Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 217 They are the only reason why I believe in love!

"No, your..."

"Don't do this, I have a girlfriend."

It's hilarious.

Whether it was the deer people at the scene or the audience watching the show, there was almost no one who could not recognize Pei Jingshu.

Only Gu Huaian!

The old man still doesn't know why these people are cheering so much. He thought a girl was covering his eyes and they were just making fun of him.

Then Gu Huaian's "consciousness" as a boy with a girlfriend began to cause trouble, and he came out to take the girl's hand off...


At that time, many viewers laughed crazy, and everyone said:

"No, Gu Laolu, are you really not familiar with Sister Pei?!"

"Why is it that you are the one who doesn't recognize Sister Pei every time?"

"Haha... I still remember that in the episode of "Crystal Love Season" when Sister Pei returned, he was the only one who didn't recognize her, and he shouted something to Sister Pei... That's enough for anyone! One more can ! One can per person!”

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha……"

With Pei Jingshu's appearance, figure, temperament, and voice, no matter where she goes, no matter who she is, she can be recognized at first sight.

But every time, Gu Huaian couldn't recognize her.

They all heard the sound, but still didn't recognize it.

Just let these people say what they say!

Sometimes it's not just the little guys with exposed chicken feet who like to spread rumors, but Gu Huaian is really too careless. Sister Pei's appearance today to surprise him is actually to break the rumors of "screen couple" and "they are not familiar with each other". He didn't recognize Pei Jingshu's voice...

No one can save this pig teammate!


Pei Jingshu also smiled. She removed her hand from Gu Huaian's eyes and waited until Gu Huaian turned around...

She raised her hand and took off the mask on her face, revealing her beautiful face that could make the whole screen go crazy.

"I go……"

"Sister Pei is so good-looking!"

"The face is as important as the country, this is me, Sister Pei!"

"Oh my god, she's so beautiful!"

The barrage went crazy the moment Pei Jingshu showed her face!

She is so beautiful, that face is like God's most exquisitely carved face. She really doesn't need too many compliments. People with eyes can't tell where this face is flawed.

After all, she is also the woman who once participated in foreign events and flipped up her hair and was trending in neighboring countries.


Some people at the scene couldn't help but be amazed the moment they saw her face.

As the saying goes, the camera can really make people look ugly, and Pei Jingshu is no exception.

The Pei Jingshu that everyone usually sees in front of the camera looks like a fairy, white, thin and beautiful. But seeing her in reality makes her feel even stronger.

Especially when compared with the deer people...

Among the table of college students that Gu Huaian came over just now, there are two little girls who are growing up quite well. When the camera was shown to them just now, a few LSPs said that you sing these two first and I will take them away first...

But when Pei Jingshu came over and she didn't take off her mask, you felt like the two female college students were immediately outclassed.

As soon as she took off her mask, well, everyone's eyes couldn't see her, and they all subconsciously couldn't help but stare at her.

What a delicate and proud face!

Some people can’t help but sigh:

"This is a female star!"

At this time, someone next to you will correct you and say:

"Yes, this is the best among female celebrities!"

There are so many beauties in domestic entertainment, but only Pei Jingshu has been recognized as a "famous face". Do you think I'm kidding you?

The key to the problem is that she not only has a beautiful face, but also has a very slender figure and a very good temperament. She looks soft and frail, but she is tall and has very straight shoulders, which makes her feel fresh and refined in the crowd.

Everyone just wants to say that she is indeed the female star known as "White Moonlight"!

Everyone here is amazed...

Gu Huaian's side was completely different.

He had never thought that Pei Jingshu would come. Just now when someone covered his eyes, he thought it was a deer man. At that moment, he was thinking whether he would need two bodyguards in the future.

If this thing is forced to be kissed or pressed on the chest by some girl, the world will be dark and it will be over...

He even thought about how to teach the girl who covered his eyes when he turned around.


When he turned around.

When his eyes saw the extremely familiar, exquisite, and beautiful face that appeared behind him...


Gu Huaian's eyes suddenly widened. Later, some fans of his family said that this was the biggest eyes they had ever seen in Gu Huaian's eyes in all the time they had known him.

Don't blame him...

What a surprise.

He had just sang the song "Together No matter how far they are" about their long-distance relationship, but Pei Jingshu suddenly appeared behind him!

How could he have thought about it?

At this moment, his mind was confused!

He didn't even hug Pei Jingshu immediately, but subconsciously raised his hand and twisted his face...

He doesn't have any makeup on, so his face will be a little oily. There are so many people in this room and the temperature is high. He's also been drinking, so he'll be a little sweaty.

So it doesn't feel good when you twist it yourself, it's oily and sticky...

But Gu Huaian really felt a kind of "pain" that could not appear in a dream.

The "pain" told him that all of this was real and none of it was fake.


it is true!

Pei Jingshu was real, just like that, she appeared in front of him!


His actions successfully made many people laugh. From staring to pinching faces, many viewers really went crazy laughing.

The barrage was flooding at this time:

"Gu Huaian, you're such an idiot, you're almost done!"

