Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 261 Salty pig’s hand? My girlfriend, touch me wherever you want!

"Where's Gu Huaian?!"

"You're back, right?!"

"Come on, let him come out!"

"Gu Huaian!!!"

"Dan Ma, please don't..."

"He drank too much and was resting."

"Drink too much?! You dare to drink while recording a show?! Okay! Just see if I can peel off his skin!"

Outside the door, a noise suddenly started.

The first time he heard that familiar voice, Gu Huaian's eyes widened...


He was so frightened that he immediately threw away the hangover soup in his hand, then pretended to be "drunk" and fell on the bed.

Gu Huaian regretted it now!

I always regret it!

I regret that I just made things difficult for Pei Jingshu and asked her to feed herself the "imported hangover soup"!

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so shy that she would run away, and at least she could protect herself now...

Good this time!

If Mother Jiang wants to come in, the staff can’t stop her!

Gu Huaian's life is at risk!

The old man reacted quickly. Seeing that Jiang Ma was about to break in, he immediately fell head first into the quilt, then closed his eyes and pretended to be drunk...

"Gu Huaian, you kid!"

When Jiang Ma came in, she saw Gu Huaian lying on the bed in a daze, smelling of alcohol.


I want to scold him or lecture him, but seeing him like this, I feel like he may not be able to listen.

It was silent for a while...

"...Let him wake up and come to me!"

In the end, Mother Jiang could only stamp her feet and leave.


Gu Huaian then breathed a sigh of relief silently.

It was around three o'clock in the afternoon, the hottest time of the day. The lazy sunlight hit the floor of the room along the window, and reflected some of it onto Gu Huaian's bedside...

It makes people feel sleepy.


He must also be lying down.

There was no one in the room anymore.

The dizzy feeling of drunkenness slowly began to hit my mind again.

Simply, Gu Huaian fell asleep...

I still remember that there was a seaside "sports meeting" organized by the program team for the guests this afternoon, but now it has been completely forgotten.

Now Gu Huaian can only think of two words:


This sleep was quite comfortable. Gu Huaian slept from about three o'clock to about six o'clock in the evening.

Speaking of which, this guy basically slept during the two-day recording of "A Good Life Match". The audience wanted to complain. Is this guy really here to take a rest? !

Gu Huaian vaguely remembered that someone came in to see him, such as Xu Shiyun, Chen Feng and others, but he was still sleeping quite deeply at the time, without even raising his eyelids...

About six o'clock.


Gu Huaian yawned and opened his eyes, sat up and stretched.

Your eyes are a little hazy. To be honest, it's not a good time to sleep in the afternoon. When you fall asleep, you feel like you have traveled through time and space.

Gu Huaian felt that it was not evening but early morning.

He raised his hands and rubbed his face, trying to wake himself up. Gu Huaian got up, changed some clothes, and then went out...

When he went out, Gu Huaian was almost awake. Speaking of which, many people had to admire Gu Huaian's metabolism. After drinking so much wine at noon, this kid could still act like a normal person after a good sleep.

Gu Huaian didn't know exactly how much he drank, but he remembered that it would take one or two pounds of white wine just to drink a group of people in a circle.

"Where are they?"

After looking around the room and finding no one, Gu Huaian couldn't help but ask.

"They all went to the beach to participate in the sports meeting."

The staff member answered while helping him pin the microphone.


Gu Huaian nodded, asked where they were moving, and walked there on his flip-flops.

On the way, he passed by the "Sponsorship Station" of an ice cream sponsor from the program group, and he picked up a piece of ice cream and held it in his mouth.

As evening approached, the sun had not yet turned into sunset, and there was no intention of falling to the sea level yet. Gu Huaian stepped on his flip-flops, holding a piece of ice cream in his mouth, and walked on the cement road paved on the hill near the recording venue. The pace is slow, which gives people an inexplicable feeling of enjoyment.

"You, the sixth one, are still alive!"

When the director received the news and turned the camera to Gu Huaian, many people were dissatisfied with the barrage. This old man recorded the show for two days and slept for two afternoons, which took nearly a day in total. He was so unprofessional, wasn't he?

To be honest, he is really too popular now, and his works have given him too much confidence. Otherwise, his "disrespect for work" alone would be enough for people to criticize him.

The seaside at this time.

A group of guests from the "accompanying" and "taking care of" families are competing.

There are all kinds of things like running with weights, relay running, etc.

It is said to be a "sports meeting", but in fact, it is just some activities and games played by the guests. It cannot be considered real and there are no standards.

Whoever wins makes some money and improves his life like this.

Oh, by the way, talking about improving life, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were not there when the lifestyle store in Whale Village was opened today. Jiang Yao and Shen Yuqi spent all their family money.

There was almost no money left at the moment.

At that time, Jiang Yao vowed to wait until Gu Huaian came back to earn money for us. He was so capable...

As a result, Gu Huaian drank too much when he came back and couldn't even participate in the "sports meeting" in the evening!

They "take care" of the family are all girls, all of them!

In this sports meeting, I was almost completely crushed by the "accompanying" family next door!

To be honest, it was Pei Jingshu who took the initiative to take Gu Huaian's place. Otherwise, their family might not even be able to recruit enough candidates for the sports competition.

It is worth mentioning that the seaside at this time is quite eye-catching.

Most of them knew the reason for participating in the sports meeting at the beach, so the guests all wore swimsuits. The male guests were better off, wearing undershirts and beach shorts or something like that, while the female guests went straight to swimsuits!

