It's funny...

People record the program and never leave the recording venue, for fear of being embarrassed if they go out to communicate with the deer people.

Fortunately for Gu Huaian, he couldn't perform well in the program recording venue, but when he came out, he felt like a fish in water.


When we came to the hotel, the wedding hadn't started yet, and the guests were all chatting when they arrived. When Gu Huai had nothing to do, he took Pei Jingshu around, looking inside and outside the hotel. When he was thirsty, he went to the wedding hall. Have some tea on the table, or get some melon seeds, wedding candies, etc. to eat...

His image, let alone a star, looks like a silly son of a landlord.

"It's hard for me, Sister Pei..."

The audience couldn't stand it any longer. You said Gu Huaian was just wandering around like a grifter. The key is that Pei Jingshu was also happy to follow him.

In everyone's impression, Pei Jingshu should be the type who sits there and is watched by everyone. When she appears at a "big banquet" like this, she should be like that...

Charity dinners, jeweler's parties, etc., she wore a custom dress worth millions and sat with a group of glamorous female stars.

Instead of wandering around like a headless fly with Gu Huaian like now.

The key is the image of Old 6. People recognize him everywhere and ask for photos and autographs with excited faces...

Even the bride and groom came over to say hello. What was a bit funny was that the bride kept excitedly saying that she was a fan of Gu Huaian, and then the groom wanted to take a photo with Pei Jingshu...

"a ha ha ha……"

At that time, a lot of the audience laughed. They felt that something was wrong with the plot and it was a bit bloody!

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the points are +91X69! 】

As Gu Huaian hoped, this wave contributed a lot of system points to him.

Sometimes Gu Huaian would be grateful for their celebrity status. This status really brought them so many things, allowing them to be sought after even if they did not look good.


Yesterday, Pei Jingshu said that eating melon seeds would affect the shape of the mouth. At this moment, Gu Huaian didn't think about it at all and kept cracking the seeds.

Pei Jingshu did not eat melon seeds, but she followed Gu Huaian throughout the whole process. What is worth mentioning is that not only did she not dislike it, she also chatted with Gu Huaian and laughed from time to time.

"Have you ever sat on a table like this before?"

Gu Huaian asked Pei Jingshu.

"I've been sitting there before, right..."

Pei Jingshu said that in the past, relatives and friends at home would go to the banquet with their family members during happy events. Then Gu Huaian was very curious and said:

"After you become famous, is there ever a situation where... relatives and friends ask you to come up and sing a song?"

As soon as these words came out...



Netizens are laughing so hard. Don’t tell me, everyone is quite curious about this topic.

Pei Jingshu was also a little dumbfounded by this question. She did not reply directly, but asked Gu Huaian:

"Are you asking this question because you have experienced it yourself?"

"That's for sure..."

Gu Huaian had black lines on his forehead and complained to Pei Jingshu, "You don't even know that during the two days I was at home during the Chinese New Year this year, I received wedding invitations from countless friends!"

Several of them who were close friends said that they wanted to ask him to sing a song or something, which meant that he was too busy at work and spent some red envelopes to follow the others, so they refused, otherwise he would have died if he went to these places.

And it's not just a wedding invitation. Didn't he go back for a few days during the Chinese New Year and take advantage of the time to rush away his relatives? When visiting relatives, some relatives knew that he was now a big star, so they would call him and say:

"Sing a song for your brothers and sisters or something..."

Gu Huaian was so embarrassed!


After hearing this, Pei Jingshu's delicate body trembled with laughter, but even when she smiled, her face never showed the same unrestrained laughter as that of Shang Zhuoyan. She didn't show her teeth when she smiled, even if she couldn't hold it tight. They all raised their jade hands to cover them.

"a ha ha ha……"

The audience also laughed, feeling that Gu Huaian was so miserable and so real.

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the points are +91X20! 】

"You didn't?"

Gu Huaian also asked Pei Jingshu.

