Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 210 Nine-spice insect is used as medicine and has a taste similar to coriander! Bike sharing



When Gu Huaian talked about bugs like "Smelly Sister", many people in the comment area suddenly lost their guard:

"I know this stuff, it's so stinky and disgusting."

"The smell of squeezing it to death has been stinking for a long time. Now that I have that thing at home, I don't even dare to crush it to death. I just grab it and throw it out."

"The key is, if you grab it with your hands, it will smell bad. It's disgusting!"

The official name of the smelly eldest sister is actually Jiaoqing.

Also known as stink bug, spicy nose bug, etc.

This thing can be found all over the country... no, it should be said that it can be found all over the world. It is a very common insect.

Although with the development of modern agricultural technology and the extensive use of pesticides and fertilizers, the number of smelly sisters is getting smaller and smaller, but people today have not forgotten it.

"Smelly sister?"

Su Yuntang frowned, why does this name sound... so familiar and yet so awkward?

"He's just a stinker, right?"

The elder sister looked at Gu Huaian with a pair of phoenix eyes and asked.

"Yes, this thing is just like a cicada. It's called differently in different places. Anyway, as long as you know what it is..."

Gu Huaian said.


Su Yuntang's face suddenly showed that he knew what it was.

Then he became curious:

"What does your not eating cilantro have to do with this bedbug?"

When he asked this question, before Gu Huaian said anything, Xilin smiled first.

Then Gu Huaian also replied:

"The reason why I don't eat coriander is because when I was a kid, I found this stuff to be very smelly, and coriander tastes a bit...a bit like that. Do you guys understand?"

As soon as these words came out...


Su Yuntang was stunned.



Netizens watching the show next door went crazy with laughter.

Barrage blast:

"Yes, even if I don't eat coriander, I think it tastes very similar to that stuff! It's so disgusting!"

"Gu Huaian, did you put a camera on me? Are you trying to play me!"

"I really didn't expect there to be anyone like me. I used to think they tasted like I was embarrassed to say..."

“I’ve never understood the psychology of those people who think the smelly sister is disgusting but can eat coriander.”

"...It's over, I can't look directly at Xiangcai anymore."

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the points are +91X20! 】


Xilin was also teased so much that she giggled. Her sister raised her hand and gently covered her red lips. Her delicate body was trembling with laughter, and she obviously resonated deeply with her.

As for the actor Su...

In front of the camera, there was Su Yuntang, who was so elegant and graceful that his face couldn't help but tremble a few times.


When Gu Huaian said this, he suddenly found that he could not look directly at Xiangcai.

He knew both the smell of stinky bugs and the smell of coriander. He had never thought of these two things together before, let alone whether they looked like this.

But today, when Gu Huaian said this, he suddenly discovered that the taste of these two things seemed to be... somewhat similar!

Maybe it's true that coriander doesn't smell bad, and that smelly bug is a bit more exaggerated, but the taste of the two is indeed somewhat similar.

When Gu Huaian said this, for some reason, when Su Yuntang thought of coriander, he subconsciously thought of the smell of the smelly sister...

It’s so top-notch!

He is a person who likes to eat coriander so much. When he is mentioned in this way, he feels that he has eaten coriander for so many years, just like the smelly elder sister...

Like some netizens, he really can no longer look directly at Xiangcai!


The expression on Su Yuntang's face was so wonderful. You couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing. He wanted to retort with a few words to comfort his traumatized heart, but he didn't know what to say.

"Ah ha ha……"

Netizens laughed like crazy and felt that actor Su was so miserable. No matter what the topic was, he was always the one who got hurt!

Among the three of him, Gu Huaian, and Xilin, he was the only one who ate coriander, and he was the only one who was injured...

Of course, a large group of cilantro-eating netizens also appeared in the comment area, criticizing Gu Huaian!

He said that they no longer dare to eat Hunan cuisine because he was so wicked...

Gu Huaian, it was another day that he was "reported online" every day.


