Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 103 The thunder god clone returns

Although Mo Si knew that Matthews did not have a clone of the God of Death Rules, the guidance of a six-star demon level expert could save him a lot of detours.

After Matthews finished talking about some things he knew about soul control, soul seeds and the rules of death that can strip away the understanding of the rules in the soul of the sanctuary, even the little fox Anna who has no talent for the rules of death exclaimed: "There is such a thing What a matter!"

"Of course, when you first came to hell, you were taken away from the plane teleportation array by us. In hell, the holy realm can only be reduced to food and materials for refining soul gold beads."

"Yeah, really?"

Mo Si looked at the little fox Anna and thought that this was how she got to know adults. But she was really lucky. He was born in the material plane and came to hell after becoming a god.

"Of course it's true. I came to hell as a lower-level god, and all the holy realms I came with are already dead!"

Anna was also frightened for a while after Mo Si explained. Matthew Si once again interrupted the topic. He talked about the knowledge related to soul cultivation. His purpose was to lead Mo Si to the path of studying soul mutation in advance.

"Okay, those are just small things. But when it comes to luck, some gods are really powerful."

They heard Matthews say this as a six-star demon, and they immediately became interested. Matthews told them about the process of soul mutation and the effects of mutation.

After Mo Si was silent for a moment, he then asked: "Sir, since this kind of soul can merge with divine power and alien laws after mutation, the success rate should not be high!"

"Smart, the world is fair. The effect of successful soul mutation is significant, so the mutation process is naturally extremely dangerous, with a success rate of only one in a trillion!"

After finishing speaking, Mathews thought to himself that he did know that Olivia and the protagonist Lin Lei in the original work had successfully mutated. But it is still unknown whether the two will appear, so Mo Si must start studying soul mutation in advance. This is also a direction for his future transcendence.

Looking at Mo Si who was deep in thought, Matthews added.

"Okay, don't think about it. If you encounter this kind of thing in the future, you can study it."


Looking at the absent-minded Mo Si, Matthews knew that he had guided Mo Si on the path of studying soul mutation in advance.

At the same time, Vulgan of the Luke family returned to the family. He did not choose to meet the Shura Ancestor in his ancestral land, but went to meet his father.

"Father, I discovered a small island occupied by a six-star demon!"

His father said to him without raising his head: "Don't pay attention to this kind of thing. You should just practice and improve your strength."

Wolgan said unwillingly: "I understand!"

When he turned to go out, his father's voice came from behind.

"When you have time, tell your brother about the island. From there, it will be your brother's territory!"


He stopped outside his brother's yard, looked at the lively scene inside, and then turned around and left alone. Vulgan asked his men to take the records about Rengar Island and handed them to the men on the side.

"If you give this to my brother, just say it was given to him by my father."

Vulgan's men walked into his brother's yard with information recording Rengar Island, and Vulgan's brother's men stopped the guard.

Vulgan's brother's men knew that their master disliked the master's illegitimate son, and even his men did not like the illegitimate son.

"My master is not free now?"

Vulgan's men said directly: "The master asked my master to send something to your master."

"Hmph, bring the things and we will deliver them to you!"

Vorgan's men snorted coldly and handed the intelligence book to Vorgan's brother's men.

After he left, Vulgan's younger brother's men walked in and whispered next to Vulgan's younger brother, who was drinking and having fun, "Volgan's men sent it!"

Vulgan's brother waved his hand and took it without paying attention and put it inside the space ring.

After his men came out, Vulgan asked: "Have they been sent in?"

"It was stopped. It was not delivered in person. It was collected by Loris's personal guards."


After Vulgan glanced at his brother's courtyard, he left directly.

"The bait has been set."

Vulgan waited for several years without seeing his brother summon his men to Rengar. In his calculations, his brother would lead people there to seize the territory. If his brother kills the owner of Rayne Island and gains territory, then the strength of Rayne Island will surely consume the forces loyal to his brother.

He would have been even happier if his brother had been killed on Rengar. But considering that he couldn't remind his brother again, he went to his father's house and mentioned the incident on Rengar Island casually. If he had known that his father would not support him and would definitely give some benefits to his younger brother, he would have already made plans.

If he takes action again, it will inevitably arouse his father's suspicion, and he and his mother will be in danger.

Five thousand years passed by in a flash, and when Vulgan's brother was sorting out the space rings that day, he discovered the information about Rengar Island sent by his brother five thousand years ago.

"Hey, when was this in my space ring?"

"Is Rengar Island?"

After seeing the information, Vulgan's brother Loris shouted directly: "Someone, go and send me a piece of information about Rengar Island!"

After reading the information about Rengar Island five thousand years later, Loris was immediately attracted by the wealth of Rengar Island.

"You go find my father's subordinate Talosa and come here."

Talosa is a subordinate of Loris's father, the seven-star demon, and a six-star demon level fire expert.

"You're looking for me!"

"Let's go, I have something I need you to do with me?"


At the same time, on Rengar Island, Matthews' thunder god clone returned to the island.

"Brother, your thunder god clone is back!"

"Well, the Thunder God's clone has made a breakthrough recently and is back to rest for a while."

Matthews's water god clone is currently integrating the third law of the water system with all its strength. Matthews's holy realm deity and water god clone are in retreat, and Asolun is also relatively bored.

Immediately, he took Matthews' thunder god clone and went to drink.

"Okay, let's summon the top management of Rengar Island. My Thunder God clone is back and I should meet them."

Matthews took Assolan to entertain Albeli and the others on the small island in the center of Rengar. After three rounds of wine and five delicious dishes. Albeli stood up and said to Matthews: "Island Master, I want to spar with your thunder god clone."

"Okay, I just have free time today, so I'll have a discussion with you."

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