Part-time BOSS

Chapter 440 World BOSS Super Evolution

However, what came out this time was a strange seed. The black seed was about the size of an egg. [Mysterious Seed (Quest Item)

Use: Plant a plant (requires Master Planting).

Item introduction: A seed of an unknown plant. No more information can be found yet. You may be able to consult the Druid in Moonlight Grove for relevant information. 】

Well, I know it’s not that easy. This kind of mission items are very common in the world of the sky. Since it is not a plot mission, the reward will most likely not be high. You can do it when you have time in the future. If you don’t have time, forget it.

But this kind of seed can be stored in the stomach for such a long time, so it must be a good thing.

After processing the contents, Murphy then studied the three hero specialties that were spawned this time.

Click on the expertise system, and three expertise will appear in front of you.

The previous battle with the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg and Ner'zhul'Thun can be said to be the most difficult battle Murphy has ever fought, and the 'win results' were also extremely astonishing. Therefore, he is also looking forward to the heroic expertise that can be obtained this time.

At this time, look closely.

[Feat 1: Zerg Bane (Combat Specialty/Terror Legend): You independently killed more than 50,000 Zerg units in a plot battle, and made the Zerg defenseless against you, thus triggering a race against the Zerg species. Your visceral fear and awe.

From this day on, all Zerg-like monsters will avoid your appearance.

Expertise effect: Your damage to zerg is increased by 30%. When you fight against zerg enemies, all zerg units that are against you will be affected by the stunned state, and all attributes will be reduced by 30%.

When approaching within 100 yards of you, the Zerg will make a will determination every three minutes. Failure to do so will trigger a fear effect. Its power is equivalent to the advanced 'fear spell', and it will completely lose the will to fight in 30 seconds.

A feared Zerg cannot be feared again for the next 10 minutes.

You will gain 5 legendary points. 】

[Feat 2: God Killer (Combat Feat/Myth and Legend): You defeated and killed the ancient god C'Thun in a battle, so you gradually realized that those so-called 'gods' were just more It's just a powerful creature, not invincible, let alone unkillable.

At the same time, as this incident spread widely, your name began to be associated with some ancient myths.

Expertise effect: When you fight against demigods, true gods, evil gods, and ancient gods, you are immune to their divine effects. The team members you lead are immune to the effects of 'divine power'. Your attacks can attack the divine. Armor deals full damage.

You will get 10 legendary points]

[Feat 3: Storm Calamity/Storm Companion (Honorary Feat/Myth and Legend): The storm you summoned in this battle left a terrifying memory in the hearts of your enemies and allies. This storm is permanent. It changed the environment of Silithus and parts of Feralas and triggered a series of natural disasters.

Because you have the title of 'Storm Calamity', people gradually realize that you are the embodiment of the storm, and when you appear, there will always be a storm accompanying you.

Feat: Associated Storm. You will get an accompanying storm named after you. This storm is an extension of your will and power. It will gradually become stronger as your level increases. As long as you yourself do not die, this storm will last forever. Continuously blowing, you can control or summon this storm to move the area it covers.

You will gain 8 legendary points.

Note 1: Within the scope of the storm, a large number of wind elemental creatures will be randomly born. These elemental creatures will regard you as their master, but you cannot command them directly.

Note 2: ‘Storm Aidan’ is a climatic phenomenon. It has no health and cannot be destroyed, but it can be temporarily dispelled by high-level miracles. You can summon it again after 24 hours.

Note 3: Within the scope of the storm, environmental damage such as ‘tornado’, ‘thunderfall’, ‘hail’ and ‘blizzard’ will be randomly generated. The experience value of units killed by environmental damage will be shared between you and ‘Storm Aidan’. 】

I go! I go! I'm going!

Murphy looked at the three heroic specialties this time and called me to go!

All three are legendary-level specialties or above, and there are even two "myths and legends". Although I don't know what the differences are in the classification of these specialties, no matter how you look at them, they are all very impressive.

The special effects are also more powerful than the last.

Mo Fei was drooling when he saw it.

However, after so many experiences in selecting expertise, Murphy has basically mastered a set of mature and reliable process skills.

First of all, the specialization-type specialty has a basic PASS, except for the original dragon slayer specialty, because one's identity as a dragon feaster is retained.

