Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 354: This 1 refers to the horror

Chapter 354 This finger is terrifying

Facing the drunken wind's seemingly slow touch of reincarnation, Azshara wanted to hide. ()

But there are some things that you can't avoid if you want to!

The drunk and stout index finger of his right hand—well, I mean the second finger (the Pandaren has four fingers), finally touched Azshara's shoulder.

Time seemed to stand still.

An ordinary finger, but almost exhausted all the strength of Zuifeng, after hitting, Zuifeng directly fell to the ground, even the color of the eye circles became darker.

Azshara remained motionless.

Nasara plucked up the courage and stepped forward to take Drunk Wind away, but Azshara did not move.

"What's wrong with Azshara?" Nasara was helpless, confused, "Why is she not moving?"

"Cough..." Zuifeng coughed twice, "She is now temporarily sealed by me. I have tried my best, but I still can't kill her, so I can only give second priority and temporarily save her. Seal it up."

Although Drunken Wind and Azshara have already occupied a great advantage in the battle, it is impossible for him to eliminate Azshara. After all, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. Although Azshara is restrained, Not so easy to kill.


Drunk Wind's choice was correct, Azshara had been completely sealed at this time.

The feeling of being sealed is quite uncomfortable, Azshara is conscious, can see and hear, but can't move-or move too slowly.

Azshara really felt time for the first time.

Imagine your every move, every moment is as long as a hundred years...

The touch of reincarnation means that when this point reaches you, you will go to reincarnation - and for the guy who holds the original manuscript, Zuifeng, the touch of reincarnation is not that simple.

The so-called touch of reincarnation is life and time.

The reincarnation of the mantid is not the reincarnation of a certain religion in this world. For the mantid, the sacred reincarnation means the reincarnation of individual lives in the race and the progress of the entire race. During the reincarnation, individuals may be eliminated, but the race will progress.

This is the case with the touch of reincarnation.

The true meaning of the touch of reincarnation controlled by the drunk wind is to place the enemy as an individual in the boundless time, creating a true and illusory birth, age, sickness and death.

Azshara is immortal, so the touch of reincarnation can only seal her in time.

If Nozdormu sees this next touch of reincarnation, the Bronze Dragon King might immediately worship Zuifeng as his teacher-understanding at the time level, Zuifeng has actually surpassed this so-called guardian of time.

The bronze dragon just relies on the power bestowed by the Titans to maintain the timeline, but Drunk Wind starts from the essence of time based on the understanding of fate!

Azshara's seal made all the naga suddenly bewildered.

You know, in the eyes of Naga, Azshara is actually his god! Especially for those naga who were born later, Azshara is an invincible and great existence. Even the lord of the water element, Neptulon the Tidehunter is not Azshara's opponent!

But the result of the battle with Zuifeng was beyond everyone's expectations.

The mighty Azshara attacked wildly at first, and the drunk wind was unscathed; in turn, the drunk wind fluttered with a finger, and Azshara was set on the spot, life and death unknown!

In this case, the later-born naga were panicked and at a loss.

And those old naga who have lived for ten thousand years are even more happy. These old fried dough sticks were not willing to participate in this battle. You know, they lost the appearance of night elves and became naga because of this damn. Burning Legion!

You Azshara fell in love with Sargeras and we have no objection, but it has been ten thousand years, and you still made us desperate because of Sargeras. Why? Look, even the most loyal Vaschi has betrayed, let's tie a woolen yarn!

With this kind of careful thinking, Naga's flank attack on the left side of the Burning Legion stopped completely!


This finger seemed ordinary, but it attracted the attention of the strong on the scene.

Archimonde looked this way and snorted coldly.

This time, Archimonde didn't complain about Azshara's idiot anymore, and at the moment Drunken Wind made his move, he clearly felt the power of this world.

No one knew about Sargeras' injury, nor did Archimonde? Although he had been sent back to the Twisting Void to resurrect at that time, he had also seen the palm print on the bronze Titan.

Compare that with the palm of the panda, why didn't he know that it was a panda who injured Sargeras?

Of course, Archimonde couldn't think of it anyway. It was this Pandaren who gave Sargeras a set of anger-because Azshara said that the life span of a Pandaren would hardly exceed four hundred years.

Speaking of which, if Archimonde knew that Drunk Wind was the panda who injured Sargeras in the first place, maybe he would be very careful...

Originally Kil'jaeden also felt the energy of this finger, but unfortunately he had no chance to see it now.

At this time, the deceiver was crazy-a **** big tortoise stopped him, and he didn't respond no matter how to hit him. Behind the big tortoise, a huge spaceship was suspended in the sky, frantically cutting and fighting with holy light. The devil suffered heavy casualties!

Kil'jaeden is going crazy!

The smarter the person, the easier it is to fall into paranoia, and there is no doubt that the source of Kil'jaeden's paranoia is Velen, whom he regards as his brother.

In the battle for the Dark Temple, Kil'jaeden thought he was in complete control of the situation, but Velen turned into the Holy Light, which made Kil'jaeden almost crazy.

Any draenei who appears now may make Kil'jaeden furious, not to mention the storm fortress in the sky ahead!

This spaceship Kil'jaeden couldn't be more familiar. When did the draenei who ran away like a mouse dare to resist? !

Azshara on the left wing was sealed by Drunk Wind, and Kil'jaeden on the right tried to break Tortola's defense like a madman. After all, the offensive task was handed over to Archimonde.

And this is what Archimonde This Eredar warlock hopes to wash away the failure 10,000 years ago-using this world as a sacrifice.

In general, the pace of this battle was in full compliance with Ravencrest's expectations. The devil did indeed adopt a three-way approach, and the oath also successfully blocked two of them.

As for Archimonde as the main force, Ravencrest believed that Malfurion would not let himself down.

And Malfurion was also ready at this time.

Is the Burning Legion? !

Sorry, after preparing for so long, it's your Burning Legion to deal with!

Maybe you have crossed the worlds, but this is Azeroth!


The last chapter was brainstorming, the number of chapters was wrong...

Get in the car~

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