"It's on. It's on!"

"Do you know how I spent this night! Do you know!"

"I just want to know whether Sister Pei and Gu Laoliu were together last night..."

"I have resources, please leave a private message if you want."

"Woc! Good people have a safe life!"

early morning.

Eight or nine o'clock.

The show starts.

Maybe it’s because it was a great gimmick last night and made countless hot searches. This morning “Hello Life Partner” became very popular as soon as it started airing. At the same time, the number of people online skyrocketed. In just a few minutes, the show became very popular. It’s almost reaching one million online.

The barrage is even more violent!

This day's life, tsk tsk...

The first scene shown in the program is of Xiang Zi, "taking care of" the family in a seaside hut in the early morning. Xiang Zi is holding a script and reading it carefully. The white script and the blazing sunshine make Xiang Zi's face look very cinematic. feel……

"Dong dong..."

At this time, a burst of guitar sound reached everyone's ears.

It can’t be said to be very pleasant to listen to, and there is no melody to speak of. It’s more like practicing. People who know how to do it will recognize it as soon as they hear it. This is a standard climbing grid...

"Who practices guitar early in the morning?"

Some people are also curious. Apart from Gu Huaian, few people in Gu Huaian's family can play the guitar, right?

You said it was Gu Huaian?

No, no, no, how is that possible? Lao 6 may not have woken up yet. What time is it...

Just when everyone was guessing, the camera zoomed out and Gu Huaian's face appeared in the camera.


A series of question marks popped up on the barrage:

"Your kid changed gender today? Why did you get up so early to practice guitar!"

"Hey guys, this is just like seeing the author of the book I'm following adding more updates. It's really not easy!"

"Is this still my brother? Do you have a fever?"

Maybe it is true that the image Gu Huaian usually displays in front of everyone is a bit bad, so everyone naturally feels that the person who can get up early in the morning to practice guitar cannot be Gu Huaian.

Even Pei Jingshu, who had changed her clothes and came out of the room into the mirror, couldn't help but look a little surprised when she saw this scene, and asked funnyly:

"Why do you think of practicing piano today?"

Today, Pei Jingshu chose a black skirt, which was still a suspender style, exposing all of her snow-white bones and fragrant shoulders, which showed her temperament.

She rarely wears black. She usually wears simple and elegant light colors that fit her "jasmine" persona. What's more, she is still at the beach today, so black may not match...

But it was precisely because it didn't match that the stylist helped her choose black.

The stylist's idea today was that everyone would definitely want to wear bright colors at the beach, so Pei Jingshu had to do the opposite and look more conspicuous among the female guests.

It is true that Pei Jingshu's natural beauty is better than that of many female stars even if she is dressed normally, but the stylist's responsibility is to make her as conspicuous and good-looking as possible!

As soon as Pei Jingshu appeared on the scene, the barrage began to flood!

"Seeing my sister Pei early in the morning makes me feel happy all day long hehehe..."

"Stop fucking, your sister Pei was already fucked by Gu Laolu last night."

"...Why don't you pick up any of the pots?"

"I want you to recognize the reality, a bunch of NTRs!"

"What's the meaning?"

After hearing Pei Jingshu's words, Gu Huaian couldn't help but roll his eyes and said:

"What you said makes me look as lazy as usual..."

Pei Jingshu smiled after hearing this and said:

"From the time I met you until now, I have never seen you practicing the piano."

Gu Huaian: "..."


The audience laughed, and someone said:

"Official complaints are the most deadly!"

They said it didn't matter, and Pei Jingshu also said, this explains the problem!

The eyes of the masses are sharp!

Gu Huaian rolled his eyes, ignored Pei Jingshu, and started practicing with his guitar in his arms...

Pei Jingshu said hello to Xiang Zi, then moved a small chair and sat silently next to Gu Huaian.

"Dong dong..."

Probably because of his talent in music theory, Gu Huaian played the guitar really well. At first, he was just playing the most basic grid, and later he started playing more difficult melodies.

Later, a set to the accompaniment of "Ordinary Friends" came directly.

Very silky smooth!