Finally, it was Xilin who was dressed in white. She coughed lightly, attracting the attention of several people. When Gu Huaian and Su Yuntang looked over, she said:

"This stink bug has a particularly nice name, it's called the Nine-Fragrance Bug."

"Nine-flavored insects can be used as medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine has the effects of regulating qi and relieving pain, warming the middle and supporting yang."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned...

"Wok, does this thing still have this effect?"

Netizens are a little confused. Who would have thought that the despised bedbugs can be used as medicinal materials? Traditional Chinese medicine is really profound!

Gu Huaian was also stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but echoed:

"I've heard people say before that this thing can cure that...kidney-related yang tail?"

When he said this, he immediately felt that something was wrong. He quickly waved his hand towards the camera and said:

"No, I didn't do anything. That's really what I heard..."

And at the same time...


Netizens next door were laughing like crazy.

Everyone said:

"You, 6, really can't speak your mind!"

" this allowed to be said?"

"That's all you really care about, right?"

"There really isn't anything good about a man..."

"???I haven't slapped you for a long time, so you're trying to show off again, right?"

"Brothers copy the guy!"


Xilin and Su Yuntang were also amused by him. My sister was generous and not too red-faced to discuss this kind of issue. She just said:

"Nine-flavored insects are mainly used to treat cold and distended stomach pain, gas pain in the liver and stomach, and pain in the waist and knees. As you said... the kidneys need yang tail, which is also included in this."

When she said that "kidneys need yang tail", my sister looked at Gu Huaian a few times. The look in her eyes made Gu Huaian feel uncomfortable...

"Then I definitely don't need to eat this stuff. I definitely don't need it at my age."

Gu Huaian specifically emphasized this point.

Movie Emperor Su was stunned for a moment...

"What you are saying is the same as who needs to eat this..."

Oh, at your age, you don’t need it, but at my age, do you?

Who are you mocking? !

"a ha ha ha……"


Netizens laughed out loud, these two people are so funny.

There is a saying that Su Yuntang's style has gone astray due to being led by Gu Huaian. A mature man who used to be so elegant, personable and calm is now able to quarrel with Gu Huaian.

It also makes me laugh to death.

"I didn't say you need to eat, brother..."

Gu Huaian was still happy. Su Yuntang was about to refute, but Gu Huaian reacted and said:

"No, brother, we are in front of Sister Xilin, a girl. How about we stop talking about this kind of topic?"


Su Yuntang was so angry that he almost slammed the half-drunk bowl of sweet foam on Gu Huaian's head on the spot.


Xilin was laughing so much that she could hardly stand upright, and there was really no one else between the two of them.

My sister suppressed her smile a little and told Gu Huaian:

"The stinky sister you are talking about, I remember that people in some places like to eat it. It's just like the silkworm chrysalis and that... cicada monkey. It can be fried and eaten. It is very popular in many places. Woolen cloth."

"Huh? Real or fake?"

Gu Huaian didn't know, nor did he want to know, that he could eat silkworm chrysalises and cicada monkeys, but he certainly couldn't eat the smelly eldest sister.

He doesn't eat coriander that tastes similar to the smelly eldest sister. How can he eat this thing?

What a joke!

"Ha ha……"

Viewers of the show also said that it was really the knife that opened my butt today. Who would have thought that this stinky sister could have so many uses?

Gu Huaian was also curious about how Xilin knew this. Xilin replied that she had played the role of a female Chinese medicine doctor before and had studied it for a period of time.

Gu Huaian was quite surprised and said, sister, you are so serious and careful. You really play a role and learn a profession.

Xilin laughed and joked that there was no such thing. There were tricks to playing roles. For example, when she played the role of a female Chinese medicine doctor, many people who have studied Chinese medicine for more than ten years would not dare to say that they have become an expert. She was just filming. How could it be possible after studying the system for a month or two?

She just picks some relatively unpopular things and learns them carefully. When she is acting, she occasionally throws in some unpopular things, and the audience will think, oh, it has a taste.

