Paranoid Love Affair

Episode 38

A shot of the remaining beer was the last memory left in Ji-eun’s head when she woke up in the morning.

However, the real hardship that Yoon-woo suffered last night started from there.

Whether that beer caused the last remaining string of her reason to leave her, or that she lost her mind after she had spoken all the words in her heart, Ji-eun after that had become a monster with only a desire to drink more.

“Okay, and then, Yoon-woo said you couldn’t drink beer because it was cold, right? So, you refuse it. But, your noona hasn’t drunk enough… … . I need to buy some soju! soju!”

Seeing that Ji-eun, who had stopped crying, returned with a bright expression, she began to spit out such words to Yoon-woo, who was about to think that it was over.

Inwardly, Yoon-woo had already expected that Ji-eun would listen when she stopped crying. But, that was so easy.

When has the world ever turned to his expectations?

Yoon-woo was always trying to live by accepting that everything was going to turn out worse than he expected, but this kind of situation…… .

This situation was absurd rather than being bad.

How can he predict a situation in which a drunken Ji-eun was crying, holding a bottle in front of his house, and then exclaiming to buy more alcohol?

Yoon-woo was thinking about something earlier.

Compared to some people who use violence and abusive language when drunk, Ji-eun, in her alcoholic state, is very polite and docile… … .

It wasn’t a completely wrong idea. And, he, who had little experience in drinking, thought Ji-eun’s behaviour was funny.

“Noona, you really can’t drink any more… … . You’ve drunk a lot of beer.. … .”

“So, what’s wrong with drinking more?”

Ji-eun shouted and jumped up from the stairs causing the coat, which Yoon-woo had placed on Ji-eun’s lap, to fall to the ground.

Empty beer cans were lying on the floor, and convenience store bags full of beer were also on the doorstep.

Seeing that, Yoon-woo was thinking that he had to get rid of those beer cans later, without fail.

“Oh, sorry… … . Oh my God… … . Yoon-woo’s clothes shouldn’t get dirty… … .”

Ji-eun immediately picked up Yoon-woo’s fallen coat and brushed off the dust exaggeratedly.

However, Ji-eun’s actions were incomprehensible to Yoon-woo.

“Huh… … . Yoon-woo’s clothes are so big~!”

Having said that, Ji-eun took off her jumper, wrapped it around her waist, and tied her sleeves to fix it.

Then she put on Yoon-woo’s coat.

He couldn’t understand why she had to take off her jumper and wear his coat.

Did she get tired of wearing only a hoodie and jumper every day and wanted to try on something different?

“Look! Yoon-woo! You have very long arms! Aren’t my arms very short? heh heh… … .”

Ji-eun looked at Yoon-woo and smiled and waved her cuffs, the length of sleeves engulfing her hands.

Ji-eun, who was smiling for a while, waved her sleeve with an innocent face, knowing that it was so funny.

Then, at some point, she suddenly stopped laughing at herself… … .

“Ah! right!”


“Yoon-woo… … . Hey.”

” Ah…Can’t we just talk while walking to your house?”

“No, I have to say it here. Listen! How about we… … I mean… … .”

“Yeah, what is it?”

“I mean… … . I’ll buy you some soju soon, so wait here!”

Ji-eun shouted, then quickly turned around and started running into the alley where the convenience store was located.

Her attitude, as if she had something important to say, was a trick to get away from Yoon-woo, who stopped her from drinking.

What the hell is this in the morning… … .

Yoon-woo also ran, with all his might, to catch up with Ji-eun.

Yoon-woo, who has longer legs and more stamina than Ji-eun, was tricked by her and started one step late, but he managed to get in the way before she entered the convenience store.

Yoon-woo continued to block Ji-eun as she tried to run into the convenience store while avoiding him, but eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore and grabbed her shoulders.

“Noona, let’s just go back without doing this… … .

“No! Let me go! I’m going to the convenience store! I’ll buy you soju!”

“What more drinks are you buying here? … .”