Pei Jingshu originally wanted to say that this kind of situation did not happen in her place. Even if she had family members, she would be blocked. After all, her family conditions are relatively favorable, and many of them have seen the world. Besides, no one would make things difficult for a girl. .

However, he felt that saying such a thing was as if he and Gu Huaian were in a different class circle, so he thought about it and said:

"That's right. This kind of thing is inevitable. Who wants everyone to know that we are celebrities?"


Gu Huaian nodded. Being a celebrity is sometimes a burden.

At this time, they were on the second floor. From their position, they could just see the registration area for Sui Fang on the first floor. Guests coming and going would immediately go to Sui Fang.

Gu Huaian was lying on the handrail on the second floor, looking at the people downstairs. He seemed to be inspired, and he said:

"I used to like reading novels. Many ordinary people were always described as bad in the books, and then the protagonist used them to pretend to be so, slap them in the face, etc. But in fact, the people I met in reality were pretty good... …”

The reason why he said this was not out of emotion. The main reason was that after they arrived just now, they said they wanted to join the family, but they couldn't come and enjoy the feast for free. But the groom recognized them and said nothing. They were so excited that they were surrounded by a group of young people. Gu Huaian didn't bring any cash and didn't even follow the gift...

Gu Huaian thought that someone would ask them to sing a song or something, but there was no such thing. Everyone he met came over politely to say hello. The families of the bride and groom were also very polite. They felt that Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were happy to come to them. Same as Hui.

It is worth mentioning that many of the bride and groom’s family members also know Gu Huaian. This guy is very down-to-earth and his songs are very popular, with fans of all ages.

It feels like many people in reality look down on them because of their celebrity status.

Pei Jingshu couldn't help but smile when she saw this. She also imitated Gu Huaian's behavior, folded her hands on the armrest, bent down leisurely, and asked:

"Feeling sorry?"

"My crotch is burning."

Gu Huaian said:

"It doesn't feel right to eat other people's food for free."

"Didn't we also take some photos with them? Isn't that enough money to be part of the family?" Pei Jingshu said teasingly.

Indeed, their current autographed photos don't mention Gu Huaian, let's just say Pei Jingshu. If you sell any one of them, it will cost at least several hundred or even thousands.

They took a lot of pictures just now...

"That's different..."

Gu Huaian scratched his head and it was difficult to describe this feeling.

You said that you could exchange a few photos and signatures for a meal. I always felt that this was just like cheating, and it was like whoring for free.

Didn't pay anything at all.

Don't talk about selling photos for money, Gu Huaian always feels that that thing is empty...

"Tsk tsk..."

Some viewers couldn't help but feel a little emotional after watching this. Gu Huaian has always been quite real. Star effect is very useful in many places. As long as celebrities in domestic entertainment are somewhat famous, they will be recognized no matter where they go. Needless to say, It is quite common to be treated to a meal or something.

Some celebrities and entertainers are recognized when they go out to eat, and someone even pays for them secretly.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, and many people have even regarded this kind of thing as a normal thing. As a result, many people treat them to dinner and they think it is a matter of course...

He records a show and goes to other people's houses for dinner, and he looks incredible when people don't recognize him...

What's going on? Is it illegal to not recognize you?

Like Gu Huaian, there will be a psychological burden if he eats for free. This state is what many viewers think is the correct idea of ​​an artist.

[Ding, the host's grounded energy has been exposed, and the system points are +91X20! 】

"How about we sing a song to them or..."

Gu Huaian asked Pei Jingshu for her opinion and said with his cell phone:

"I happen to have one here."

Singing at a wedding is considered a commercial performance, and this should be approved by the agency or studio, so Gu Huaian wanted to seek Pei Jingshu's opinion. If it was inconvenient for her, then Gu Huaian would sing one by herself.

To sing more than 4 lines of their respective songs outside requires authorization, so Gu Huaian made a new song.

