Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 203 This is another price, tell her frankly, the strawberry marks cannot be washed away!

Gu Huaian pushed Shang Zhuoyan away. He didn't say it was another price, he just said:

"You drank too much, we shouldn't be like this."

This time, he was quite forceful. Shang Zhuoyan fell heavily on the bed. To be honest, it didn't hurt. After all, the mattress was very soft, but the impact was really strong, as if her unconsciousness was shaken by hormones. The reason that rushed over me came back a little bit...

Gu Huaian stood up, quickly arranged his clothes, and was about to go out...

It's not that he is really that cruel, but that he is afraid that if he is not cruel for a moment, he will really be unable to leave.

"Don't go, don't go..."

Shang Zhuoyan stood up, grabbed Gu Huaian, and kissed Gu Huaian like crazy. Gu Huaian felt some pain on his neck. He didn't feel anything unusual at the time. He just tried his best not to hurt Shang Zhuoyan. Yan pushed her away...

Maybe, I also feel that I am too humble.

Shang Zhuoyan held his hand, but her strength became weaker and weaker.

Slowly, I no longer exert any effort.

I feel a little sad. I feel like everything I did tonight is meaningless.

What she said made even less sense.

She should have known what kind of person Gu Huaian was...


The door was just closed.

It was like the door to Shang Zhuoyan's heart was shut with a bang.

When it was turned off, the sound was so loud that Shang Zhuoyan's whole body trembled, and she was a little frightened...

Shang Zhuoyan was sitting on the carpet in the room, with her hair disheveled and hanging on her face. She didn't care about it, she just sat there in a daze, looking in the direction of the door.

A few moments.


The tears couldn't be held back anymore, and they started to flow out like they were free of money.

Zhuang was crying and ugly, but she had no intention of caring about it anymore.

the other side.


After Gu Huaian returned to the room, he took a glass of water, poured a full glass into his mouth, and then sat on the sofa in the living room, breathing heavily.

To be honest, he was almost unable to hold on just now.

Do you think he likes Shang Zhuoyan?


Gu Huaian couldn't deny that he had no reason not to like such a colorful, lively and cheerful girl.

But sometimes, there are some boundaries that cannot be crossed, that is, they cannot be crossed...


The room was quiet, but Gu Huaian's mind was very confused.

The pictures in his mind were all those of Shang Zhuoyan kissing and hugging him just now. The lingering feelings made him feel a little guilty.


Taking a deep breath, Gu Huaian couldn't help but pick up his phone and make a call to Pei Jingshu.

He didn't want to confess anything, he just wanted to have a chat with her...

Let your somewhat chaotic mind calm down.

They haven't seen each other for a long time. To be honest, Gu Huaian also wants to see her...

"Ding dong dong..."

There was a long ringing tone from the phone.

for a long time.

"Hello, the number you dialed is currently unavailable..."

In the end no one picked up.

At this time, she may have fallen asleep.

Gu Huaian was a little depressed, but he didn't call Pei Jingshu again...

This night, he had insomnia and didn't sleep.

Occasionally, he would think about how sad Shang Zhuoyan would be if he left so cruelly.

She was such a proud girl, she even said such words, but she left so cruelly...

the next day.

early morning.

"Ding dong dong..."

At dawn, Gu Huaian received a call back from Pei Jingshu.

Maybe she couldn't receive the messages Gu Huaian called her at the first time, but she would always come back after seeing them.

"Sorry, I've been too busy these days. I went to bed very late last night. What happened when I just saw it?"

Pei Jingshu briefly explained that she had been too busy in the past few days and really had no time to look at her phone.

"'s nothing, just..."

To be honest, Gu Huaian had already calmed down after a whole night, and he actually couldn't say some words.

for a long time.

He finally said:

"I just miss you."

Ever since Pei Jingshu left the city where Gu Huaian's home was, she was so busy that she didn't even call Gu Huaian. Their contact was limited to Gu Huaian reporting to her before going to Shang Zhuoyan's concert. After a while, she just replied.

It's not that Gu Huaian didn't call, or that he didn't miss her, it was because Gu Huaian knew that she was very busy. The few times Gu Huaian called, her assistant or agent sister answered the call.

It wasn't because she had taken the call more often, so he gradually became less willing to take it...

