Parallel - A Virtual Reality.

Chapter 12 - 11. Kaiser is born! (Part 1)

As Peko, Zenith and I went through the forest, we managed to kill a lot of monsters and even discovered some villages. As we were a bit tired from the constant travel, we decided to stop at one of those villages to get some rest.

I started reading the book my Master left me during our travels. The book contained two Skills and had a more detailed explanation for the Elemental Enhancing skill.

The skills in the book were Absorption and Annulment.

As I learnt about them, I decided to start practicing them. After all, the fastest way to master a skill is to practice them yourself! Peko and Zenith had hastened the process by sparring with me.

After I understood the basic concepts of Annulment, I succeeded in casting the skill a few times without technically having the skill. Quite unlike what the name suggests, Annulment 'annul' the attacks by cushioning the force of the attacks and then pushing it away from the user.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the same luck with Absorption. I got injured many times because I couldn't really understand the concepts of the skills, and thus, unable to cast the skill.

Then Peko said something enlightening, "Why don't you use the Annulment skill along the Absorption one? However, instead of pushing the force away like in Annulment, you should add in your force after cushioning the force of the attacks."

Then it hit me. "Like a spring…" I immediately asked Zenith to attack me again.

After I did what Peko suggested. I concentrated to find the perfect timing that I can gather the most force. After I got it, I unleashed everything I had towards Zenith. The force of the attack pushed him back as he stumbled a bit.

"Woah…" Zenith looked amazed.

However, as it wasn't really the skill, with some training, it was probable that everyone could do this much.

I finally generated the skills after practicing for a while. When I generated the skills, the book seemed to shine.

- You have learnt a new Skill! Absorption. Do you want to see the skill description?

- You have learnt a new Skill! Annulment. Do you want to see the skill description?

Skill: Absorption (Active) Beginner Level 1: 67%

Absorption permits the user to Absorb power from attacks and with higher mastery, the user will be able to absorb power from the surroundings. Can be used along with Annulment, making it easier to absorb attacks.

In its beginner stage it can only absorbs physical attacks

When used, it absorbs at least 10% of the Attack.

Energy absorbed will be stacked until the user is unable to handle it. If the energy is not used up, penalties will occur and may even result in death.

Consume stamina or mana depending on the attack.

Skill: Annulment (Active) Beginner Level 1: 67%

Annulment allows the user to nullify attacks and at higher mastery, allows the user to intercept the attacks before even activating. Can be used along with Absorption, where the user will be able to gain extra buffs.

In its beginner stage, Annulment can only nullify physical attacks. Depending on its use, it can inflict negative status to the opponent.

Consumes stamina or mana depending on the attack.

400 mana per second when activated.


The mana consumption is quite high…' I thought to myself.

It seems the Absorption skill can be quite dangerous… I don't want to explode with one of the skills Master left me

Finally, after months of constant training, I learnt the sacred skill of Cooking.

- Skill: Cooking (Active) Beginner Level 1: 0%

Allows dishes made to be tastier. As cooking skill advances, dishes may give different kind of buffs when eaten.

Gains a 5% increase in Health.

As I was happy that I finally got the cooking skill, I started making food for us.

I made one of the dishes in Ms. Jacy's book. It wasn't nearly as good as hers, but it was an improvement from what we were eating before. As we ate, we started reminiscing a lot of things.

Back then when we were in Hellish Village, her place was the first one we went after we finished our training. Come to think of it now, we were really spoiled by the village's people.

Peko had a grim look for a moment before she brightened up and stood up.

"OK! Let's go, we don't have time to lose!" And she kept going forward, her shoulders trembled a little. Zenith quietly went to her and patted her head while I led the group.

We needed to hurry. Time was running short. Thus, we fasten the pace. Although the monsters were troublesome at first as they were very strong, but as we got nearer the kingdom, the monsters became weaker as Putre Kingdom is a beginner zone.


For being in the Top 100 Ranking you have gained 100 Fame!

For being in the Top 10 Ranking you have gained 1000 Fame!

For being the Top player you have gained 2000 Fame!

You will gain double experience for a week!

My Fame increased by a lot! I wondered why...

Then I remembered that today was the first month since the game started, so it might have to do something with that.

Once we were nearing Vastri city, we saw a man that seemed lost, so I went towards him.

Before I could get near him, he suddenly turned to look at my direction and switched to a fighting stance.

After he realized we weren't monsters, he seemed to relax… or was that joy?

The man came near to us, and said in a hopeful voice, "Thank god! Do you guys know the way to Vastri city?"

"Yes. In fact, we are going there right this moment." I said to the person in front of me. "You seem like you have gone through some rough time." I was impressed as when I looked at the man, I noticed that his sword was rusted and broken, his boots were clearly spent, and his leather armor and pants were almost rags. He was truly a man of the wild.

"Yeah…" Said the man with a seemingly downcast look but with a small smile and then asked, "Can I go with you?"

"Sure, if you want. But first give me any of your equipment that has low durability… If you have any, that is. I have the Repair skill so I can help you recover some of it" I told the man.

The man seemed to be reluctant at first but then he eventually gave me his leather armor and sword that he seemed to be saving up.

After I finished repairing, I got a message.


