Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 844: Digging down

In the battle of the Ice Palace, whether it is the attacker or the defender, everyone is a player who does not play cards according to the routine...

The defender was delaying time by the way, while the attacker was digging a tunnel while playing dumb.

Of course, Arthas was pretending to be stupid, not really stupid. In private, he was also thinking about how to swallow Saratas' power.

After all, this is my own territory, a fort built by my cave-dwelling demons-although in order to reinforce the ice palace (and also to reassure Saratas), the final overall seal and the use of Saronite are Sara It was done by someone outside of Tas, but in general, Alsace was more familiar with the terrain.

Kel'Thuzad is no longer there. In a sense, Alsace is completely alone.

No one can communicate with Alsace, none of them.

There are many problems with undead natural disasters, but the most serious one is that everyone has no brains-except for Alsace, the only ones with brains are all scientific research madmen. Professor Putihid will study poison gas, medicine, and suture. The blame is good, but if you want him to study how to calculate the enemy, this is difficult for a strong man.

Therefore, for the undead and natural disasters, Arthas is responsible for appearance and IQ.

After thinking hard for a long time, Alsace came up with a way to use traps.

When the Ice Palace was being built, there were some traps inside-these traps even Saratas didn't know, and Arthas felt it was time to use these traps.

As long as you kill Saratas, you will be more calm, and whether you are fleeing or fighting, the initiative will be in your own hands.

The idea is good, but there are many problems.

How to get Saratas into a trap?

Under the current situation, if you ask Saratas to discuss countermeasures, Saratas will be very careful, so how easy is it to take advantage of the trap?

Need a logical solution.

How can it be considered logical?

Thinking of the drunk wind that was still pressing outside, Arthas had an idea.

It's time to close some traps-close part of the traps on Saratas's side, I don't believe he is not panic?

As long as Saratas moves, the chance is on Alsace's side!

After determining this method, Alsace began to make his own demands on Professor Putrishid.

As for Alsace’s request to close some of the traps, Professor Putrhid did not resist, and even acted eagerly. Seeing the excitement of this scientific madman, Alsace would not have thought of what he meant-Professor Putrhid definitely had something. An amazing discovery, I plan to test it out in action!

In desperation, Arthas could only repeatedly warn, and forced him to dispel this idea.


It is not only Alsace who is careful.

Saratas was also thinking about how to get rid of Arthas.

Knowing that he did not know enough about the Ice Palace, Saratas was very cautious-conducting a rigorous investigation of his location.

But now it seems that the situation is worse than expected.

How to do?

Saratas didn't know Alsace's ideas well, but he knew something.

No matter what, he couldn't stay here at ease, but as long as he moved, the initiative would fall into Alsace's hands.

That being the case, it might as well just fight it...

After thinking about it, Saratas decided to start first.

Arthas left a trap in the dark, and Saratas was not without his back.

Soon, Saratas found his back hand-if Drunk Wind was here, he would definitely recognize this orc the first time.

No one else, it was Garrosh who was missing.

This orc who blindly pursued the power of Yogg-Saron eventually fell into the hands of Saratas-when he thought he could master Yogg-Saron's power, he didn't know whether this power was already in Sara Under Tas's control.

As a result, Garrosh, who opened his heart, succeeded in becoming a prisoner of Saratas.

For this orc, Saratas valued it very much.

Especially after the old Gromash found Ulduar along the clues, Saratas had to look at the orcs with admiration.

Just like that, an old guy who can kill nearly a quarter of the faceless people left behind by Yogg-Saron, then how terrifying is this young and strong guy?

Now, this terrifying orc has become the sharpest weapon in Saratas' hands!

Under the close surveillance of the undead, Saratas decided to let Garrosh complete the assassination mission on Alsace.

The undead are all mindless guys.

As long as Arthas is dead, these undead can be used by me!


Outside, the diggers of Azjol-Nerub were digging frantically; inside, Arthas designed traps, and Saratas prepared for the assassins. Although the battle of the Ice Palace was huge, it was actually not epic...

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