Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 143 Dark Lord God Blood Earl

Matthews frowned a little, what was going on today. These main gods were projected to the Aika plane one by one.

"Who are you, and why are you here with the projection?"

The Lord of Darkness said to Matthews: "I am the Lord of Darkness, the Blood Earl. Ren, you have gone too far. You have allowed your subordinates to seize too much of my material plane!"

"Belief in the material plane is originally fought for by the gods under your command, but your subordinates are not strong enough. Why do you come to me now to find a sense of existence!"


The Lord of Darkness, the Earl of Divine Blood, was left speechless by Matthews' words. Immediately afterwards, Matthews dispersed his projection of the main god in the Aika plane.

Matthews had previously learned about this main god of the dark system from Zijin. His true form was a vampire bat. Since he can resurrect from any Bat clone, he is very difficult to kill.

And he seems to be the main god born in the material plane, so many main gods don't have much to do with him.

After Matthews finished solving the problem of the main god's projection, he also realized that there should be something wrong with the power of spreading faith. He originally thought that his method of rewarding the power of the god-level main gods would not be noticed by the main gods soon.

Unexpectedly, it has already been noticed by the main gods, and they also projected the main gods to question this matter.

Matthews directly started the main god projection and went to Rengar Island.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?"

"You guys pack up and go back to the Aika plane!"

Mia said reluctantly: "Brother, why!"

"Humph, this matter is non-negotiable. This is an order!"

After saying this, he ignored Mia and looked at the death puppets of the three messengers of the Lord God who stayed on Rengar Island.

"Now you can arrange for people to withdraw from some material planes. You only need to occupy the planes that belong to me!"

"Boss, what happened?"

Asolon has also worked with these three Shuras over the years, so he knows very well how many material planes they occupy now. So I was puzzled as to why his boss wanted to send the material plane out so easily.

"Don't ask, just take the three of their death puppets and come to the Aika plane as soon as possible."

Then he said to the three Lord God envoys under him: "Don't worry, the reward of the Lord God's power promised to you has been counted. It will be calculated according to the number of material planes you occupy now!"

After Matthews finished speaking, he dissipated the main god's projection. Now he can probably guess how much trouble his operation of rewarding the main god's power caused.

The Lord God Bauhinia said before that the Lord Gods had already had a war because of the power of faith, and several Lord Gods had died in that war.

Mathews's current thunder godhead can be considered as the god of Lei Ze who died in that battle. Not to mention the water-type master godhead that he has not yet refined. It is the main godhead of the most unlucky water-type master since the creation of the world.

Matthews estimated that because he rewarded his messengers with the power of the Lord God this time, those Lord Gods would also reward their Lord God messengers with the Power of the Lord God in order not to lose the opportunity to improve their strength.

In the end, the commotion caused by his early reward of the power of the Lord God will become another war between the Lord God.

"Hey, I just want to accumulate some power of faith so that the water god clone can reach its peak!"

Matthews is a little speechless now. With the help of the power of faith, his water god avatar has begun to understand the sixth mysteries of laws over the years, but the integration of the laws and mysteries has not made much progress.

Matthews is a little upset now that his current water god clone has not yet reached the realm of a higher god. Otherwise, after refining the godhead of the upper master of the water system, he would be about the same strength as the master of the thunder system and the master of the light system who have an additional power of will.

At that time, even if his water main god clone is not the Great Perfection. It is only ten times weaker than the three masters of the Great Perfection Rules, and he is no longer afraid of them.

Matthews sighed, now that he had been discovered by the other gods. There is no point in keeping those god-level people in the material plane anymore, it is better to recruit them back.

Anyway, these gods are also the power of his main god's messenger family. It is not cost-effective to waste them in the next crazy battle for the material plane. It is not too late to wait until the water system refines the main godhead before planning.

In the Bauhinia Mountains, Mathews' power of thunder began to gather.

"Hahaha, I thought you wouldn't show up!"

Matthews heard the teasing meaning of Lord Redbud and said calmly: "Okay, please stop teasing me."

Zijin also understood what was happening now and asked seriously: "How are you going to deal with it now?"

"I can't tell you still care about me!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you should know that the current situation is not good for you!"

"It doesn't matter, I'm in the Aika plane in my hometown now. They can't do anything to me!"

Zijin smiled and said: "That's true!"

Matthews then told Zijin his conjecture that the main gods might break out into another war. Zijin frowned after hearing this.

"It's really possible!"

Seeing that the Redbud God had already thought of it, Matthews said eagerly to her: "You should withdraw from the competition for the power of faith!"

"No, my clone of the Lord God of Destruction and my clone of the Earth God don't have Dzogchen. I can't give up my belief in the material plane!"

Matthews also sighed inwardly. Zijin is a super beast born after the opening of the hell plane. And as the main god of destruction, she also has her own pursuits. She cannot let go of her pride as the main god so easily and choose not to participate in the beliefs of these main gods competing for the material plane.

"Okay, if you have time, your Earth God clone should come to the Aika plane!"

"Yes, I will!"

After Matthews finished speaking, he dispersed the projection of his main god in the Bauhinia Mountains and began to pay attention to Asolun and the others coming to the Aika plane.


The teleportation array on Aika's material plane lit up, and Asolun appeared in the teleportation array with Mia and some of the men he had collected before.

"elder brother--"

"Well, you guys should choose a place to stay temporarily in the Aika plane!"

After Mia and the others left, Assolan asked in confusion: "Boss, what happened?"

Mathews told his guess, and Asolun thought for a moment and asked: "Boss, how long will we stay in the material plane of Aika?"

"It won't be long!"

Matthews knew that the storm between the main gods that he had indirectly caused would not pass quickly, and his water god clone was about to break through to the realm of a higher god.

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