Part-time BOSS

Chapter 441 Disaster Dragon

Looking at the three advanced routes in front of him, Murphy fell into deep thought.

These three advanced routes each have their own merits, and some of their shortcomings are very obvious.

The leader of the Dragon Territory is assisted by a legion, has huge power, and has many subordinates. It can be said to be a very standard BOSS template, and the overall strength feels the strongest.

The Lone Dragon Overlord takes the single-soldier route and has strong individual strength. Especially if the BOSS is singled out, he is probably the strongest among the three. The 30% increase in size and attributes can be said to be quite terrifying.

The advanced rewards of the Disaster Dragon are a bit complicated, but after careful study, Murphy discovered that this so-called "touching the boundary of the gods" should be the most powerful among the three, and the one with the highest growth potential.

In terms of value alone, it’s really hard to choose.

But in the final analysis, there is no strongest advancement in the world, only the advancement that is most suitable for you. It is relatively easy to draw conclusions based on your current situation.

Murphy thought for a moment and first passed on the Dragon Territory Commander.

As the leader of the Dragon Knights and Lord Protector of Alterac, he has thousands of extraordinary soldiers. In terms of combat power alone, he is not much weaker than the dragons. Coupled with the influence of the top leaders of his alliance, he really needs to It is easy to start a group fight, fight a big battle, and gather troops.

In this way, the value of the dragon group cannot be reflected, so among the three advancement routes, the Dragon Domain Commander has the lowest value.

Relatively speaking, improving personal strength is more important.

My goal is to hunt the ancient dragons. Most of these ancient dragons will have their own dungeons. No matter how many troops cannot be included in the dungeons, it will be useless.

Both the advanced Lone Dragon Overlord and the Disaster Demon Dragon can improve personal strength. The difference is that the Lone Dragon Overlord mainly improves melee combat, while the Disaster Demon Dragon improves miraculous spells.

Warrior or priest, that is the question.

From the perspective of fighting against the ancient dragon, the lone dragon overlord is undoubtedly more practical and invincible in a single fight.

However, Murphy hesitated again and again and decided to choose the Disaster Dragon.

Without it, no matter how strong he is in hand-to-hand combat, even if he is as strong as Ankarad, he will still be trapped by them using various legendary spells and divinely-given spells.

From Ankarad's failure, it is not difficult to see that no matter how strong the body is, it has its limit.

No matter how strong the physical strength is, it is useless in the face of the power of the law. A pull of the earth will pull him to the ground, an eternal frost will destroy a wing, and a large-scale swamp spell will make the brute force useless.

Myosaurus has no future.

The Disaster Dragon is different. With the ability to absorb the power of faith, it is equivalent to becoming a secondary god. Although it is not as powerful and transcendent as the twelve main gods, it is at least at the level of a wilderness demigod.

As long as the BOSS carries the word "god", it is equivalent to rising to another dimension, and its power cannot be compared to ordinary people.

Regardless of the fact that mortals can kill gods, such as Hellscream cutting down Cenarius, no one would think that Cenarius is weaker than Hellscream, just not as good as destiny.

In essence, the two are existing at different levels.

Cenarius was killed and could still be resurrected.

The rebirth of the earth by Emperor Shenwu also relies on the divine power of the Mother Earth.

It can be seen that God is more popular in the world of heaven.

My goal is to transform into an ancient dragon, advance to the level of dragon god, and become one of the main gods, so why not start with the disaster dragon.

The biggest disadvantage of the Calamity Demonic Dragon's advancement is that it is slow to take effect. Unlike the Lone Dragon Overlord, when you click on it, your strength will immediately double, with 30% of the body size + 30% of the basic attributes. This alone is not very powerful.

As for the several skills provided by the Disaster Demonic Dragon, they are all relatively flashy and impressive, but the actual improvement is not large.

However, it has strong growth potential. As long as the deeper the mortal's faith, the stronger the strength will be, and there is no upper limit.

The method to gain faith is also very difficult. You just need to create disasters, trigger fear in people's hearts, and then start praying or cursing yourself. This will generate the power of faith, and then use the power of faith to create miracles and cause more disasters. Eh.

If it works well, it can enter a virtuous cycle and become stronger and stronger.

Of course, if it doesn't work well, for example, the area where the disaster is launched doesn't have much intelligent life, and no one can see it, and naturally there will be no power of faith, then you might still lose money.

However, Murphy has a unique condition - his accompanying storm.

The Storm Miracle itself is mainly based on various violent winds, storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. In other words, the associated storm itself is a kind of disaster, and it is also a never-ending disaster. In other words, it is equivalent to having a free The faith harvester, combined with the belief system of the Disaster Dragon, can undoubtedly harvest the faith of mortals like a perpetual motion machine.

'Stupid mortals dare not pray to themselves, then send the accompanying storm over and blow you up every day. That faith doesn't just come from a roar. ’

Thinking of this, Murphy has made up his mind.

It’s you, the Disaster Dragon!

Murphy nodded sharply.

