Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 335: Vaschi and Azshara

When the vanguard of the Tauren and Darkspear trolls set off, Vasqi and her naga were about to reach Darkspear Bay. (Pinyin of biqiwu) Tian Lai

At this time, Vasiqi was no longer the shy and innocent girl. In the dark and dark ocean, Vasiqi's ten thousand years were not easy.

In the cold and dark deep sea, Vashj faded from her shyness and naivety, becoming calm and mature.

In countless sleepless nights, she was carefully chewing every word that Illidan and herself had said at the beginning, and slowly restored what Illidan did in the Ancient War.

Vaskey didn't know if she hated Illidan in her heart, or still loved Illidan-just like she didn't know whether Illidan really liked herself or felt guilty.

Even if there is a one-tenth chance, Vashj is willing to seize it-this may be the night elves' infatuation.

Tyrande chose Malfurion, and he has always been fascinated by Illidan; Shandris fell in love with Jarod, although the other party was too much older than him and had a disagreement in character; Vasky was obsessed with Illidan, although he was used But still thinking about it; Azshara admires Sargeras, even giving up her glory as a queen and betraying her race.

Speaking of which, Azshara's mood at this time is also complicated.

The light in the light that used to be the night elves has now lost its beautiful appearance, charming voice-and earth-shattering power...

Although Azshara became a subordinate of N'Zoth and received the "blessing" of the ancient god, her strength did not rise but fell.

Azshara had mastered the power of the Well of Eternity at the time, and the Well of Eternity was also the embodiment of Azeroth’s world power. In other words, Azshara was almost the spokesperson of Azeroth’s world power. .

It is precisely because of this that her body has the power that makes Archimonde feel terrified.

After Azshara chose Sargeras, she gradually lost control of the Well of Eternity. At the end of the War of the Ancients, when Drunk Wind confronted Sargeras, she belonged to the ignorant of Azeroth Star Soul. Consciousness even instilled power into Drunk Wind, and this allowed Drunk Wind to face the Fallen Titan with the strongest rage in history.

It was this set of furious thunder that, although protected Azeroth, also severely injured Azeroth’s star soul again-after the sky fell and the earth broke, the mother tree of the world was wiped out, the well of eternity exploded violently, and the earth was torn apart , The ancient **** took the opportunity to make a move, and N'Zoth took Azshara as his subordinate in exchange for saving the upper elf.

After losing her beauty, Azshara once hid in the deepest part of the seabed in agony, resolutely refused to see people. After that, even if Vaschi saw her several times, she was nothing but a phantom—and the appearance of the phantom was in Illidan. Before the betrayal, the light in the moon white dress.

Azshara has never been so inferior. She feels that fate has played a huge joke on herself. When she was the most brilliant, she could not find a peer to be a friend; when she found the one she loved, she nevertheless Lost everything.

When Archimonde came to the deep sea and called his name, Azshara didn't even want to show up. She didn't know that Sargeras would come, but he knew that he didn't want to see Sargeras like this!

And the cunning N'Zoth saw through her mind.

"Go...Go help him!"

"I will give you everything you want-change you back to the way you were!"

"This world should be destroyed. We have spent too much time..."

N'Zoth’s assurance made Azshara finally make up his mind. She agreed to Archimonde’s request and, together with Archimonde, obtained the Pillar of Creation in the deserted Azsuna-Gao Gonas Tidestone.

Using the Tomb of Sargeras and the Tidestone, Azshara and Archimonde jointly summoned Kil'jaeden and a large number of demons. Drunken Wind’s guess was only partly correct. He didn’t know that Azshara had one A Titan relic of the same level as the Hammer of Khaz'goroth.

By the way, after Archimonde crossed the sea, the Highmountain, Azsuna and Varsala of the Broken Isles were almost emptied-these are all thanks to Admiral Dalin's blessing, in the drunken wind. Next, Kul Tiras has become more and more skilled in large-scale personnel transportation...

The Hammer of Khaz'goroth and Tears of Elune were taken away, while the Tidestone was broken, and Prince Farodis left it in Azsuna, but Azshara found it and repaired it. , After all, this is what she once broke with her own hands.

As for the Vrykul of Stormheim and Suramar's Nightborne, one of them firmly believed that the Hall of Valor was indestructible, and the other believed that the devil would not trouble themselves in fate, so they all chose not to move.


Looking at the coastline that appeared far away, Vashj recovered from his random thoughts, and then let out a long sigh.

Although she still doesn't know how to face Illidan, but this time she is only Azshara's pioneer, and it is unlikely that she will face Illidan directly.

"Speed ​​up!" Vaschi's voice was no longer clear, and she huskyly urged the Naga guards and the fish people, "Today we are going to build our first base on land-for Nazjatar!"


"For the glory of Azshara!"

Seeing the fanatical murloc and the Naga guard, Vashj frowned without a trace.

For thousands of years, countless naga lost their minds and became believers of N'Zoth, and they were finally twisted into faceless ones.

In this case, Naga learned to enslaved the murlocs and signed contracts with many marine creatures, but even so, the number of naga who really stayed sane was still drastically reduced-with the help of N'Zoth~www ~ Most of the naga that reproduced barely lack reason.

When the first royal naga guard wriggled his tail and climbed onto the beach, a great battle began.

"Oh la la la la la la!"

"For Nazjatar!"

When the vanguard screamed and rushed to the beach, the prepared trolls "enthusiastically" greeted the group of deep-sea visitors with their spears—then the tauren warriors holding totem poles killed them.


The author's condition is gradually recovering, the cold is basically healed, and the new chair has arrived. It will be gradually changed in the past few days.

Regarding the night elves, many of them should be explained in the War of the Ancients, but the book friends are responding that they don't like to read that paragraph, so I will express these explanations in other ways.

Regarding the Eastern Kingdom, although there are still some pits, the scene in this volume has basically ended. I think everyone has guessed the appearance of the werewolves and the undead. Haha! (To be continued.)

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