had when they looked at Drek'Thar.

"We will take this animal away and enjoy its flesh and blood. We will use bones as tools and leather for clothes. When doing these things, we must remember that it honorably bestows us such a gift-not to waste a single bit."


When Thrall became a real shaman, all orc warchiefs were still experiencing tough challenges.

The rain stopped in Arathi Highlands.

Escape after the rain really became Orgrim must spend more time dealing with the traces left by him.

But under the hunting dog's tracking, his movable area is getting smaller and smaller.

Orgrim was injured.

In a sudden encounter, a small group of Lordaeron militiamen with hounds spotted him. Although the militiamen did not dare to come forward, they shot him with bows and arrows for a long time, although Orgrim left flexibly. Dodged to the right, but an arrow passed through the gap in his black armor and hit his right shoulder.

Helpless Orgrim could only retreat, and strangely, no one caught up.

Beside a stream, Orgrim took off his armor and pulled out the arrow. As he was cleaning the wound, a voice suddenly appeared.

"Oh, you ran so fast-but I still caught up with you, you are in a bad state now, I think you need a glass of wine!"


There will be updates in the evening (to be continued.)

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