After that, I basically gave up.

This time is no exception. The specialty of Zerg Nemesis was eliminated first. In fact, this specialty is still very strong, because there are still a lot of Zerg in the sky world.

Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, Spider Empire, Mantid, various spider monsters.

But again, it doesn't match the main direction of Murphy's attack. The battle of Ahn'Qiraj is just to return a favor. There is no chance to deal with bugs every day.

The second specialty - God Killer is undoubtedly also a very strong specialty. This is God Killer, but again, there are too few occasions where it can be applied.

After all, gods are relatively rare.

I carefully took stock of the various miscellaneous gods in the firmament world.

The four ancient gods—the various wilderness demigods—the twelve main gods have basically never appeared, and then there are the various evil gods.

In addition, the Titans may be effective, and Archimonde and Kil'jaeden of the Burning Legion may also have divinity.

The problem is who knows when I will meet these big guys.

Besides, my ancient dragon's claws can cause damage to the sacred armor, and the ancient dragon's body and ancient dragon's scales can partially resist the power of the god's domain. This expertise is undoubtedly a duplicate of the effect.

Relatively speaking, the specialty of Storm Companion is the most versatile.

In particular, you can get an accompanying storm, which is a big killer. Although the environmental damage is generally not particularly exaggerated, it will never stop if you can't stand it.

Go back and find an area with a lot of monster spawns, stop the storm there, and earn experience while lying down.

System prompt: You have obtained a new hero specialty - [Storm Calamity/Storm Companion].

The next second, a sudden inspiration suddenly appeared in Mo Fei's mind, and a mysterious and wonderful feeling suddenly emerged in his heart, just like the legendary feeling between heaven and man. At that moment, his soul seemed to have left the body, and he instantly crossed the endless world. sea, across the mountains and canyons, and returned to the place of his birth - the Alterac Mountains.

He could feel that his power was condensing. No, it was not his power. It was more like some kind of natural change induced by heaven and man.

A new storm is gradually emerging on that continent.

After a while, Murphy came back to his senses from this wonderful feeling.

System prompt: ‘Storm Aidan’ has appeared, you can check its location through the system map.

Murphy opened the map and checked it. Sure enough, in the mountains of Alterac, the area currently covered is still very small, only a few square kilometers.

Interestingly, this storm appears to gain different storm characteristics depending on the environment covering the map.

It is currently marked.

[‘Storm Aidan’—a cold tropical storm.

Derived units: None.

Environmental characteristics: blizzard, Alterac winds. 】


You can study it carefully after you go back. As for now——

Murphy directly used his mind to move the storm to the vicinity of the novice village map. The environmental damage of small storms is very low. It is not easy to kill units and gain experience, so it is better to blow it on the novice map first.

After selecting the hero's specialties, the next step is to choose the hero's skills.

Murphy hasn't decided yet which skill he wants to strengthen, so he's not in a hurry to use it.

But the advancement of BOSS’s form cannot wait.

Murphy walked out of the room, came to the open space outside, and transformed into a storm dragon. The sound of the system immediately rang in his ears.

[System prompt: Your dragon form has been upgraded to a world-class BOSS. The increase in rank has allowed your power to evolve again. Please choose your evolution direction. 】

This choice is even more important. Murphy now mainly relies on transforming into a dragon to fight. It can be said that the choice of evolutionary direction is more important than his hero expertise.

Mo Fei looked intently.

[1. Storm Dragon King: the leader of the dragon domain. The growth in strength enhances your ambition, and the illustrious military exploits enhance your reputation. The power you control does not match your identity. As the Dragon King, you urgently need to strengthen your power and establish your own dragon clan. community.

The defeat of Ankarad makes you realize that only controlling a huge group of dragons is the foundation for survival.

So you decide to form your own dragon group. Your great reputation makes it easy. With the help of the Storm Dragon Legion, you will no longer be afraid of any enemy.

Advanced reward: Open the Storm Dragon Clan management system.

Dragon Nest Construction upper limit.

Dragon King Spouse × 1: You can get a spouse by contacting a dragon of the opposite sex. When you and your spouse are in the dragon nest, you can use the "egg laying" function of the dragon nest to get free dragon eggs. You can increase your spouse limit by improving your power rating.

