Parallel - A Virtual Reality.

Chapter 11 - 10. Unshakable beings.

It has been a week since the restriction has been lifted, and the popularity of Ardha was starting to die out. There were many people confident in their abilities to hunt, if they proposed themselves leveling up, 30 levels in the initial stages was possible. For some, they could do more than that, and as the game was still new, there were hundreds of unexplored regions, experience and loot to their disposal!

As many believed that Ardha fellow was weak, he would soon be overshadowed by new people. Many were excited and motivated to enter the ranking, as new information was given that the Top 100 will get special benefits during a month, so everyone started hunting like crazy.

The popularity of Parallel rose exponentially because of the competitiveness and the ambition to become number 1, but it resulted that leveling up wasn't that easy. There were different rules and many NPCs were stronger than many adventurers, adding to the difficulty. Still, the thrill of the thought of Ranking never ceased on these people minds as they made their way. Fame would be at their disposal, resources for playing, contacts, everything you might need could be achieved if you were shown in that ladder as many agencies of TV would call you.

Many were glued to the news waiting for that ranking ladder, some were still grinding and there were those that went out to calm themselves.

But as they saw the ladder, everything was cut off.

Rank 1. User name: Ardha Level: 54

Rank 2. User name: Vladi Level: 40

Rank 16. User name: Arksen Level: 37

Rank 31. User name: Strike Level: 35

The gap became bigger… they couldn't believe it, there were many new players on the rankings but the first 2 were unfazed. But even Vladi was just 1 level ahead of third.

And so, news about the mysterious player rose like wildfire. Many people made him their goal, so they immediately logged on, hunting as if they were possessed. Surpassing this user would bring them to stardom at lightning speed, not that the top 10 didn't already have. But still, this was without a doubt, a challenge!

And another week passed by, many were confidents on their levels, some bragging to their friends and family, other being supported by many, and so on and so forth.

But the ranking hit them with a cold reality.

Rank 1. User name: Ardha Level: 87

Rank 2. User name: Kagito Level: 69

Rank 3. User name: Vladi Level: 68

Rank 11. User name: Arksen Level: 67

Rank 30. User name: Strike Level: 63

Vladi was dethroned from her position, but even so, the gap between the top got bigger. Many got back to grinding and strengthening their character, but they felt it, maybe in the future, the level gap between the top will shorten as leveling up will get increasingly harder. Many started creating Guilds and Alliances to support each other, like that, becoming stronger.


After they defeated Frave, the Demon, they went towards the village to tell them that they successfully fulfilled their mission.

Because they still had time to spare before the deadline to end, they grinded their skills and tested themselves on each other. Sometimes they screwed up and got hurt, and that cannot happen during battle, as a single moment of carelessness can mean death.

They were grinding while moving forward, as their Masters would be waiting for them with results and with them having properly honed their abilities during combat. They had a lot of loot to sell when they arrive and repay the village generosity.

As they came near the village, they saw that some parts were broken down, the people seemed tense, with firm looks, and the children weren't there.

A bad feeling crawled on their skin and hurried themselves towards the Mayor's house.

As they entered it and expected three individuals with quite notorious appearances, they got surprised to see Eroda in Plate's desk. The man saw them, a grim expression on his face, and placed three books in the table with an envelope on them.

Then, during the suspense, Eroda said.

"These books are for you, center is for Ardha, the right one is for Zenith and left is for Peko"

The first thing they took on their hands was the envelope, with a card saying

- Ardha

You are in and I am out

I am not really good with words of parting, but I think this should explain a lot of things, my disciple, I am dead.

Don't be sad for me, as that would anger me, I fought, I gave my all, and I am passing my knowledge to my successor. My parting couldn't make me prouder as I left many things behind it.

The only thing I hope for you is to protect this village as I did, there might be more attacks in the future from Kingdoms but me, Drakon and Vermillion gave everything we have in the battlefield to give them a good scare and made sure to get you more time as you all are still immature.

But the battle took a big toll on our bodies, and as stubborn as we are, we forced our friend to help us out in giving you guys these parting gift taking our last piece of life.

With this you are truly my descendant, as a part of me will be always with you. Live proudly and treasure your loved ones

Treasure your memories and give it your all until there isn't a breath more you can give, and then trick them, leaving another part of you behind

My successor, Ardha, farewell



Eroda stood silent, watching the children read the last words of their Masters, when they walked forward to pick the envelopes; they had surely felt that something was wrong as they slowly picked them up.

The first one to show emotions was Zenith exclaiming

"That fuċkɨnġ master of mine! Always doing whatever he wants whenever he wants!" Shouted furiously while turning, his hand with the paper was trembling as if wanting to crush it. But he couldn't. Undulation of destructive power oozed from him, but the letter was never affected.

