Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 845: Assassination from orcs

Garrosh accepted the assassination order under the control of Saratas.

With Gorehowl, Garrosh looked like a walking dead-even Saratas didn't know whether this orc had any sense of resistance.

But since Garrosh has always strictly followed Saratas's orders, and the faceless assassination is also very difficult to use, only Garrosh can count on Garrosh.

If this kid is half as capable as his father, Arthas will drink a pot!

Before Garrosh’s whereabouts have been strictly kept secret, Saratas even dispatched a large number of Faceless to cover Garrosh, so Arthas didn’t know that Saratas’s had another one. Orcs, naturally there will be no special guards.

Of course, the necessary defensive measures are still there, and there are also many undead guards inside the Ice Palace, who have been monitoring the every move of Saratas's men-unfortunately, they did not have the necessary anti-concealment measures.

Garrosh is not a thief, but Saratas has some stealth tricks. This is one of the gains she gained from being displaced and even being researched by other ancient **** believers.

Advanced stealth technique!

This level of spellcasting couldn't help Saratas, and Arthas couldn't think of it. He was obviously an ancient god, and Saratas had such a skill!

Although he is not very clear about many secret passages in the Ice Palace, Saratas at least understood a route to find Alsace.

This is enough.

In this way, Garrosh walked in the shadows while invisible.

For Garrosh, his state is very delicate now.

Conscious, but unable to control oneself.

In Garrosh's brain (if any), a group of thoughts belonging to Saratas was absolutely dominant.

In a sense, Garrosh is just the "clone" of Saratas.

In order to ensure combat effectiveness, Saratas did not completely obliterate Garrosh's consciousness-otherwise, Garrosh would be a meaningless puppet. Saratas guaranteed his fighting subconscious and muscle memory, but from Basically sealed his thoughts and emotions.

Garrosh's self-consciousness now seems to be a bystander who has lost his emotions.

Saratas holds the power of pain, so Garrosh will not suffer from it-but anyway, this kind of bystander in the game is indeed very strange.

Because there is no emotion, Garrosh's own consciousness will not even resist...

Thus, Garrosh, who was like a puppet, followed the passage that Saratas had investigated beforehand and came outside the hall belonging to Arthas.


This is a frozen room.

After Alsace arranged everything, he sat quietly on his own Ice Throne, seeming to be thinking--and resting.

With azure blue eyes without emotion, Arthas stroked the cold Frostmourne unconsciously.

Frostmourne is very hungry.

Arthas, who was connected with the spirit of this magic sword, felt Frostmourne's longing.

Longing for the soul, longing for blood.

In the hands of Arthas, Frostmourne only ate twice-and the first time was in Lordaeron, where the flesh and soul of countless nobles made this magic sword sublime.

Since then, Frostmourne has been hungry.

Now it seems that Frostmourne will be hungry for a long time.

But that's okay.

Frostmourne is ready.

Arthas couldn't help but fall into the memory.

When Yogg-Saron was in full swing, occupying the entire Ulduar, and seeing that he was about to swallow Algalon and spread the tentacles of the dark empire across Azeroth, Arthas was forced to surrender.

This forced surrender was undoubtedly not from his heart-Arthas was also unwilling to do so, so he took the initiative to expose Yogg-Saron's conspiracy to Drunk Wind.

It was precisely at that opportunity that Arthas cleared out many faceless men who were monitors.

Frostmourne was full for the second time.

Now that I think about it, it's quite surprising-the shadow energy contained in the Faceless ones seems to be the best tonic for Frostmourne. After being exposed to this energy, Frostmourne is more satisfying than ever!

Why did Arthas and Saratas become such a weird alliance?

The situation is forced on one side.

The coveting of Saratas is another aspect.

If you can seize this opportunity and simply devour an ancient god, Arthas firmly believes that Frostmourne will definitely evolve!

Arthas didn't know exactly what this long sword forged by Kil'jaeden was, but what he was sure of was that this sword was his source of power.

that's enough.

Flicking the long sword, Frostmourne screamed.

At this moment, an orc revealed himself in the shadows.

The heavy gorehowl went from top to bottom, draped his head and covered his face-from the assassination of Garrosh, here it is!

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