Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 257 Eat pig-killing rice on the banquet! What a new-skinned man looks like after falling in

"Gu! Huai! An!"

What’s funny is that when everyone was eating together, Jiang’s mother came in with someone to kill them.


Gu Huaian was still eating noodles and looked confused at the time. What happened? !

"You kid, come out here!"

Mother Jiang angrily scolded Gu Huaian because she had cooked instant noodles last night.

He didn't take his words to heart at all!

Didn’t you say you shouldn’t eat or use anything without sponsorship? You’re making it very difficult for the program team to do this!

"Ah ha ha……"

The audience gloated and said that evil people will be punished!

Gu Huaian is also smart. He doesn't argue with Mother Jiang. He just smiles and says I'm wrong and you're right. I will definitely change it in the future. I'm sure it's what you said. I...

I'm going to Dan!

After one set, Jiang Ma was really coaxed.

"Let's go to Dan... Gu Laolu is really a naughty person, hahaha..."

The audience was all amused, disgusted and found it funny at the same time. I really don’t know how Gu Huaian was so smart that he could think of such nonsense.

The key point is that this gag is quite useful. Jiang Yao, Shen Yuqi and others listened to it, and it began to be widely circulated throughout the show!

After dinner, Jiang Yao and Shen Yuqi had their own business to shoot, so they went to work first.

The business in the program is the sponsor's advertisements that are inserted in the middle of the program. The guests are very happy to take pictures of these things, and they pay a lot of money for each of them.

Gu Huaian's business was in the afternoon, so he had nothing to do in the morning.

"Let's go out for a walk."

From nowhere, Gu Huaian picked up the cattail leaf fan he had taken from Sister Zhou in Guan Village yesterday. While fanning it, he asked Pei Jingshu.


Pei Jingshu is very obedient. Strictly speaking, her makeup today is not as exquisite as yesterday, and it is relatively plain, but it does not mean that she does not look good. She has always been known as the "goddess without makeup", and her makeup without makeup naturally fits better. she.

"To be honest, I don't like you wearing makeup..."

Gu Huaian grinned and naturally took Pei Jingshu's hand when he went out.

Pei Jingshu did not defend herself, she just chuckled and complained:

“Straight male prejudice.”

She probably thought that Gu Huaian was a straight man who liked to see girls without makeup, and thought that girls were two different people after makeup and before makeup.

But the problem is that she, Pei Jingshu, is naturally beautiful regardless of whether she is wearing makeup or not!

"This has nothing to do with prejudice, the main thing is..."

Maybe because he thought there was a camera, Gu Huaian was too embarrassed to say it directly, so he leaned into Pei Jingshu's ear and said:

"The main thing is that when I kiss, I either kiss on the lips of powder or the lips of lipstick."

When he just came close to Pei Jingshu's ear, his warm breath blew onto her ear, which made the base of Pei Jingshu's ears turn a little red. What he said next made Pei Jingshu's pretty face slowly turn crimson. …


She pushed Gu Huaian with some disgust and said:


After a long time of fussing, this is what this guy was thinking about...

How shameless!


"Hey, what are you talking about?"

The barrage was going on at this time, and many viewers were confused and did not hear what Gu Huaian said clearly.

This old man is a thief. When he came to speak in Pei Jingshu's ear just now, he took off the wheat on his collar and covered it. The radio receiver didn't hear what he said at all.

Everyone only saw Gu Huaian whisper something in Pei Jingshu's ear, and then Pei Jingshu pushed him away with a blush.

It looked so foggy and miserable!

This dog food is spread out in an inexplicable way!

Pei Jingshu, if you want to reprimand Gu Huaian, you can do whatever you want behind the camera. This is in front of the camera after all. Please take care of my face...

But Gu Huaian, the old man, covering the microphone really seemed to be taking care of her face!

Just leave her helpless to scold!

"Have you always been so shameless before?"

Pei Jingshu rolled her eyes and said.

She used to remember that Gu Huaian was always a naive and honest boy. Why was he becoming more and more shameless now?


Gu Huaian scratched his head and said with a smile:

"Maybe it's just a man's true nature."


This made Pei Jingshu laugh again, and she couldn't help but raise her beautiful hand and pat Gu Huaian a few times.



The waves kept coming, lapping at the sand on the shore. Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were walking barefoot on the beach. The blazing sunshine fell on them, making this scene look inexplicably romantic and enviable.

It is worth mentioning that Pei Jingshu is very white, so white that she seems to be glowing. She also put on sunscreen before going out, making her look like an angel.

