Part-time BOSS

Chapter 295 Artifact of Death

Varian, who returned to his residence, felt a little irritable. On the one hand, he was a little moved. Tenaris was undoubtedly his enemy. He originally wanted to be patient and find a way to restore the country first, but now such a perfect opportunity appeared. In front of him, his originally firm heart could not help but waver.

But he didn't trust that Godwin, so what if he was favored by the Holy Light? Every force in the alliance kept shouting about justice and glory, but once interests were involved, their true colors were revealed.

If he really assassinates Tenaris, what if Godwin finally turns his back, in which case the Kingdom of Stormwind will really be doomed.

He hesitated again and again and decided to go out for a walk first.

Called a chamberlain, "Take me to the refugee camp in Stormwind Kingdom."

The refugee shelter is located between the towns to the north of Lordaeron.

Large tracts of tents stretched for more than ten miles. The Kingdom of Stormwind lost a large number of people during the war, and countless civilians were massacred. However, a large number of civilians still hid in Stormwind City, and were subsequently evacuated to various parts of the alliance along with the fleet. Within the kingdom, there are the Kingdom of Arathi, the Kingdom of Alterac, the Kingdom of Dalaran... Of course, the Kingdom of Lordaeron receives the most refugees, with hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Walking in the refugee camp, Varian felt heavy. The fleet could not evacuate too many things. Most of the civilians came here alone, with only their belongings.

Fortunately, King Tenaris did seem to care about these refugees and sent many tribunals with large amounts of food and supplies to appease the civilians.

Seeing Varian walking in, people all cast surprised glances.

"It's His Highness Varian!"

"It's Prince Varian, the 'Storm War God'!" - Yes, Varian also has his own exclusive title, 'Storm War God'.

"Oh my God it really is Prince Varian."

"By Gods, Prince, you have finally come to see us!"

People gathered around.

Varian no longer concealed his identity when he saw him.

He waved to people, and they waved back.

Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, "Your Majesty has died. Your Highness, please lead us to fight back!"

"Yes, Your Highness, let me join your army!"

"We want to avenge the king! Your Highness, we are willing to follow you!"

King Ryan's people's support is still very high, especially the ending where he personally cut off the rear and defended the city, and finally died fighting, which cast a layer of tragic hero's color on his voice.

As for Varian, the people of Stormwind Kingdom are also new servers.

Varian couldn't help but feel excited as he listened to the cries around him. He climbed onto a high platform and shouted loudly.

Varian (Prince of Stormwind): “People of the Kingdom of Stormwind, I, Varian, swear that I will lead you back to Stormwind City, expel those evil and filthy orcs from our land, and let the Kingdom of Stormwind rise again!

Although our father has passed away, his spirit will always be with us! When the war starts again, I will definitely set foot on the battlefield again. When that day comes, I welcome each of you to fight alongside me. "

The cheers were loud, and the officials changed their faces when they saw it, and were ready to go back and make a report.

When the cheers finally subsided, Varian waved goodbye to his people.

On the way back to Lordaeron, Varian felt a little heavy. He knew that doing so would arouse the suspicion of Tenaris, but at this moment, he had to do it.

Soon he returned to the city of Lordaeron, but he was not in a hurry to return to the palace, but walked towards the Adventurer's Guild.

Now he only has less than a thousand soldiers in hand. Whether it is to restore the country or form an army, it is necessary to recruit some adventurers.

However, when he arrived at the door of the Adventurer's Guild, he saw a familiar figure, a bald, middle-aged mage. That man was Kel'Thuzad.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Master Kel'Thuzad? Why are you here?"

Kel'Thuzad (Arch Mage): "Ah, it's His Highness Varian. It's really a masterpiece of fate that I met you here. I'm sorry about what happened with King Lion. He is a real king...

Varian nodded, already a little numb to everyone's comfort.

"Why are you here? Are you here for a meeting as an envoy of Dalaran?"

Kel'Thuzad looked a little embarrassed, "In fact, I am no longer a member of the Dalaran Council. To be precise, I have been expelled from Dalaran."

Varian was a little surprised, "What? What happened?"

