Part-time BOSS

Chapter 296 Showy Operation

"Control death?" Varian couldn't help but be touched after hearing this.

He thought of his dead father. If he could really control death, wouldn't it mean that he could -

However, he did not believe it easily, but instead questioned: "How to control it?"

Kel'Thuzad shook his head: "I don't know either. Legends are just legends after all. No one can tell what the truth is. But according to my speculation, maybe the third artifact can pass through the world of the living and the dead." Yes, it is also possible to make the holder immortal...

The truth may only be known when it is found.

And this is exactly the purpose of my trip, those legendary powerful forces, those mythical ancient artifacts, only such things are worth risking my life. "

Varian's expression changed for a while, as if he was thinking about the gains and losses. After a long time, he suddenly asked: "Master Kel'Thuzad, are you planning to go to Northrend alone?"

"Of course not. Northrend is full of dangers, and there are terrible monsters everywhere. It is said that there are unspeakable evil beings buried under the icy wasteland. Even as an archmage, I am not sure that I can travel alone and come back alive. .

I have released a high-level adventure mission through the Adventurer's Guild, and I will recruit a team of powerful adventurers to go together. "

Adventurer...Varian thought to himself, this is a good choice.

"If Northrend is really as dangerous as you say, and the Artifact of Death is really that powerful, and has not been discovered for so many years, then your journey must be full of dangers. Adventurers alone are not enough, you need It takes an army to get what you want, why not let me go with you to find the artifact of death.

I can raise an army from the refugees of Stormwind Kingdom, and I still have five warships in hand, enough to transport thousands of people on long-distance expeditions. With my help, your chances of finding the Artifact of Death will undoubtedly be greater. "

Kel'Thuzad was a little surprised, "Don't you plan to participate in the next war? As a prince, shouldn't you work hard to restore the country?"

Varian shook his head, "My uncle, Duke Lothar, can handle the war. He is a good commander and can lead the army of the Kingdom of Stormwind. Moreover, what I am really worried about is whether this intrigue alliance can win the war." For the final victory, I must seek other help. If the Death Artifact is really as powerful as you said, maybe it will be the key to turning the tide of the war.

I have no interest in the knowledge of necromancy, so the Crown of Dominance will be yours, but if Frostmourne can be found, the sword will be mine. How about it, Master Kel'Thuzad, we have an agreement. What? "

Kel'Thuzad smiled and nodded, "That sounds good, then let's settle it, Your Highness."

The two shook hands.

Kel'Thuzad added: "In the next period of time, I will choose the adventurers who will accompany me. I will lead the team to set off in seven days. In order to ensure that I can catch up with this year's monsoon, I can wait for you for up to three days. After ten days, no matter what you do, I will sail the boat whether I can catch up or not.”

Varian nodded: "Don't worry, Master Kel'Thuzad. I will definitely catch up. See you then. I will also take advantage of this time to form an army."

The two said goodbye.

The next day Varian sent several of his officers to the refugee camp to recruit troops.

The recruitment process went very smoothly. The people of Stormwind Kingdom were very convinced of Varian and signed up one after another. However, Varian was not prepared to recruit troops on a large scale. Five warships can carry up to 3,000 soldiers. There is no point in exceeding this number. .

In addition, he is also planning to recruit a group of adventurers to accompany him, so two thousand soldiers are enough, and the remaining one thousand will be supplemented by adventurers.

Moreover, there is a difference between exploration and war. The more people, the better.

His actions also fell into the ears of Tenaris, and Tenaris did not stop him. This made Varian relieved. He would rely on others now, and of course he did not want to be with Tynaris if he could help it. Nares turned his back.

However, the army has not yet been recruited, and envoys from various countries have already arrived.

As a representative of the Kingdom of Stormwind and an Alliance general who had just finished fighting the war with the Horde, Varian also had to participate in communicating with the special envoys from various countries.

The first one to arrive was the envoy from Quel'Thalas. Since Quel'Thalas borders Lordaeron, the relationship between Quel'Thalas and Lordaeron is quite familiar. The two countries often cooperate in the war against forest trolls. Combat.

The special envoy of the elves is the Grand Magister Rossman. The two most important military forces among the elves are the Magister Legion and the Ranger Legion. Since the country is founded on magic, the status of the Magister is higher than that of the Rangers.

It is not difficult to see from the selection of the special envoy that Quel'Thalas attaches more importance to this alliance than the last time.