Gu Huaian's skin color is just the opposite. This old man has been covering himself up for so long and has not turned it white. His skin is a healthy wheat color. It can't be said to be particularly dark, but you have to compare with who...

Compared with Pei Jingshu in the same frame, I feel that this kid is too old.

"Put some sunscreen on."

Pei Jingshu thoughtfully took a bottle of sunscreen from her assistant, and without waiting for Gu Huaian's refusal, she took his arm and helped him spray it on.


Gu Huaian originally wanted to refuse, but he always felt that he was pissing off this thing, but it was Pei Jingshu who made it difficult for him to refuse.

"look up……"

Pei Jingshu was very attentive and asked Gu Huaian to raise his head. Gu Huaian was very obedient at the moment and obediently raised his head and asked Pei Jingshu to spray his neck.

Someone jokingly said: "Sister Pei is the only one who can cure Gu Laolu!"

After applying sunscreen, Pei Jingshu found Gu Huaian some ice sleeves to put on, and even found him a sun hat. She told him that she had prepared several and brought them with her in the suitcase, and would go back to help him find them later. come out.

In fact, she should have taken it out last night, but Gu Huaian, the old man, was so busy bullying her that she forgot to take it out...

Not to mention that Gu Huaian, who appeared in the audience's field of vision again and put on a "new skin", is really not so tacky!

In the past, Gu Huaian wore big pants and flip-flops. He never had anything complicated on his body, including accessories, necklaces, rings...etc., nothing.

Not to mention whether he looks like a celebrity or not, he doesn't even look like a normal person, he just looks like a gay kid.

Now I have a sun hat on my head and ice sleeves on my hands, so I look like a normal person!

"Ah...Sister Pei!"

Some fans couldn't help but feel envious.

I feel that Pei Jingshu is really gentle to Gu Huaian and can always take care of things that he wouldn't expect.

Someone even compared two screenshots of Gu Huaian's normal appearance with his current appearance, and accompanied the copywriter by saying:

"This is what a man looks like before and after he falls in love!"

Some boys were handsome before falling in love, but after falling in love, they gained weight, gained weight, and became greasy.

There are also some boys who were gay before they fell in love, but after they fell in love, their girlfriends dressed them up like handsome men!

Obviously, Gu Huaian belongs to the latter.

Some Gu Huaianjia had bags under his eyes and said:

"Come on, Sister Pei! Build up Gu Laoliu!"

Regarding this, Gu Huaian was a little bit dumbfounded, because he was actually counting on his rustic appearance to earn points...

Speaking of which, it feels like Gu Huaian's points did not increase much this time in "Hello Life Partner", the second resident variety show. Firstly, his routine was sanctioned, and secondly...

It feels like Pei Jingshu really wants to build him up.

Even when she was getting dressed this morning, she took the initiative to help Gu Huaian find some clothes that were nicer and less plain.

It feels like with Pei Jingshu, the system will be retired...

At this time, the two of them walked all the way and arrived at the entrance of the village.

"Eh? Do you want some coconut?"

Gu Huaian saw a coconut seller at the entrance of the village and asked Pei Jingshu.

Yesterday he bought some for the guests. You want to ask him how he drank...

Not really.

It's not a disparagement, and I don't know if the coconut Gu Huaian drank was not very good, it didn't feel very sweet, and it didn't taste very good.

Far worse than Lei Bi.

But after all, we are in Hainan. It seems unrealistic for you not to drink a coconut, right?

When in town, do as the Romans do.


Pei Jingshu nodded in agreement, and Gu Huaian bought two coconuts. It turned out that it was not Gu Huaian who was unlucky. The coconuts he bought this time were not very tasty. Even after Pei Jingshu took a few sips, she had no intention of drinking anymore. .

After drinking too much and throwing away the waste, Gu Huaian found a rope and tied up the two coconuts, then hung them around his neck.

Those two coconuts just happened to hang on Gu Huaian's chest, that shape...


Everyone around Pei Jingshu couldn't help but giggle and said:

"Take it off, it's ugly."


The audience almost went crazy with laughter. What the hell are you doing with two coconuts hanging on your chest?


Gu Huaian was speechless for a moment and had no choice but to take it down.

He was holding a coconut in his left hand, and Gu Huaian was shaking a cattail leaf fan in his right hand. Although his attire was no longer as rustic as it looked, he didn't know why Gu Huaian gave people the feeling of being a grifter.

It’s like it’s engraved in my bones!

