Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 216 I don’t want to miss every moment, I wish I was always by your side!

"Long-distance relationship? Is it with Sister Pei?"

"Oh... looking forward to it!"

"You just have to torture these talented musicians to write good songs!"

"Speaking of which, Lao 6's new album has only been released a few months ago. Is there any new song?"

"The purple stars coming from the sky are real!"

Before Gu Huaian became famous, there was often a rumor circulating inside and outside the industry that he was the "Purple Star from the Sky" in domestic entertainment rumors.

Later, this was confirmed. His current development momentum is not comparable to that of ordinary traffic niche students. After "Crystal Love Season" ended, some marketing accounts compared him with some young people. After the release of the new album, Gu Huaian directly It belongs to "ascension".

Completely breaking away from the boundaries of the mundane world, he became the "new king". He was no longer "awaiting to explode", but was about to explode.

There is no one to compare with.

Now, it may have been a few months since his new album became a big hit, but the popularity of his new album has not subsided. "Sunny Day" is still a hit all over the Internet and has become an invincible player in the Chinese music industry...

But today, he said that a new song is coming out.

This is quite surprising...


The audience at the scene was quite enthusiastic to begin with, and they became even more excited when they heard that Gu Huaian was going to sing a new song.

Those college students were holding their mobile phones and jumping excitedly. You can imagine that they will brag about Gu Huaian today for the rest of their lives. When they turn around and bump into passers-by, they want to say:

"How did you know that I met Gu Huaian at barbecue and he sang a new song for me?!"

"This kid..."

Xilin and Su Yuntang in the distance couldn't help but shake their heads and smile.

"Want to take a look?" Su Yuntang asked.

Gu Huaian's new song is still worth watching.


Xilin thought about it and originally wanted to go, but when she thought about him saying that his song was about long-distance love, about him and Pei Jingshu, then...

What was she doing there?

"Forget it, go ahead."

"...If I can't go, I won't go either." Su Yuntang smiled.

He raised his glass and signaled.

Xilin smiled and the two clinked glasses.

In the center of the crowd.

"Ding dong dong..."

It was obviously the same guitar, and the buttons had not been turned or tuned, but in Gu Huaian's hands, the melody played was crisper and more pleasant to the ear than the one played by the college boy just now.


Everyone gradually became quiet. Many people were filming with their mobile phones. They may be excited, but they have the most basic qualities. There are no speakers and no subtitles here. Everyone is afraid that they cannot hear what Gu Huaian sings...

Of course, Gu Huaian would not be so quiet.

After a crisp melody came to an end, he sang:

"I want to listen to the music you have listened to, and I want to read the novels you have read..."

"I want to collect every moment, I want to see the world through your eyes."

"Thinking of the places you've been and the times you've spent..."

"I don't want to miss a moment. I wish I could always..."

"beside you."


Just listening to the few simple lyrics that just came up, many people couldn't help but get goosebumps.

Listen to these lyrics!

Thinking of the places you have been and the time you have spent,

I don’t want to miss a moment, I wish I was always by your side!

The audience wants to say, this is what Gu Laoliu wants to say to Pei Jingshu!

Gu Huaian said that this song was about a long-distance relationship. He and Pei Jingshu were in a long-distance relationship, and they often got together and separated frequently, often not seeing each other for months.

Yesterday on the bus, at the suggestion of actor Su, he called Pei Jingshu. Some people said, "Are they not familiar with each other?"

Therefore, we question whether they are a "screen couple".

But do you think they are really an on-screen couple?

It’s not that…

Actually, the long-distance relationship when I was in school was easier to talk about. After all, I had a lot of free time. The long-distance relationship after work was really difficult to talk about.

Especially Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu, who have irregular working hours and are very busy.

It's not that they don't send messages or make phone calls, it's just that they really can't spend time together.

For example, Gu Huaian sent Pei Jingshu a good morning and asked her what she had eaten in the morning. She might have been busy at that time, and it was already noon when she saw it.

