Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 375: Therma Prager's Rebellion

Among the many races of Azeroth, if there are to be more united, few people exceed the dwarf. (Pinyin of biqiwu)

These little men born from the curse of the mechanical dwarf flesh and blood love life and love to study. The long life span gives them enough time to explore all the affairs of their interest.

However, the most commendable thing is that in the thousands of years since the dwarves have awakened, they have never had a civil war.

There are no warlords, no kings, and poison is just a master craftsman, Gnomeregan Council.

Absolute cooking within the race has brought endless harmony to the dwarf. Although it is a bit inefficient, this is indeed the most suitable way for the dwarf for a race where all people receive higher education.

Therefore, for a long time, there has never been a case of dwarfs fighting dwarfs-for dwarfs, even if there is a big dispute, they will not act against their compatriots.

Therefore, for the vast majority of dwarfs, no one will doubt their compatriots.

But the postman is different.

The postman’s mother is a human—or a little human nobleman.

It is said that the postman’s father took a lot of effort to track down his mother, and even invented a series of electric rod-shaped objects...

The postman had a very happy childhood. He followed his father to learn a lot of stalker skills, and he became a stalker registered in the league at a young age.

But when the postman was twelve years old, the orc war broke out. The postman's father enlisted in the army and died on the battlefield.

The postman’s boyhood was spent in Lordaeron with his mother. During that time, he was used to the intrigues of human beings and matured quickly.

The postman’s mother also died very early, and because the postman was not a human being, he lost his inheritance rights and was confiscated of his land.

Later, the solitary postman came to Gnomeregan and inherited his father's estate. Here, he felt the unity and kindness of the dwarf, and learned a lot of engineering knowledge, and became a well-known "postman"-of course, because of an accident, he owed a large foreign debt.

The complicated experience makes the postman not as innocent as other dwarves, and he tends to think more.

This time Gnomeregan's change, other dwarves may not have thought that Thermaplugg had a problem, and would only think that there was a problem with the experimental data, but the postman realized that the assistant of the master craftsman might not be very reliable!

When the postman heard the call of the dwarf alarm robot, he realized that all this was definitely a huge conspiracy.

"Nomi, run!"

Although Nomi didn't know what happened, out of trust in his companions, Nomi followed the postman and started to return.

On the road, the postman ran and told Nomi what he had discovered.

"...Remember, Therma Prager must have rebelled. Only he can change the pre-installed program of the dwarf alarm robot!"

"Understood!" Nomi nodded, "Go!"

"No, no chance." The postman pushed Nomi away, "You are faster, you go and inform the master craftsman or Lord Luoya of everything that happened here-the radiation here interferes with the wireless communication, let me hold it. This group of **** stone jaws!"

"...Okay!" Nomi hesitated slightly and nodded. Now is not the time to be humbly. If this kind of moment is pushed back and forth again, it would be a brain damage that wasted time!

What's more, the postman is right, it is indeed that Nomi is faster.

"Hold on!" Nomi took out a few iron bumps from her waist and handed them to the postman. "Goblin mines-I know you can't get along with the goblins, but this stuff works well."

The postman nodded and took the mine, but Nomi turned around and left here in a hurry.

Watching Nomi roll and leave quickly, the postman began to bullet his big pistol.

Ugly bastards, let you taste the wrath of the postman now!


After leaving the postman's sight, Nomi simply opened his small wings and started flying against the ground.

The situation is really grim. If it is the same as the postman said, then the whole Gnomeregan is in danger!

As a result, the great craftsman Gelbin who was directing the placement of the dwarf saw a white figure appearing in his emergency passage.

Gelbin helped his glasses, and finally confirmed that it was indeed a young dragon appeared in front of him.

White Whelp!

The young dragon had horns and it seemed to have two faint dark circles under the eyes, but before Gelbin could see clearly, the young dragon rolled on the spot and turned into a small pandaman.

"Great craftsman, Therma Prager betrayed Gnomeregan!"

Gelbin was shocked by the news from Nomi!

At this time Gelbin has recognized Nomi's identity. As the child of Drunken Wind and Onyxia, Nomi has no reason to deceive herself-even if Nomi really lied, the dwarf can find it. Trouble with the oath!

Under this circumstance, combined with the power shown by Rithemar Prager on weekdays*, Gelbin was almost certain that his assistant had betrayed Gnomeregan!

"Damn it, all the Gnomeregan guards are assembled, everyone put on radiation protection suits and radiation protection armor, evacuate the crowd, and open the gate of Gnomeregan!"

"Go, call Luoya over, activate the Alpha emergency plan, and clear Gnomeregan directly!"

A message was communicated in an orderly manner, and Nomi had changed back to the whelp state, and was looking for the postman along the emergency corridor.

Nomi ran away as soon as Gelbin was inattentive, but he had no time to take care of Nomi.

"I hope he doesn't meet Thermaplugg..." While thinking, Gelbin put on his own radiation-proof armor, "I also hope that Thermaplugg has some scruples."

At the time of the emergency mobilization of the Gnomeregan Guard, Noomi had returned to the passage.

Along the route in memory, Nomi fluttered his little wings quickly-it was a pity that Nomi was just a young dragon, which was already the limit of his flying speed.

"I hope that the postman won't have any trouble..."

Just when Nomi was about to arrive at the postman's he heard the iconic muffled sound of the big pistol.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..." Nomi counted silently in her heart, "Six gunshots, the postman has no bullets..."

Turning a bend, under the bright searchlight, a huge stone palate is leaping towards the postman.

"Do not!"

Nomi has changed back to a Pandaren, he tried to send a fireball, but it was too late.


With the seventh shot, the postman successfully knocked down the stone palate in front of him.

Seeing Nomi who was stunned in front of him, the postman smiled.

"Don't be so nervous, the revolver has six rounds, but my big pistol has seven rounds-there is always more to be a big guy, right?"

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