Part-time BOSS

Chapter 323 Heroes and Dragons

Thunder Breath!

Thunder Breath!

Thunder Breath!

Three consecutive thunderous breaths hit Eranikus, causing a total of nearly 10,000 damage. Even Nekros on the dragon's back was splashed with more than 1,000 damage.

Even though Mo Fei was only an adult dragon, with the blood blessing of the Son of Storm, the power of his breath was completely unmatched by ordinary dragons. Even Eranikus, an ancient green dragon, was roared in pain again and again.

However, Eranikus was surrounded by a group of demons but could not get away at all. He could only withstand Murphy's crazy output and tore two Doom Guards alive. The third Doom Guard looked bad and wanted to run away, but was Eranikus bit him on the thigh, and the Doom Guard could only turn around and slash wildly with the Doom Blade, trying to get free.

At the same time, Nekros also used an evil fire storm to drive back the bat-winged demons.

"It's my turn, Dragon Prince Aidan -" Nekros raised his staff, and with his hand was a set of three evil energy combos.


Evil fire sacrifice!

Disablement technique!

Three evil magics were instantly applied to Mo Fei. These three magics are all DOT skills, which can cause continuous damage and add various negative states. However, for the Storm Dragon King of the BOSS template, it is not a big deal. The blood loss is not recovered quickly.

However, Nekros naturally understands this. His real purpose is the negative status of these three spells.

The Corrosion spell can reduce the target's spell resistance, the Fel Fire Sacrifice can increase the evil energy damage the target receives, and the Cripple spell can make the target slow down and unable to dodge the next attack, and what follows is his real killing move.

Heroic magic - chaotic arrow rain!

With one move of the staff, dozens of green evil arrows condensed around Nekros. Chaos Arrow is a powerful output skill of the Warlock profession. It is extremely powerful. It is definitely the same as a big move for ordinary adventurers, and It is also known as the stupid arrow. Because it does huge damage and is easy to use, even a mentally retarded person can use this move to kill people.

After being strengthened by the Soul of Heroes, Nekros strengthened the Chaos Arrows into Chaos Arrow Rain, directly increasing the number of Chaos Arrows dozens of times at the expense of 50% of the power of a single Chaos Arrow. .

This move is most suitable for dealing with large targets, because the Chaos Arrow has ballistics and can be avoided if it is fast. The larger the size, the harder it is to avoid. To be sure, the cripple technique is used to slow down the target. Once this happens If a set hits all of them, the damage will be quite explosive, and you will either die or be disabled.

However, Murphy was not surprised but happy, right now - Murphy suddenly raised a dragon claw.

Arcanagoth's Arcane Vortex!

A huge magic vortex emerged in the dragon's claws. Nekros couldn't tell what kind of magic it was. He instinctively accelerated the speed of casting spells, trying to take action before the Storm Dragon King in front of him took action.

Fortunately, the casting time of this move seemed to be quite long, and Nekros completed the reading first.

Nekros (Dragonmaw Warlock): "Death, Storm Dragon King!"

Dozens of chaotic arrows rained down on the Storm Dragon King in mid-air.

Well come! Murphy laughed secretly in his heart, he was still afraid that the other party wouldn't take action.

Arcanagos' arcane vortex can absorb all magic and convert it into magic, but it only lasts a few seconds, so timing is very important. If not enough magic is absorbed, it will be just a It's just a more powerful magic ball.

Moreover, the cooldown time of this skill is too long, and there is basically only one chance to use it in a battle.

At this time, it was just right. The several DOT magics attached to his body were all sucked into the arcane vortex. The arcane vortex expanded in a circle instantly, and then the dozens of chaos arrows rained down, and they were all sucked into the arcane vortex again. Got in.

Chaos Arrow Rain is indeed a heroic magic. The magic it transforms is amazing. In the blink of an eye, the arcane vortex reaches a diameter of three to four meters. The huge magic ball is like a planet shining with blue light, in the dragon's claws. Turning slowly.