Peko bit her lips hard and Ardha stayed silent for a bit, looking at the letter while his hands were trembling.

'They might have never lost anyone in their life' thought Eroda, a small sigh escaping his lips, 'And even when you did, it wouldn't get easier as more disappeared from your life…'

But then, Ardha walked forward, picked the book and looked at him.

"Thank you, Eroda" At the boy's gaze, he remembered his old friend who saw him grow and battled alongside him, suddenly all his emotions that were bottled up exploded and a tear appeared on Eroda. He had lost his three friends, brothers and comrades. Hell, he could even say they were his uncles, watching over him give his first steps on this world.

At this Ardha, with a firm look at Eroda, asked "Which Kingdom attacked and what was their reason?"

Surprised, Eroda looked at Ardha, but he saw pain, anger, sadness but most of all understanding of the situation in the boy's gaze

Eroda opened his mouth, resolution flashing over his eyes and told them about the secrets of the village…

Ardha had a furious look in his eyes but even so kept it in and said "Thanks for telling me everything"

At this, Eroda nodded at Ardha, but then, the question he said surprised him.

"Eroda, do you know of a place with strong monster for us to train"

Eroda was speechless for a second, the boy had just asked for a place to train after he learnt from his master's death

But then, seeing at the boy's eyes, he understood. There was no time for mourning and sadness, anger and fury, as the village situation was quite bad after losing their three guardians. Even if no one spoke about it, sooner or later the enemies will realize. And then, a big battle would begin with the coming of their demise

Thus, the children had to become strong if they wanted to protect the village.

So Eroda told them "Northwest from here, at around a month by foot, there is a dungeon that many strong masters visit to test their skills. But once you get in, you cannot get out until you complete it, but even getting there is hard enough as many strong monsters are in the way. And even stronger ones inside that place"

"Thank you" The boy gazed at his companions, who had resolute looks, and they followed him after picking their books, everyone saying thanks to Eroda who will make everything that he possibly can to gain more time.

But he had to ask, "Are you planning to go there right away?"

"Not yet, I am going east to go for some friends and gather forces from the Kingdom, after all, we will need everything we can possibly get for the future to come" said Ardha, adding "But, how much time can you give us, Eroda?"

Surprised at the young man intentions and foresight, he just told them "A year and a half, at most, around two years" Said Eroda with an estimate and a thoughtful mind, planning how to play his cards.

"Okay" That was enough time, and at this they marched forward, out of the house as Eroda started working with a plan to try to make the village stronger secretly and make use of the time his friends gave him


You have completed the quest!

+500 Fame

1000 contribution points to Hellish Village

Leveled up x6

You have received the life essence of Plate. Your class has changed to Legendary Elemental Warrior.

You have received an A-grade Skill book

All your Skill has leveled up by 1

Dual Sword Mastery has hit Intermediate!

Those were the rewards that we got from completing the quest, and we will get the most of them

After all, it was the parting gift from their Masters and I… no, WE will make sure to protect this place as long as we possibly can, after all, the seal didn't have much time too.

As we left the village and went towards the east while killing monster stronger than us, it will take time to get to Putre Kingdom, but this will make a nice point for us to get stronger before going towards the dungeon.

And we needed to get stronger

So, we continued to move forward as far as we can, fighting in a frenzy, as we fought to dissipate our sadness and anger for what had happened.

We all continued until we couldn't move a single step more as we were too tired. Thanks to my Fast recovery skill and my stats, my stamina was recovering fast, but even so, we stayed in the ground. Peko was sniffing and Zenith punching the ground trying to get up

And a tear fell, it was full of impotence

Night was coming, and we calmed down. I told Zenith and Peko I had to go and contact some people

So, I logged off and called one of the people that I trusted most

"Hello~ it is strange that you are the one calling me, missing me~?" Said Nicolas in a teasing voice

At this, I calmed down a little and said "I need your help, it is important, I will get to Vastri city in around one month and a half, tell Isa too"

"Ok, seems something serious has happened, and I have already arrived to Parina city where Isa is, so I will tell her" Said Nicolas realizing it was serious, after all, his friend was asking for his help and that didn't happen often.

"Thanks… I will tell you everything when we get there" I said giving my gratitude to my friend

"Don't worry~ well, Vastri city is quite far away so I better eat fast and start preparations" Said Nicolas

"Okay" I said while hanging up and ate as fast as I could, didn't want to be forcefully logged out because of health problems

And thus, we started heading towards Vastri city again.


Arksen logged in and saw that the two girls he was now with were chatting peacefully in the middle of the square, Isa became a Paladin, and her name was… well, Isa.

