Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 211: A nation of people who use lunch boxes at construction sites for welfare and refuse to

Girls with good figures wear pants. No matter whether they are tight or not, as long as they are normal pants, they will give some shape to the buttocks when riding a bicycle.

Red carpet goddess Xilin's "peach butt" is famous throughout the domestic entertainment industry, but today she wore a pair of pure white pants...

The pants themselves were slim-fitting, and when she sat on the bicycle, her flawless butt was highlighted to the fullest!


When the camera was shown there, many netizens were not calm.

They all expressed:

"Sister Xilin, I'm sorry, I've been under a lot of pressure lately..."

"I, Zhu Yuchen, from Xi'an No. 3 Middle School, launched under my real name!"

"I just want to say that from now on, Sister Xilin, you will be my mentor!"

"It turns out that I wrongly blamed Gu Huaian from the beginning to the end!"

"Ha ha……"

My sister is my sister, and she is full of the charm of a mature woman. Today’s gold-rimmed glasses are so elegant, and now riding a shared bicycle seems to take away the soul of a person. It’s simply amazing!

When Gu Huaian called Xilin and Su Yuntang to ride shared bicycles just now, many people were still complaining about Gu Huaian, saying that this kid was too shitty and so on...

As soon as my sister's peach butt came out, my dear, these LSPs immediately stopped scolding and even thanked Gu Huaian!

One Xiu'er said that Gu Huaian was in the atmosphere, and he was "seeking benefits" for his brothers!

It caused a burst of laughter...

While they were laughing, Gu Huaian and the others were chatting and riding their bikes, and soon they arrived at the No. 1 Spring Scenic Area in the world.

Along the way, Gu Huaian would introduce them to some local place names and so on, but to be honest, the urban area had nothing special, it was just commercial things.


"I'm coming!"

It's worth mentioning that maybe the news that they were nearby spread out. There were so many people near the scenic spot that the program team had to call some scenic spot security guards to protect Gu Huaian and the others.

It's not a celebrity show, it's mainly to protect their safety. Who knows if there are any bastard fans at the scene, and there are also some idiot fans who threaten the artist's safety.

It's not that bad in the past two years. In the past, we could often see celebrities being knocked down by "idiots" at events...

Gu Huaian, Xilin, and Su Yuntang are all very valuable, and the program team can't afford it if anyone has an accident.

"Gu Huaian!"

"Sister Xilin!"

The people nearby became very enthusiastic and chattered to say hello to Gu Huaian and the others. Some asked for photos and autographs, and some took videos and photos with their mobile phones.

Maybe they know that Gu Huaian is a local. Many people nearby greet Gu Huaian in local dialects...

Gu Huaian himself often responded to passers-by and their cameras, and would always answer in dialect when he was occasionally greeted in dialect.

It's just because I don't have much time during the recording of the show, otherwise I would have taken photos and signed autographs with them.

"My brother is so popular... tsk tsk..."

Netizens couldn’t help but sigh,

Maybe it's because Gu Huaian is a local and is really popular in the local area. More people call his name than Xilin and Su Yuntang in the crowd.

You know, Xilin and Su Yuntang are well-known actors with high national popularity!

"Nationality", "popularity" and "traffic" are two different concepts. For example, if you say that an artist has high traffic, it may be because many young people know him; if you say that this artist has high "popularity", then Many people may just know his name but not what he does.

And "nationality" is close to crushing the first two. In the true sense, everyone of all age groups knows, recognizes, and knows that he is a big star. Only then can he be said to have "high nationality".

As movie kings and movie queens, why do Xilin and Su Yuntang have such high status in the industry?

Isn’t it because their nationality is high?

But they were very popular in the local area. At this moment, more voices in the crowd were calling Gu Huaian than calling them.

It's enough to imagine how popular Gu Huaian is in the local area...

When entering the scenic spot, Gu Huaian heard a little girl nearby saying in dialect:

"You are the pride of our Quancheng!"


These words also caused a resonance, and many people nearby were shouting.

After hearing this, Gu Huaian grinned and replied:

"Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously. I'm just a singer. I can't be proud of anything..."

Xilin smiled after hearing this, and even Su Yuntang couldn't help but give him a high look.