In the next moment, Mo Fei felt an invisible divine power emerge in his body. A powerful storm force hovered around him. His wings suddenly spread out involuntarily. In an instant, strong winds blew in all directions, causing the surrounding people to be blown away. The centaur tents buzzed.

Murphy felt as if he had merged with the storm at this time. His huge body was unusually light. He just waved his wings and soared into the sky. The strong wind was still blowing, forming a large-scale area with the Storm Dragon as the center. The wind field covers almost the entire Haotian City.

Murphy looked at the players around him who were struggling in the strong wind, and at some NPCs who were affected by the divine power kneeling down to pray, and felt a sense of pride like a god in his heart.

So, is this the power of the Disaster Dragon?

Is this the power of the devil in the minds of mortals?

So powerful, so wonderful!

He was intoxicated by the pleasure of being superior to mortals, and at the same time he also noticed the origin of the storm.

[Secondary storm field (passive skill)

Turn on: Generate a secondary storm field around you. In the field, all your enemies will be affected by environmental effects.

Skill introduction: The domain of the Storm Dragon. The Storm Dragon is a terrifying monster that brings disaster and destruction. Wherever it passes, strong winds blow, dark clouds press, thunder and lightning, and storms descend - this is disaster. An ominous sign of the coming of the dragon. 】

The sky was covered with clouds, and a huge cyclone was gradually forming. The dark clouds covered the sun, covering the sky with darkness. They formed a huge vortex-like shape in the strong wind, with faint thunder and lightning flashing in it.

If you look at Haotian City from a distance, it looks like the city is enveloped by an unknown storm, which is very scary.

Murphy could feel that everything around him was a terrifying scene derived from his power.

The centaur neighed in fear.

The night elf adventurer pointed at the sky.

Even some tents were blown up by the wind during the storm.

boom! A bolt of lightning fell on the street, scaring people away even though it was just environmental damage.

Murphy was so excited that the depths of his soul seemed to tremble with the storm.

Haha, that’s it, that’s it! Destruction and disaster, let the world tremble before the power of the Storm Dragon, and let them pray to Aidandron for forgiveness.

At this moment, Emperor Shenwu and Morgan Lisa, who were watching the racehorse race at the racecourse, also noticed the strange changes in the sky.

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "What the hell is Aidan up to?"

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "He has been promoted! No, we have to get there quickly before he destroys this city."

Emperor Shenwu is knowledgeable. He has been a BOSS for a period of time, and has also advanced to a world-level BOSS. When he advanced, he chose the [Earth Chosen] to advance. Some strange signs also occurred, but compared with Compared to the scene in front of me, it was obviously not on the same level.

Damn, is the Dragon King so domineering when advanced? A little envious.

However, this envy disappeared in an instant. As the first legendary hero player at present, Shenwu Emperor is still very powerful. If he is willing to go dark, he can immediately transform into a world-destroying BOSS.

There is no need to envy others for such an existence.

Emperor Shenwu rushed towards the center of the storm. At this moment, a huge tornado had formed around the storm dragon, which was spiraling down from the sky.

Emperor Shenwu suddenly took out a staff - the staff of the King of the Earth!

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaurs): "Storm Dragon King, calm down your anger. In the name of the Earth Mother Goddess, I command you to calm down your storm!"

boom! He thrust his staff into the ground.

The earth seemed to be responding to Emperor Shenwu's call. A strong force of gravity instantly caused the buildings that were about to be blown away to fall back to the ground.

Murphy also felt his body sinking and almost fell.

He finally came back from the excitement and enthusiasm, and felt a sense of uncertainty in his heart - Damn it, what's wrong with me?

This feeling is somewhat similar to the feeling of being affected by the black dragon Morpheus, but it is not exactly the same. There is no other consciousness in his consciousness, but there seems to be an invisible force affecting his mind. Give him the urge to destroy everything.

He quickly calmed down, closed the storm field, and then slowly landed. The impulse did not disappear until Murphy returned to his human form and suddenly disappeared.

The storm in the sky gradually began to dissipate.

Seeing that Mo Fei had turned back into a human being, Emperor Shenwu ran over angrily and amusedly, "I mean, brother, you really don't show off. Don't do this if you want to advance. This is my main city. Look at it. I almost had you tear it apart."

Fortunately, the main buildings of Haotian City have been changed to rock masonry. If the tents were still the same as before, they would probably be blown away.

Murphy was shocked and confused, but his face remained calm.

"Hahahaha, don't get excited. I'm advertising for you too. Making such a big noise is what makes it topical. Look at how excited the players are."

Not only was it exciting, many adventurers had already drawn their swords and ran over to fight the BOSS.

"Where's the dragon? Where's the dragon? Who saw such a big dragon running away?"

"I just saw it seemed to have fallen here."

"Lord City Lord, where did the dragon go? Was it driven away by you?"

But some players who had participated in the Battle of Ahn'Qiraj noticed Murphy at a glance.

"Don't look for it, the dragon was transformed from that human being."

"Hell, people can turn into dragons. What kind of magic is this?"

