Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 334: Leviskin's morning

As soon as it got dimly light, the new home of the Darkspear Troll, Leviskin Village, became busy. pen? interest? Pavilion W. iquge. fo

On the east coast of the mainland of Kalimdor, on the edge of the Darkspear Bay (ie Bladefist Bay), the Darkspear trolls have their own home.

Lokhan got up early and got up from his bed of hay and stretched long. Yesterday he obeyed the advice of the tauren and sprinkled some calming flower powder on the haystack where he was sleeping, and he had a good dream, and he is now quite energetic.

Looking at the sun just rising outside, Rokhan realized that it was almost time to gather. He hurriedly found a bottle of potion from the table, uncorked the bottle and poured it down-although it didn't taste very good, Rokhan quickly I felt that my stomach no longer protested.

Taking a sigh of satisfaction, Lockhan found that his bad breath was the same as before, and this was the biggest charm of the troll's aesthetic.

Then Lockhan began to pack up his outfit.

After rubbing some potions on the skin quickly, Locke Khan put on a voodoo mask, then stuffed all kinds of voodoo bottles and gadgets into the small bag of the belt, picked up the dagger, and even the sheath. They were tied to the legs together.

Finally, Locke Khan solemnly carried the two short spears behind his back.

This is the legacy left to him by his father Levi Khan, and it is also the most precious legacy of the entire Darkspear clan.

At the beginning, Levi Khan was holding these two short spears and lashing out at Deathwing.

Levi Khan's mother had already moved out of Leviskie Village-to be precise, all the old and weak women and children in Leviskie have now been transferred.

Because according to the observation of the Slipblade Naga and the dragon, the landing site of Archimonde and Kil'jaeden is likely to be Darkspear Bay.

Although Drunk Wind did not rush back in the first time, the vow has already been fully implemented.

Just yesterday, the tauren and a few goblin mercenaries had arrived in Leviskin and lived in the empty house.

After Rokhan walked out of the house, he happened to see a tauren coming out next door.

"Enough Tustin—oh, I mean hello, Vimesa!" Lockham waved his hand friendly. "How about the troll haystack?"

"It's okay." Vimesa Grimtotem stretched out his left hand and scratched his ribs. "It's just a bit smaller..."

"..." Locke Khan was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly, "For you big guys, it seems to be a bit small - by the way, thank you for your suggestion, Ning Shenhua powder is quite effective!"

"You're welcome." Vimesa also smiled, "Mama Magatha always has a good idea."

Hearing what Vimesa had said, Locke Khan grinned unobtrusively-Magatha was only kind to your Grimtotem himself...

When the two people were talking, the war drum at the entrance of the village rang.

Soon, the tauren and darkspear trolls were organized.

And the organizer is a strange night elf in armor.

"Warriors of Shuharu, warriors of the Darkspear clan, I am your commander Jarod this time, and Jarod Shadowsong-as you can see, it is a night elf."

"Maybe you have never heard of my name, but it is not important. You just need to know that I participated in the battle with the devil ten thousand years ago and was honored to be the commander of an army. Up."

"This time, with the help of Chief Kane Bloodhoof and Chief Sen'jin, I have selected you, the most elite warriors and spearmen-of course, excellent shamans, witch doctors and shadow hunters. "

"And the goal of selecting yours is also very clear, that is, relying on Darkspear Bay to build a defense, together with the Slipblade Naga, to eliminate the vigorous power of the demon and the deep sea naga as much as possible, while delaying the devil's footsteps."

"Sounds simple, isn't it? It's a pity, it's really not." Looking at the unmoved tauren and trolls, Jarod paused and continued, "Because this time there are three demon leaders-Ah Kermond, Kil'jaeden and Azshara, the former queen of our night elves."

"Maybe you don't know how the three of them exist-I can tell you very clearly that any of them is no less powerful than Deathwing."

Hearing what Jarod said, the tauren and the troll were no longer calm.

In Azeroth, many powerful beings will not live in seclusion, so not all powerful are fiercely famous, but Deathwing is not low-key at all.

If in the consciousness of all people before, Deathwing was just a legend, then within the oath, the power of Deathwing was clear to all races.

Not everyone can escape under the siege of the five-color dragon army!

The strength has reached the level of Deathwing, and the simple number of people can hardly affect him!

And now, Jarod actually said that the vow will face at least three death wings!

As the commander of the oath, Garrod obviously wouldn't talk about it.

Why is Levi Khan the hero of the Darkspear Troll? Is it just because he died?

of course not! Because Levi Khan used his own life and courage to lift the shackles on the five-color dragon, because Levi Khan didn't change his face in the face of the wings of death, and he directly criticized him!

It's not that anyone can face these great beings without changing their colors. This is not just because of courage, but because the fear they give to people is a law—the enormous energy of these great beings will make All creatures are instinctively afraid!

"But so what!" Garrod said, "Are we going to bury our heads in the ground and watch them destroy our world?"

"Ten thousand years ago, the night elves, the tauren, the earth spirits, and the wild gods, after paying a huge price, defeated the Burning Legion and Azshara. Today, we night elves, tauren, blood elves , Darkspear Troll, Slitherblade Naga, Draenei, Dragonflight, and Wilderness Gods will gather again!"

"This is a land where we have lived for She has nurtured and nourished us, and now it is time for us to fight for our world!"

"Maybe we will sacrifice for this, but for the sake of our world, we don't hesitate! We are willing to feed back this land with our fiery blood!"

"Elune guides our path, Mother Earth always protects us, all spirits are with us-all for Azeroth!"

When Jarod finally yelled those three sentences in Darnassus, Tauren, and Troll, the audience was silent.

These sentences are not just talking, they are the history and beliefs passed down from generation to generation by night elves, tauren and trolls.

After a brief silence, Leviskin sounded a neat slogan.

"For Azeroth!"

"For Azeroth!"

"For Azeroth!" (To be continued.)

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