Some artists come from small cities, just like Gu Huaian. There are actually no celebrities in their local area. When you think of this city, you usually can’t think of any well-known artists...

It is precisely because of this that they become famous, and those who are chasing stars will say that they are the pride of such and such a city.

What a long shark little pride or something...

It just sounds awkward and embarrassing.

Fans really like this, because if they become popular, they can bring some publicity to their hometown city, so many locals won't say anything even though they don't really approve of it.

Just like the girl just now called Gu Huaian the pride of Quancheng, and the people around her became excited.

But to be honest, if you ask Gu Huaian to say that he is the pride of the local area, he really can't say such shameless words...

The local area has many things to be proud of. The police and firefighters who protect the order of the city, the leaders who work for the development of the city, and those who are well-known in the local area, have contributed a lot of GDP to the city, and provided jobs for many local people. Enterprises, they are more like the pride of this city.

Gu Huaian has done nothing for this city. What little publicity can he contribute? He is just well-known. When others mention him, they will think of his hometown here. It is just a false name. What kind of pride is it?

He is the one who can't bear the most embarrassment.


Many viewers who watched the show enjoyed it and expressed:

"Gu Huaian, this old man, is afraid that others will give him a high hat, haha..."

"Gu Huaqiang: Reject all flattery!"

"I feel like he is quite down-to-earth..."

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the points are +91X20! 】

System points are credited to your account, reject all pretense, start with Gu Huaian!

After entering the scenic spot, there were obviously fewer people. After all, tickets are required here.

The program team found a tour guide to take Gu Huaian and the others inside. While walking, he introduced the place and talked a lot about its history.

Xilin and Su Yuntang nodded while listening. It is worth mentioning that Gu Huaian, the old man, was also stunned for a while.

Siren also asked:

"As a local, you don't know this history?"

“It’s not necessary for locals to know everything, right?”

Gu Huaian scratched his head and smiled.

Although he is a local, he has not been to the No. 1 Spring Scenic Spot in the world that often. There are many things that locals don't know.

Xilin smiled. Just then they wandered into a small pavilion, which seemed to sell locally made ice cream in the shape of the best spring in the world.

Xilin and Su Yuntang's eyes lit up when they saw it. The tour guide introduced to them that this was designed based on the shape of the spring in front, which was very exciting.

He also said that this was an Internet celebrity ice cream, the kind that was sold out, and asked Xilin and Su Yuntang if they wanted to try it.


Of course, Xilin nodded and wanted to taste it, but when asked about Gu Huaian, Gu Huaian asked:

"Just tell me how much this ice cream costs."


The tour guide was stunned for a moment and then said:

"Twenty pieces."

"have to……"

Gu Huaian raised his hand and said that you can eat it. I don't need it. I can just buy it at the door for two or three yuan and eat it.


"a ha ha ha……"

At that time, many viewers laughed crazy and expressed:

"You bastard, you...are convinced!"

"I remember that the first time Gu Huaian made me remember him in "Crystal Love Season" was when he refused all ice cream assassins."

"Hahaha... I didn't expect this scene to happen again, so funny!"

When many viewers first "got into" Gu Huaian, it was actually because of his "rejection of the ice cream assassin".

At that time, Gu Huaian, Pei Jingshu, and Shang Zhuoyan had just arrived at the Crystal Courtyard to record a show. Gu Huaian moved a box for Shang Zhuoyan. Shang Zhuoyan said she didn’t know how to thank him, and he politely asked Shang Zhuoyan to treat her to a meal. Ice cream is something that only exists.

To this day, recalling Shang Zhuoyan's "disgusted" expression at that time, many viewers still can't help laughing.

I didn’t expect that there would be a “famous scene reenacted” today.

Xilin and Su Yuntang were also amused by him. This guy is really a talent. He is so famous. He is still reluctant to buy ice cream for 20 pieces?

In fact, it’s not that I’m reluctant to buy it. The main reason is that the values ​​​​are left there. That is, Gu Huaian is a local and is afraid that people will say that he is smearing his hometown. Otherwise, he will directly say that this 20-piece ice cream has an IQ tax...

Oh, get a local architectural design to make ice cream shapes and sell them for 20 a piece?

Which fool are you trying to fool?