"Hey! Okay! We all know you're surprised, we all know you didn't expect it, we all know you're happy, can you please stop showing off!"

"Haha... When he didn't recognize Sister Pei's voice, I was also wondering if they were really unfamiliar with each other, but seeing him like this, I'm sure they are sweet!"

"Gu Huaian: It doesn't matter, I will take action!"

When many people said that "they are not familiar with each other", Gu Huaian told everyone with his expressions and reactions that he and Pei Jingshu were really on good terms, and there really was no problem!

They haven't seen each other for too long!

It’s just too much gathering and too little separation!

At this time, no one would doubt him or them...

You have to ask why...

There is a Xiuer who gave the answer:

"If Gu Huaian is acting like this, then the best actor Su Yuntang will be his."

He's not an actor!

The system doesn’t even add acting skills!

If that wasn't true expression just now, what else could it be! ?

It’s precisely because it shows true feelings that it’s so infectious, okay!

"What are you doing..."

Pei Jingshu was holding the bouquet of jasmine flowers. It seemed that there were too many people around her, and she was a little shy, but she still raised her hand to help Gu Huaian gently rub her face, which was a little red because he had pinched it just now.

To be honest, Gu Huaian did use a lot of force just now, and it made her a little red, and now she's a little numb...

But Pei Jingshu's hands were ice cold.

Like an ice cube, stroke it gently, giving him a "cold compress" feeling.

" could could"

The corners of Gu Huaian's mouth suddenly wished he could grin up to his ears. After he realized what he was doing, he was a little incoherent and didn't know what to say.

"Did you arrange it?"

He actually didn't talk to Pei Jingshu the first time, but asked the program team.

The program team shook their heads, and a PD teacher replied:

"She took the initiative to contact us and said she was coming..."


Gu Huaian was a little nervous at that time, and tears began to appear in his eyes.

In fact, a grown man shouldn't shed tears. Men shouldn't shed tears easily, let alone a well-known straight man like Gu Huaian...

But I really can’t control that feeling at this moment!

When he had just finished singing "Together No matter how far away", when he himself was still immersed in their helpless and powerless long-distance relationship, and he had not yet come out of the context of the song!

Pei Jingshu suddenly covered his eyes, appeared behind him, and brought him a bouquet of flowers!

How could he not be moved or excited if you let him?

The biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans are emotional animals, and humans will be dominated by emotions. In some very touching moments, tears are like a physiological reaction, which is beyond your control!

At this moment, it is not your brain that makes you cry, but your body that is moved to shed tears in response to this "excitement"!

This is the so-called "stress response"!

Before this, Gu Huaian had never thought that the word "stress response" could be used here to describe...

But he really couldn't stop crying.

To be honest, he felt a little embarrassed. Why are you crying? A big man is doing this in front of so many people. There are cameras filming there, and there may be dozens or millions of viewers watching...

He just sang "Sunny Day" and "Together No matter how far away" under the watchful eyes of so many people. Everyone cheered for him, it was so flamboyant, and it was such an occasion to show off to others...

Wouldn't it be very shameful for him to cry now?


He just can't control it!

No one knew how much he wanted to see Pei Jingshu in the past few months. At first, it was just a simple miss, but after Shang Zhuoyan's incident, he really wanted to see Pei Jingshu, more than ever.

He doesn't want to be willful, and he also knows that she has a mature personality and doesn't like being willful, so many times he doesn't dare to leave work and go find her willfully.

Therefore, their feelings and love will be very restrained, so restrained that it drives people crazy.

Gu Huaian is not usually a person who likes to "show off his skills", but when he sang "Together No matter how far away" just now, he "showed off his skills" many times.

At that time, everyone may have thought that the atmosphere had reached the point where he drank some wine and didn't pay attention, but in fact, he just wanted to use this song to release some of the restraint and depression in his heart.

And at this moment...

At this moment Pei Jingshu appeared in front of him.

When the face that he thought about day and night and appeared in his dreams so many times came for him with a bouquet of jasmine flowers in his arms.

He really burst into tears.

It was those days and nights when all the longings, the depression of not being able to say what I wanted to say, all gathered into my eyes and turned into tears and flowed out!

"Why are you crying..."

When he cried, Pei Jingshu couldn't hold back. She had already burst into tears when Gu Huaian sang "Together No matter how far away". Later, she was able to control it a little because she wanted to be as beautiful as possible when she saw him.

But now when Gu Huaian cried, she couldn't help but feel the soreness on the tip of her nose, and she couldn't control the tears that she had managed to hold back...

She is so delicate, and when she cries, everyone wishes they could give her the whole world just to coax her not to cry.

She walked forward, stood on her tiptoes a little, raised her beautiful hands and hooked them around Gu Huaian's neck, so that his head could be buried on her shoulder. She didn't want the boy she liked to be embarrassed for others to see. She knew that Gu Huaian I feel ashamed for crying.

Gu Huaian also grabbed her slender waist under her knitted sweater and hugged her tightly, as if he was trying to pull her into his body.

Facts have proved that human emotions resonate. When you see others laughing, you will want to laugh. When you see others cry, you will also want to cry.

Just like Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu now...


