Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 102 Luke Family Vulgan

The five-star devil's wife looked at her stunned husband. Concernedly asked: "What's wrong?"


The powerful five-star demon shook his head and said nothing more.

Matthews was sitting on the top floor of a restaurant on Rennes Island. Zhen was drinking with Assolan, and sitting next to him were Albeli and the Thorasis brothers and sisters.

"Dear island owners, this is a new dish from the shop. Please try it!"

When Mo Si and Anna saw Matthews nodding, they stepped aside and allowed the shop owner, who was leading the service, to walk in with the dishes.

"Sir, this is raw seashells."


Asolun looked at the seashells from the Sea of ​​Stars and Mists brought by the shopkeeper. He had seen this way of eating on Nasta Island, and he immediately picked up a piece and started singing.

As a college student in a coastal city in China in his previous life, Matthews had naturally seen how to eat this kind of seafood. Although he didn't know if there was such a thing as mustard here, he still made suggestions to the shop owner.

"Your method is not bad. You can consider finding some spicy seasonings, which should be more delicious."

The owner carefully took note of Matthews's suggestion, and then introduced some other dishes before exiting the room.


Just as Matthews and others were tasting the food, a divine attack explosion came from downstairs.

"What the hell, give me this garbage."

The waiter who served the meal was killed on the spot, and Matthews looked cold. He also understood that this was not the territory protected by the Lord God and Shura, and there would definitely be people who would disobey the rules.

I just didn't expect that when he came here to eat today, someone would actually come to make trouble. I just don’t know if the god causing trouble was sent by some forces that covet their Rengar Island.

"Yalbeli, go and kill the troublemaker."

Albeli looked at Matthews, ducked and flew downstairs.


Just when the high-ranking god who was looking for trouble was still shouting, he was directly killed by Albeli with one blow.

The five-star demon looked at Yaerbei who was looking around coldly. He secretly compared the strength of this woman with his and found that he could not defeat Yaerbei in a short time.

I thought to myself that this seems to be one of the two five-star demons on Rengar Island.

"Come on, it's time for us to leave."

Hearing what his father said, the son of the five-star demon asked in surprise: "Ah, why?"

"The person who just took action was a five-star demon from Rengar Island. It seems that the owner of Rengar Island is upstairs. I'm worried that there will be a battle soon."

The five-star demon left directly with his wife and children.

A five-star demon-level superior god upstairs also paid attention to this matter. He compared his strength with Albeli's and found that they were on par with each other.

"Let's go!"

After they came down from upstairs, they took the metal life and left Rengar Island. His four-star demon subordinates asked in confusion: "Sir, are we just leaving like this?"

The superior god of the five-star demon nodded and did not explain anything to his men.

He is a bloodline of the Luke family in the Blood Peak Continent. Their ancestor was a Shura and had many descendants. He and his mother did not have a high status in the Luke family, so naturally they did not have many resources for him to practice.

He had previously set his sights on the island that was not yet called Rengar. He originally planned to wait until he reached the level of a five-star demon and bring his men to destroy the bandits entrenched here and occupy it as a territory for him to develop his power.

Now it seems that his five-star demon level strength is not enough to occupy this place. He has been on the island for a few days. After inquiring, it became clear that this place was occupied by a Ren demon, although this six-star demon god was nothing in front of the Luke family.

But if he, Wolgan, seeks support from the family forces, then it is certain that he, Wolgan, will not receive any substantial benefits after taking this place.

Now he wants to return to his family and make long-term plans.

When Albeli returned upstairs, he said to everyone: "Island Master, I just sensed that two five-star demon level experts left here."

Matthews frowned. He knew that the current development model of Rengar Island would sooner or later attract the covetousness of other forces. However, he did not expect that only more than a thousand years later, a five-star demon-level strength would come to investigate.

"It doesn't matter, my thunder god clone has made a breakthrough recently."

His current lightning god avatar has integrated the four mysteries of laws, and the fifth mysteries of thunder have begun to integrate with the other four. He is confident that the five mysterious laws will be integrated within ten thousand years, so that using the main artifact, he can be as powerful as a junior Shura.

In this situation now, he still has the power of the main god and the main artifact as his trump card, and is not afraid of the challenge from any seven-star demon-level powerhouse.

Albeli and the others had seen the strength of Mathews' thunder god clone. When they heard that the island owner's thunder god clone had made a breakthrough, they no longer worried.

After returning to the small island in the center of Rengar, Matthews dismissed the others, leaving Mosi and the little fox Anna as waiters.

Matthews' water god clone has found the compatibility point between the ice-front mystery of water and the element of water, the roundness of water. He began to pull Asolun to practice, asking him to help his water god clone improve.

Time passed quietly, and three years had passed since the last time Albeli killed the troublesome high-level god. Matthews didn't see any other forces coming to test him.

On this day, he and Asolon were really discussing, and a burst of rules of heaven and earth suddenly came.


Mo Si became the lower god of death, and Mo Si once again experienced the pain of two souls. Under the protection of the rules of heaven and earth, Mo Si absorbed the divine power of death and formed his lower god clone of the rules of death.

After putting away the lower god clone of death, he walked to Matthews.

"Sir, I'm disturbing you."

"It doesn't matter!"

Matthews remembered that Mo Si's soul cultivation in the original work was quite good, and he actually controlled many powerful seven-star demons. He is still studying soul mutation, which shows that his soul cultivation is considered top-notch in hell.

Matthews took out a golden soul bead from the space ring and handed it to Mo Si.

In Anna's envious eyes, Mo Si took the soul gold bead in surprise. He sensed the pure soul energy in the golden soul bead and asked curiously: "Sir, is this?"

"This is an important treasure. The lowest soul gold bead costs one hundred thousand ink stones, and the higher one costs one million ink stones."

"Ah, thank you, sir."

Matthews waved his hand and continued: "Since you have become a lower god by the rules of death, I will tell you some knowledge about soul cultivation that I know."

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