Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 263: The Return of Stormstout

A panda man in a black jacket was greeted by Orgrim, with a huge wine barrel under his arm, and he was looking at himself with a smile on his face.しωχ520

"Drunk Wind?" Orgrim was a little confused, but then shook his head, "No, you are not Drunk Wind..."

"Of course I'm not drunk, it's a hell, why did everyone treat me as that guy in the first reaction along the way? Is he already so famous..."

"Rexxar? That little guy from the Moknassa clan?"

"Yes, if you're talking about that ogre-hybrid clan, it's him-according to what he said, he is quite famous."

"then who are you?"

"My name is Chen, Chen Stormstout-although I am very young as a panda, people around always like to call me Old Chen..."

With that said, Lao Chen put down his wine barrel, then took a scoop from his waist-a gourd cut in half, then opened the stopper of the wine barrel, poured a scoop and handed it to Orgrid Hm.

"Here, try it, I don't think you have ever had such a great wine!"

Orgrim glanced suspiciously at Old Chen, then took the wine and poured it directly into his throat.

"Hiccup—" Orgrim hiccuped for a long time. Although he was not addicted to alcohol, he had to admit that it tasted great.

"Anyway, thank you for your wine, Pandaren." Orgrim was surprised to find that his wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. "Unbelievable wine, but you better leave quickly. I'm being hunted down. ——I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't hurt anyone, my respected warchief."

An orc wearing a mask appeared in front of Orgrim with a giant bear and a wild boar. He strode over and fell on one knee.

"Rexxar and Stonefist Ogre are ready to fight for the Horde."


This is the third time that Lao Chen has left the Wandering Island—the first time he went back to waste a lot of energy and was lucky enough to catch up with his brother's wedding.

I originally wanted to sneak out after attending the wedding. Who would have thought that Lao Chen’s sister-in-law died of a dystocia after giving birth to Lili and Xi Zi. In desperation, Lao Chen joined his brother Cheng Bo to become the two children. Dad...

When Old Chen left the Wandering Island for the second time, it was unlucky that Drunk Wind was purifying the Emerald Dream. As a result, Old Chen only visited Darnassus once, and by the way got a lot of night elf-specific fruits to make wine.

After that, he also traveled to Misty Port, which was just built at that time, where he truly experienced the magic of the interweaving of various ethnic cultures, and then in the Pandaren area of ​​Misty Port, there was an extra tavern that made a lot of money: Storm bar.

At that time, because Lili and Xi Zi were still young, Lao Chen did not come out for too long. After staying in Misty Harbor for less than half a month, he rode his turtle back to the Wandering Island and continued to complete his adventure diary. went.

And this third time to venture out, Lao Chen has a lot of time-now Lili and Xizi have started to follow Zhuangbo for basic monk training, when the drunk turtle breaks the wind and finds the Wandering Island Old Chen was also surprised.

Breaking wind brings the letter of drunken wind. In the letter, Drunk Wind expressed his regret last time and invited Lao Chen again. Lao Chen readily agreed and left the Wandering Island for the third time.

When Old Chen arrived at Misty Port, Drunk Wind was the time to wake up.

Unfortunately, I didn't expect that because of the accident, I was still in a coma. Old Chen couldn't help, and couldn't stay in Darnassus, so he decided to go to the Eastern Kingdom and find some other old friends of his own, such as Rexxar. In his opinion, Drunk Wind Waking up is only a matter of time.

When Old Chen came to the Eastern Kingdom, he happened to catch up with the war.

Although I wanted to join in the fun, neither Gilneas nor Lordaeron, Lao Chen had any acquaintances-and it happened that they didn't welcome Pandaren.

Well, in desperation, Old Chen can only go to Rexxar.

Thankfully, Rexxar also felt something was wrong this time. Instead of going out and wandering around the world, he stayed in the Stonefist Fortress in Arathi Highlands.

After seeing Old Chen, Rexxar was very excited. He "tactfully" rejected Old Chen's new wine, and then agreed to go out with Old Chen to explore what is going on in the Eastern Kingdom.

Said to be exploring, in fact, most of them are hanging around-two people have no brains and one is heartless. They know a lot about the news, but they have no idea what to do next.

Under this circumstance, the two people finally missed Drunk Wind... Maybe Drunk Wind would dig a hole in the dark, but at least he can always come up with a relatively reasonable plan in the face of different situations.

Finally, when the news of Orgrim's exposure spread, Old Chen and Rexxar found their goals.

This is also thanks to the Alliance. In order to capture Orgrim faster, the Alliance even issued a militia mobilization order. The original top-secret Orgrim news was sent to every village, which allowed Old Chen and Rexxar to obtain news.


Seeing Rexxar's appearance, Orgrim breathed a sigh of relief. With the cover of the ogre, the Alliance couldn't catch himself.

"Rexxar, do you know what happened recently? Although I am on the run recently, there are some problems that I can't figure out."

"The adults in this land have been drawn into a large number of people. Is there a war within the alliance? They arrested me to establish a common enemy to negotiate peace?"

Rexxar shook his head in confusion, and then told Orgrim what he knew about the Battle of Gilneas, and Old Chen also said about the zombie legend.


The resurrected dead gave Orgrim a familiar feeling—just like the death knight headed by Tyrone Gorefiend under Gul'dan!

Thinking of this, Orgrim suddenly smashed Doomhammer on the ground.

"Cunning warlock! I'm afraid I'm just a target for the group of careerists to attract attention! Maybe something big is going to happen inside the alliance!"

After being angry, Orgrim looked up and stared at of the Moknazar clan, would you like to contribute your strength for the orcs and the tribe? "

"As you wish, my warchief—loc’tarogar!"

"What about you, Pandaren, are you willing to help us?"

"Uh, don't stare at me like that. If you want Rexxar to say it is just to save your people, I am willing to help-if you still want to start a war, I'm afraid I will go to Dai Lin."

"Dalin? Dalin Proudmoore?" Orgrim raised his eyebrows.


"I like you a little bit, Pandaren, it seems you have good taste-Dai Lin is indeed the most man-like man among human kings! Hahaha!"


Third, I feel like I am a model worker in capitals, and my back pain is still being updated... (To be continued.)

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