Although she looks small and fragile, it took more force than he thought to subdue her who was desperately struggling while drinking, being careful not to get hurt and not to make any troublesome physical contact with her.

Ji-eun, who was grabbed by Yoon-woo’s hands, kept trying to hit Yoon-woo. Yoon-woo, who lost his strength while blocking, was hit with her head only once. But, it was more painful than he thought.

I knew she didn’t do it intentionally, but… … .

Because of the height difference between Ji-eun and Yoon-woo, when Ji-eun hits Yoon-woo, it exactly hits the place where his heart is located.

“Ugh… … . Noona… … please… … Let’s go home now… … . Okay?”

“Huh? Yoon-woo, Are you flirting with me right now? Do you want to go to your house with me?”

“No … . Let’s just go to your house.”

“My house? right… … . We have a lot of alcohol in our house! It’s much better than soju! You haven’t drunk any liquor, have you? Would you like to drink Bacardi-coke too? Very tasty!”

“Why should I drink that… . It’s late, noona. We should just go to sleep… … .”

“Right! Come to think of it, I don’t have coke at home… … . You need coke to make Bacardi-coke. Ah… … . Come to think of it, I didn’t come out to buy beer, did I? I went out to buy a coke, but forgot coke? And, why am I drinking beer?”

“Noona…Uh … Stop it now… … .”

“Yoon-woo, get out of your way! I have to go get a coke!”

I didn’t know dealing with drunkards could be this hard.

He didn’t know that Ji-eun, whom he thought was deep and mature, would turn into such an immature girl, a complete contrary to her appearance at university.

People who don’t have violent tendencies like his father, do they all change like this when they drink too much?

Then, did he do something like this to Ji-eun?

If he imagined it like that, he would shake it off from his mind for a while in a sense of shame, but now he couldn’t even think about that.

I felt like I was going to die right now.

Fortunately, Ji-eun’s struggle to run to the convenience store gradually subsided.

Did she just give up and go home now?

But he was too optimistic to even think so.

“Ah… … . A little… … . bikini… … pel… … .”

“Noona? Ji-eun noona!?”

Ji-eun’s voice got smaller and smaller.

The later part of her speech was muffled, so I couldn’t even understand her pronunciation clearly.

In fact, it was a natural result.

Ji-eun said that she drank a lot of alcohol today, and she walked to his house drinking beer and burst into tears, and while running to a convenience store, she was caught by him and struggled for a long time.

With her physical strength, there was no more energy left for her to move.

“Noona! Noona?”

“… … .”

“Noona…… Perhaps…you are asleep?”

“Yoon-woo… … . Cola… … .”

Even the last words of looking for coke were close to sleep talk.

Ji-eun fell asleep with her head resting on Yoon-woo’s chest with her eyes closed.

No matter how much Yoon-woo called Ji-eun and shook her shoulders, Ji-eun did not think of opening her eyes.

“Noona? Noona! What should I do if you sleep like this… … .”

“… … .”

“Ah… … . Noona… … please… … .”

When I checked the phone, it was already three in the morning.

How the hell am I supposed to deal with this situation? … . Several thoughts ran through Yoon-woo’s head.

First of all, there will be a way to somehow get Ji-eun into the taxi and take her to her house.

However, he did not know the password for Ji-eun’s door lock.

Standing still in front of Ji-eun’s house waiting for her to tell her password, who doesn’t know when to wake up, may take some time, and the police may come by the reports of local residents who would misunderstand the situation.

Then, another option would be to call Hye-rim right away.

But I’ll disturb Hye-rim if I wake her up and make Ji-eun sleep in her house… … .

This was also a bad idea.

When she saw Ji-eun and him lying together last time, she was very angry.

She would have a strange misunderstanding if he showed up while he was carrying Ji-eun, who is drunk and unconscious.

Of course, if I explain properly, Hyerim will eventually believe me, but I don’t know how long it will take.

So how about taking her to a motel?

The fee is expensive, but it was not an amount that could not be covered if I put my savings this month.