And she saw it at noon and replied that Gu Huaian might be participating in an event or recording a show at noon. Sometimes it was late at night after recording the show, and it was almost time for breakfast the next day, so she replied that she had something to do the morning before. On the subject of "breakfast".

How can we talk about this?

Tell me, how to talk?

The same goes for phone calls. When Gu Huaian calls Pei Jingshu, his assistant and manager sister usually answer;

It's not that Pei Jingshu doesn't give Gu Huaian spanks. She spanks less but she knows how to spank. She has a calm personality but misses her too. But after the new album hit, Gu Huaian was so busy that he didn't have time to do it. Most of the time it was his assistant who did it.

When you call and the other party doesn't answer the call, and you often wait for the other party's assistant to tell you, then why bother to call?

Every time you call, you will be afraid that he or she will not answer the phone, and you are hopeful to hear his (her) voice, but it is not him (her) who answers the phone, so how can you still call?

Yes, maybe they will call back after they are busy, but when they call back after they are done, the other party may be busy again, and the assistant will answer the call again...

There is no way to fight.

There's really no way to talk.

Because of this, the exchanges gradually became less and less.

The phone call between Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu yesterday took place several months ago!

We haven’t contacted each other for a whole few months, and it’s almost like we’re not strangers. How is that possible?


It is precisely because of their "long-distance relationship" background that everyone knows about Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu's "long-distance relationship", so when they heard the song "Together No matter how far away", they It will be like that...


Very immersive.

Everyone was drawn in.

Along with it, Pei Jingshu was watching.

Tears began to appear in Sister Pei's watery eyes, and the tip of her nose was sore and she wanted to cry...

It's not sad, it's distressing and sad. Long-distance relationships are difficult for Gu Huaian, so how can they not be difficult for her?

"Wherever we go in the future, it doesn't matter if you are happy with me."

"I know you the most; you love freedom, but I love you even more!"

Gu Huaian played a few notes lightly, paused briefly, and fully increased the emotional value.

Let’s just say, a professional singer is a professional singer!

Gu Huaian's voice is as recognizable as ever and very silky!

Whether it is the audience watching the show or the deer people at the scene, they can clearly hear the difference between his voice and the voices of the deer people just now. He sings as if he has a CD player installed in his throat, with built-in reverberation!

That’s really a blessing from God!

It is worth mentioning that because Gu Huaian had a cold today, his voice was actually a bit hoarse and his nasal voice was very heavy.

But it is precisely because of this particularly strong nasal sound that it gives the song "Together No matter how far away" a bit more uniqueness, as if the voice is hoarse but it still has to be sung, giving people a very pitiful feeling...

At this moment, anyone who has ever had a long-distance relationship will probably feel a little sad and want to cry.

How many lovers have been ruined in a different place.

"I can get used to the long distance..."

Gu Huaian played and sang:

"Love is always involuntary..."

His face was a little red because of drinking.

"I would rather, in other words, at least be able to love you from afar!"

He was probably feeling it deeply, so his face gradually lost all the nonsense, and instead became a little melancholy.

"Love can overcome distance, stay together no matter the distance!"

As the key was raised, Gu Huaian sang very loudly, as if he wanted to vent his pent-up feeling in a foreign place through his singing.

"You no longer exist in my world..."

"Please don't leave, my..."


After Gu Huaian finished the chorus...



"Pa bang bang..."

Whether it was the deer people at the scene or the audience watching the show, everyone couldn't help but get goosebumps and let out various shouts.

Some people at the scene even raised their hands to applaud...

In fact, there were not only some young people, but also some elder brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts, but even them felt a little conquered by Gu Huaian at this time.

Even if you don't understand the lyrics of this song "Together No matter how far away", you will still find the melody very nice. Gu Huaian is also famous for his timbre and ability as a singer. He can also sing this aspect. Goosebumps to all!

Not an exaggeration at all!