This stinky elder sister happened to be in the "unpopular content" she was studying.


After hearing this, Gu Huaian clapped his hands repeatedly, saying that he wasted his time learning.

The two chatted happily, but they left the actor Su alone, which gave him a headache. He suddenly felt like an outsider, like a light bulb.

Netizens also noticed this and began to feel sorry for Su Yuntang again.

In the midst of laughter, the breakfast for several people came to a successful conclusion.

Surrounded by nearby people and saying goodbye to some deer people, they walked down the road.

"Where to go next?" asked the actor Su.

"The best spring in the world." Gu Huaian replied.

"Oh...I know that..."

Su Yuntang nodded. He had done his homework before coming here, but...

"How do we get there?"

I came here by bus just now. Are you taking the bus now?

"No more taking the bus."

Gu Huaian grinned, which made Su Yuntang secretly relieved. He thought Gu Huaian had discovered it and planned to give them a taxi or something.

who knows……

Just a few steps out, I turned a corner...

A large number of blue, yellow, and orange shared bicycles appeared in front of them.

Before Su Yuntang could react, Gu Huaian walked over with his cell phone and said:

"Let each of you scan one."

Su Yuntang: "???"


At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room of "One Food Guest" is filled with all kinds of question marks!

The audience laughed like crazy and couldn't help but express:

"It has to be you, Gu Huaian, you are like no one else in terms of 'hospitality'!"

"Ahaha... You are the one who takes big celebrities on buses and rides on shared bicycles!"

"Brother, if you don't have money, I'll give you a reward and give you a ride. Even if the weather isn't hot, why don't you let my goddess ride a shared bicycle?!"

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the points are +91X5! 】

Everyone really didn't expect that when Gu Huaian took Su Yuntang and Xilin to play in the city, the means of transportation turned out to be...

Share bikes!

When we were in Yunnan, we rented an electric scooter after all. Why the hell did it become more and more degraded as we got around? !

It’s not like you have no money, you’ve become such a popular guy, I don’t want to say too much, you must have a monthly income of one hundred!

Even if you can afford to buy a car temporarily, why don’t you take people to ride shared bicycles...


The actor Su Du was so angry. To be honest, either he was used to Gu Huaian's behavior or he was arguing with Gu Huaian in front of the camera.

Xilin didn't mind, but looked at Gu Huaian with interest. She said that even Xilin was a little surprised that Gu Huaian could ride a shared bicycle now that he was so famous.

"This is convenient..."

Gu Huaian pointed to the navigation on his phone and said:

"It's only ten minutes away from here. It's more convenient to ride this than taking the bus."

He had an honest, naive expression, but he was sincere.

Actor Su Momo raised his eyebrows. He wanted to say that in your world you only ride shared bicycles and take buses. Can't you just take a taxi? Hey!

"Come on, this is easy to ride..."

Gu Huaian laughed. He admitted that he was a little bit funny because of the effect of the show, but in fact he really likes riding shared bicycles. For short-distance travel in the city, he can stop and go. Shared bicycles are better than any other. The tools are comfortable and not tiring.

"I've never ridden this before..."

Xilin held her cell phone and tinkered in front of the shared bicycle for a long time but couldn't figure it out. She couldn't help but ask Gu Huaian:

"How to do this?"

This shared bicycle has been out for several years, but Xilin has never ridden it. There are really few places to use the bicycle in daily life.

Besides, she is a big star, and people will be watching her wherever she goes.

"I'll get it for you..."

Gu Huaian went to help, but he was very knowledgeable. He easily took Xilin's phone and helped her scan, bind, and unlock it.

Xilin stood on his left side. It happened that the big wave on her sister's head today was to the right. Gu Huaian took her mobile phone to scan the QR code. She was also curious to see that the shoulders and Gu Huaian's shoulders were close together.

Then, her big wave will also ride on Gu Huaian...

There is a saying that when you are close to a woman, you will feel the body fragrance, and when you are close to a woman's hair, the hair fragrance and body fragrance will be blended together, in a way that maximizes your breath as if it is free.

