Parallel - A Virtual Reality.

Chapter 57 - 16. Elemental Ruins. (Part 2)

"Hey, Juran, do you know what's the most important thing for a warrior on the frontlines?"

As they fought against a big group of lizard beast, Juran suddenly remember what Arksen told him when they first started on the journey towards Scardi's Furs.

He shook his head as useless thoughts were dangerous in the middle of battle. He sees a few in need of heal and then goes close to them and treat them as fast as he can, while keeping an eye on the whole battlefield.

He then sees Arksen battling, a serious expression overlaps his usually friendly smile, extreme focus on each part of his body as he continues tackling one enemy after another. His spear moving as quick as lightning and as ferocious as thunder.

His words echoing again in his head as Juran grits his teeth and star buffing everyone around and ȧssist in battle whenever he can.

"It's health! Mental and Physical!"

'Mass healing!' warm light surrounds him as he starts healing those close to him and sends healing spells to those far away. His skills had increased by leaps and bounds since he started going out with these people, he has considered friends for over a year now.

"Thus, I want you to understand the next thing: I won't go all out on the battles against the lizardmen"

Breathing deeply, Juran can feel the sweat running down his cheeks as fatigue start surrounding his body. He didn't agree with Arksen's decision, as that would mean endangering the life of the other Scardinians, but he couldn't help but accept that it had become the best course of action.

Everyone on the team had become stronger from the constant fighting. Juran wasn't the exception of that. The battles had become a way to bond with them, and while they respected Arksen for his incredible strength, the one they had come be in awe and admire was none other than Juran.

Bitterness shows on his face as they finish killing all of their enemies, not because of the close victory, but because of the warm cheers and gratefulness of the Scardinians towards him.

He sneaked a glance at Arksen grinning widely as he helps the other Scardinians in looting and preparing things to rest after sending a scout out.

"So, the most important factor to gain their trust isn't our strength or our battle power, it is your abilities!"

Juran sighs, but soon composes himself while healing thoroughly the injured ones and resting himself. Controlling his breath, he sees the scout coming back with relief on his face as he tells the Scardi leader that no groups are nearby.

Arksen walks to Juran and says with a wide smile "Nicely done, Juran! But remember to not push yourself too hard," finishing with a wink.

Juran smiles bitterly and says, "Thanks to whom do I have to push myself?"

Arksen chuckles and sees the Scardi leader closing on them.

"Sirs, we are planning to rest before proceeding, I hope you are in favor of that" He says with a small bow, his eyes full of respect towards them, especially for Juran.

Juran nods and says, "Keeping ourselves in top condition would be for the best, remember, our lives is the priority!"

"Understood!" Says the leader and sets off after bowing one last time.

"Hehe, well, I am going to help these guys in cooking and training, buckle up, Juran, tomorrow we have to get to Scardi's Furs!"

Juran nods with a serious expression and thinks while looking at Arksen's back.

'He…is really a monster. Because of Ardha and Zenith he doesn't seem to shine that bright, but be it his battlefield control, perception, or strength, they are all over the norm'

Despite saying that he wouldn't go all out, he was taking close care to each member of the Scardi team, manipulating the battlefield and controlling his power enough to not let any critical injuries or sudden deaths in the team. The loss of his usual smile in battles was because of that as he had to focus extremely to not let anything slip by.

He also helped with the training, as his grasps over techniques is absurdly great. Juran could easily notice that, despite starting using a weapon, like a spear, later than the rest, his proficiency on it was almost as high as them.

A true genius of fighting through and through.

'Maybe… that's why I am feeling so bitter' thinks Juran as he gives a wry smile.

Then, he chuckles as he remembers something else.

"And I am a bit of an idiot, so diplomacy isn't my thing at all, so I'll be shoving all that troublesome responsibility to you, hehe"

Juran's eyes shows a warm light and then firmness shows on his face.

'No time to mop around, I have to become stronger!'

He stands up and join up the others in training, a great sense of camaraderie is felt as everyone cheers for his inclusion.


'Hmmmm, what should I do' with an expressionless face, Zenith starts musing the very same question he has been plagued all these days.

