Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 376: March to Gnomeregan

   Seeing that the postman is safe and sound, Nomi grows

   This time, Nomi wisely didn't ask why the big pistol was a revolver that looked like six bullets, but it could actually shoot seven bullets.

This kind of research maniac Nomi is seen a lot-his uncle Nefarian is an out-and-out research maniac. As long as you show even a trace of interest in him, he can hold you back for a moment. Keep talking all day...

   Now Nomi looks uninterested, and the postman expressed his disappointment.

   "By the way, was Lord Luo Ya when you came?"

   "Luoya? Gnome's Light?" Nomi looked at the postman strangely, "but I don't know her--how do I know if she is there!"

   "Uh..." The postman thought about it carefully, "Master Loya wears a huge goggles, a shield and a staff. If you see her, you will definitely have an impression."

   "Hmm..." Nomi began to carefully recall the dwarf he encountered on the road. It seemed that there was a woman with a shield and a staff.

   "If this is the case, I might have seen her."

   Hearing what Nomi said, the postman decisively took out the goblin mine Nomi gave him, activated the fuse, and threw it far away.

   "Damn, what are you doing?!" Nomi wanted to stop him, but it was too late. "I got these goblin mines a lot of work!"

   "I'm saving you!" The postman gave a wry smile, "Master Roya is extremely disgusted with goblins. If we let her see these things, we might be a squirrel for a long time."

   Actually, the postman still didn’t say something--because she had a goblin pacemaker in her body, Roja had been upset with herself for a long time...

   Recalling the famous name of Gnomish Light mentioned by Drunk Wind, Nomi hesitated, then awkwardly took off his belt, and took out quite a few goblin engineering items amidst the postman’s stunned eyes.

   Goblin mines, goblin bombs, goblin defense shields, goblin invisibility devices, goblin teleporters, small goblin shredders...

Nomi was prepared to run away from home. He almost ransacked his uncle’s laboratory before leaving. These goblin engineering products originally used by Nefarian as research samples were all stolen by Nomi. come out.

   Then set the torch.

   By this time the postman was already dumbfounded.

   Nomi had never become a whelp in front of him, the postman thought Nomi was just a pandaman from the Wandering Island.

   But now seeing Nomi’s level of tyrant, combined with his age, the postman thought of a terrible possibility.

   Could this guy be the son of Lord Drunkard?

After all, Nomi poured out too many things from his belt, and the price was too expensive. The postman had reason to believe that when faced with such a big money owner, Roya would not only not be angry, but would try to persuade Nomi. Mi gave up goblin engineering and turned to the embrace of dwarf engineering.

   In other words, these things of Nomi are lost for nothing.

   The cold sweat of the postman shed instantly.

  If Nomi is held accountable, his debt may be more than doubled...

   But it is too late to stop.


   Loya Hille entered Gnomeregan with dwarf infantry fully armed, and quickly found Nomi and the postman.

   What made the postman let out a sigh of relief was that Luo Ya didn't care about the pile of dark and unidentified explosives in the corner, but took an assistant to carefully inspect the corpses of several stone jaws on the ground.

   "The color of the epidermis changes, and the muscle fibers are thick." Luo Ya did not care and began to dissect the stone palate under strong lighting. "From this point of view, the strength of this stone palate seems to have improved."

"Yes, that's right!" The postman jumped excitedly, "If it is an ordinary Stonejaw Monster, my big pistol can blow its head with one shot-but this kind of guy can only let it lie down for a while. Damn it, big pistol bullets are very expensive!"

   Luoya didn't have time to listen to him complaining, at this time the dwarf light was already feeling exhausted physically and mentally.

   Obviously, everything Nomi said to Master Gelbin is true.

   These stone palate monsters evolved under the stimulation of radiation.

   "Damn it, Therma Prager-how dare he do this bastard? Just for the position of a master craftsman?"

   "Oh no, my dear Miss Luo Ya." Just when Luo Ya complained, a voice came from a distance, "My target is not a great craftsman-but the emperor, the emperor of the dwarf!"

   "Therma Prager!"

   "It's Therma Prager!"

  The dwarf infantry were all shocked. After learning that the assistant of this great craftsman was behind Gnomeregan's time, no one would look down upon this dwarf.

   In the shadow, a large mecha slowly moved out.

  Of course, it is relative to the dwarf...

   Looking at Therma Prager and his power mech, Nomi curled his lips without a trace.

   "It's far from uncle's wild magic mecha..."

   "Therma Prager, I advise you to catch it with your hands." Roja raised the staff in her hand, "Gnomeregan Council will give you a fair trial."

"Trial? The trial of the Gnomeregan Council?" Therma Prager curled her lips disdainfully, "After today Gnomeregan will be my domain, and there will be no more Nomo Reagan Council!"

   "What!" Luo Ya's eyes widened, "Although the stone palate is troublesome, it is not impossible to deal with-why are you so sure of it!"

   "Why?" Therma Prager laughed loudly, "With my loyal subordinates-go on, my loyal soldiers!"

   With the cry of Therma Prager, a large group of dwarfs suddenly appeared.

   Under this kind of strong radiation, these dwarfs are not equipped with any protective equipment, but carry a wrench and swarm them!

   "Let me hug you well!"

When these dwarves walked in, everyone found that Thermaplugg’s men were no longer pure dwarves. Long-term exposure to radiation made them lose their sanity and became controlled by Thermaplugg. The walking dead.

  The miserable green skin is covered with bumps. These leprosy dwarfs are dressed in shabby clothes, but they are "energetic".

   "Let me hug you well!"

   "Don't go, play with me!"

  No Morrigan infantry dare not come into contact with these highly contagious guys. That way, something strange will happen. No one wants to lose his mind like these guys!

   Then Luo Ya's formation suddenly became chaotic.

  The dwarfs have very high IQs, and they are also very kind, but if you say decisively, these poor little men are not as good as murlocs.

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