"As soon as I see it, I practice often..."

Some netizens couldn't help but praise Gu Huaian. They said that Gu Huaian was lazy, but looking at his proficiency, it was clear that he had nothing to do and practiced regularly.

But actually...

Gu Huaian really doesn't practice! real!

So that is to say, it is better to have a system...

Speaking of the system, Gu Huaian currently has a lot of points left in the system.

I originally had more than 40,000 points before last night's 1v5, but later I started doing rap, hip-hop, and Cantonese. I spent seven to eight thousand points just to increase my talent. Later, I also changed to "Listen to Mom." ", "Unconditional", "Possessed" three songs...

The total cost is almost 20,000 points.

But it's not like he didn't earn nothing in the meantime. Compared to the 20,000 he spent, he earned more, more than 25,000, so now the system points are not only not consumed, but also more than 5,000.

By the way, this system has been really generous in giving points recently. In the past, it was always difficult to find enough points to ask Gu Huaian to change songs. He didn’t dare to spend the money on this or that all day long...

It seems like I'm quite comfortable now, earning more than I spend.

This made Gu Huaian feel a little excited and wanted to sing some new songs.

"Dong dong..."

In the beach house, Jiang Yao, Shen Yuqi and Han Xiangyi were still putting on their makeup. Gu Huaian, Pei Jingshu and Xiang Zi were on the first floor. Xiang Zi read the script, Gu Huaian played the guitar and Pei Jingshu accompanied them. It was quite comfortable.

It is worth mentioning that when Gu Huaian plays some familiar songs, Pei Jingshu can't help but sing along...

For example, when he played "Light Chaser", she would subconsciously hum along:

"I can follow you, like a shadow chasing the light, sleepwalking..."

Gu Huaian's song, sung with Pei Jingshu's voice, really has a unique flavor, at least the audience enjoyed it.

"Let me sing you a song you haven't heard before..."

Seeing Pei Jing Shuman enjoying such an atmosphere, Gu Huaian smiled and said:

"You should like this feeling."


Pei Jingshu Zhen nodded, a hint of anticipation flashing across her watery eyes.

The audience was also interested. Gu Huaian sang three new songs at once last night. Will he sing new songs today? !

Such talent!

"Dong dong..."

Maybe it was because he had been practicing guitar all morning. Gu Huaian's hands seemed very skillful. When he played the strings, the strength of each finger was just right. Correspondingly, the music he produced was quite nice.

"This song is called "Wall of the Heart."

Gu Huaian played a few times and then stopped. After saying a simple sentence, he began to sing a cappella:

"one person……"

"Looking at the blue sea and blue sky."

"In my heart, the plaster is lighter..."

"The dolphins... leaped in front of me, and I saw the sunniest smiling face."

"Good times should be cherished because they are limited."

"Dong dong..."

After singing a few simple words, Gu Huaian picked up the guitar in seconds, and the gentle music played from his fingertips, as if constantly jumping, lingering in the ears of every audience member.


Probably at this moment, everyone who heard Gu Huaian's simple words had their mouths involuntarily formed into an "O" shape.

Just feel...

This song is so nice!

And it was quite fitting for the occasion, quite similar to the environment they were in at this time.

The most interesting thing is the lyrics he sang:

"Good times should be cherished because they are limited."

At this time, he and Pei Jingshu were rarely at the same beach, as if they were on vacation, playing the piano, singing songs, and spending a very leisurely time. This kind of daily life was very cherished and very important to them. valuable……

More very limited.

So this lyric is almost tailor-made for them.


After understanding the connotation of the lyrics, Pei Jingshu's eyes flashed with emotion.

She was a good audience member. She would look at Gu Huaian carefully and listen to his voice without making any sound for fear of disturbing him.

Gu Huaian looked at her while playing the piano and singing:

"I learned not to worry too far, not to plan too much but to take risks bravely..."

"Live every day richly and look at every day happily..."


Gu Huaian's voice is very magnetic. Anyone who has listened to "Reverse War" and "Possessed" should know how loud and wild his voice is, but in the song "Heart Wall", he restrained all his arrogance. Get up and sing very gently!

