Part-time BOSS

Chapter 324 New Hero Specialties

Muradin Bronzebeard (King of the Hill): "Well done guys! Aidan, I knew I could count on you."

Uther (high-level paladin): "Holy light, this evil dragon is finally dead. By the way, I always feel that it wanted to say something to us just now."

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "Ahahaha, you must have heard wrong, old man. Even if you want to say something, you must be using insidious words to confuse us. For this evil monster, don't listen to it at all. Just open your mouth and kill him directly."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "You're right. This ancient green dragon has been completely corrupted by evil energy. You also saw the weird image he summoned just now. If you hesitate for a moment, you may die. It's us, but fortunately, it can no longer do evil.

Hum, he actually corrupted an ancient green dragon and made it corrupt. Those evil orcs will definitely pay the price for what they did. "

Uther listened to what several people said and could only nod in agreement.

It's a pity that the orc warlock ran away.

At this time, the world announcement also rang.

[World Announcement: With the fall of Eranikus, the Evil Fire Dragon King, the battle for the Green Shade Mountains ended with the victory of the Alliance.

The tribe suffered a heavy blow in this encounter. The powerful war weapons controlled by the Dragonmaw clan were strangled by the heroes of the Alliance as soon as they appeared. Two of the five tribe heroes who participated in the battle also lost their green weapons. The important stronghold of the Yin Mountains, therefore, the strategic advantage was greatly reduced, and Nekros's personal ambition was also shattered.

Among the heroes of the Alliance, the one who performed most brilliantly in this battle was Prince Aidan. His ability to transform into a dragon made the warriors of the tribe feel a huge threat. In addition, the paladin Uther also showed great strength in this battle. He also showed amazing power. He used the powerful power of holy light to purify the horrific visions from the Emerald Nightmare. As a result, he won the respect of the Alliance warriors and earned the title of 'Light Bringer'.

Muradin Bronzebeard, Morgan Lisa, and Alleria also contributed their own strength in this battle.

The event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky. 】

This announcement was completely unknown to the NPCs, but it caused huge waves among the player groups on both sides, especially the players of the tribe. Eranikus, the Evil Fire Dragon King, was a super trump card that they had carefully crafted. When it first appeared, it made the tribe players excited for a long time, and they all felt that the tribe would finally be invincible.

I didn't expect that the land would be gone in a short time. This time it was really shocking.

For a moment, the crowd was furious, and they all denounced this useless snack, Nekros Skullcrusher. Such an awesome war weapon was wasted to death just by riding on it. What a joke, can you still play with it?

Even several heroic players who teamed up with Nekros were implicated, and were inundated with saliva from players as soon as they returned to the tribe camp.

But Murphy and the others didn't know this at all at this time.

At this time, he just felt happy. He was not only happy because he had won this mini-battle, but also because of the rewards that victory brought.

[System prompt: Based on your performance in this plot event, you have obtained 1,500 plot points, your hero level has been improved, it is now gold level one, and you have obtained 1 hero soul. You have obtained a new hero specialty, and you can check the relevant content on the hero specialty interface.

As your hero level has been improved, your BOSS form has evolved, you can check it after using the dragon incarnation skill】

The main reason for the lack of plot points is due to the group fights. The plot points are obviously diluted, but there is nothing we can do. For a BOSS of this level, there is really no chance of winning in a one-on-one battle. Just use less.

Then there was another system prompt.

[System prompt: Since you used the evil artifact in the battle, your blackening progress has been increased. It is now 50%. Your camp tendency has been converted from 'Alliance/Justice' to 'Alliance/Neutral'. Your allies I have some doubts about you]

Murphy listened to the system's voice with mixed feelings in his heart.

The bad news is that it has finally become a neutral unit. Now it may face some unknown risks in the future. Not only the orcs of the tribe need to be careful, but also the players of the alliance must be careful.

The good news is that I finally upgraded again, this time to Gold 1. Although I only upgraded one level, my strength has improved even more than the previous two levels. Not only did I get a Hero Soul, but also the BOSS The form has also been enhanced.

When I first played the Black Dragon, it was terrifying to the point of disaster, the transformation from an adult Black Dragon to a Black Dragon Lord.

Now he is the Dragon King, but he should also have similar enhancements, such as body size, vitality, attributes, and all-round improvements.

Of course, there is also the addition of hero expertise.

Murphy clicked on the hero specialties interface, and three hero specialties appeared in front of him.

[Feat 1: Dragon Prince (Honorary Feat/Epic): The power of the dragon you displayed in this battle left a terrible memory in the hearts of your enemies, so you received a title exclusive to you. ——'The Dragon Prince'.

Whether it is orcs, humans, or even jackals, there are legends about the 'Dragon Prince' Aidan.

Expertise effect: Add the prefix 'Dragon Prince' in front of your character's name and gain 2 legend points. The initial favorability of the dragon plot characters towards you will be slightly improved]

[Feat 2: Dragon of War (Special Feat): In a battle, you gained a huge tactical advantage by carrying teammates and finally defeated a powerful enemy that was difficult for you to fight against. Therefore, you realized that in order to win the war, there are Sometimes even acting as a mount is necessary.

Expertise effect: Allows you to obtain a special equipment slot - Dragon King Saddle (requires master-level engineering skills to make). Depending on the quality of the saddle, you can obtain 1-5 vehicle slots, which can carry humanoid creatures to fight alongside and be carried. Teammates will not suffer the balance penalty caused by unstable movement status while flying (shooting arrows will not reduce the hit rate, and casting spells will not be interrupted), and can gain additional combat experience (this feat is only available in dragon form) activation). 】

[Feat 3: Rich Prince (Behavioral Feat): In just a few days, you spent more than one million gold coins at auctions in Lordaeron and Alterac. Your shopping spree made you a The mysterious rich man in people's eyes, the perfect combination of money and power has caused subtle changes in people's impression of you.

Expertise effect: You immediately gain 10,000 alliance reputation points, and certain plot characters with specific personalities will have a special affection for you. Your favorability in organizations such as Booty Bay, Ravenholdt Manor, and Venture Capital Companies defaults to respect. , over time these organizations will send messengers/salesmen to visit you, and you can hire these organizations to provide you with special services by spending gold coins.

There is a certain probability that you will trigger a 10% product premium when you consume in the store. 】

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