Panlong, I started with the main godhead

Chapter 144 Bauhinia comes to the Aika plane

After Assolun listened to the firm answer from the boss Matthews, he was silent for a moment and chose not to continue questioning.

At the same time, the members of the main god army belonging to Matthews in the Violet Material Plane had evacuated, and the teleportation array on the Violet Material Plane lit up again that day.

The Lord God's army belonging to the Lord God Blood Earl in the middle of darkness came to this material plane again, and after they dispersed their consciousness and scanned around.

"Hey, leader, there is no army of the main god from the thunder god plane here?"

The leading captain of the Lord God's army had already been informed of the enemy of their operation when they went to the material plane. He thought it would be a life and death battle, but now he didn't expect that he didn't find the main god's army from the thunder god plane.

"I have already sensed it. First destroy the previous faith and establish the dark faith of the great Lord Blood Earl!"

As his men dispersed and destroyed the belief in Matthews, the captain of the main god's army used his holy body left in the dark god's plane to contact the person in charge of these operations.

"Sir, we did not find the Lord God's army in the Violet Plane!"

"Yeah, I know!"

The reporting supervisor has received many reports of this situation. He can only report it to a higher-level leader.

The messenger of Lord God Blood Count, the Lord of Darkness, compiled this information and asked to see the Lord God. When the Lord God Blood Count, Lord of Darkness, found out that Matthews had actually withdrawn from the material plane, he saw Matthews, the rumored thunderbolt, more clearly. It is the lower main god of Dzogchen.

"Don't worry about him, just occupy those planes!"

On this day, the teleportation array that had been silent for a long time in the Aika plane lit up with light, and the Earth God clone of the Bauhinia Lord came to the Aika plane. Matthews's water-type god clone is currently practicing, and the thunder-type main god clone is in the divine plane, but cannot appear in the Aika plane.

Asolon immediately discovered the arrival of the Redbud Lord God, and hurriedly notified Matthews, who was experimenting on the divine plane, through the soul space.

"Boss, the Redbud God has arrived!"

Mathews' water god clone walked out of the soul space and appeared in the Aika plane with the holy body. When Matthews came out, he saw that the Lord Redbud had already flown towards this side.

After welcoming Lord Redbud to his usual place of residence and asking her to sit down, Matthews said with a smile: "Hahaha, welcome to the Aika plane as a guest!"

Zijin looked at Matthews who greeted her calmly, but rolled her eyes at him.

"You are calm, but you don't know that because of your withdrawal from the material plane, you were widely publicized by the Lord God of Darkness, the Blood Earl, who thought you were too cowardly and unworthy of becoming the Lord God!"

Matthews frowned. Although he just wanted to wait for the water god's clone to become a high-level god, it didn't mean he didn't care about his reputation as the main god.

"Is this really true?"

Bauhinia nodded, Matthews said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, my water god clone will become a high-level god within a thousand years!"

Lord Bauhinia looked at Matthews in surprise, and asked with a puzzled face: "What is the use of your water god's clone becoming a higher god?"

Suddenly the Redbud God reacted and stood up in shock. He looked at Matthews with a look of disbelief, trembling hands, pointing at Matthews and asked: "You, you--, you have the main godhead of water!"

After seeing Matthews nod, Zijing began to pace back and forth on the ground.

"I remember that last time you asked me about the water system main godhead that has not yet been refined. I told you that there are only two. One is in the hands of the destructive middle god Xingyi, and the other is the lost water system high godhead. godhead!"

Zijin then said to himself: "With the relationship between Xingyi and you, it is impossible to give you the main godhead of the water system. Even if you have the power of the lower main god of Dzogchen, it is impossible to snatch the water system star from Xingyi. Lower Lord Godhead.”

"So that water-type high-level godhead is in your hands, it must be in your hands, right?"

Matthews looked at Zijing, who had calmed down a little, and nodded.

"Yes, I picked up the main godhead of the water system when I was an ordinary life, and later I picked up the body of the main god Lei Ze!"

"At the beginning, the instructors at the magic academy thought that I was too young and too young to learn magic at around twenty years old, and they didn't want to accept me as their disciple!"

"Fortunately, I'm lucky. With the method of cultivating thunder attribute fighting spirit, I got here step by step!"

Zijin looked speechlessly at Matthews who was lost in memories and had a sigh on his face. She suddenly felt that fate was very unfair. If she had the talent of fate at this moment, she would definitely be able to uncover the unfair side of fate and directly become the lower god of fate.

The Redbud God was very dissatisfied with Mathews' fate. She was born in hell. When the Lord Godhead between Heaven and Earth was born, it caused many god-level fights. She also relied on the special talent of the amethyst behemoth born in the Amethyst Mountains and the strength of her soul to barely win a middle-level Lord of Destruction. godhead.

The guy in front of me actually picked up a water-type high-level main godhead when he was an ordinary life. Later, he even picked up the body of the main god with the main godhead.

"There is a guy like you who is so blessed by luck!"

Matthews looked at Zijing's unhappy look, smiled and said, "It's just a fluke."

"Tch, it seems that you really don't have to worry about them. Now just wait for your water god clone to become a high-level god!"

Later, since Matthews had not been active in the divine plane in recent years, Zijin told Matthews some things about the main gods. When talking about the details, Zijin looked at Matthews thoughtfully and said, "I really didn't expect that your methods are quite clever!"

"Ah, I have been staying in the material plane!"

"In the past, the main gods with the same rules and laws all spread the power of faith in a unified way. Now you directly use your own name to spread the power of faith, breaking the previous default tradition."

"Now many low-level and mid-level main gods are starting to imitate this!"

Matthews shook his head. When he first came to the Aika plane, there was a sect of four divine beasts that spread the beliefs of the four of them alone.

"I don't believe that no lower god or middle god has done this before!"

"Before, even if there were Lord Gods who did this, they were only a handful!"

Redbud Lord God then asked: "Where is your Lord God clone?"

Although Matthews has a good relationship with Zijin, he cannot let her know that the main god's clone cannot come to the Aika plane.

"My main god's clone is in my god plane. Didn't I get two main god corpses before? I want to experiment to see if I can use the main god's essence and blood to create some races."

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