There was a motel right next to the coin laundry that Yoon-woo often went to. However… … .

There is a really big problem with that method.

If she’s awake, and what will she think if she finds out she’s unknowingly lying in a motel room?

Besides, the one on her top was his coat… … .

Will she misunderstand what he did? Will there be a big billboard announcing his crime?

Will he be sued?

So, in the end, the only way left is… … .

He had no choice but to put Ji-eun to sleep in his bedroom.

That method is likely to lead to a misunderstanding similar to that of a motel, but it will be much easier to clear up this one.

Because the bed in his bedroom is so narrow that they can’t even lie down together, let alone do anything.

In fact, it is a bed in which it is too hard for him to lie down, so he has to put his hands together and sleep in a stiff posture.

However, Ji-eun, who is small in stature, will be able to sleep more comfortably than him.

That way, he would have to sleep on his desk, but last time, he was drunk and slept in Ji-eun’s house, so he thought it was natural to endure that much.

And now, he was exhausted from this entire ordeal with Ji-eun, and he was so tired that he would faint if his head touched the surface right away, whether on his desk or anywhere.

I thought that Ji-eun would be light because of her small body, but lifting a person on his back was not an easy task.

Wouldn’t she be around 40 kilograms, no matter how light the build?

Come to think of it, it was never easy for him to do the back squat with a 40kg barbell on his shoulders.

Besides, the one on his back was a person, and unlike a barbell, he had no place to hold her.

A person who is asleep like this does not give any consideration to the person holding him.

It would be nice if she had a handle on the back somehow… … .

Thinking like that, Yoon-woo lifted Ji-eun on his back.

Yoon-woo went through a lot of trouble until he moved Ji-eun, who was still immobile, onto his back.

Trying to support Ji-eun’s weight without touching Ji-eun’s buttocks as much as possible consumed a lot of his strength.

The fortunate thing was that as soon as Yoon-woo put Ji-eun on his back, Ji-eun hugged Yoon-woo’s neck tightly.

Come to think of it, Ji-eun slept holding Yoon-woo’s arm tight the last time too.

Do people have a sleeping habit like that?

Thanks to this, Yoon-woo was able to lessen the worry of Ji-eun being injured by falling from his back.

However, Ji-eun, who fell asleep while drunk, took a deep breath and exhaled, touching the back of his neck, and he had no choice but to endure the tickling sensation.

Still, it wasn’t too difficult to walk from the convenience store to the front door.

The real problem was the stairs.

This is because the building in Yun-woo’s room is very old and there is no elevator, and his room is on the third floor.

Because the left and right width of the stairs was narrow, he had to focus all of his attention to prevent Ji-eun’s feet from getting swept against the wall.

So he climbed up to the third floor and was exhausted.

‘Uh… … . I have to tell Hye-rim that I can’t go to the gym tomorrow. Oh, it’s not tomorrow, it’s today’

Consumed by that thought, Yoon-woo entered the door lock password.

Now, Yoon-woo can finally rest as he puts Ji-eun down on the bed carefully, so as to not disturb her slumber.

The wind blowing into his room was chilly, but the bed was warm because he forgot to turn off his electric blanket when he got out of the room after answering Ji-eun’s phone call.

Isn’t that the perfect environment for sleeping?

Will Ji-eun rise again?

Yoon-woo was lying on his desk with his back throbbing.

In the morning, the muscle pain that I got from exercising at the gym with Hye-rim was still there.

I looked at the clock and it was almost 4 in the morning… … .

If I slept for 3 more hours, woke up at 7 o’clock, contacted Hye-rim that I would take a break from the gym, went back to sleep and slept until 9:30, I could sleep for about 5 hours.

It wasn’t even a minute when Yoon-woo thought so.

“Ah-oh… … . Why is it so hot? Agy? What? Where am I?”

‘Ah…she’s awake… … . Why… … .’

I went up the stairs to the third floor and I barely got to sleep. Why the hell did she wake up now?

