Part-time BOSS

Chapter 294 The Glory of Holy Light

"Your Highness Varian, this is your resting place." The palace attendant extended his hand and introduced. Varian nodded, indicating no problem, and the waiter turned and left.

Varian looked at the residence arranged for him by King Tenaris. Lordaeron is a place of peace all year round. This is easy to see from the layout of the city's buildings. Only the outermost walls of the entire city are relatively strong. The defense is tight, but there is a sense of life inside the city.

Especially the royal palaces, which are all gorgeous palace complexes, occupy a huge area, and have a majestic beauty that Stormwind Fortress does not have. The exquisite decoration and architecture of the palaces even dwarf the rock buildings of Stormwind Fortress.

This is a luxury only available in peaceful areas free from monster threats.

Varian sighed, sighing at the ill-fated fate of his kingdom. Suddenly, a trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes. He walked back and forth in the room calmly, and suddenly he pointed a sword towards the corner behind him. Swing out.

clang! There was the sound of metal collision in the air, a scimitar blocked Salamani's attack, and a black figure appeared in the air.

The man's face was covered by a hood, but it was easy to tell from his appearance that he was a woman. She was wearing tight-fitting black leather armor, and her graceful body looked tight and powerful.

Black Knife Dixi (Shadow Walker): "Don't be nervous, Your Highness Varian, I don't mean any harm." The woman said, pushing Varian's weapon away, bowing her head, "I'm waiting for you here because I want to To convey a message - my master wants to see you."

Varian did not lower his guard, "Who is the master of your family?"

"Haha, you'll know when you come here. Don't worry, we have no ill intentions towards you. In fact, my master wants to talk to you about cooperation - about helping Stormwind City recover."

As she spoke, the woman's figure swayed and disappeared into the air again.

"Please come with me. It's best not to draw attention to yourself."

The voice walked toward the door. Varian hesitated for a moment, but followed it.

He didn't think this was a trick by Tenaris. Although the other party had plans, because of this, he would not be allowed to have any accidents in the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Therefore, Varian couldn't help but be a little curious about who this 'master' was and what he wanted to discuss.

The two of them walked along the path between the palaces. The woman showed her figure from time to time to guide Varian. It was obvious that the woman in front of him was very familiar with the terrain here. The path was smooth and smooth. The routes patrolled by the guards were blocked. Perfect avoidance.

Varian observed the surrounding environment as he walked. This area still belonged to the Palace of Lordaeron, which gave him some confidence.


The woman said, but in front of her eyes was a teleportation orb.

He knew how to use this thing, which was usually used for short-distance teleportation.

He could feel that the other party was indeed not hostile. After hesitating, he still pressed his hand on it.

With a flash of white light, he found himself in an empty prayer room. A man in golden armor was praying to the shrine of the God of Light.

"Ah, Your Highness Varian, welcome. I'm sorry to have to meet you under such circumstances."

The man turned around as he spoke, and the man in front of him was covered in a layer of golden holy light. His long golden hair was extremely dazzling, his fair skin, and his angular features were both heroic and gorgeous.

Varian looked at the man in front of him, and a name instantly came to his mind.

"Are you——'Glory of Holy Light' Godwin?"

The man showed a reserved smile, "I didn't expect His Highness Varian to have heard of me. What an honor."

He said, bowing his head.

Varian was a little surprised, and this person's information kept flashing through his mind.

The crown prince of Lordaeron, the eldest prince Godwin, known as the "Glory of the Holy Light", is said to have received the blessing of the Holy Light when he was born, and was born with the ability to cast the Holy Light. Many people suspect that he is the descendant of a certain light god. Those favored by God may even have the blood of the God of Light flowing in their bodies.

Tenaris selected him as the crown prince and trained him vigorously. He even found Archbishop Alonsos Faol to teach him the way of the Holy Light, and Knight Commander Uther to teach him the skills of fighting.

Godwin integrated combat skills with the power of the Holy Light, and led the Knights of Lordaeron in conquests since he was a child. He was always victorious and made many military exploits and legends...

Varian couldn't remember when he heard the information, but he was sure he knew the man.

He couldn't help but feel relaxed. Only those with righteous beliefs can use the Holy Light. Being able to receive the blessing of the Holy Light undoubtedly shows that the other party's character is trustworthy.

"Why did you come to me?" he asked with a frown.

‘Glory of the Holy Light’ Godwin (Crown Prince of Lordaeron): “Let me guess, my father is looking for you to marry you?”

"Humph, so what?"

"I guess you must not have agreed."

"I can only decide on such an important matter after discussing it with my uncle."