However, Pei Jingshu is not the clingy type like Shang Zhuoyan, and she doesn't have much contact with Gu Huaian. In her world, she probably thinks it is interesting to meet and chat about topics that have been accumulated for a while.

Slowly, if you don't say something for a long time, or if two people don't see each other for a long time, there will naturally be some...


"I miss you as well."

Pei Jingshu smiled softly, and it was not difficult to hear some sincerity in her voice. She was such a girl who didn't like to express herself in words, and she never spoke much.

"Well, where are you now?" Gu Huaian asked.

"Xi'an." Pei Jingshu replied.

"Are you going to stay there for how many days?" Gu Huaian asked again.

"The flight should leave tonight."

Pei Jingshu noticed something keenly and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Ah, nothing..."

Gu Huaian smiled and said:

"I just really want to see you, how about I..."

I don't know why, but Gu Huaian really wanted to see Pei Jingshu today. He was very distressed about Shang Zhuoyan, so he just wanted to hug Pei Jingshu.

So he wanted to say, how about he go over and see Pei Jingshu today.

Although he had a job to fly back at noon today, he could still turn it down. He just wanted to see Pei Jingshu.

But before he could say anything, the assistant's voice came from Pei Jingshu's cell phone:

"Sister Pei, our flight will be moved forward. There will be a thunderstorm here in the afternoon..."

"Oh okay, I understand."

Pei Jingshu first answered the assistant's words, and then asked Gu Huaian:

"What did you say?"

"Ah's nothing."

Gu Huaian shook his head, looking at it this way, it was definitely too late.


Suddenly, Gu Huaian didn't know what to say.

He actually wanted to go to the next city where Pei Jingshu was going to meet her, but that would delay the work of both him and Pei Jingshu. That would not be very mature. He felt that a character like Pei Jingshu would not like this. .

That would bother her too.

So he can't go.

Pei Jingshu, on the other hand, was keenly aware that something was wrong, but she seemed to be able to guess it. She said:

"I know what you want to say. You told me about the concert in advance. I don't know the new song, but I believe you. Don't worry, I won't misunderstand."

She probably thought that Shang Zhuoyan sang "Your Smile" at the concert and compared her "Little Lucky" in public. Gu Huaian was afraid that she would misunderstand.

This matter was still a hot topic on the Internet. Although Gu Huaian did not tell her, this phone call already explained Gu Huaian's attitude.

If you like him and love him, you must believe in him.

Pei Jingshu feels that she has always been pretty good at this.


Gu Huaian still didn't speak. He actually didn't mean to say this, but he couldn't see Pei Jingshu and felt that he couldn't understand anything on the phone.

In order not to worry Pei Jingshu, after thinking about it for a while, Gu Huaian still forced a smile and said:

"Well, as long as you don't misunderstand."

After chatting briefly for a while, Pei Jingshu seemed to be putting on makeup and getting ready to leave for the airport. She had some meals planned for Reuters today, so Gu Huaian hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone...

Gu Huaian looked at the gloomy sky outside the window, feeling as if he was feeling depressed and unable to speak out.

In fact, he is not a person who can hide things in his heart. He always feels that some things should be spoken out, but if he cannot see them, there is no point in speaking out many things.

Fortunately, he is a relatively down-to-earth person. He knows that there is no point in worrying about these things, so he simply doesn't worry about it. He turns around and runs to the bathroom to wash up. Jiang Nuan and the others will be here later...

You can walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror...

"What the hell???"

Gu Huaian was immediately confused.

On his neck, there are a lot of hickeys, which are the so-called...

Strawberry print!

"What the hell?!"

Gu Huaian looked at it for a long time. At first he thought it was a lipstick mark, but after rubbing it for a long time, it couldn't be removed, and it couldn't be washed away with water. At that time, Gu Huaian knew that it was a mess, MD strawberry mark!

He held his forehead silently, with a look of helplessness on his face. Shang Zhuoyan was causing a problem for him...

As a star, once the strawberry mark on his neck is exposed, he will be finished, right?

This clip promotes Shang Zhuoyan's emotional line. The helpless long-distance relationship with Sister Pei at the end is a foreshadowing point. It definitely doesn't end now. The protagonist's attitude is quite obvious from the beginning. Otherwise, it will be a real success. .

There will be some of you who love Kang soon.

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