If I was going to get up anyway, she should’ve woken up 10 minutes earlier… … .

Or if you just woke up a few hours late… … .

However, Yoon-woo raised his head and suppressed the words of resentment that were in his heart.

This is because Yoon-woo probably caused a similar inconvenience to Ji-eun.

It was also his mistake.

Ji-eun had forgotten that she had a jumper wrapped around her waist and his coat over it.

If you lie on the bed with the electric blanket turned on in that state, of course it will be hot.

“Here… … It’s my room, noona.”

“Uh, huh? why? Why am I in your room?”

Fearing that Ji-eun might misunderstand, Yoon-woo quickly brought out the words of explanation he had prepared.

“Since noona fell asleep on the street… … . I couldn’t leave you like that. I couldn’t wake Hye-rim, and I couldn’t take you to a motel… … . If I had known that you would get up so soon, I would have gone to noona house… … .”

“Ah… …It’s okay. But where are you sleeping?”

“I will sleep here.”

“Hey, how do you sleep there like that?”

“I’m fine. I can sleep.”

‘It’s okay, so please just sleep. Please just let me sleep.’ Yoon-woo was thinking that to himself.

“Don’t do that… … . Just come to bed here.”

“No. I can’t. I’m really fine, so don’t worry about it and go to sleep.”

“I can’t! After all, you slept in the same position in my bed last time, didn’t you? You did it once, so what are you embarrassed about?”

“There are things that are embarrassing, and this is physically impossible. That bed is too small for me to sleep together.”

“How do you know if it is possible or impossible? Have you tried before? You haven’t even done it!”

‘Ah, this person is drunk,’ Yoon-woo thought to himself. Anyway, no matter how strong Ji-eun was to alcohol, she couldn’t wake up from being asleep for just a few minutes.

“That… … . It will probably be hard. Noona, let’s just sleep like this. It’s late now… … . I want to go to sleep.”

“Maybe it will be difficult… … . But,aren’t you really just doing this because you don’t want to come next to me? Is it because you don’t like the smell of alcohol?”

“Uh? No? No… … .”

‘I really, really want to go to sleep soon… …so . please just sleep… … .’

If possible, Yoon-woo wanted to take out this desperate heart and show it to Ji-eun.

“Come quickly… … . Sleeping alone is so lonely… … .”

“Is that lonely? … … . Noona sleeps alone in that spacious house every day… …”

“Yeah, I’m lonely. So, I make sure to sleep with a pillow or a doll… … . I even hid the doll so you can’t see it.”

“What are you telling me that you hid it now… … .”

“Anyway! Hurry up and lie down here!”

Ji-eun, who was lying on his bed, shouted. She kicked the blanket off and it was now lying on the floor.

“Noona, it’s dawn… … . No soundproofing here… … . So, be quiet… … .”

“Ah! come fast!”

“… … .”

It’s an old house with little soundproofing, so if you shout your voice louder here, protests will definitely come from the next room. I couldn’t help it.

Showing that it was really impossible for two people to lie on this bed seemed like the only way to calm the drunkard.

So Yoon-woo first followed Ji-eun’s words, lay down on the bed, and then told Ji-eun.

“Look, can I? I can’t even straighten my arms, how can I… … .”

“No way!”

Ji-eun said so and just laid down on Yoon-woo’s body. As if Yoon-woo was also part of the bed… … .

“Noona!? what are you doing now….”

“Ah… … Do you think I will fall? I will just go to the left.”

Ji-eun said so and moved her body to the wall.

“No… … . what the hell is this… … .”

“Look! isn’t it okay? Why do you say you can’t do it without trying it? Why? With that mindset, how will you lead the future of this country?”

“What are you talking about… … .Why wouuld you sleep like this… … .”

When Yoon-woo, who was drunk after eating lamb skewers and slept in Ji-eun’s bed, 50% of Ji-eun’s body was in close contact with Yoon-woo, but now, about 90 percent of Ji-eun’s body is in close contact with him.

The only thing that didn’t come in contact with Yoon-woo’s body was her feet.