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the points are +91X20! 】

Let's take a walk together. As we were about to leave the program recording area and enter the village, Pei Jingshu couldn't help but ask:

"Still going forward?"

Gu Huaian looked at the time and said:

"It's still early, let's go shopping, there's no point in going back."

There seemed to be occasional games or something in their program. Gu Huaian actually had no interest in it. He was not familiar with those people and wanted to spend more time with Pei Jingshu.

Pei Jingshu heard this and said:

"Have you forgotten what you said in the morning? Have you forgotten about Xiang Dan?"

In the morning, when Mother Jiang came to Gu Huaian and shouted to him to remember the "Three Chapters of the Agreement" yesterday, Gu Huaian kept saying "Go to Dan" one by one.

This time, Ma Jiang’s absence fell on deaf ears...


"Go back and head towards Dan again."

Gu Huaian bravely took Pei Jingshu out of the recording venue.

The key is that there is nothing to do in the program recording area. If he doesn't come out to look for opportunities, Gu Huaian feels that the exposure of this permanent program is really in vain.

Pei Jingshu didn't say anything more, she just chose to follow. She would never contradict Gu Huaian, nor would she argue with him, but would always accompany him.

Just like their CP names, "Pei Ban takes care of".

It is now past nine o'clock in the morning. Logically speaking, there should not be too many people in the village. At most, there are some uncles and aunts who got up early at the entrance of the village, waving fans to enjoy the cool...

But for some reason, when Gu Huaian and the others passed by, they found that there were a lot of people on the main road of the village, and many of them were going in the same direction together.

"What are they going to do?" Pei Jingshu was curious.

"have no idea."

Gu Huaian helped her with the cattail leaf fan, looking confused.

"Go over and have a look..."

The two went there together, crossed a street and turned a corner to see some wedding cars lined up. Only then did they realize that someone seemed to be getting married in the village.

At this time, Gu Huaian saw Sister Zhou, who had given him the fan yesterday, passing by with the fat boy in her arms, and shouted:


One thing to say, this guy has the attributes of a social gangster like no other. There were many people watching, and he was the only one who dared to shout loudly.

A conspicuous package!

Sister Zhou saw him and came over to say hello with a smile.

"Are you... a family member getting married?"

Gu Huaian found that Sister Zhou had a gift pinned to her clothes, which probably belonged to the couple's family.

Sister Zhou was all smiles and said with a smile:

"My cousin's nephew is getting married, and we are hosting a banquet at home today."

"Oh, then congratulations..."

Gu Huaian was stunned when he heard this, and Pei Jingshu also said congratulations.

Only then did Sister Zhou notice Pei Jingshu next to Gu Huaian. The first time she saw Pei Jingshu, this middle-aged woman in her forties couldn't help but said in surprise:

"Oh, this little girl is so pretty..."

Pei Jingshu was also wearing a sun hat at this time, so Sister Zhou didn't see her face clearly just now. Now she looked carefully and saw her face clearly. She felt that this little girl was so beautiful.

Obviously yesterday, when Shen Yuqi and Xiang Zi came to call Gu Huaian back, Sister Zhou had also seen the female guests on the show. She didn't praise them at that time, but today she specifically praised Pei Jingshu...

This is evident here.

At first glance, Pei Jingshu's appearance is not a result of makeup, but a beauty that comes from her heart. Her cheongsam and Han costumes were once popular in various circles, and they are in line with the aesthetic appearance of the Chinese people.

Elders of a certain age will also appreciate this appearance.


Pei Jingshu looked into Sister Zhou's eyes politely and thanked her.


Gu Huaian chuckled, took Pei Jingshu's hand, and said:

"My girlfriend."

Pei Jingshu blushed, but did not break away from Gu Huaian's hand.

"Oh... Zundu is fake?"

Sister Zhou has a "melon-eating" face and is still smiling:

"My son said you celebrities can't fall in love? Didn't you say there was something... house collapse?"


This time, Gu Huaian really didn’t know how to explain it, so he said:

"Anyway, we won't collapse."

As soon as these words came out...


Some viewers were really shocked.

The barrage is being posted:

"You kid, that's a double entendre!"

He said they would not collapse.

It means that their relationship will not collapse, and the two of them will last forever, and "Pei Ban takes care of CP" will not collapse.

It's quite poignant.

Even Pei Jingshu liked what Gu Huaian said.


Sister Zhou gave Gu Huaian a thumbs up and said:

"A talented man and a beautiful woman."


