Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 204 The script approved by my sister and the novel screenwriter’s name!

Gu Huaian had no choice but to find a temporary scarf and put it on, trying not to be discovered, otherwise not only would he be in trouble, but Shang Zhuoyan would also be prone to problems...

Speaking of Shang Zhuoyan, Gu Huaian actually wanted to care about her, but thinking about how cruelly he left last night, he didn't know how to care...

I'm afraid that caring will cause chaos.

All we can do is pretend that nothing is wrong.

The time was probably around nine o'clock in the morning. It was almost too late for Jiang Nuan and the others to come over. Obviously, they were also drunk heavily last night.

"Wow, they were really... so enthusiastic last night."

Jiang Nuan rubbed her forehead. She had indeed been fed too much last night, and she didn't know what happened next.

"Were you okay last night?" she asked Gu Huaian.

She wasn't stupid either. As a professional artist assistant, she belatedly figured out the intention of those people to prevent them from looking at Gu Huaian.

If something happened to Gu Huaian, she would really be to blame.

"What can I do..."

Gu Huaian shook his head, with a guilty look on his face...

"Why are you wearing a scarf around your neck?" Jiang Nuan frowned.

September may not be hot anymore, but it’s not the season for wearing scarves, right?

"Last night... I didn't sleep well. My cervical spine caught a cold and I felt a little uncomfortable." Gu Huaian made a random excuse.


Jiang Nuan didn't dare to ask any more questions.

After simply packing up, they were ready to go to the airport.

Before leaving, I specifically said hello to Shang Zhuoyan and the others. Xu Shiyun, Shen Yuqi, and Han Xiangyi all sent them downstairs. Shang Zhuoyan didn't send them, saying that they were not feeling comfortable and were resting in the room.

When seeing him off downstairs, looking at Gu Huaian wearing a scarf on a hot day, the three girls Xu Shiyun, Shen Yuqi and Han Xiangyi always looked at him strangely and funny, which made Gu Huaian feel a little hairy.

Say goodbye quickly and leave, fleeing.

On the way, Gu Huaian would occasionally wonder how Shang Zhuoyan was doing, and he still had a headache from thinking about it...

Everything was fine this time, and Gu Huaian never thought about how he could leave like this.

How will I see Shang Zhuoyan again in the future?


He sighed silently.

Fortunately, Jiang Nuan's words interrupted his thoughts at this time. She said:

"Do you know that your script of "Go Where the Wind Is" was really picked up by someone?"


Gu Huaian was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that it was the script that was discovered by Jiang Ma when the system reward was reported to the company after the recording of "Crystal Love Season" was completed two months ago.

He almost forgot about it, but he didn't expect...

"There are several employers who are optimistic about this book, and Mother Jiang is talking to them..."

Jiang Nuan told Gu Huaian some details, saying that the book was good and many people wanted to vote for it. Jiang Ma meant that Gu Huaian should be the leading actor. After all, he wrote the script and it had some picture basis from "Crystal Love Season". Even if Gu Huaian This is my first time filming, and the sense of immersion is definitely stronger than that of any young actor.

What's more, with Gu Huaian's current traffic and popularity, he can definitely afford the male lead.

You mean acting?

Are you from a major?

Who cares about this...

In today's domestic entertainment, filming requires some kind of acting skills, just having a good face, making money, and some kind of quality.

The management is also very satisfied with Gu Huaian's role as the male lead "Xie Zhiyao". He is suitable in all aspects, and it is this female lead...

"Who do you think the heroine has been chosen to be?"

Jiang Nuan asked Gu Huaian expectantly.

"Who is it?" Gu Huaian was really curious.

To be honest, he may not have been in the industry for a long time, so he doesn't have many contacts with his colleagues. Even if he does, they are all from the music industry, and he rarely has contact with his colleagues from the entertainment industry.

I really don't know which actress they want to play "Xu Hongdou".

However, Jiang Nuan said with some excitement:

"Sister Xilin!"


Gu Huaian was stunned for a moment...

Sister Xilin?


It does seem appropriate.

Gu Huaian has read the script of "Where the Wind Is Going". Sister Xilin is an actress with superb acting skills. Whether it is appearance, acting skills, character, or age, she fits the "Xu Hongdou" character in the play. "Personal design.

Speaking of Sister Xilin...

After "Crystal Love Season" ended, Gu Huaian never contacted her again. I remember that when Gu Huaian's new album was released, she helped forward it, but there was no copywriting, and her sister didn't seem to know what to say.

Thinking of this Gu Huaian, he felt a little embarrassed because his new album was a big hit and his sister helped forward it, but his sister's new drama was a hit and he didn't say anything.

"Will she come?"

Gu Huaian couldn't help but laugh.

Strictly speaking, "Go Where the Wind Is" belongs to a relatively relaxed and healing style. It does not highlight the acting skills of the leading actors, and there are not many touching stories. Sister Xilin is a professional actress, and she chooses The scripts are very sinister. Just look at the dramas she has launched in recent years. Which script has average characters?

I'm afraid she won't answer.

"I don't know yet. The company just sent the script and is waiting for her reply."

Jiang Nuan smacked her lips. To be honest, she really wanted Sister Xilin to come.

"Oh, by the way, when I mentioned this, I suddenly thought of something..."

Jiang Nuan told Gu Huaian:

"Are you going to Su Yuntang's food show next month?"

