Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 253: The touch of drunken wind

Chapter 253 The Touch of Drunken Wind

What is the meaning of a monk? Why become a monk?

Zuifeng clearly remembered that in the first lesson, Master Huo told himself that Wu Zhi Ge. (Pinyin of biqiwu)

From the beginning, the monk was not a profession that hoped to conquer by force-the first Pandaren Kang was just a Pandaren who lost his son. He hoped to use his fist to fight for the Pandaren's freedom.

As a result, the unarmed monks appeared. They used their flexible bodies and agile movements to unite the Jinyu, Hohen and Mantid to defeat the Mogu and regain their freedom.

And most of the monk skills handed down now were born in that era, except for the touch of reincarnation.

Who was the first to use the Touch of Reincarnation is long unverifiable-ten thousand years are too long, and there are too few records at the time. Zhou Zhuo has been searching for a long time and has not been able to find a specific name.

But the origin of this move has been passed down from generation to generation among the Pandaren.

The Touch of Reincarnation comes from the mantid.

This group of worms who crazily worship Y'Shaarj attack the Pandaren as a reincarnation every 100 years.

The mantid will send new larvae to attack the spine of the dragon every hundred years, and may suffer heavy casualties, but the one who survived May 1 is not the best. They use this cruel method to ensure their continuous evolution, and they are always prepared Welcome the return of Y'Shaarj.

And the outstanding mantid-Yingjie, some of them will wake up once every 100 years and participate in the attack.

These heroes of the mantid who usually seal themselves in the amber are very good at learning. In each cycle, these heroes are getting stronger.

Although the Pandaren can defeat the Mogu, facing the army of mantids led by Yingjie, they often can only defend the back of the dragon.

Moreover, even taking advantage of the geographical advantage of Panlong's spine, the Pandaren have always been at a disadvantage-the mantid's sturdy armor makes it impossible for the Pandaren to start. Every battle, the Pandaren suffered heavy casualties.

Until an ordinary Shado-Pan guard discovered Touch of Reincarnation.

Among the lorewalkers, the appearance of the touch of reincarnation is recorded in this way.

"A hero comprehended the way of mantid reincarnation in the battle of Panlong's Spine. He was fortunate to have experienced the reincarnation of a century three times."

"During the three times of reincarnation, he bid farewell to countless comrades-in-arms, and he changed from a hairy boy to a gray-haired old man. Even so, he still sticks to the pass of the sunset."

"Maybe it was nine thousand years ago, maybe it was eight thousand years ago. It was a cruel attack. The larvae of that generation were so tough, and the setting sun was in jeopardy--even the city burner Vokaraz and the manipulator Katz Tik took his Horror Kovok to battle himself."

"That is the real crisis of the Shado-Pan faction. Behind the Setting Sun Pass is the Vale of Eternal Blossoms-this is the place Shaohao personally sealed. The guards of the Shado-Pan faction are determined to defend this place to the death, and absolutely cannot let the mantid break through!

"But fighting is not just based on faith. Facing the endless mantid and two menacing heroes, the fighters of the Shado-Pan are still at a disadvantage."

"The mantid's blade was dyed red with the blood of the pandamen. The old white-haired hero saw these mantids become stronger and stronger again and again, and his heart was deeply unwilling."

"A hundred years of reincarnation has helped the mantid become stronger and stronger, and if this continues, maybe one day, the Pandaren will really be unable to hold the Panlong spine, and then everything will be over."

"Looking at the city burner who is flaunting his might, the old hero is thoughtful."

"After getting rid of the enslavement of the Mogu tribe, the Pandaren faced new enemies. Now is not the time to rely on agility and a few magic to achieve victory. Pandaren also need to learn, like a mantid. !"

"So, he bravely challenged the city burners."

"This is a fierce battle. No one thought that this old and weak panda would actually have such a wealth of combat experience, and that he would actually be against a hero!"

"But he is old after all. Time has brought him endless erosion. Maybe he is strong, but he has gradually fallen into a disadvantage."

"The two swords in his hand cannot pierce the strong carapace of the Burning City, but he was burned all over his body in the city Burning Flame."

"Just when everyone thought he would die gloriously in the flames, he dropped the two swords in his hand and stretched out a finger towards the city burner."

"Among the army, City Burner laughed loudly. He wantonly laughed at the arrogance and confusion of the old man in front of him, letting this finger slowly poke his chest."

"As a result, the famous City Burner fell unwillingly-the old pandaman's true energy flowed through his body, destroying everything about him, even if he tried to heal himself with amber, he was still helpless."

"This old man who has also experienced three reincarnations fell into the flames and turned to ashes with the City Burners. Without the control of the City Burners, the mantid was unable to break through the Remnant Yang Pass."

"While sorting out the old man’s relics, the guards of the Shado-Pan found a diary, which described in detail all the battles that took place in the Sun Pass during the three hundred years, and also recorded the cultivation methods of that finger, just like the diary. What is recorded in it is: the touch of reincarnation, death toward life; as a cocoon, life toward death."

After the diary was sorted, it became part of the Lorewalker's scroll-now in the hands of Drunk Wind.

The touch of reincarnation is also the most powerful technique that Zuifeng understands.

That's why in Draenor, when Drunk Wind was facing Deathwing with the hammer of Khaz'goroth, he turned the handle of the hammer.

The journey of antiquity thousands of years ago gave Zuifeng a different experience of time and destiny. Later, when he read this part, he had a clear understanding.

After Azshara gave up his attack, Drunken Wind chose to attack.

Pulling out the misty language from his waist, the drunk wind leaped up gently - at this moment, he flew straight towards Azshara without a trace of smoke and fire.

Seeing this, Azshara had to be careful, the breath of Drunk Wind's body was uncertain, causing the Queen to frown.

The words of the mist that stretched out his hand, the drunk wind pointed towards Azshara.

Touch of Death to life!

Suddenly, the bamboo leaves on the language of the fog were dazzling and the color was dazzling green!

But as the drunk wind progressed, the words of the mist seemed to have been eroded by time, and soon became yellow and dry again, seeming to lose all vitality.

At this time, Azshara already regretted that he had accepted the drunken wind attack from the front, but it was too late to regret!

It seemed that after a hundred years, it seemed that it was only a moment, Drunk Wind came to Azshara with the words of mist.


Now you know why Drunk Wind obviously can't weave fog but can be a cocoon~ The scroll that appears in the first chapter is thought to be amazing!

Originally, this plot should be from the fifth higher dynasty, but I am going home tomorrow, the 44-hour train...

╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭

This book comes from

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