It's just to fool those outsiders who like to check in. It's not like the locals have never seen those buildings.

At this time, the tour guide smiled and said:

"No need to pay, we'll treat you to food here."

Because Gu Huaian and the others came to record the show as a kind of publicity for the local area, so they could still afford a piece of ice cream.

What’s funny is that Gu Huaian, who had a “rejection” look on his face just now, his eyes lit up after hearing these words, and then he changed his face in Sichuan Opera and said with a smile:

"Then you can really try this. I have admired the name for a long time..."

After saying that, he followed the tour guide in to pick out ice cream to eat.

"a ha ha ha……"

The audience couldn't stop laughing, they wanted to say, Gu Laolu, can you change your face so quickly? !

Maybe it's because you don't have to spend money to eat the ice cream. Gu Huaian is so sensible. After taking one bite, he advertises in front of the camera how delicious the ice cream is.

I can’t stand the barrage anymore, and it’s all going crazy:

"Watch your face!"

While laughing, several people also arrived at the mouth of the world's largest spring.

There is a saying that before seeing the spring, this city always felt ordinary, no different from a regular city.

But after seeing the spring, you will find that there are still some wonders of nature hidden under the city.


There will be spring water flowing out from the center of the spring eye. The spring water is very clear and cool, and the visibility is very high.

Xilin and Su Yuntang took several photos with their mobile phones. The tour guide introduced the history of this place, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Because I walked slowly and carefully, the tour guide introduced almost everything, so when I came out of the No. 1 Spring in the World, it was actually already late, after eleven o'clock.

It's almost time for lunch.

"Then...what shall we have for lunch?"

The actor Su put on a pair of black sunglasses and spent the whole morning shopping. In fact, they had already digested what they had eaten in the morning.

"Eat the special meat here?"

Gu Huaian asked casually, and the actor Su's eyes lit up, saying that he could lead the way.

So he and Xilin were taken to a small, not so clean shop in a small alley next to the main road...

That store is very small, maybe not even 50 square meters, and the place can't be said to be clean. The tables give people a very oily feeling...

Even the purchased meals are served in an orange bowl covered with a plastic bag.

It just gives people a feeling of... being as cheap as possible, just like the kind of lunch boxes sold next to a construction site.

It was a bit awkward for some viewers to see, and they couldn’t help but express:

"No, you, Gu Huaian, are you going to take Sister Xilin and Brother Su to a place like this for lunch?"

"I was thinking that since I ate at a roadside stall in the morning, why can't I be more serious about lunch?"

"Isn't there a super Italian revival restaurant over there? You can go there too."

As a result, a local came out and said:

"I can only say that Gu Huaian really brought out the highest ritual of local hospitality..."

"I've been to that shop. It doesn't look good, but the meat is really good!"

"Why are there so few people? Is it not time for dinner? MD Labor and Management didn't have anywhere to sit down last time. There was no place to sit down and eat."

Originally, Su Yuntang and Xilin thought that the place Gu Huaian brought them to was a bit too shabby, but when the actor Su took a bite of the meat here, their eyes lit up...

It does taste different!

And Xilin clearly noticed the location of the door. Slowly, there were more and more people. It seemed that it wasn't because of them, because many people didn't look at them after they came in, and went straight inside to buy food.

Time passes...

There are more and more people!

At first, there were still enough seats in the store, but then they gradually disappeared. Then people who came in could only buy and take away, and then...

There's no place to even stand!

This made it difficult for some deer people who came to watch them after hearing the news to squeeze in.

Some of the people who came in and didn't buy food were just watching them, and they were scolded by the older brothers nearby. There was no place for MD workers to buy lunch. You guys came in and didn't buy anything, so you were just occupying the latrine there and not shitting. What a thing!

It's also funny. Xilin and Su Yuntang didn't expect that they would be the safest in the most crowded place today...

At this time, Gu Huaqiang finally said:

"This store is quite famous in the local area. Internet celebrities often come to check in, so it is quite popular, so we came early. There will definitely be no place to eat now."

Only then did Su Yuntang and Xilin realize that Gu Huaian really didn't deal with them.

Gu Huaian also said that the delicious food in every city is hidden in the alleys. Many things may look unattractive to you, but they are actually delicious...