Gu Huaian was very happy after hearing this. He was actually happy for no reason, but anyone who knew him and Pei Jingshu would understand...

Because since he fell in love with Pei Jingshu until now, almost everyone has said that he is not worthy of Pei Jingshu. Even his mother at home would always say how many galaxies he saved in his previous life before he had Pei Jingshu. Such a beautiful girlfriend Jingshu...

How could he not be happy when he heard about their talent and beauty for the first time?

"Ha ha……"

He made the audience laugh like that, and some people couldn't help but say:

"Look at your worthless look, Gu Laolu!"

What an eye-catcher!

A few people chatted for a while. Someone in front called Sister Zhou, and Gu Huaian said:

"Go quickly, sister, don't delay your serious business."

Sister Zhou nodded and wanted to leave directly, but suddenly as if she thought of something, she turned back and said:

"Would you like to tag along and have some fun?"


Gu Huaian was stunned for a moment and glanced at Pei Jingshu, as if asking for her opinion;

Pei Jingshu was still looking after Gu Huai'an, so she didn't know whether to go or not.

"Of course I'm willing to go!"

Gu Huaian clapped his hands, which made the audience laugh:

"You're really a social gangster!"

“You can mingle with the local villagers wherever you go!”

"Gu Huaian: I'm good at eating at a banquet!"

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the points are +91X69! 】

Sure enough, it has to be Gu Huaian's formula.

Many people find it hard to imagine that Gu Huaian, who is now the new king of the music industry, is so obsessed with things like eating dinner.

The key question is, should he sit on the table or take Pei Jingshu to the table?

It makes people dumbfounded...

To be honest, if someone like Gu Huaian is placed among ordinary people, let alone among celebrities, his friends who play with him will feel embarrassed.

When it comes to getting a seat, don't even look at the guests on their "Hello Life Partner" program. Even if you look at the entire entertainment industry, you can't find anyone else!

How embarrassing!

The barrage is occasionally posted:

"Mama Dan: You didn't hear a word I said!"

Mother Jiang said to Gu Huaian's "Three Rules" that she couldn't leave the village, couldn't just run away to any villager without saying hello in advance, and couldn't eat anything other than the sponsor...

Good guy, he made all the mistakes in this short period of time!

Looking at this attitude, are you not going back for lunch today?

have to!

What the boss said fell on deaf ears!

Pei Jingshu had always been used to Gu Huaian. She smiled slightly and said:

"If you want to go, I'll go with you."

She has really always been a "husband sings and a wife follows suit". When she was in Yunnan, she accompanied Gu Huaian to eat steamed buns, okay?

"Let's go, let's go..."

Sister Zhou is so enthusiastic. This may be the reason why Gu Huaian generously left several boxes of sponsor milk yesterday. Of course, it may also be because they are celebrities. Zhou Jie thinks that young people should like celebrities quite a lot, just for fun.

"Hey, let's ask for permission..."

The camera teacher wanted to ask for permission, but Gu Huaian dragged him into the car without giving him a chance to ask for permission.

"Is it killing pig rice?"

On the way there, Gu Huaian asked, Sister Zhou didn't quite understand what "killed pig rice" meant. They actually didn't have the concept of "killed pig rice" here. One of the places where more people eat pig killed rice is in the north, such as the Northeast. One piece, and the other is Yunnan, where Gu Huaian and the others recorded "Crystal Love Season".

Sister Zhou shook her head and said no, it was just like hosting a banquet at a nearby hotel. How can young people nowadays have food at home when they get married? It doesn’t matter what age it is.

Under the leadership of Sister Zhou, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu got into a wedding car for picking up people, and even made room for the camera teacher.

We went all the way to a hotel in the city.

When they arrived, there were some young people at the scene. When they saw Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu, their eyes widened!

"Wow! Oh my god!"

"Pei Jingshu!"

"Gu Huaian!"

There must have been a commotion at the scene. They are both well-known stars after all. Gu Huaian's works are now sung in the streets and alleys. Needless to say, Pei Jingshu has that pretty face that can be called "a disaster for the country and the people" no matter where she is. It can attract onlookers.

Not only young people, but anyone who recognized Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were happy to say hello. Among them, there were a few big brothers who looked arrogant and arrogant, and even asked Gu Huaian to take a photo with them.

When he heard that Gu Huaian was here for a banquet, he happily said that he would have a few drinks at noon.

Gu Huaian was so flattered.

I feel like this lunch meal is...

It may not be easy to eat.

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