Watching them hug each other and cry, they also cried with joy. Whether they were onlookers at the scene or the audience watching the show, they couldn't help but feel infected and couldn't help but shed tears.

The barrage is flooding at the moment:

"Ahh! This is the first time I cried like this while watching a program!"

"My sister thought I was watching a Korean drama. I guess Korean dramas don't have such killing scenes!"

"I also experienced an unforgettable long-distance relationship. When she came to me, I didn't even hold back. I was so touched."

"Some people say that they are a couple on screen. I just want to say that if they are fake, I will live broadcast and eat five tons of sex!"

"If they break up one day, I really don't believe in love anymore."

"They are the only couple in the entertainment industry that I believe is true love!"

This moment.

There should be blessings.

It should even be, it’s all a blessing.


Even Xilin and Su Yuntang couldn't help but look at them with envy.

Su Yuntang's envy was probably because of their love. They ran in both directions and reunited after a long absence. The tears they shed were all touching and sincere.

And Siren's envy...

It was more like envying Pei Jingshu for being able to embrace Gu Huaian's arms so openly. She seemed to be standing in the light forever, as if she was holding the purest jasmine flowers in her hands.

Gu Huaian hugged Pei Jingshu for a long time. To be honest, he was very at ease at this moment. After what happened with Shang Zhuoyan, even though he seemed to be fine on the surface because he was busy, in fact, his heart was always hanging...

Shang Zhuoyan was so warm and sincere to him that she even put down all the dignity that she was proud of, but he refused;

But there may not be a single phone call with Pei Jingshu for a month, and there is absolutely no communication.

He rejected Shang Zhuoyan like that for her, and even hurt Shang Zhuoyan, but even telling her was a luxury.

Such a gap would make him unable to help but occasionally think about whether Shang Zhuoyan would be more suitable for him, and should he choose Shang Zhuoyan more?

This is not to blame for other people's behavior, but people will have gaps when faced with this kind of thing.

And it wasn't until he hugged Pei Jingshu that he truly felt at ease, no longer entangled in his choice, no longer questioning himself or Pei Jingshu.

He was just enjoying this moment.

Similarly, perhaps at this moment, he was also glad that he rejected Shang Zhuoyan...

Otherwise, he wouldn't be enjoying this moment, it would just be...


The reason for rejecting Shang Zhuoyan was just to live up to her own conscience.

He is such a person, a real and upright person.

To be honest, Gu Huaian is quite contented. He may not have seen her for several months, but just hugging Pei Jingshu makes him very satisfied.

Pei Jingshu’s words...

Isn't she like this?

To be honest, when Gu Huaian hugged her, he only expressed his superficial feelings, but in fact, she was not comfortable...

This kid drank alcohol and smelled of alcohol. He also sang because he drank alcohol and was sweating just now.

When hugging Pei Jingshu, these will actually rub against Pei Jingshu.

What's more, this guy held her so tightly that she couldn't breathe...

But Pei Jingshu doesn't care at all. She loves to be clean, but she doesn't want to push Gu Huaian away at this time. In her eyes, the smell of Gu Huaian makes her feel at ease. Well, shouldn't a man have the same smell on his body? Does it smell like sweat or alcohol?

This is what a man should be.

If he smells better than you and is cleaner than you, then you really have to worry.

"Hey, hey..."


It's probably because it's too sweet.

The audience gradually couldn't stand it anymore.

someone said:

"Gu Laolu, can you please let me go? My sister Pei can't even breathe!"

"You are such a big boss, why don't you put all your weight on me, Sister Pei?"

"Ah! He buried his head in my sister Pei's shoulder! Those are my sister Pei's shoulders!"

"Good guy, why don't you go to Yuzu now and go directly to Xiangjian?"


Maybe he realized that he was too excited...

Gu Huaian raised his head, wiped the tears from his face, and said:

"I'm sorry I...I was so excited."


Pei Jingshu held his hand, clasping their fingers together naturally, and said:

"It's been too long since we last met."

Gu Huaian laughed out loud when he heard this. He took the tissue box next to him, took out one, and carefully wiped the tears on Pei Jingshu's face.

Then, he took off the gray hat he was wearing with great detail, placed it on Pei Jingshu's head, and lowered the brim of the hat to cover her face as much as possible so that no one could see what she had just seen. The look of crying.


Some people around me go crazy eating sweets!

Let’s just say that Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu are too detailed!

Pei Jingshu knew that Gu Huaian would find it embarrassing for a grown man to wipe his tears in public, so she buried his head on her shoulder when he cried...

And Gu Huaian would rather show Pei Jingshu her ugly hairstyle in front of the camera and the audience when she was embarrassed to cry, and also give her a hat to wear.

The romance of this kind of details, don’t mention how sweet it is!

To be honest, looking at the entire domestic entertainment industry, only Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu find it so sweet!

After all, the two of them were watched by countless spectators all the way!

To be honest, if their house collapses one day, there will really be countless people...

Again! also! No! Mutually! letter! like! Affection! Got it!

Thank you to all the big brothers for the rewards. There are too many people to count them all. I will keep them all in mind. Thank you all! ! !

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