Su Yuntang sent a private message to Gu Huaian before this happened. Gu Huaian didn't know when he would have a schedule at that time. At that time, the new album was a big hit and the schedule for the next month was instantly filled up, so he didn't agree.

"Go if you have time." Gu Huaian said.

Su Yuntang is actually quite a nice person, and he is a senior that Gu Huaian respects a lot. The popularity of his show is not low either. Gu Huaian will not be given an announcement fee, and he will not suffer any loss.

“To be honest, I don’t really have enough time.”

Jiang Nuan smiled bitterly and shook his head. Gu Huaian's schedule was full. Artists are generally busy, not in terms of a particularly large number of jobs, but in many places.

For example, this job is in Yunnan, and the other job is in Shanghai. In between, you have to fly and catch the high-speed train, so all your time is spent on the road.

That's why there is a saying that "the schedule is not enough".

"Then this..."

Gu Huaian also wanted to say that there was nothing he could do, but Jiang Nuan said again:

"But they said Sister Xilin is going."

"...What do you mean?"

All for Gu Huaian's entertainment. What do you mean, because Sister Xilin goes, his not-so-plentiful time can be freed up?

Who do you think I am?

Jiang Nuan laughed and said it was a joke, but don't take it seriously. In terms of time, they can actually spare some time. As for whether Xilin will go, this has not been determined yet. I heard that she has not replied yet.

Gu Huaian nodded. After so many days, Gu Huaian was still looking forward to seeing Sister Xilin and Best Actor Su again.




"very good!"

"This is over, Xilin, go and rest..."

"Okay, let's call it a day, it's time for dinner."

Xilin, a mature sister wearing Hanfu, had just finished the morning's shooting and returned to the car. The assistant brought water and a small fan.

"Sister, what would you like to eat for lunch?" the assistant asked.

"Eat with the crew, don't do anything special." Xilin shook her head and smiled.

She is always so easy-going.

Because Xilin wore a pure white Hanfu during the filming today. Ancient women's clothing was much more sophisticated than modern ones. No flesh was exposed, but it gave people a very elegant feeling.

Xilin's head was made into a somewhat complicated shape, with various hairpins tied in it. It looked a little complicated, but it also had a lot of feeling.


After a morning of shooting, Xilin was a little tired. She lay on the seat of the car, took off her shoes, exposed her feet, and raised one leg to rest on the other.

It’s not that she was uncivilized or unhygienic, it was just that the shoes she wore for filming were too tight and not very breathable.

After calming down for a while, she took her mobile phone from her assistant to see if there were any messages, or to watch videos to relax...

Who would have thought that as soon as I opened the short video software, the message that Gu Huaian was a mysterious guest at Shang Zhuoyan's concert last night was pushed to my face.

Seeing Shang Zhuoyan's happy look in the video, Xilin pursed her lips and silently swiped the video...

Who knows what will happen next!

The next one will be the same!

It's quite frustrating...

Simply, Xilin turned off her phone and didn't want to look at it anymore.

Speaking of which, she hadn't seen Gu Huaian for a long time. After "Crystal Love Season" ended, her brother didn't send her any messages at all, as if he had forgotten her...

Really ignorant.

Su Yuntang, on the other hand, sent her some messages and asked her if she wanted to go to his show, but she either said she didn't have time or didn't reply.

After that night, she actually avoided Su Yuntang a little, feeling that she would be embarrassed when she saw him.

"Sister, we have received a few scripts here, would you like to read them?"

Xilin's assistant was also considerate. Seeing that Xilin was in a bad mood, he simply brought her a few scripts.

They are all physical. Xilin is used to reading physical scripts, so after receiving them, the general assistant will help her print them out.

Xilin nodded, took it, and looked through it...

It’s just that I lacked interest when watching it.

The domestic entertainment market is getting worse day by day, not to mention the music market, the film and television drama market is also like this, or should be said, especially the film and television drama market...

Just take a look at the dramas that have been produced in the past few years. Those online dramas are all about ancient puppets and modern idols. They are a group of idol dramas that disrupt the market every day. Not to mention the embarrassing ones, some are even The dubbing is not even my own...

The main drama is also terrible, and the selection of materials is good, but there are directors who can't shoot or edit, and each feature film is more awkward than the last. Some well-known seniors with good acting skills have gone to take some popular dramas, and there is no one left.

Xilin did not go out to film for a long time because she could not see a good script. Even the one she is currently filming, to be honest, it gave her a feeling of "picking something edible from the garbage heap".

I read the scripts every day, and she was approached to film movies all day long, and each one was offered higher remuneration. Some even asked her to star in idol dramas...

It made her a little numb.

So actually reading the script gave her a little headache.

There were some script titles that she didn’t even want to read, such as that domineering president fell in love with me...

At this moment, a script title that made her eyes shine appeared in front of her.

"Go to a place with wind..."

Xilin read it for a while and found it quite interesting.

She read it carefully and found out that some of the plots in this script looked a bit...familiar?

It’s just very familiar!

"This script..."

She couldn't help but ask her assistant. The assistant took a look, slapped her forehead and said that she forgot to mark this script specifically. Just when Xilin looked confused, she said:

"You can look at the name of the screenwriter of this script."

Xilin was stunned for a moment, then picked up the script and read it. It didn't matter at first glance. The moment she saw the screenwriter's signature, she froze on the spot.

In the script, it is clearly stated:

"Screenwriter: Gu Huaian."

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