Nekros's eyes widened, what - he was actually blocked! He already had a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

Let's go! Murphy flicked his dragon claw, and the huge arcane ball like a star flew towards Nekros.

Nekros yelled in fright,

Block it for me!

The crystal magic weapon in his hand suddenly activated, and Eranikus was controlled by the magic and had to turn around to block the master behind him.


This magic ball hit Eranikus firmly in the chest.


19745! Nearly 20,000 damage was done, and Eranikus' blood was splashed everywhere.

However, for the ancient green dragon with a life value of 250,000, not only was there no fear, but it fell directly into rage.

It bit down and exploded the head of the last doomsday guard. Letting the devil's green evil blood stay from the corner of its mouth, it swallowed the corpse in one mouthful and looked at Murphy with hatred.


At this time, there was no obstruction in the sky. Facing the murderous ancient green dragon, Mo Fei turned around and ran away.

Are you kidding me, fighting this thing hand to hand, I haven't lived enough yet.

"Catch him and kill him!" Nekros roared angrily, and without him having to tell Eranikus, Eranikus had already started to chase him.

Murphy flapped his wings vigorously, but luckily he clicked on the speed button to fly quickly and couldn't catch up with him for a while.

Alleria and Morgan Lisa on the ground started shooting in the air again, but Eranikus flew equally fast, and it was not easy to hit.

On the other hand, Uther's Holy Light Technique can still work because it can be locked and released.

Holy Light!

Another ray of holy light shone on Mo Fei, and Mo Fei's injuries suddenly improved a lot.

He looked at the four heroes below and said, "That's right!" Don’t you have a few teammates? You can carry heroes, can’t I?

It's unthinkable to challenge the Taikoo Dragon alone. This guy has too much health and toughness. It can't be killed even with the output just now. Moreover, the Taikoo Dragon's reminder is too big, and it is easy to be killed in close combat.

But if there is a group fight, there may still be a chance. The following are all epic heroes.

He dived directly towards the ground. When he was close to the ground, he suddenly spread his wings and flew close to the ground at a distance of only ten meters above the ground.

"Come up!" he shouted to everyone.

Uther and Morgan Lisa understood and moved directly to his flight path. Murphy stretched out his claws, grabbed the two of them and threw them directly on his back.

"Muradin—come up!"

He also wanted to catch the dwarf, but Muradin jumped directly and the dwarf threw!

It landed on Murphy's back.

Alleria did not come up. At this moment, the gnolls had rushed down from the mountain, and she was directing the soldiers to fight.

Three is enough, Mo Feixin said, am I still afraid of you now?

He flapped his wings vigorously to gain altitude.

"Hurry up!" Murphy roared, and flew directly on a roller, going around and around, and briefly got rid of Eranikus' pursuit. When Eranikus locked onto him again, Mo Fei Fei Ye rushed towards Eranikus.

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "Get ready, I'm going!"

Uther (high-level paladin): "Come up, Prince Aidan, the Holy Light is with you."

Muradin (King of the Hill): "Come on Aidan, let us destroy this big guy."

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "Fly more steadily and let me use my ultimate move."

The two dragon kings, one large and one small, rushed towards each other head-on, with no intention of dodging.

Middle door hedging depends on courage and strength.

Facing the menacing ancient green dragon, Mo Fei was still a little weak. The size difference was too big. Under normal circumstances, if he hit it head-on, he would be seeking death.

But now he can only trust the companions behind him.

Evil energy breath!

Eranikus breathed green fel fire.

This time, Murphy did not use Thunder Breath. Lightning and flame are two incompatible energies. If he fights Todoroki, he will most likely need to exchange blood. Exchanging blood with Taikoo Dragon will be very disadvantageous. The most important thing is that there is someone behind him.

The pure flame of Arandnir!

The blazing white pure flame and the evil flame collided together, and the two energies quickly offset each other.

At the same time, the heroes on both sides started to protect their skills.