Legion War Flag × 1: As the leader of the dragon group, you have the power to establish the dragon legion. The Legion War Flag can greatly enhance the morale of the legion to which you belong.

Draconic Transformation: As the leader of the dragon pack, you gain the ability to transform dragon eggs into draconians.

Promotion Emblem × 10: As the leader of the dragon group, you have the power to promote the dragons/dragons you choose. The number of your promotion emblems will be refreshed every week. You can increase the number of promotion emblems by increasing your power level. .

Obtain exclusive skills: transform into human form (????), command halo (legion skill), summon dragon people swarm (legion skill), etc.]

[2. Storm Dragon King: Lone Dragon Overlord. You have experienced countless battles, witnessed the rise and fall of kingdoms, and the prosperity and destruction of tribes. You gradually realize that those humble and puny servants are meaningless. No matter how many ants you have, they are just ants. Only you are strong. The only way out.

So you walked alone in this world, constantly increasing your own strength, and finally reborn. Your body became larger, your scales became tougher and more powerful, and your dragon abilities became astonishingly powerful. You are confident that in a pair of Defeat any enemy in one battle.

Advanced reward: Open the dragon bloodline evolution system.

giant. Your body size has become larger and has exceeded the category of giant. Your body size has increased by 30%, and all basic attributes have increased by 30%.

Horrible minions. All your dragon's basic physical combat skill levels are +1, and physical attacks have a crushing effect.

Heavy scale armor. Your dragon scales become stronger and tougher, making them more difficult to penetrate. Armor value increased by 30%, immune to armor-piercing effects.

Devoured by the dragon. Your Devour skill level +1, you can devour large units, and the swallowed units will restore an equal amount of health to you.

Obtain exclusive skills: transform into human form (????), advanced dragon power (bloodline skills), dragon rage (BOSS skills), etc. 】

[3. Storm Dragon King: Disaster Dragon. You have released powerful storm power many times in the long battle, bringing disaster and destruction to this world. People fear your reputation, fear your legend, and regard you as the legendary dragon that brings disaster. .

This terrifying belief seems to increase your power invisibly.

Even Anoroth, the storm god, has taken notice of you.

Therefore, you gradually realize that the power of faith can be controlled and captured. As long as you master this terrifying magic power to control the storm, you can become the overlord of this world and turn the fear of mortals into the power of faith in the dragon. You The boundary of the gods has been touched.

(Choosing this advanced route may trigger the hostility of Anolos, the Storm God, towards you).

Advanced reward - open the Storm Dragon belief system.

The power of wind control: Your control of the wind has reached a level where you can empathize with yourself, so you gain a 30% increase in flight speed and a 50% increase in flexibility. You will not be affected by the wind speed when going against the wind, and double when going with the wind. Speed ​​bonus, immune to the slowing and blowing effects of all wind spells.

Dragon Faith: The fear of the Disaster Dragon has caused a large number of mortals to begin to pray to the 'Disaster Dragon Aidandron', praying that disaster will not befall themselves or their enemies. Every prayer will be for you. Bringing the power of faith, you can also improve the efficiency of faith accumulation by building temples.

Storm Miracle: Mortals' fear and prayers for you will bring you the power of faith. You can consume the power of faith to release 'secondary miracles'. Since your faith field is 'storm', you can only cast ' Secondary miracles related to the Storm' domain.

Enslave the Wind Elemental: You can take the wind elemental creature you defeated as a servant to serve you.

Obtain exclusive skills: transform into human form (???), summon wind element (secondary miracle), secondary storm field (secondary miracle), etc. 】

Looking at the three advanced options in front of him, Murphy felt inexplicably familiar.

Back then, when I had just defeated the two guys, Midnight Dharma God and Dawn Sword, and advanced to the world-class BOSS, I seemed to be faced with the same three options.

This moment is exactly like that time, but the difference is that now I am stronger and the situation I face is more complicated.

So, which one should you choose?

PS: Kavin's stuck a lot in the past two days, mainly because he's stuck on which advancement route the protagonist should take.

After much deliberation, I couldn't come up with a reason. Today, I suddenly had an idea. I'm really stupid. I can't just let the readers decide.

So vote after the advanced route, and choose whichever one has more votes.

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