And once you have a little understanding of the lyrics of this song, combined with the background of Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu's "long-distance relationship", the emotional rendering is really out of control!

If anyone else at the scene had also experienced the "long-distance love" sung in Gu Huaian's song, the resonance would be endless.

It is worth mentioning that some Xiuer said in the comment area:

"What do you mean you no longer exist in my world, please don't leave my memories?"

"Why do I hear these lyrics and it sounds sister Pei is dead?"

"Sister Pei: Just because I'm not with you means I'm dead!"

"a ha ha ha……"

"Dong dong dong dong..."

Another chorus cycle, Gu Huaian's melody began to rise high, his hands quickly brushed the strings, and he sang:

"I no longer exist in your heart..."

"Leave me alone to keep my memories!"

"If the sun were always hot!"

"If only the rainbow stopped losing color!"

"Can you……"

"I'm not leaving!!!"


The goosebumps everyone had just gotten started again.

Talking about the melody alone, in fact, the whole song "Together No matter how far away" is very nice, but the best thing about it is that you feel that this section is the climax, but it still leaves you with higher music later. Climax!

For example, just now, Gu Huaian sang the chorus twice, and you thought you were done climaxing, so he turned around and said these few more words to you!

Finally, he hit a high note!

The lyrics of "Can you not leave" alone have touched many people, and when coupled with Gu Huaian's high note, the emotional value of that moment has really reached its peak!

In the crowd, Pei Jingshu's tears flowed down her cheeks uncontrollably...

She didn't raise her hand to wipe it, not because she was afraid of smearing her makeup, but because her attention was focused on Gu Huaian and she had no intention of doing anything else.

At this moment, she thought that Gu Huaian was worthy of her admiration. At least at this moment, she was also Gu Huaian's "light chaser".

"You no longer exist in my world..."

"Please don't leave, my..."


After the last chorus was sung, a complete song "Together No matter how far away" was presented to the audience.


Whoring for free.

In fact, Gu Huaian didn't intend to finish singing completely. Usually he would sing half of a song just two lines at a time. This was also the case in "Crystal Love Season".

On the one hand, half a song can show the appearance of the song, and on the other hand, it is to prevent plagiarism.

But I really couldn’t hold it in tonight...

This song will make the person singing it feel addictive and make you not want to stop.

Because he drank a little bit tonight, and because this song resonated so well with his long-distance relationship with Pei Jingshu, he sang it all without realizing it.

I've reached that mood too.


"Pa bang bang..."

After Gu Huaian finished singing, there was another burst of cheers and applause.

"It's amazing..."

The barrage is going crazy:

"This song is another famous song as expected."

“It’s so silky and smells so good!”

"I don't know how Sister Pei feels when she sees it..."

"You two should quickly get together and show your affection. I really can't stand it anymore!"

"I feel sorry for my brother, okay! This guy misses Sister Pei as soon as he sees him!"

"Sister Pei, if you don't come here, I will sing you to death in Lao Lu's songs."

"Pfft... you're allergic to romance, right?!"

After listening to this song, everyone is looking forward to Pei Jingshu's reaction.

You must be more moved than them, right?

"thanks, thanks……"

In the crowd, after singing the song, Gu Huaian nodded and thanked him, and immediately handed the guitar back to the young man.

"Can we take a photo together, bro?"

"I like you so much!"

"My daughter really likes you!"

Seeing that Gu Huaian was finally free, many people came over to take photos and sign autographs. For a while, Gu Huaian became a favorite and was surrounded by many people.

In the crowd...

Pei Jingshu sniffed, took out a tissue from her bag, wiped the tears on her cheeks, and found a small mirror to see if her makeup was stained.

After making sure it was correct, she put on her mask again, took a bouquet of jasmine flowers she had prepared from her assistant, then squeezed through the crowd as much as possible, and walked around...

The position behind Gu Huaian.

A few people were a little angry when they were squeezed by Pei Jingshu, but when they turned around and saw that this was a pretty girl, they not only didn't care about it, but couldn't help but look at her a few more times...