With one move of the Staff of Nekros——

Evil fire...

Holy rebuke!

Uther's silence skill directly interrupted Nekros's spellcasting.

Muradin struggled to throw the war hammer in his hand.

Hero Skill—Storm Hammer!

The war hammer in his hand was spinning and flying out with the power of the storm, bang! Hit Eranikus right in the head.



The damage was not too high, but it successfully stunned Eranikus.

This state lasted for less than three seconds. After all, it was an ancient dragon, and its toughness was ridiculously high. If it weren't for hero skills, it would have been impossible to control it.

But three seconds were enough. Just when Eranikus raised his head in dizziness, the wound on his chest that was struck by force lightning and arcane spheres was clearly exposed.

Morgan Lisa decisively seized the opportunity.

Heroic magic - the most effective spell - meteor burst!

It's a meteor burst again, but this time Morgan Lisa didn't use the extended range of spells. Instead, she triggered the heroic feat of violent caster, which added the spell's maximum effect to the meteor burst. The damage of the already powerful meteor burst was once again increased. , the bright starlight blasted directly into Eranikus' chest that lacked protection.

boom! -14581 (penetrating damage)!

This blow actually penetrated Eranikus' chest directly, even the ribs were exposed, and the dragon's blood was swaying in the air.

Eranikus screamed and flapped his wings vigorously to maintain balance.

But at this time, the Storm Dragon King had already flown in front of him.

Looking at Eranikus trying to maintain his balance in the air, Murphy secretly shouted for a good opportunity!

Rex's Dragon Claw!

The dragon's claws instantly grew in size.

Dragon Thunder Shaping - Thunder Claws!

The crimson dragon thunder attached a layer of red thunder claws like blades to its claws, and it suddenly stabbed into Eranikus' heart.

Eranikus felt the threat of death, flapped his wings vigorously, and retreated suddenly.

Poof! The thunder claws swept across Eranikus' chest. Although he avoided the dragon claws, the lightning damage from the thunder claws was still fully absorbed.

This is not over yet. Murphy clenched the dragon claw tightly, and Eranikus, who was hit by an uppercut, fell backwards and fell straight to the ground.

Nekros was knocked upside down on his back and fell towards the ground, shocked and angry, "Damn it - you useless trash - kill them!"

However, dragons are flying creatures after all, and they are high enough above the ground. They were about to fall to the ground, but they suddenly turned over and rose into the air again at the critical moment.

Mo Fei is feeling it, so what if there are Taikoo Long? As long as he has enough brothers, he will still fight you.

It quickly approaches from the air and continues to output from a commanding angle.

Thunder Breath!

Thunder Breath!

Thunder Breath!

Thunder and lightning spurted out one after another, using his height advantage to output a lot of damage. The three people on his back also threw hammers, threw magic, and used holy light.

Evil fanaticism! Nekros finally released a skill, but it was a buff magic that greatly enhanced a unit's casting speed and attack speed, making it ignore all negative effects on it, but it would continue to cause damage to the unit.

The power of this spell was still very strong. Eranikus's eyes instantly changed from the previous state of confusion to a lifeless and terrifying look. He did not care about the constant attacks on his body and took a deep breath.

Mo Fei opened his mouth and sprayed out towards the sky, and the surging evil flames seemed to ignite the sky.

But the fire was in vain.

The moment Eranikus opened his mouth, Murphy suddenly changed back to his human form, and the four of them fell freely. After being burned by the evil flames for a second or two, and losing hundreds of drops of blood, they landed directly on Eranikus. Nikus's back.

Nekros was holding up his staff, and in the blink of an eye he found himself surrounded by four humans, and he was immediately stunned.

"Death to the orcs!" Muradin hit him on the head without saying a word, and Nekros dared not stop.

Demonic array! Phew, the figure disappeared in an instant.

"What? Damn it, you coward!" the dwarf roared angrily.

Murphy did not pause. He was stunned for a moment and then directly aimed his attack at Eranikus below.