This song was redeemed by Gu Huaian from the system mall just now. He spent a few extra points to redeem a demo and accompaniment.

"Let me see……"

Pei Jingshu did not agree in a hurry. Instead, she first took a look at the song on the phone that Gu Huaian handed her.

The name of this song is: "Today You Will Marry Me".

When she saw the title of the song, Pei Jingshu's pretty face turned red, and she couldn't help but glance at Gu Huaian secretly, thinking, has this guy thought so far, and even written a song like this?

After watching and listening carefully, I became more and more amazed by Gu Huaian's talent...

This is a duet song between men and women. The melody is a bit R\u0026B. Just like Gu Huaian's previous style, the whole song is very catchy in both the intro and the chorus, and is very suitable to be sung at a wedding.

It's like it's tailor-made for a wedding.

After listening to Pei Jingshu's first thought, it wasn't whether it was suitable for them to sing or whether it should be sung here, but...

Gu Huaian wrote this song based on the two of them. Did he sing it when he wanted to propose to her, or was he planning to sing it at their wedding?

"This guy...has he thought this far?"

The corners of Pei Jingshu's mouth raised involuntarily, and she was a little dazed for a moment.

"What are you staring at me for? Is there a flower on my face?"

Gu Huaian didn't realize that this song had any special meaning to Pei Jingshu. He just temporarily redeemed it in the system mall because he felt sorry for not following the gang.

", who is staring at you..."

Pei Jingshu immediately blushed and turned her head. She calmed down her emotions a little and then said:

"It's okay to sing, but if we sing, won't it seem a bit overwhelming?"


They are stars, and they are top-notch celebrities who are currently popular. Even when they come here, they are afraid of attracting onlookers and have to hide from some people.

If you sing at a wedding, it will definitely steal the spotlight from the bride and groom.


The two of them are lovers themselves, and this song is about weddings. It is such a sweet song. If the two of them really sang it, those who know it is the wedding of the bride and groom, and those who don’t know would still think about their wedding.

"It doesn't matter, I know..."

Gu Huaian explained that they could communicate with the wedding team here and provide an accompanist without having to go on stage, and the emcee did not need to introduce it first. They would just sing as background accompaniment. After singing, the emcee would just tell the origin of the song.


After hearing this, Pei Jingshu nodded repeatedly in agreement. Unexpectedly, Gu Huaian was quite comprehensive.

Even many viewers couldn't help but praise Gu Huaian.

"I don't have a problem. Is it okay with your company?" Pei Jingshu began to think about Gu Huaian again.

She is a personal studio, and her interests are tied to her personal interests, so in fact, many copyright aspects do not matter as long as they do not involve the platform. External clicker commercials and performances are her own business.

On the contrary, it was Gu Huaian, who had a company.

Can Mother Jiang agree?

But who knew, Gu Huaian waved his hands with a nonchalant expression and said:

"Sing it first and then talk."

This made the camera teacher, who was planning to remind him, speechless for a moment.

"Ha ha……"

The audience was laughing from ear to ear. Many people said that Gu Huaian not only didn't take Ma Jiang's words to heart, but also threw them out of the sky!

With such an artist, Mother Jiang has no idea how much she has suffered!

Pei Jingshu smiled and said:

"You can sing if you want, but I need time to get familiar with it."

It's not a good thing for Pei Jingshu to have a temporary job, but if she is singing with Gu Huaian, then she will definitely be fine.


Gu Huaian didn't do any ink and went directly to the auditorium to find the wedding team here.

The other party was shocked when they heard that they were going to sing a song. MD Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were both top-notch figures, kings and queens. Singers of this level would never be able to afford a commercial performance without starting at a million dollars. .

They didn’t have such a budget for their wedding!

Fortunately, Gu Huaian said that they were just free and just like random followers, so the other party breathed a sigh of relief...

At the same time, I also began to envy the bride and groom. Not everyone was qualified to have Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu sing at their wedding.

Netizens have also begun to look forward to it. How would Gu Huaian write a song about a wedding?