Kel'Thuzad couldn't help showing an angry look, "Just because of a suggestion, I propose to train a large number of psychics and use psychic techniques to summon the undead army to fight against the orcs. You must know that the war between the Alliance and the Horde will inevitably bring a lot of casualties. , and these corpses are potential armies. If used properly, they can even summon a huge army of hundreds of thousands, which will definitely be of great help to the war.

The number of Alliance troops is already smaller than that of the Horde, and the kingdoms are not united. If they cannot increase their strength as much as possible, how can they possibly win? However, those short-sighted guys in the Dalaran Council have no idea what we are facing. of enemies.

They keep talking about 'the dignity of the dead' and 'the honor of the mage'. Huh, what a bunch of idiots. Only the victors have dignity and honor. "

Varian felt quite complicated after hearing this. If it were in the past, he would not be able to accept this kind of thing. Desecrating the remains of the deceased is definitely a disgrace to honor. Even if he died, he would not be able to do such a thing. Come.

However, having personally experienced the tragic Battle of Stormwind City, he knew very well that Kel'Thuzad was right. Only the victors were qualified to talk about dignity and honor.

Once defeated, all bets are off.

But he didn't say anything, just nodded in agreement.

"So where is Master Kel'Thuzad going?"

"I'm leaving Lordaeron. The Council doesn't allow me to use necromancy, so it's pointless for me to stay. I'm going to the northern continent of Northrend to find the legendary artifact of death." Kel'Thuzad His eyes flashed with excitement and longing.

"Death Artifact? What on earth is that? You once said that thing could change the outcome of the war. Is it really so powerful?"

Kel'Thuzad nodded seriously: "Yes, if it is real, it must have such a powerful force. The Explorers Association has sent a lot of news from the north. Something is happening on the ancient continent of Northrend. A sudden change occurred, the dead Vrykul crawled out of their graves, the undead were raging on the frozen soil, and a powerful force was awakening.

I'm not sure exactly what it is yet, but it's undoubtedly related to the Death Artifact.

Legend has it that in the ancient times when there were no written records, when humans had not yet appeared, the ancestors of humans, the Vrykul, lived on the northern continent of Northrend. They worshiped the power of dragons, became allies with them, and Established a powerful ancient Vrykul empire.

However, a terrible disaster destroyed the empire overnight, leaving only some remote tribes to survive. After years of investigation, I finally found part of the truth about that disaster.

It is said that the ancient Vrykul were very powerful. The empire they established ruled most of Northrend. The Vrykul emperor was so arrogant that he wanted to go to war with the gods and seize their power.

The tyrant gathered a group of psychics and performed an ancient ritual to summon a god from another world, the god of death from the underworld.

He wants to defeat death by defeating it, and then seize the power of death.

He led the most powerful Vrykul warriors to attack the summoned God of Death. The Vrykuls were indeed the most powerful warriors. They fought bravely, and it is said that they once really had the upper hand. However, the power of the gods was How can it be so easy to fight against.

When Death was killed, the power of destruction was unleashed within him, nearly razing the capital of the Vrykul Empire to the ground. "

"Kill - the God of Death! Are you saying that the God of Death was really killed?" Varian was a little unbelievable. Killing the God was really a fantasy to him.

It's possible if it's a demigod, but can a true god also be killed?

Kel'Thuzad shook his head, "This is not certain. There are always various versions of ancient legends, and they have been embellished as they spread. Maybe the Vrykul summoned was not the God of Death at all, but a powerful creatures from the Shadow Realm, or they didn't kill the god, they just made arrogant claims.

Of course, there is also a possibility that they really killed the God of Death, but since they are the God of Death, they must have the power to control death, so maybe death is nothing to the God of Death.

In short, this ceremony ended with the destruction of the Vrykul Empire.

However, the God of Death was indeed expelled from the world, leaving behind three artifacts of death.

The Crown of Dominance - It is said that the knowledge of the God of Death's use of the power of death and the secrets of countless necromantic magics are sealed in it.

Frostmourne - a magic sword that can seal and control the souls of those killed. As long as you have this sword, you can summon an army of the dead.

The third item is a mystery. No one knows what it is, but it is said that it is the biggest secret of the God of Death. Once you master it, you can master death.

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