It was truly bitter for him to admit, but if he looked back on all his actions, then he realized that he actually had no charisma as a leader. Troubled by that, he started thinking on how to convince the Tribe he had been sent to give reinforcement for the battle against Dorek.

He didn't have the charisma of Kagito, the earnestness of Juran, the cunningness of Arksen, the cold headedness of Isa, the fieriness of Vladi, nor the connection of the Barbarians.

If he thought of that, then Ardha is quite similar to him, but he got away with that mission. Zenith can't help but sigh as he thinks of that, as he also knows that his friend is very resourceful, his split making decision are accurate and his eyes of discernment with his reaction are above the norm.

By now, even if he didn't show it, Zenith was already anxious, and it only was getting worse for every step forward he made. But he didn't dare to slow down, he knows that everyone is giving their best and that this mission of his should be finished as soon as possible to get back and organize the troops for the oncoming decisive battle.

So, he didn't dare to slow down even one step, as that might result in the death of one of his friends. One step faster might be the difference between survival and death for the whole tribes in this place, so he even tried to increase his speed.

Taking most of the pressure in battle and crushing enemy forces as fast and swiftly as he could to let the other rests a bit more to continue without pause. Of course, he didn't neglect to keep everyone with their max stamina, but that didn't mean they were taking it easy.

Zenith didn't know, but the Scardinians following him trembled in awe whenever they saw him fight so fiercely. Motivation ran inside them as they strived to run just a bit faster to not drag him down. They didn't dare complain, not when they didn't even see a shred of tiredness from their nonchalant leader.

"We have to rest, so let's camp here."

Whenever they heard those words of Zenith, they felt unwilling as they wanted to keep going, but even his words are powerful and didn't let room for arguments.

And now they were finally so close to get to their destination, taking far less time than they thought they would take to get there.

Zenith was musing again in his head as to what to do, but those thoughts were soon interrupted. Fleeting sounds of battle could be heard further ahead. Those sounds were becoming stronger each step forward they made, so they rapidly ȧssumed it came from the tribe.

"Get ready to engage!" Zenith shouts loudly as they finally enter the perimeter of Scardi's Ganz.

The first thing they saw was a gigantic stone colored lizard in front of them, shouting while striking the wall along with its minions. The wall was getting crushed fast by the intensity of attacks of that lizard, and Zenith could also feel waves of Earth elemental magic.

"Uwahahahahahaha! Puny insects, this is what happens when you defy us!" The Stone Lizard continued striking the wall madly as the tribe tried to retaliate as much as they could, to little success. Warriors came out to fight against that colossus, but they were also getting injured by the mad wave of attacks.

"Zar, you are going too far!" A thunderous voice came out of one of the Scardi Warriors attacking the Stone Lizard, Zar. His imposing manner not losing to any of the Scardinians of the Council at Scardi's Fors. But even then, he was still on the weaker side when facing Zar.

"Hehehehe" Zar laughs maliciously as it continues wreaking havoc, but then, he notices a fluctuation of power coming to his right and sees a young man rushing towards it with tremendous fighting intent.

Zenith was already ready to charge, and as soon as he saw Zar, he stomped and instantaneously closed his distance against it. Power brimming from each of his muscles as he elevated his sword.

A fleeting thought appeared in his head as soon as he saw the battlefield, making him so decidedly rush forward, 'Maybe if there is something that I have that the others don't… is Power'. He didn't think that arrogantly, he knew that if he slacked, any of those monsters he has as friends would surpass his in no time, especially Ardha.

A bitter smile flashes in his expression as he thought that he has become a muscle-head but continued with his attack.

Focusing all his might in this attack, the words of his teacher flows through his mind.

- "Remember Zenith, the technique is called Heaven Splitter informally because most are not able to use the second phase of its power. Only when you can use it, you can call its full name with no shame."

Zenith sword elevated high into the skies, its mighty power pressuring on Zar made him flinch and position himself in defense.

- "The first phase is Split the Heavens…"

The feeling of the Heavens being split apart threatened Zar as he clenches his teeth.

- "…and the second phase is…"

As if in trance, Zenith mutters.

"The second phase is…"

A howl of pain reverberated on the surroundings as Sword touched flesh.

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