"Haha, His Highness Varian, there is no need for you to hide anything from me. From your reply, I can see that you have clearly understood the current situation. This makes my next conversation with you much easier, father. He wants to establish the Empire of Lordaeron and seize the population and land of the Kingdom of Stormwind, so marrying you has become part of the plan. Once you agree to the marriage, with his usual approach, you will soon end up with someone because of something. Unfortunate event 'accidental sacrifice'."

Varian was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would reveal it directly. Isn't this kind of thing supposed to be hidden? And you started talking about your father.

'Glory of Light' Godwin (Crown Prince of Lordaeron): "Don't be surprised, His Highness Varian, my father and I are different. He only cares about power and interests first, and only wants to gain power through conspiracy. But this is definitely not what I want. For me, honor and justice are above all else. I can never watch him tarnish the honor of the royal family of Lordaeron, let alone watch him bring the alliance into despair. Stormwind City's The fall was a tragedy, a tragedy that could have been avoided, and I regret to tell you that it was my father's delay that prevented the alliance's army from making its way."

Varian felt a trace of anger in his heart, "Why are you telling me this?"

"I want to cooperate with you, His Highness Varian. If you continue to let your father play power, I really don't know what terrible consequences will happen. It may even cause the alliance to lose the war, so we must stop this."

Varian looked at him silently, "How do you stop it? Don't forget, he is not only your father, but also your king."

"It's not that I want to stop him, it's that you want to stop him."

"Me?" Varian was a little stunned.

Godwin nodded, "Yes, I can see the anger hidden in your heart. Don't you want to avenge His Majesty Ryan? Although it was an orc who killed His Majesty Ryan, my father was the one who caused all this to happen." The king is inseparable, so if you kill him, it can be regarded as a just act of revenge."

Varian couldn't believe it. Was this man crazy? He actually instigated him to kill his father?

"Are you crazy? Do you want to kill your father?"

"Haha, it seems that you don't know much about the royal family, Varian. Maybe you and your father have a very close relationship, but in most royal families, there is no warmth between family members, and some are just conspiracies. and tricks, for the sake of power people will become cold-blooded and cruel, even to their loved ones.

Of course, this is definitely not the reason why I did this. I did it entirely for the victory of the alliance and the honor of the family..."

Varian interrupted Godwin, "I won't do it."

Godwin smiled, "Don't refuse in a hurry. In fact, I don't need you to agree immediately, or even you don't need to agree at all. I just give you a proposal. If you can solve Tenaris, once I become King, I will blame all this on the orc assassins who murdered my father. In this way, the refugee policy for the Kingdom of Stormwind will not be affected in any way.

Even because of the shared sacrifices of His Majesty Llane and my father, the people of the Kingdom of Lordaeron and the Kingdom of Stormwind will unite and fight side by side to defeat the Horde.

In this way, I can help you restore your country. Don't question my character. I can swear in the name of the Holy Light. "

Varian was still a little unbelievable. This kind of good thing was too unreal. "Are you really going to do this?"

"Yes, although murdering one's own father is not a noble act, for the future of the alliance and the safety of the people, I will never let him make the same mistake again and again. You don't need to agree, I will create conditions for you. If you have figured it out and decide to take action then, just go ahead and do it, I will take care of everything, and our agreement will automatically take effect by then.

Of course, if you cannot make this determination and do not have the courage, then just pretend that our dialogue today does not exist.

I will continue to be my Crown Prince of Lordaeron, the 'Glory of the Holy Light'. As for you... Haha, I don't know how my father will arrange you. I can only wish you good luck. "

Godwin's words were so impeccable that Varian couldn't even say a word of rejection.

He sighed and turned to leave.

Looking at Varian's leaving figure, Godwin showed a confident smile.

"Will he do it?" Black Blade Dixi asked.

"Yes, he will definitely do it."

Black Blade Dixi was a little puzzled, "Are you so sure? I think he is very hesitant."

Godwin did not answer, but magically took out a red strawberry from his pocket, "Do you want to eat this strawberry?"

The red strawberries are delicate and look very tempting.

Black Blade Dixi shrugged, "It's okay."

"So what now?" Godwin said, suddenly leaning down and wrapping his arms around Heidao Dixi's waist. The strawberry in his hand slowly rubbed against her lips, his movements frivolous and provocative.

Heidao Dixi was so teased that a blush appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but bite it.

"Look, as long as food is brought to your mouth, when everything is at your fingertips, no one can refuse the temptation. All I have to do is create suitable conditions for him.

Although the princes in Alterac were a little rough in their methods and their acting skills were even worse, their plan was indeed simple and effective, which inspired me a lot. Why must it develop according to the original plot? As long as Tenari If Si dies, the Kingdom of Lordaeron will be mine! "

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