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the wedding to begin.

Gu Huaian had to admire Pei Jingshu. Some people were born with great talents. You are like Gu Huaian. He knew how to master some songs because he had a system. But Pei Jingshu didn't have any system, she was just born with talent. , in less than an hour, I was able to sing my own part in a song.

Admittedly, even if he didn't memorize the lyrics, it was really scary to be able to complete a song with Gu Huaian in such a short time.

Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were sitting in an auditorium. There were many tables in the entire auditorium, and they were filled with relatives and friends. The positions were a bit off...

Of course, it's not that others want to arrange a partial seat for them, but that they want to sit farther away and don't want to attract too much attention.

The people sitting at their table seemed to be young people, friends of the bride and groom, maybe because they were young people, and they all knew Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian.

A little girl wearing glasses opposite was so excited that she held her cell phone and recorded the entire process and never put it down...

If Gu Huaian hadn't gotten used to the camera, they would have been really embarrassed.

"Okay, thank you all guests..."

After a while, the master of ceremonies went up to preside over the wedding.

The lights in the auditorium gradually dimmed. The groom was already above, and the bride would appear later.

The emcee looked at them from a distance, and then someone handed the microphone to them...


Waves of elegant and beautiful string music sounded throughout the auditorium, and Gu Huaian sang:

"The warm flowers bloom in spring, taking away the sadness of winter..."

“The breeze brings romance.”

"Every love song is suddenly full of meaning, and I suddenly see you right now."

The moment his voice came out, you could see many people looking left and right at the scene, as if they were looking for someone. Those people might know Gu Huai'an was there, hear his voice, and want to find him.

There are also many people who are confused and feel that they have never heard of this song. It sounds so good.

Of course, in the end their attention was not on the music, because at this time the emcee was already going through the process and asking the groom questions.

"Oh, he's so warm."

Some viewers couldn't help but praise Gu Huaian. His voice and singing skills were obviously outstanding in the entire domestic entertainment industry, but when he sang this song, his voice was very light, he didn't show off any skills, and he sang very low-key!

In order not to overwhelm the guest, Gu Huaian did a very commendable job!

Of course, he is not the only one who is like this, Pei Jingshu is also like this...

"The warm fragrance of spring flowers takes away the coldness of winter..."

“The breeze brings unexpected love.”

"The birds are trying to bring us closer..."

"I fell in love with you right now."

One thing to say, Pei Jingshu's voice is really unparalleled. Even if she sings this kind of love song that is a bit sweet and does not suit her style, the adaptability is very high!

Especially when she sang the line "I suddenly fell in love with you at this moment", anyone could see her love for Gu Huaian in her eyes!

Maybe, in order not to overwhelm others, they sang very low-key today...

But in front of the camera, they sprinkled it with sugar!

"Let us celebrate the handover ceremony of the bride with the warmest applause, wish Princess Zhaojun a happy exit, and invite our Princess Snow White to appear happily!"


Following the master of ceremonies, the bride, wearing a pure white wedding dress, walked in from the end of the red carpet under the leadership of her father.

At that moment, the chorus of Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu came in...

"listen to me!"

"Hand in hand, come with me!"

"Create a happy life!"

"It was too late yesterday, it will be a pity tomorrow..."

"Will you marry me today?"


Many viewers got goosebumps immediately!

Many times they have to admire Gu Huaian. This guy can really write. God knows how well this song fits the wedding. God knows how well the BGM of this song matches the scene when the bride appeared on the stage!

And even more suitable are the voices of Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu!

Both of them have bad timbres. No one's voice can outshine the other's. The piano and the harp are peaceful, and their compatibility is simply perfect!

Even though they know that saying such words will feel like they are overshadowing them, many fans still want to say...

"How wonderful it would be if they were the ones getting married today!"

Even the wedding song "Pei Ban takes care of CP" was sung. It's really difficult to end it without getting married, okay?

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