Parallel - A Virtual Reality.

Chapter 56 - 15. Elemental Ruins. (Part 1)

After the request had been accepted, we started working on the teams along with Casca and the rest of the Scardi's Council. We asked about the information of the different Tribes, if they had any specialization, or tendency, to increase our chances in recruiting them. We also had to separate our team the best way to do exactly that, and thankfully, we could come up with a nice distribution.

After a heated discussion drawing quick plans, we decided that everyone should, at most, be back at the tenth day, and that we would march on the night of the 12th day to attack Dorek in the morning of the 13th day.

A nice surprise that came from the meeting is that the Barbarians team would have the easiest time convincing the tribe they are being sent to, as that tribe has a blood debt with Gardan. Aren puffed up his ċhėst proudly as he heard that, and even Casca treated him and the others more politely. It seems Gardan was quite respected when he was alive, and that same admiration continued down in history.

That was a relief, though it would still be tough getting to that tribe, but the Scardi made sure to reinforce them a bit more. The one team I am truly worried about, though, would be Zenith's.

Because of the distribution of firepower and defense, Zenith is the only one powerful enough to be sent alone. Of course, he would be aided by a very well-rounded group of Scardinians, but like the rest, that didn't it was actually safe. Zenith, noticing our concern, simply smiles and say, "It is the duty of the strong to pave the way alone"

I smirk at that and pat his back hard while the other chuckle.

"Cheeky little runt, I'll be sure to tell Peko of those words of yours" Isa says with a wide grin, and Zenith's expression changes immediately, pleading with his eyes for help. I laugh at that and we continue with the rest of the planification.

Soon enough we had finished with everything and everyone didn't waste time to get with their teams and start departing. Before dispersing, Kagito says, "Remember, by the tenth day you have to be here, and always prioritize your safety! Now, let us go!"

Kagito and I are the first to depart, as we didn't need much coordination with a team. The reason of that is that we are charged to get the artifact the Elemental Ruins, our mobility being the fastest as I can increase our speed with my Elemental Enhancing and maintain it for long periods of time with my Fast Recovery, while Kagito can keep his buffs on his own stamina.

"Kagito, as we are pressed with time, I'll be going all out on each battle" I tell Kagito while focusing forward, Scardi's Fors becoming a distant view.

"Don't worry, I'll try to keep up as much as I can" Kagito answers back, seriousness in his voice. Normally we held up a bit to let the others get more experience while also sharpening their skills, but we couldn't afford that luxury now that we are on a close time limit.

I breathe deeply as I concentrate as much as I can to smoothly go forward with the least encounters with enemies as we can. But sadly, that becomes impossible the further we stray from Scardi's Fors as we encounter a squad of lizard monsters.

It seems to be a small group of 10, with a couple long range attackers and one squad leader.

I attack them as soon as I spot them with relentless attacks.

'Three Elemental Enhancing: Wind-Fire-Lightning'

With tremendous physical might, I appear in front of them instantly, waving my two swords with enough power to shatter their formation effortlessly.

I kill one and give serious injuries to the other with my initial attack. My second attacks kill one of the long rangers and blocks the leaders attack. I focus my entire being and crush the defense of the leader with powerful and quick attacks.

Kagito appears behind me and kills the injured one and start going for another as fast as he could.

I can feel that the other are getting their attacks ready, so I change the variation of my Three-Elemental enhancing with light instead of lightning.

The next moment I wave my swords again, the leader is chopped in half along with one of his subordinates besides him. I attack the rest of the group and easily dispose of them while changing my elemental enhancing to Two-Elemental enhancing. Kagito manages to kill two more before I kill the others.

We take a breather while looting fast, and then we continue on our way as soon as we finish. I drive Fast Recovery to keep myself in top shape and run forward quickly and cautiously. Because of the constant control and use of my skills, my mental fatigue increases, but even then, our pace is still way faster than if we took our time.

'But this isn't really bad… it is a nice way to practice for when I finally use Four-Elemental enhancing' I think to myself, as that level would require immense levels of concentration and control.

'The aura of Kagito is slowly transforming too, I would say it is wilder' I sneak a glance at Kagito running behind me. Because of our schedule, we didn't rest much in between fights, we didn't even set camp as a day has already passed since we set off, thus the aura of Kagito has been changing to that of a wild raging animal, yet his movement were still very fine and controlled.