Extremely sublime!

Those exquisite singing skills and techniques all melted into emotions, making his singing become more silky.

He has been looking at Pei Jingshu, and he will not look away at this time, because the next few lyrics feel very suitable for him and Pei Jingshu...

"When you meet a cloudy day for the first time, cover the side of your face..."

"There are so many stories I want to know."

"I feel like I understand what's special about you..."

Gu Huaian remembered the first time he saw Pei Jingshu. She was so beautiful that it made people feel suffocated. Her temperament was cold and cold, but she seemed to have many stories that made people want to know more about her.

I even remember the scene of her hiding in her arms and hugging her tightly when it rained and thundered in the hotel that night last October...

Those, and such lyrics, seem to form a certain resonance.

"There is a wall in your heart..."

"But I found a window..."

"Occasionally, there is a warm, glimmer of light."

Outsiders always say that Pei Jingshu is like an iceberg, a cold beauty. She is usually stern, doesn't like to talk to others, and is unwilling to take the initiative to talk to anyone. As a star artist, she doesn't even attend dinner parties.

I don’t know what the pride is.

But if you get to know her better, you will find that she is as gentle as water. She just doesn't like to express, and she doesn't know how to express.

"Even if you have a wall..."

"My love will climb to the windowsill and bloom."

"Open the window and you will see..."

"Sorrow melts."

Gu Huaian didn't know what attitude the song originally wanted to express, but he knew that the feeling he wanted to express to Pei Jingshu was just like what the lyrics said...

"I feel like I understand how special you are."

The secret to conquering the iceberg is that there is a wall in her heart, and you have to be good at finding a window in the wall.

People say that a thief who steals a heart doesn't use the door. Doesn't he always use the window?

If you want to steal someone’s heart, you have to practice!


The barrage went crazy at this time!

"No, is it so sweet so early in the morning?!"

"I just brushed my teeth. If you do this, I have to brush them again!"

"It's over, we're going to get cavities..."

"I'm old, I've lost all my teeth and can't get cavities anymore, tsk tsk..."

"Then you are?"

"I'm diabetic!"


When it comes to "sprinkling sugar", "Pei Ban takes care of CP" is professional at all times.

From "Want to See You", to "Under the Flying Clouds", to "Light Chaser", and then to "Heart Wall", when did you stop saying "Pei Ban takes care of CP"?

Occasionally, there will be Gu Huaian who has bags under his eyes and says with emotion:

"My brother is really talented..."

The reason why the status of "Pei Ban takes care of CP" is so stable is because of these works created by Gu Huaian, and today's song "Heart Wall", anyone who knows anything about the two of them knows that it was written by Gu Huaian to Pei Jingshu.

Just listen to the lyrics!

Gu Huaian seemed to be telling him how to "conquer the iceberg".

There is a kind of tenderness called "I feel like I understand your specialness"!

This is the most romantic thing!

Pei Jingshu was a little shy when he sang. The corners of her mouth could not help but smile sweetly. She was a cold beauty before, but now she couldn't hold back the smile even if she wanted to. Just say How envious girls are of Pei Jingshu having such a boyfriend!

Pei Jingshu's state is the most enviable state for a goddess in love!

It is worth mentioning that Xiang Zi secretly took his script and ran away...

It was probably because he was fed enough dog food by "Pei Ban took care of" early in the morning and couldn't stay any longer.

"Doesn't it sound good?"

After singing, Gu Huaian asked Pei Jingshu with a smile.


Pei Jingshu nodded lightly, Gu Huaian's works never had to be chosen.

"Does it need to be rewarded?"

Gu Huaian coughed and smiled naively.

Pei Jingshu rolled her eyes at him. She originally wanted to say that he was a gangster and not serious, but when she thought of the song just now, she felt that he was worth it, so...

She blushed and leaned into Gu Huaian's face in front of the camera...


A shallow sweet kiss, tasted briefly and stopped.

"Tsk tsk tsk...it's not easy for my brother either."

The funny thing is that this time the audience stopped scolding Gu Huaian and actually started to feel sorry for him.

someone said:

"One song was exchanged for one kiss, what a luxury!"