At this moment, being so close to Xilin, the scent of her sister and the charm of a woman made Gu Huaian's heart beat faster inexplicably.


He had no choice but to cough lightly and turn his head to get some air.

"What are you doing? It's all tied up, why don't you scan it?"

Seeing that he was distracted, Siren couldn't help but ask.

When he looked up, he found that Gu Huaian was distracted with his head sideways...

The elder sister was stunned at first, then smiled, raised her hand and pushed Gu Huaian gently, and said:

"Can you be more serious?"

"I'm... very serious."

Gu Huaian smiled a little sheepishly. The two of them were talking and laughing very close to each other, and there was an inexplicable ambiguity.


In the comment area, some CP fans began to appear.

One thing to say is that after Gu Huaian called Pei Jingshu on the bus, they should not have yelled at Gu Huaian or others.

But I can’t help it these days, the audience just loves to talk a little bit about CP...

Gu Huaian and Su Yuntang were both criticized, and someone even named them "Ansu CP"!

When Gu Huaian and Xilin were in "Crystal Love Season", they had a sibling CP named "Looking to the West CP". Perhaps now Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu are boyfriend and girlfriend, and "Pei Ban takes care of the CP" has completely become a regular partner. , but the CP of siblings was also very exciting...

So in fact, they are either making trouble or doing archaeological research.

Occasionally knock on it, it's nice.

They are knocking, next door to the Boiling Sheep...

Movie King Su: "(¬_¬)Aim"

Those back molars of his were so damn fast broken!

I really regret calling Gu Huaian here, really.

Let’s just say that the actor Su has really become smarter recently. Looking at this scene made him feel uncomfortable, so he simply called out to Gu Huaian and said:

"Xiao Gu, I'm not very good at doing this. Why don't you come and do it for me too?"

"Oh okay, come right away."

Gu Huaian hurriedly cleaned up Sister Xilin and went to help Su Yuntang.

"Ha ha……"

Netizens were all happy and expressed that our movie star Su was about to succeed.

While laughing, the three of them swept away the shared bicycles and rode to the scenic spot.

The roads in the city here are actually not the conventional asphalt roads, but they seem to be stone roads, but they are smoother, and even cars can pass them.

It is worth mentioning that the cameramen responsible for filming them were very hard-working. They did not ride shared bicycles like Gu Huaian and others, but they also sat on the electric bicycles arranged by the program team.

Speaking of this, the program team and camera crew really want to complain...

They usually record. The best means of transportation is a car. It’s not too strenuous to sit in a car and follow the filming.

But the old man Gu Huaian didn't play by the rules, so he just took the bus and built a shared bicycle for them...


Carrying a camera is very heavy, and even these professional PD teachers will never be able to record well while riding a shared bicycle.

Sit in a car and record it. They are riding shared bicycles on non-motorized lanes. Where in the city do cars dare to go on non-motorized lanes? If they walk separately, there is no way to follow them.

So the program crew had to temporarily go to a nearby electric car store and buy a few electric cars...

Even so, the camera teachers were also speechless, because it’s not easy to shoot on an electric car!

The space is very narrow!

At this moment, both the program team and several cameramen were very angry with Gu Huai'an, wishing they could kill him.

As a matter of fact, no matter where Gu Huaian goes during his variety show, the FollowPD who are responsible for following him are pretty miserable.

As for his shadowing teacher in "Crystal Love Season", whenever he mentioned Gu Huai'an later, he always complained...

But then again...

When Xilin, a mature sister wearing white trousers, was riding a shared bicycle and the camera showed her back, the netizens began to thank Gu Huaian again.

Because when riding a bicycle, my sister can perfectly highlight her amazing peach butt.

Today I thought about the follow-up plot of Shang Zhuoyan. Hehehe, it can be considered a self-defeating thing. I feel that the plot arranged later is very exciting. I also arranged a song for her. Wait and see, she will appear again. It makes you feel distressed and loved at the same time, giving you goosebumps!

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