Panda’s Self-cultivation

: Extra Story Nomi's Red Envelope

Today's Heishi Mountain is extremely lively. Pen × Fun × Pavilion www. biquge. info

Because, it's the New Year's Day again.

Although the Heishi Mountain in winter is still extremely hot, and there is no sign of the heavy snow in the last life of Drunk Wind, but after ten Spring Festivals in the White Tiger Temple in Kun-Lai Mountain, Drunk Wind really doesn't care if there are any snowflakes drifting by.

But Zuifeng didn't care, but Nomi did.

"Dad, Dad! It is said that there will be heavy snow during the new year? I want to make a snowman!"

Looking at the excited little Nomi, Zuifeng showed a bright smile.

"Go to your uncle and tell him to use the XL-2557 Blizzard machine!"

Since Drunk Wind’s intervention, Nefarian has gone farther and farther on the road of technological weirdos. It’s interesting to say that the mechanical engineering dog of the previous life has become a monk’s great prophet, but the original wild magician will Technology is climbing higher and higher.

Then Nomi saw snow for the first time in Heishi Mountain.

In the kitchen, Zuifeng is preparing dumplings with Onyxia.

"Oni, don't make trouble-you are not proficient in arcane magic, please use your hands!"

"Dumplings are not baked, so don't take a deep breath!"

"Dumpling stuffing is not allowed to be eaten, I know you want to taste the taste of mantis shrimp, but you can't!"


Obviously they are making dumplings, but Zuifeng and Onyxia have lived a long-lost world of two people, sprinkling dog food crazily.


On the other hand, Nomi was pestering his uncle for red envelopes.

"Uncle, uncle, I have already worshipped you for the New Year, you should give me a red envelope!"

"Nomi, if you want a red envelope, win me a game on Hearthstone!"

"Yes, but use my Hearthstone board! You are not allowed to cheat!"

"Joke, when did your uncle have to cheat?"

The two sides went to war.

"Install the TC-130 mental disturbance device, uncle, thank you Ragnaros!"

"Buried! Shut up Nomi, next time I have four more, I am a dog!"

"But you are about to lose!"

"Don't panic, I still have Jackson!"

"I know, I have too."

"I am the embodiment of strength!"

"Oh, I found the prey—uncle, you lost!"


Nomi was satisfied and snatched a super big red envelope from Nefarian.


The mantis shrimp dumplings are very delicious. The mantis shrimp taken out from the storage box of Drunken Titan Technology has remained fresh for more than ten years. This time, Drunken Dragon celebrated the New Year with the Five Colored Dragon King.

Everyone is working hard to eat, only Nomi is visiting New Year.

Of course, as the little prince of the Black Dragon Legion, Xiao Nomi still had a lot of face, and soon, his arms were full of red envelopes.

"Congratulations on getting rich!"

"?" Malygos was stunned for a moment, and still gave the red envelope.

"Good luck!"

Ysera touched Nomi's head with a smile and gave a big red envelope.

"Everything goes well!"

Nozdormu nodded and wrapped a red envelope.

"Many children are more blessed!"

Alexita Sahaha gave a super big red envelope. (Suddenly Krasus had a backache next to him.)

"Mom, mom, happy new year!"

Onyxia nodded, then stretched out her hand to Nomi.

Poor Nomi, he finally lost almost all the red envelopes-the reason why he said it was almost because the sea turtle that had just been drunk and broke the wind came back and brought Nomi a red envelope from Lao Chen.

In the laughter, the new year is about to begin.


happy New Year! The author is here to wish everyone a New Year! I wish you all good luck in the new year, work well, study well, life and beauty, and successfully defend Azeroth in the game!

The author also wants red envelopes~~~

Ask for a reward!

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