Then came the envoy from Gilneas, a remote country Varian was not very familiar with.

Then came the envoys from Dalaran. This time, the Dalaran envoy was personally led by Speaker Antonidas. It seemed that Dalaran had finally made up its mind to intervene in this war.

Watching the envoys arriving in Lordaeron one after another, Varian couldn't help but complain. This alliance conference held in Lordaeron was obviously more appealing than the last one in the Kingdom of Stormwind. Tenaris really needs to win over people. It was much stronger than the Kingdom of Storm, which was alone in the southern part of the continent.

Varian didn't pay too much attention to these things. He had already decided on his next plan, so he was just doing his part.

However, on the fifth day, he was still attracted by the arrival of the envoy.

An envoy from the Kingdom of Alterac has arrived.

As usual, Tenaris received the four princes from the envoy in the palace hall. Like Varian, these few also received the treatment of a close meeting with Tenaris.

Tenaris (King of Lordaeron): "Several brave princes, I have learned the whole story of the Battle of Ice Wolf Plains from Arthas's mouth. I personally admire King Aiden's bravery, and for his I also deeply sympathize with the sacrifice.”

But I couldn't help but secretly sigh in my heart, I didn't expect that the old loser Aiden would become so brave after not seeing each other for a few years.

Murphy and others naturally expressed their gratitude.

After exchanging a few words, Tenaris changed the subject.

"So who will succeed the king of Alterac now?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Your Majesty, Alterac has not elected a king for the time being. Considering that the war with the orcs is imminent, and the rebel nobles in the kingdom must be wiped out, our brothers have unanimously decided to temporarily lead the country with a parliamentary system. Co-governed by the Council of Princes.”

Tenaris couldn't help but shake his head secretly, how can the parliament manage the country well? You are not an academic country like Dalaran.

But this made his heart move. Although the Kingdom of Alterac is not strong, it is in a position of physical victory. The entire Alterac Mountains are condescending and can be said to be a strategic location. If the Kingdom of Alterac can be annexed, Then Lordaeron opened a route to expand eastward.

The aristocratic power within the Kingdom of Alterac is weak and is easily divided and absorbed.

And now that there is no king in Alterac, it is a good time to make a move.

Thinking in his mind, Tenaris's attitude became a little gentler.

Tenaris (King of Lordaeron): "The parliamentary system is a solution, but it is obviously not a long-term solution. A country cannot be without a king for a day. Sooner or later, a king should be elected to lead the country. Speaking of which, Ai King Den and I have known each other since we were young. We have a very good relationship. We are almost like brothers. His son is my son, and his kingdom - ahem, I also have the responsibility to take care of it.

If you need any help, please feel free to ask. "

Mo Feixin said, "Who are you taking advantage of?" He was very wary of this old guy. Historically, after Aiden's death, Tenaris successfully annexed most of the territory of the Kingdom of Alterac and bought out Barrow. Husband and other nobles.

He was about to decline politely.

Unexpectedly, Lu Bu, the God of War, suddenly stepped forward, with an excited expression on his face, and raised his hand to Tenaris.

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Are your Majesty's words serious?"

Tenaris nodded, "Of course I take it seriously."

Lu Bu, the God of War, said again: "I do have something I want to tell His Majesty, but I don't know whether to talk about it or not."

Tenaris was also surprised, "Just ask."

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Bu has been wandering for half his life, and he only regrets that he has never met his master. If the Lord does not abandon him, he would like to be his adoptive father - er, godfather. I wonder if Your Majesty is willing to take him in."

Damn it, are you kidding me?

Mo Fei called Wo Cao in his heart and said to God of War, Lu Bu, what kind of tricks are you trying to do? By accepting Tenaris as your godfather, aren't you inviting the wolf into the house?

No, why is this line so familiar? Damn it, this God of War Lu Bu is not addicted to playing filial piety, and wants to kill Tenaris in the same way, right?

But there is no benefit in doing this. Even if your godson divides the family property, it won't be your turn.

Dalabengba and Sigret were also stunned.

Tenaris was stunned at first, and then he was delighted. If he could have an Alterac prince as his godson, he would undoubtedly have a point of intervention in Alterac.

Tenaris (King of Lordaeron): "Hahahaha, of course I won't dislike it. Aiden is my brother, and his son is my son. I am honored to be your godfather."

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Father, please accept my child's respect!"

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