Sometimes I feel that Gu Huaian is quite distressed. Pei Jingshu is the kind of character who doesn't know how to take initiative. No matter in front of or behind the camera, Gu Huaian needs to take the initiative. Asking for a kiss is obviously a common thing between lovers. But he needs to write a song before he can kiss...

It's just like asking your mother for a reward when you got perfect marks on a test when you were a kid. It's really not easy!

You know, if Gu Huaian writes a song now, the creative cost alone must start at several million, and the value of a song is at least tens of millions or hundreds of millions...

I don’t know how many people in the industry are asking for a new song from Gu Huaian!

Gu Huaian was lucky enough to write a song just for a kiss from Pei Jingshu.

Occasionally, fans of the Gu Huaian family will say with emotion:

"Beauty is a disaster!"

In ancient times, emperors smiled and played with the princes by beacon fire in order to win over beauties.

Today, Gu Laolu composed a temporary song for Pei Jingshu with a kiss.

Sure enough, this woman has been a disaster since ancient times!

But one thing to say, "Heart Wall" is still very good to listen to. Even if the connotations in the lyrics are removed, the melody of this song is still very catchy.

For two consecutive days, Gu Huaian has released four new songs: "Listen to Mom", "Unconditional", "Possessed" and "Heart Wall"!

Various music platforms have begun to be "urged" by countless crazy netizens again!

And they came to Gu Huaian to urge him!

Early in the morning, Jiang Nuan's phone and mailbox were overcrowded!

It is not difficult to imagine that Gu Huaian will be very busy in the next few days...

Everyone probably knew that the show was about to air, so within half an hour of it starting, Sister Jiang Yao, Shen Yuqi and Han Xiangyi all put on their makeup.

Let's go have breakfast...

Gu Huaian ordered some hot pot noodles, originally thinking of taking the opportunity to get some system points, but who knew that after asking, everyone said they wanted to eat, but no one said that I don't want to eat, I want to control my body, control my weight, drink milk and eat cereal. …

not a single one!

Not Han Xiangyi, not Shen Yuqi!

"No...you don't need to control your figure?" Gu Huaian was puzzled.

"It's hard to come out to record a show without your manager around, why don't you let me eat?" Shen Yuqi said with a little pout.

Gu Huaian grinned and didn't say anything, and the system didn't prompt. The points were all wasted...

By the way, Gu Huaian himself clearly feels that one thing is that since he became popular last year because he was more down-to-earth, many people have followed his lead. Many celebrities and artists who used to be high-profile are now starting to become down-to-earth...

The most straightforward thing is that celebrities and entertainers eat whatever they want on the show, and they don't pick and choose. Several new lifestyle variety shows next door are chopping firewood and cooking, causing all kinds of embarrassments. It has everything. At the beginning of the year, Gu Huaian heard that there was a variety show about small fresh meat farming on the next door station!

Live broadcast throughout the year!

Very exaggerated!


Even female idols like Shen Yuqi and others who rely on their figures to make a living have begun to imitate Gu Huaian and become "down to earth" and not care about calories.

It is said that their team has given them lessons, saying that the program should be as down-to-earth as possible to establish a real image for the audience. If they gain weight, they can go to the gym to lose weight.

This made Gu Huaian gradually lose his competitiveness in the field of "down-to-earth energy".

Very annoying!

So sometimes, it's not that Gu Huaian doesn't like to be "down-to-earth", it's actually that everything about him was thoroughly studied during "Crystal Love Season"!

He even heard that someone sorted out the types of work he did in "Crystal Love Season" and gave lessons to his own artists!

Absolutely amazing!

"have to……"

Gu Huaian held his forehead silently, thinking that fortunately the system now gave more points at once, and he gradually became popular and no longer needed the system, otherwise he would have been unable to survive.

Of course, this does not mean that Gu Huaian will be completely ruined...

Gu Huaian thought, it was so easy to get a lot of exposure on the last show, so he had to find a way to get more points.

No, I will take Pei Jingshu around the village when I have nothing to do.

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