Actor Su actually feels the same way about this. After recording the show in several cities, many of the fly restaurants on the streets are much more delicious than serious restaurants.

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the points are +91X20! 】

Because of this, the system rewarded Gu Huaian with a wave of points.

It is worth mentioning that Xilin did not eat the meat here because her sister is from an ethnic minority and does not eat pork.

Gu Huaian noticed this and ordered the chicken drumsticks specifically for her sister. Xilin also expressed regret that she could not taste the special delicacies here.

After the meal, the program team's car came to pick them up and took them back to the hotel to rest for a while.

In the afternoon, we visited a few more attractions...

In the evening, Gu Huaian found a well-known local Shandong restaurant. We can't always be a roadside stall. Gu Huaian himself didn't care, and it didn't matter if he took Xilin and Su Yuntang to eat in private...

Mainly to record programs and promote his hometown. If he always has some roadside stalls or something, the food is indeed delicious, but outsiders may think that these are the only roadside stalls here.

Shandong cuisine is the first of the eight major cuisines. Let alone one of them, it is the well-deserved first.

There were so many dishes available, and Su Yuntang was very happy to eat the "Nine-turn Large Intestine" that Gu Huaian ordered for Su Yuntang that night.

Of course, when the food was served, Gu Huaian asked specifically:

"This thing is... are you sure you have dealt with it completely?"


At that time, the audience laughed crazy, and everyone said:

"Gu Huaian: Was it intentional or accidental?"

"Staff: It's intentional, it's intentional, eh."

"Ahahaha... Gu Huaian, you kid also likes to play tricks too much!"

Su Yuntang hadn't yet reached Gu Huaian's point, but Xilin giggled and rolled her eyes at Gu Huaian and said:

"You said that and he wouldn't even dare to eat it."

She was talking about Su Yuntang. She didn't eat it because her sister was from an ethnic minority.

Gu Huaian laughed and said it was a joke. When talking about large intestines, he complained that there was a local farmer selling large intestines. The large intestines sold by others were very expensive. When others said that he would eat them one by one, "If you can't afford it, don't eat it." He deserved a beating. …

I heard that this grandson (zei) was hacked some time ago, and he deserves to be hacked to death sooner or later.

While laughing, several people were using their chopsticks. Shandong cuisine is heavy on sauce and salt. Fortunately, Su Yuntang is from the north, and Sister Xilin is from an ethnic minority, so she didn't feel that it was too harsh, and she still praised it.

After dinner, the recording for the day is completely over.

One thing to say, because of Gu Huai'an's presence, this day's recording was quite interesting. This guy is not only down-to-earth, anti-hypocritical, but also funny. Just the things he did today have been on a lot of hot searches.

If nothing else, let’s just say that he took Xilin and Su Yuntang on the bus and rode shared bicycles. Just ask other celebrities who can do it!

Of course, the most popular hot searches here include:

“ # Celine’s peach butt! # ”

This one.

No one expected that when Gu Huaian took Xilin to ride a shared bicycle, he would actually set his sister's butt on fire!

There is a very interesting comment. A netizen said:

"I feel like there is always an indissoluble bond between Gu Huaian and Buttocks..."

This comment has a lot of likes. It’s more than 30,000 yuan. People who are new to the game can’t actually get this point, but anyone who has watched "Crystal Love Season" can get it.

Because when Gu Huaian was recording the program "Crystal Love Season", the program required a performance, so he danced "TroubleMaker" with Shang Zhuoyan and slapped her butt...

At that time, those people said, "You can easily take pictures of our Fengyi's butt?" Many people still remember this.

Gu Huaian's nickname "Gu Laolu" actually comes from here.

Speaking of this, Gu Huaian was scolded for a period of time at that time. Speaking of which, he was scolded often...

I didn’t get scolded this time, but many people said, “My brother is in the atmosphere this time.” They were quite grateful to Gu Huaian for contributing a “visual feast” to them.

Later, when Xilin saw this hot search, she couldn't laugh or cry...

She actually wanted to ask, that is, did her brother do it on purpose?

Also, he was always behind me when he was riding the shared bicycle. Was he also peeking?

The update in the evening may have to be delayed for a while. I am not feeling well and have a fever. Sorry, friends, I will make up for it later.

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