'Maybe this is going to be a great way to improve our overall strength, too' I smile while ŀɨċkɨnġ my lips as I find another group of lizards, jumping at them like a predator, Kagito following suit a second after me.

"Let's crush them!"


'Fast…' that thought runs on my mind as I run behind Ardha as fast as I can.

'Strong…' I thinks again as I watch that dual wielding demon decapitating his enemies.

'I need to go faster…' I push myself to kill another monster. I push myself to run faster without losing my pace. I push myself to sharpen my skills.

Fuuu, fuuu ~

I breathe deeply as we loot the bodies, no time to talk or cross words as we focus on keeping our energy as much as we can and improve our condition. I wonder how many groups of monsters we have killed thus far?

'I… can't fall behind!' I look forward as I feel small spatial distortions around me. Without noticing, we start dashing again and I try to keep up behind Ardha as much as I can. He was decreasing his speed to not push me too much, but we had to get there faster.

I focus even more, as I feel those spatial distortion closer to me than ever. I've been practicing my spatial manipulation ever since our fight against the Prinny Brigade. My fight against Tyrfing was enlightening but even then.

'It's too hard!' I grit my teeth whenever I feel like I get a grasp on it to fail again. I wonder how can Ardha manipulate the elements so easily to do his bidding even inside his body.

I try again, feeling those spatial distortion, watching my environment and increasing my speed.


I step just a bit more forward than normal.


Then even a bit more forward. Feeling how the space is getting smaller than normal.



… Today I am a little bit faster than before.


"Finished scouting, nothing is nearby" Says Vladi as soon as she appears. Isa nods at her along with the Scardi Squad leader, a Spearman called Luke.

"We can rest here for a couple of hours. How much further do we have to go to get to Scardi's Hars?" Isa asks Luke.

"If we keep at this pace, then no more than a day and a half" Answers Luke with a respectful tone.

After a few days travelling with these two women, he had to bow his head at the power they possess. Probably the Scardinians that are in the Council can hold their own one on one against them, but that would be a mere speculation from what he has seen thus far.

Even if they were alone, they could easily take care of small groups of lizard beasts… not that they haven't done that, though. Most had fallen under Vladi's sharpshooting, and Isa had easily protected everyone from attacks staying at the frontline.

That was another reason that Luke holds respect for Isa. Her sole dedication to protect and defend others despite harming herself on the way was very honorable to them, even more than sheer strength and battle prowess. That didn't mean they didn't respect Vladi, her scouting skill and sharpshooting were incredible enough to send shudders down their spine.

Isa nods at Luke and says, "Go rest, Luke. We need all of you at the best of your condition if any mishap happens."

"I will" Luke bows slightly and then turns around to start ordering the others to rest and eat.

"They sure are diligent" Says Vladi while coming close to Isa, her vibrant eyes and expression exuding energy is enough to tell that she isn't the least bit tired.

Isa nods her head nonchalantly, "They should, their tribe is at risk of annihilation after all," then she turns to Vladi and asks, "you took longer than normal, did you find something?"

Vladi grins and makes a V sign with her fingers, "I found a settlement of Lizards a bit far away from there. They are a bit hidden, but I could still track them, they are on the direction of Scardi's Hars, so they might be planning to attack."

Surprise shows on Isa's face and then she starts thinking while twirling her hair. She grins suddenly and asks, "For you to be so happy must mean there aren't many in the settlement for now, right?"

Vladi makes a pistol with her hand and fakes shooting while saying, "Bingo!"

"There seems to be reinforcement coming on the way, so if we plan it well, we might be able to disrupt enemy attack while taking some down before they are properly prepared" she adds.

"Heh, here I was thinking it would be a bit hard to convince that tribe to join us, but Dorek's army gave it to us in a silver platter" Isa's eyes squint mischievously as she smirks.

"Let's tell Luke, we will need someone to get to Scardi's Hars as soon as possible" says Isa with a confident smile.

Vladi chuckles and says, "Time for some action!"

Later that day, a Scardi scout dashed with all his might to complete the mission entrusted to him. His eyes full of life and trust. He knew what the destiny of that settlement would be and the decision of Scardi's Hars after that.

Obliteration and an alliance.

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