As they looked at it, they noticed something was wrong. This girl...

He looks so familiar!

Pei Jingshu's appearance and temperament are so recognizable that even if she wears a mask, her appearance cannot be sealed at all.

When she was in Dali, Gu Huaian took her to the ancient city to eat rice noodles in the morning. Even if she wore a mask, she would attract onlookers, let alone here?

Originally, Gu Huaian was taking a photo with some college students around him. Many people were watching him, waiting for him to free up to take a photo with him. Then the barrage was discussing how Pei Jingshu would react to hearing this song.

Just at this time!


All clearly seen!

In the crowd, a beautiful figure holding flowers quickly jumped out, raised her hand, and covered Gu Huaian's eyes...

Gu Huaian was a bit tall, so Pei Jingshu couldn't feel it if she kissed him from the front, but she had to stand on tiptoes to cover his eyes from the back.




Whether it was the people at the scene, the audience in the live broadcast room, or Su Yuntang and Xilin who were watching from a distance, they all stared at this scene with eyes wide open and a look of disbelief on their faces!

Suddenly a girl rushed out and made a very intimate gesture with Gu Huaian!

What's happening here? !

"What are you doing, my wife!"

"You don't know that my brother has a girlfriend?!"

"If you miss, just say it. Are you just a fan of Pei Jingshu's family?!"

"Wait...why does she look familiar to me?!"

"???Is it Sister Pei?!"

At this time, the barrage began to flood. At first, some people did not recognize Pei Jingshu, thinking that it was a female Luren fan who got excited and gave Gu Huaian an "intimate hug".

Many deer people at the scene were also startled, and even the two female college students next to them wanted to pull Pei Jingshu away...

Gu Huaian was also a little panicked at the moment when "the world suddenly turned dark", and subconsciously wanted to push the girl away.

But it will be the next moment!

"Guess who I am?"

Pei Jingshu suddenly asked Gu Huaian.

She is Pei Jingshu, an absolutely powerful singer like Gu Huaian. She was able to surpass many senior singers to win the singing title on "Singer of the Times". How is her voice unrecognizable?

Many people seemed to recognize Pei Jingshu, and as soon as her voice came out...

Confirmed immediately!


The barrage in the live broadcast room next door exploded!

"Sister Pei! It's Sister Pei! I will never admit her mistake! I have been a fan for ten years! I will never admit her voice wrong!"

"Pei Jingshu: Let me tell you again, I have only been out for ten years!"

"Sister Pei?! Why are you here?!"

"Ahh! I'm so excited that I don't know what to say!"

"Is she giving Gu Laolu a surprise?! Wow, it's so sweet!!!"

"I always thought this kind of thing would only happen in the videos I watched, but I didn't expect celebrities to do this too?!"

"Whoever said they were an on-screen couple, I crawled along the internet cable and strangled him to death!"

At this time, Pei Jingshu was like a drop of water dripping into the oil pan that was almost boiling because of Gu Huaian's "Together No matter how far away".

In fact, many people can watch videos on the Internet, in which men and women in a long-distance relationship secretly surprise each other and go to the other person's city to meet him secretly.

But to be honest, they really didn't expect that in reality and privately, big stars like Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu would do such things!

Especially Pei Jingshu!

In everyone's eyes, she shouldn't be a proactive girl. She should just wait there, saying nothing or doing nothing, and everything will come to her.

Even if she didn't call Gu Huaian or contact him, no one would say anything wrong, because this was in line with her personality and character.


Today, under circumstances that no one expected, she quietly came to Gu Huaian and gave him a surprise!

Obviously, Gu Huaian had just finished singing "Together No matter how far away" which was related to their "long-distance relationship", and she appeared behind Gu Huaian!

Look at the bouquet of flowers she is holding?

what is that?


Sending you Jasmine, I wish you never leave me.

The flower language of jasmine is: It is not allowed to rain anywhere!

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