After the crowd dispersed, Emperor Shenwu greeted Mo Fei back to his royal tent.

Although the Centaur built a city, it still retains some of its nomadic characteristics. The main hall of the city is shaped like a large tent. Of course, it is actually built of rocks and giant trees, but it is covered with animal skins. It looks a bit like Centaur. Just style.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Looking at your movements just now, you must be a dependent or chosen person who has advanced to the God of Storms, right?"

Murphy shook his head, "No, but it's almost the same. What I advanced to is the Disaster Dragon, a being similar to the wilderness demigod. It is also somewhat related to the gods and can absorb the power of faith, but it is not affected by it. The management of the God of Storms is not a dependent of the gods."

The dependents of the gods are affiliated with the gods, so they do not have their own temples, but appear directly as accessories in the main temple. For example, in the temple of the goddess of life, there is the image of the Red Dragon Queen, and some Sometimes it will be an ally of the goddess of life, and sometimes it will appear as a mount.

The advantage of doing this is that it saves trouble. You can directly harvest faith points from the belief system of the goddess of life, and you can also mobilize the power of laws in the life field.

The disadvantage is that no matter how powerful you are, you can't surpass the gods you serve, because in mortal belief, you are just someone's little brother.

People like Mo Fei are starting from scratch, which is equivalent to playing industry competition in the field of the God of Storms. The Temple of Storms is a chain supermarket, and the Calamity Dragon is a small store opened opposite the chain supermarket. Although it is a small store, in the end It will still divert the passenger flow, so it may arouse the hostility of the gods.

Emperor Shenwu also knew his stuff, and was a little surprised at once, "Brother, why are you so stubborn? It's great to be a follower of a god. When you encounter a crisis, you can hold your hand, summon a miracle or something, and go against the god. What if one day? You send down a divine punishment, or issue a divine punishment mission, and then a bunch of Storm Servers will come to kill you. By the way, Al'Akir seems to be a descendant of the Storm God..."

Mo Fei didn't care, "What are you afraid of? I've never seen those main gods come before. If they send their younger brothers to come and cause trouble for me, I will destroy as many as they come."

This is indeed true. The twelve main gods in the world of the sky are more like background boards. Settings such as game rules have never revealed their true identities.

The Storm Dragon is immune to wind damage and has super high lightning resistance. The wind element is also immune to lightning damage and has 50% resistance to physical attacks. If the Storm Dragon fights against the wind element, it will basically be scratching each other's itch.

So Murphy is really not afraid.

"By the way, can you do me a favor? Help me build a temple for the Disaster Dragon in Haotian City."

Emperor Shenwu was speechless, "Why are you building a temple here? Doesn't the evil god harvest faith by creating terror?"

"I can't help it. This new belief system of mine doesn't have a temple. How can I absorb a little bit of it?"

The biggest difference between the evil god and the main god is that the main god requires the prayers and faith of believers.

The demon god can gain faith points by inducing fear in the mortal race.

However, to be able to build a temple, you still need to build a few temples. The functions of the temple are threefold.

1. It can be used as a similar signal base station to absorb the power of faith. Although causing terror can gain faith points, praying can also be used.

2. As long as someone prays in the temple, they can communicate with the devil. If enough sacrifices are made, a miracle can be summoned. Different evil gods require different sacrifices, and even some powerful demon lords can Using the image of evil gods to tempt mortals to sacrifice their souls to them, and using power as a temptation.

3. Increase the power of miracles and gain an additional 10% bonus when performing miracles in the area around the temple.

However, building a temple is very expensive, and it must be built in a city.

This cannot be done without the consent of the city rulers.

Murphy planned to build two first, one in Haotian City and one in Alterac, which happened to be radiated from the Eastern Continent and Kalimdor.

Most evil gods will build their temples in very hidden locations. When I was tasked with clearing out the cultists, I demolished one.

But he didn't intend to do this. He was the ruler himself, so of course he could just cultivate in the city.

Emperor Shenwu was a little helpless, "I, the chosen one of the Earth Mother God, built a temple of the Storm Demon Dragon in the city. What a big deal."

"I can perform storm miracles. If you need it in the future, you can ask me for help at any time as long as you make sacrifices in the temple. My miracles are mainly to create extreme apocalypses such as storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. You can also Calming down the storm is equivalent to a weather control device. It will definitely be useful if you fight in the future.

And if you need precipitation, I can also help you get a rainstorm from the sea to pass, which will make it easier to farm in the barren land in the future. "

Emperor Shenwu's eyes lit up, this was pretty good.

Weather weapons, this is a high-end and high-end configuration.

"Okay, that's it, I'll repair the temple."

"Then I'll take my leave. After being away for so long, it's time to return to Alterac."

Murphy decided to preside over the construction of Alterac's temple as Lord Protector. If possible, he even wanted to set the Calamity Dragon's faith as the official faith of Alterac.

If you don't use it if you have the right, wouldn't it be wasted?

PS: The final result of the voting was 91:77. The Disaster Demonic Dragon won, and there were basically no candidates for the leader of the dragon domain.

That’s it.

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