Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 386: Nomi is a little alcoholic

The entire northern part of the Eastern Kingdom, with the exception of Quel'Thalas, was basically in the flames of war. Pen × Fun × Pavilion www. biquge. info

Scarlet Crusades, Gilneas Army, Undead Remnants, Demon Remnants, Lords everywhere...

The different forces are staggered, and although they will not be starved for thousands of miles, but the people are not living.

This is a paradise for adventurers, but a **** for farmers.

What's interesting is that there is a city calmly unexpected.


After the natural disaster war in this city once used as a concentration camp for orcs, there was no war—not even conflict.

No matter the Alliance, the Horde, or other forces, no one wants to fight Dunhold's idea.

On the one hand, Miss Taresa, the ruler here, has made a huge contribution in the War of the Dead. If it were not for Taresa, even the oath would not have the opportunity to discover a series of conspiracies in advance.

On the other hand-according to the bard Ye Mouxiao, who did not want to be named in Mist Harbor, Taresa was the dream girl of Thrall, the current warchief of the tribe, and considering her close relationship with the orcs, If you dare to attack Dunhold, you might have to face the mad revenge of the Horde.

You must know that during the natural disaster war, the tribe fulfilled its original agreement regardless of casualties. This makes the tribe very contractual in the eyes of other races. In this case, no one will take the words of the tribe seriously.

That was for a verbal agreement, a race that dared to use the power of the whole clan and the undead to open the film!

Now, Nomi and the postman are enjoying this rare peace.

The two were drinking at the Forgotten Winery in Dunhold.

"Hey, Nomi—are you still underage now? How can you drink!"

"Stop making trouble, postman. I'm a monk. Have you ever seen a monk who doesn't drink? This is not drinking, this is gathering true energy."

"You have to have good wine for your true spirit? Damn it, you've drunk five glasses, this is the best wine in Tunhold! Do you know that the wine made by these forgotten people is How expensive is it?"

"Please, I just need the wine made by the forgotten, no taste!"

Well, in fact, Nomi is not deceiving.

The training of the monk is indeed related to wine. The flow of true qi is the same as that of alcohol, so drinking alcohol can greatly improve the feeling of true qi.

And Nomi said that he must drink the Forsaken's wine, because his cultivation has reached a bottleneck.

It’s interesting to say that Nomi’s talent is far more than drunk wind. Many difficult skills are learned in one go, but when it comes to the integration of Zen and martial arts in monk practice, Nomi often fails to learn life and death. .

For example, see Su Baopu, such as the invisible elephant, such as cocooning life, such as-the touch of reincarnation.

Yes, Nomi can't learn the touch of reincarnation.

No matter how genius, Nomi’s essence is just a child. He can’t understand the complicated relationship between life and death. He can’t grasp the profound philosophy and the life-and-death life and death of the touch of reincarnation only by relying on bludgeoning. Subtle skill.

But what is interesting is that the wine brewed by the forgotten has made Nomi feel.

What could be more life-and-death than wine brewed by the dead?

The result was that the postman who patted his chest and said the treat was panic and sweating.

"Forget it, forget it..." Nomi finally shook his head helplessly, "I'll pay for the wine by myself--see you in a hurry!"

The postman rolled his eyes—you thought everyone was a local tyrant just like you!

But since Nomi said so, the postman stopped blocking him, and ordered a glass of cheap ale to accompany Nomi.

When Nomi had the seventh cup, the owner of Forgotten Wine Shop sat over.

"Hello, my dear guest. Introduce myself, my name is Whisper—— Whisper·Death, this is the owner of the wine shop."

Looking at the female forgotten in front of him, the postman snapped his fingers frivolously.

"Hey! Beauty, why don't you tell me your real name!"

"Shut up, poor ghost!" murmured a glance at the postman, "changed my name to celebrate my new life!"

The postman said that he was very heartbroken, and he murmured to Nomi with a smile a second, and after turning around, he looked at himself like a tigress, and he did not die!

"Death is too controlled..." The helpless postman can only draw circles silently-who makes Nomi short, rich and handsome, but he is short and "negative" handsome.

After hitting the postman, Mutter looked at Nomi again with a smile.

"It's an honor that you like my wine-but unfortunately, I can't sell it to you anymore. My collection has been drunk..."

Nomi rolled his eyes helplessly-but this is nothing else. If people are out of alcohol, what else can I do?

Just as Nomi was about to order something to eat and fill his stomach, a new customer came to the wine shop.

A human with blond hair—it looked like a Paladin, a Paladin with a jar on his back.


Nomi showed a rare expression of interest.

Although there are many people in Dunhold, there are very few Paladins-any Paladin is a human bomb in Dunhold. As long as the power of the Holy Light bursts out, the surrounding forsaken will be unlucky.

Therefore, Dunhold has been restricting the entry and exit of the Paladin-including the priest as well.

But among those who are clearly no longer restricted by this paladin, it seems that this forsaken called Mutter is very familiar with him.

"Raphael-are you here again?"

"Call me a clay pot." The Paladin twisted his neck, "Mumbled, come and have a drink with me."

"How is Morning Dew?" The whispered face was a little tangled, "Is Master Taresa still unwilling to help?"

"No way." The earthen jar silently shook his head, and then untied the jar on the back. After the murmuring cup, he quietly opened the mud seal of the jar and poured himself a glass of wine, "It's hard to say a word, sit down and have a drink with me. ."


Before he could whisper and Nomi sat next to the clay pot with the momentum of thunder, eyes, ears, pirates, bells jingle, and the world is full of love.

"This Paladin, I think you seem sad, I'll come to drink with you at the bar!"

"Pandaman?" The clay pot raised his eyebrows, "Sit down, I heard that you all can drink, so let me drink some!"

Just as Nomi looked carefully at the apparently lifeless wine in the glass, the earthen jar had already drunk a large glass of wine.

After drinking, the clay pot looked a lot better, his complexion became ruddy, and the chattering box opened.

"Oh... this is a very long story-about the living and the dead, Lordaeron and Gilneas, as well as big and small people..."


The book friend Rafael Tucan and the book friend whispered. The deceased appeared in the photo. Important!

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