As she saw him, she said "Hoho, you ate quite fast, were you so eager to start your adventure with us?" She said teasingly

"Of course! Who wouldn't with you two beauties? But it is not like that, Ardha needs help, so we are going towards Vastri city to meet up with him, he should get over there in a bit over a month" I said to Isa with a tight smile.

"So, we are finally meeting him!?" Exclaimed Vladi, excited that she finally could meet that Ranked 1 player who might have the secrets of getting stronger, and then, surpassing him, of course!

"Must be serious if he was asking for help…" Said Isa a bit worried

"Yup~ so we should get ready and start if we want to get there when he does" I said to them

"Okay then, I will go buy some provision to go" Said Isa

"I will go to the mages guild to get an upgraded gun"

"Okay~" And thus, the three of us went to different places to get ourselves ready, after all, it would be a long trip

But something bothered me, it was Ezequiel's breathing at the start of the call… he seemed upset before calming down…

So, I went to an armor shop to get better equipment as I am a front liner along with Isa who was more of a tank type… Well I could do many things, that was one of the advantages of my class Jack-of-all arts… laugh if you want!

But as my Master and I used only our bodies to fight, I just buy armor along with gauntlets to maximize damage

When we were finished, we set off, for a reason, I was a bit anxious to get there fast to not lose time and Isa perceived it, so we quickened our pace and began on a killing spree.

We will finally get together again with new adventures along with my friend!

User name: Arksen Level: 67 Jack of all arts.


Kagito was lost

He didn't know the way back towards Vastri city, his starting point where everything began.

He had met an old man who asked for his help. Kagito accepted to help the man, but then everything turned around and it became a serial quest. Something he had never expected had happened! Of course, it took him quite some time to finish the first quest and he didn't appear in the Ranking Ladder, it was better like that, after all, he didn't like attention as he was an average person. His life was grey, he didn't excel in anything but wasn't mediocre in anything as well, and he was content with it.

But he got stuck with this, he wanted to quit but didn't, if he had a quality, it was that he never left anything halfway. He always finished it.

So, his stubbornness brought him here, teleported by the old man who said he was too weak to become his successor and he should go train.

And here he was, after finishing a dungeon by himself and killing wild monsters that appeared out of nowhere, the only thing he knew was that the city was in the North direction.

But there was something different for him during this time, and he realized as he saw the ranking with him in the Second spot… his life started having colors.

And he seemed to enjoy it. So, he might keep doing what he does now, but first, he had to get to the city and finish the final quest of the chain, after all, he won't leave something halfway.

User name: Kagito Level: 71 Classless


"How is he doing?" Asked Chang Ho Park

"He is doing well, in fact, extraordinarily well!" Answered Kale Greenfield, these two were the main developers of Parallel. Park was one of the developers of the other company that merged into Insanity Corp, while Greenfield was one of the main developers of the game before. The two worked alongside each other for new ideas and creating new systems, as Park came with a lot of knowledge, he helped a lot in the production of the game, but he was astonished at Kale's insight and versatility to change the situation and create new codes, as he learnt more and more. Thus, these two people became friends, but they wanted to do something else.

They wanted to create another way to unlock the Underworld. Thus, He was born.

With unmatched talent and power, he would continue to grow, and after some time passes, they will announce Him.

So, they were monitoring his growth, of course, they made the game so complete that even they couldn't watch what was happening inside the game. But they could see his status window and like that watch the growth of their creation.

Thus, he was created with a purpose and that was to become the Death Lord, the one who rules over the Underworld, and the one who might start the War between realms, or that was what they expected, after all, they couldn't manipulate him, and they wouldn't even try. What would be the fun in that?

So, they had been watching his growth every other week and today was the check up

"Of course, after all, he is the Death Lord!" Said Park

"Yeah, but even so, he is just a bit stronger than Ardha!" Exclaimed Greenfield

Ardha… was the number 1 player in Parallel in terms of level, but now, everyone was thinking he was the strongest. He became an unknown factor that they didn't foresee, things like this happen often but not like this! The difference in level between him and the rest was astonishing!

The user not only got Perseverance, Endurance and Fighting Spirit during the restriction time, he also got the Concentration stat!

And even if that wasn't enough, during that time he increased them to the top that can be achieved during the week! The player must have gone through hell to raise them like that!

"How…" Said Park, "Even if the Death Lord was an unmatched being, he was still immature, so his power should be at best along the lines with the top 20 ranking players with the exception of Ardha"

"I don't really know how, but he has clearly exceeded our calculation, but don't you think it will be fun like that? After all, Him and Ardha are in even ground, and even more, if the later keeps his position as number 1, he might become quite a wildcard!" Said Greenfield while grinning

"Heh, that's right, my friend, it will be quite fun to watch in the future"

"What will you show us Dea-… no, Zenith and Ardha?" Said Greenfield while watching the status window of the two people that might affect the outcome of the game

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