- Your Repair Skill has hit Intermediate!

'Finally,' I needed this skill to hit Intermediate as it was absolutely necessary for the Blacksmithing skill.

I gave him back his items and he thanked me with a happy look and we soon resumed our way.

After a long day we finally got to Vastri city.

As we entered the city, Zenith and Peko watched the city in awe, though it was not because of the magnitude of the place, but of the quantity of humans and shops around. After all, in the Underworld there weren't many humanoid creatures around.

"You took your sweet time~" A familiar voice suddenly sounded in front of me.

"Well, you were way closer to the city than me, Ni-… no, Arksen, right?" I said to the man who was walking towards us with two girls. One of them was Isa and the other girl was someone who I did not know.

"Long time no see~" Said Isa while eyeing me before turning to Zenith and Peko with a smile on her face. "Hello, I am Isa, this fella's childhood friend."

"I am Peko~"

"I am Zenith"

But the other man stayed silent while averting his eyes as if shying away

And I realized that I forgot to introduce myself and ask his name!

"Sorry for not asking before, but what is your name?" I asked the man in an apologetic voice and he shrugged.

"Kagito." He said in an awkward voice.

At this, everyone got surprised except Zenith, Peko and me… Why were they so surprised? I thought before Arksen started laughing like mad.

"Pfffft! HAHAHAHA!" He was laughing while holding his stomach. "Only you would be so unfazed at this, as you don't pay attention to the ladder ranking!"

While the other girl was speechless, Isa asked with an astonished look, "You seriously don't know this man?"

"No...?" I frowned. Was I supposed to know him? After I searched through my memories, nope, that name doesn't ring any bells. However, the man seemed to be quite embarrassed

"How amusing, the Top 3 players are here, together in the same spot." Arksen was truly amused… wait, top 3?

"Huh?" What was he talking about?

Zenith and Peko just looked as if they realized something while watching us.

"This girl besides me is Vladi, ranked third in the level ranking, and that man beside you is the one below your ranking. He recently just climbed to second", Arksen said as if he were lecturing me.

"Oh…" It was definitely amusing.

Then, Kagito wondered for a moment and seemed to realize something before saying with a surprised tone, "You are Ardha!?" He then looked at Vladi who still seemed to be in her daze and asked again in an astonished voice as if he could not believe it. "And she is Vladi!?"

"Yes, I am Ardha." I said while nodding to the man, after all, I did not plan on keeping my identity secret.

Then Vladi finally snapped out of her dazed look and said "AH! Right! Hello, I am Vladi, and may I ask how you were able to level up so many times in such a short time?"

At this, Peko and Zenith looked puzzled. They knew about 'Level' as it was an estimate of strength, but they didn't really know that a normal person wouldn't be able to level up as quickly as us.

While everyone was looking at me with an expectant look, I replied with a thoughtful look, "We killed lots of monsters."

At this, Arksen was about to explode into laughter again and Isa was face palming herself.

Vladi just stood there, stunned for a moment as she didn't expect that answer. After all, she, too, had also killed a lot of monster while travelling with Isa and Arksen.

She then asked again but with a different approach, "I mean, when the game started, you suddenly got a boost in levels and claimed the first place in a sweep! How did you do it?"

At this, I started thinking and an idea crossed my mind, after all, with just me it might have not been enough, but with these two it might be...

"Firstly, I am going to make a Guild." I declared and everyone looked at me dumbfounded as I wasn't really answering the question.

"Secondly, Vladi and Kagito, will you like to join the guild?" I asked them politely. They seemed shocked at first but then they quickly recovered and entered into a deep thought.

"And thirdly, I will tell you how I did it once we are out of reach..." I didn't really address the rest because it's only natural that they were to be in it. After all, Isa and Nicolas will definitely force me to invite them, and after everything we went through, Peko and Zenith will most definitely be in the guild.

Vladi nodded and then said, "Okay, I will have time later for my questions, but with one condition."

"What would be your condition?" I asked her

"You will spar with me whenever I ask!" She said with a smile as if it was a challenge.

"I will gladly do so, and you, Kagito, are you interested in it?" I asked him, hoping he would say yes

At this, he thought hard but then he sighed and said "Sorry, I would like to, but I have many things to do in the city for a while…"

At his answer, my eyes shined.

"Better yet!" At this, everyone became surprised and I continued, "I am making a Guild, not a Party. I need someone in here to make treaties with the lord and gather funds and military power."

At this, Peko and Zenith realized where I was going and seemed amused.

"So, Kagito, what do you say, do you want to be the leader of the Guild?" I decided to give the leadership position to him. After all, I would be occupied with training along with Zenith and Peko, and I have a feeling that Nicolas, Isa and Vladi will tag along as well...

"Hmmm, but I am not good with public relations…" Kagito said with an apologetic look.

Then, someone shouted from nowhere.

"If you want someone to represent you, I can do it!" Shouted a female elf that was coming towards us…

At that, everyone got surprised as we didn't realize that we were being eavesdropped.

'She must be very good with stealth…'

"Who might you be?" I asked.

"I am Eliana, and I am a Stalker!" The girl said casually... but wait, Stalker?

Maybe the class was really fitting for this girl.

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