This was a disgraceful behaviour.

Ji-eun’s head was put on Yoon-woo’s chest, and her buttocks were placed on the thighs just below his pelvis.

However, the soles of the feet were in the same position.

‘Maybe she was doing this on purpose or maybe not.’ Yoon-woo thought. It’s because Ji-eun kept shaking her feet, the loose socks on Ji-eun’s feet kept gliding across Yoon-woo’s soles, making it tickle.

“Now, can’t you sleep? You can sleep with your eyes closed.”

“Noona, it’s not really good like this.”

“Are you sure it’s not because I’m heavy?”

“No, it’s not… … .”

“Then don’t ask. If you ask more, I will pinch you.”

“No, wait… … . Aww.”

The place where Ji-eun pinched on was quite painful; It was his waist.

Yoon-woo was embarrassed and frustrated.

I checked the time and it was 4:30 in the morning.

No matter how much I thought about it, my nerves were not so dull that I could sleep with Ji-eun’s drunken body overlapping on me like a Tetris block.

Besides, the heat from the electric blanket and Ji-eun’s body temperature added to it, it felt like I was going to die from the heat.

Yoon-woo moved his arm slowly to find the switch and turned off the electric blanket.

And after confirming that Ji-eun’s breathing had become quiet, he gently pulled his body out and tried to move to the desk. However… … .


Ji-eun, who she thought was sleeping, pinched his side again.

Stronger than before… … .

“Why are you running away? Don’t you like lying with me like that? Am I that uncomfortable?”

“No… … . It’s not like it.”

‘But it’s uncomfortable. To the extent that I can’t sleep.’ It was Yoon-woo who swallowed those words inside. There’s nothing to say to Ji-eun.

“Then… … Don’t run away while I’m sleeping… … . Understand?”

“… … Okay.”

But Ji-eun also buried her face in his chest, lying face down, and hugged his neck with her arms, as if she couldn’t believe her words alone.

And… … she fell asleep in that state.

Ji-eun’s exhalation touching his collarbone, the smell of Ji-eun’s alcohol in the room, Ji-eun’s feet constantly tickling his feet… … .

There was no way Yoon-woo, who had not drank alcohol, could fall asleep in this state.

I wanted to take the medicine box out of the drawer and take some bedtime pills, but if I took the medicine at this time, I thought I would miss all the classes tomorrow.

If that happens, I will have to explain to Hye-rim what happened today.

If I explain this, I may leave a big scar on Ji-eun’s image.

There was no way out.

Yoon-woo just closed his eyes in that position and waited for Ji-eun to fall asleep very deeply, so he changed his sleeping position even a little.

“Eww… … uh… … .”

How long have I waited?

Ji-eun groaned and released her arms from Yoon-woo’s neck, turning her body and changing her posture.

Finally, the opportunity has come.

Still, she might have woken up a bit now because of the moaning sound.

Yoon-woo quietly counted inwardly, waiting for Ji-eun’s breathing to deepen.

Even so, I counted 100 more seconds to myself and carefully came out of Ji-eun’s body.

Fortunately, Ji-eun was still asleep.

He sighed in relief. Thinking that it would be cold because he turned off his electric blanket, Yoon-woo picked up the blanket that Ji-eun had kicked and covered it on her body.

Ji-eun still didn’t open her eyes.

It’s done. Now he was finally able to sleep peacefully!

I don’t know how many hours are left until 7 o’clock, but I thought I would sleep a little and wake up to be able to attend class tomorrow.

I was really tired. I was so tired that even the hard wooden desk felt soft.

Yoon-woo closed his eyes praying that there was as much time left as possible until 7 o’clock… … .

At the moment,

drrrrrrr- drrrrrrr-

The phone vibrated loudly along with the alarm melody.

Yoon-woo, who hastily turned off his alarm for fear of waking up Ji-eun, checks the time, and the current time is… … morning

It was 7 o’clock.

‘Ah… Damn it … . Ah… … .’


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