He pulled out the dragon-slaying giant sword and aimed it at Eranikus' neck.

But Eranikus was not stupid. He suddenly spun around and the four people on his back were thrown towards the ground.

Dragon form! Murphy transformed into a dragon again in mid-air and caught the three of them.

Eranikus flew forward for several hundred meters, then suddenly turned around and suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Is this another big move? Mo Fei was hesitating whether to rush over or shoot him from a distance.

Suddenly I felt that the surrounding light dimmed.

The nightmare is coming!

Various strange illusions suddenly appeared in the air around him. Facing the critical moment, Eranikus finally used the dragon power of the green dragon family.

The Green Dragon is the guardian dragon of dreams and has the power to control the Emerald Dream.

However, Eranikus, who was completely corrupted by the evil energy, and his skill system also turned black. At this time, he suddenly activated it in a rage, directly summoning the Emerald Nightmare to the material world.

Countless weird and deformed creatures loomed in the air, ugly strange birds with several pairs of fleshy wings, spherical creatures with countless eyeballs and roots, huge tentacles hundreds of meters long growing out of the ground...

Muradin was startled by this strange sight.

"Odin's beard, what kind of monsters are these?"

But Mo Fei knew very well what it was. For tens of thousands of years, not only Deathwing had been corrupted and eroded by the ancient gods, but the Green Dragon clan was also being tested. The difference was that the method of corrosion was more subtle. The Emerald Dream was corroded first, and then Through the Emerald Nightmare, the green dragon clan that is linked to it is gradually corrupted.

At this time, Eranikus actually summoned the Emerald Nightmare directly. As expected, it becomes stronger when it turns black.

It seems that it will be a bit troublesome to succeed today.

These nightmare creatures are not entities yet, but as the nightmare and the material world merge, they will come. Not only are these nightmare creatures astonishing in number, but they are also very difficult to deal with just by looking at their appearance.

This is not good.

The soldiers below screamed in terror, and even the jackals stopped fighting and retreated towards the mountain in fear.

But right now!

Uther (high-level paladin): "The great god of light, the holy lord of the dawn, the brilliance of the sun shines on me, I am the incarnation of the holy light, I am the messenger of the light, the holy light, purify the eyes. All these evil and twisted things!"

Hero Skill—Holy Light Domain!

Circles of golden light bloomed from Uther's body, spreading and spreading again, reflecting the entire world in a bright light. All the translucent nightmare creatures turned into nothingness and disappeared under the illumination of his holy light. .

Murphy looked shocked, what a Uther, what a light bringer.

Even Eranikus's eyes gradually showed clarity.

"Mortal, I..."

"Go to hell and die!"

Morgan Lisa roared and blasted a meteor blast directly into Eranikus' mouth. The ancient green dragon finally couldn't withstand the repeated blows and spiraled towards the ground and fell.

Mo Fei realized that this guy might still be able to be saved, but it was absolutely impossible to save him. If he really had to purify it, then his original power would be useless.

"Let's all come together and send this monster corrupted by the power of evil to hell."

As she spoke, she directly chopped down the dragon thunder one after another. Morgan Lisa cooperated very well and launched the Pyroblast Technique, Meteor Explosion.

Eranikus was completely blasted by the power of thunder and fire and could not get up.

He should be dead now, right?

Murphy landed, and several people stood in front of the miserable dragon. The green dragon in front of them was not dead yet, but was in a state of near-death. Eranikus's flesh and blood had been scorched black, but the vitality of the ancient dragon was worthy of its reputation. He was so tenacious that he even struggled to get up.

"Mortal, I..."

Edandron (Storm Dragon King): "You can go with peace of mind, my compatriots. The blood of the dragon will not be shed in vain. I will avenge you. The evil orcs will pay the price for what they have done. "

As he spoke, Murphy turned into a human form, and the dragon-slaying giant sword penetrated Eranikus's jaw, directly piercing his brain. Finally, the ancient green dragon closed his eyes.

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