Shen Yuqi, Han Xiangyi and Xu Shiyun were all wearing bikinis, showing off their figures. The three of them seemed to use practical actions to interpret a sentence called:

"Gathered it is a ball of fire, scattered it is a sky full of stars!"

When the three of them are viewed separately, none of them can be called unique, but when they stand together, they give people a feeling that 1+1 is greater than 2, making people dream back to the various stages they toured last year.

Sister Jiang Yao is not inferior at all. After all, she is a woman who has given birth to children. Whether it is charm or figure, she crushes those girls in many aspects. Her swimsuit is not revealing, but the large white area on her chest and career line are also drool-worthy. .

On the other hand, Xiang Zi may not have a good figure, so she wears a relatively conservative one-piece swimsuit that doesn't expose her flesh.

It is very regrettable that...

Pei Jingshu also wore a one-piece swimsuit that was not revealing like Xiang Zi.

Although she is not as figureless as Xiang Zi, and is somewhat curvy, her style has always been like this, and she never likes to wear clothes that are too revealing.

Pei Jingshu always uses practical actions to interpret the saying "beautiful women never need to brush aside." Look at today, even if she is wearing a one-piece swimsuit, among a group of female guests, she can still be seen immediately she……

Very conspicuous.

It's different from Gu Huaian's kind of conspicuousness, where he does all his work to make people look embarrassed; Pei Jingshu's kind of conspicuousness means that she doesn't have to do anything, just putting her face there can make people pay attention to her. .

When Gu Huaian passed by, the sight of the scene was soothing...


At that time, the old 6’s eyes widened in front of the camera.

"What are you looking at, you idiot!"

Many fans condemned in front of the camera, "Sister Pei, if you look at others in front of me, I will kill you!"

Perhaps knowing this, Gu Huaian didn't dare to look at anyone else, and focused more on Pei Jingshu...

"come on! Come on!"

At this time, the female guests seemed to be in a tug of war. Jiang Yao led Xiang Zi and Pei Jingshu and opposite Xu Shiyun, Han Xiangyi, and Shen Yuqi.

Pei Jingshu worked very hard. I heard on the way that she won several weight-bearing races even if Gu Huaian was not around.

She seems to have that kind of... sense of responsibility. Even if she takes Gu Huaian's place, she has to help Gu Huaian win. In addition, she has always been quite competitive...

She really belongs to the type who is very responsible and doesn't say much.

"Aren't you going to go?"

The camera guy next to me couldn't help but ask.

A group of people were having a lively sports meeting there. Gu Huaian, the old man, had already arrived, but he had no intention of going over to participate. He even watched the fun with an ice cream in his mouth.

What a shame...

"Go over and have sex?"

Gu Huaian rolled his eyes, pointed to Jiang Ma’s position, and said:

"Do you believe that Danma will break my head when I go there?"

At around three o'clock, if Gu Huai hadn't arranged to sleep with Mother Jiang, he would have chopped off Gu Huaian's head. Gu Huaian would not be stupid enough to think that Mother Jiang would have calmed down in just a few hours.

"Haha...don't you deserve this?"

The audience laughed. Wasn't this all Gu Huaian's doing?

Who told you to turn a deaf ear to your boss’s words?

"Then you won't go over?" The corner of the cameraman's mouth twitched.

"Let's take a look at the situation first..."

Gu Huaian was hiding behind the nearby bushes, as if he were a spy.


What made Gu Huaian a little speechless was that there were mosquitoes behind the grass, biting him several times.


It is worth mentioning that the wind is not light, not just the sea breeze blowing from the beach, but also like...

"Is it going to rain?"

Gu Huaian looked up at the sky and saw a big, thick dark cloud flying over.

He secretly smacked his tongue, thinking that he wouldn't go on. If it rained, the sports meeting wouldn't last long anyway.

But just when he was thinking this...


Below, there was suddenly a loud noise.

It seemed that one of the female guests on both sides of the tug-of-war fell down...

"Is Jingshu okay?"

"Did you fall somewhere?"

Gu Huaian saw Pei Jingshu sitting there from a distance, and a group of people gathered around her. It looked like Pei Jingshu had fallen?


Gu Huaian, who had just been content to be the sixth child, now jumped out like a rabbit, trotting all the way to the sports meeting.

"Hey you!"

Everyone was dumbfounded by the camera teacher. The corner of his mouth twitched. For a moment, he recalled the fear of being dominated by Gu Huaian's "flip-flops" in Yunnan.

It’s really hard for some people to understand, so how can flip-flops run so fast? !

This side of the beach at this time.

"It's okay, it's just a fall..."

Pei Jingshu stood up unhurriedly and patted the sand on her body. She accidentally fell down just now and everyone was making too much fuss.

Before anyone could say anything, a figure suddenly came from the camera and rushed from far to near!

Pei Jingshu was originally surrounded by Jiang Yao, Xiang Zi, Xu Shiyun, and others. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind came, and a tall figure quickly passed by them and came to Pei Jingshu... …

He grabbed her hand and asked with concern:

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Did you fall somewhere?"


At that time, many people didn't react. When Gu Huaian held Pei Jingshu's hand, some people stared wide-eyed and wanted to say, "Who are you holding Pei Jingshu's hand?" !

At first glance, it was Gu Huaian...

That's okay.

"Pfft...where did you come from?!"

Xu Shiyun giggled and asked Gu Huaian:

"You are running too fast!"

Everyone's sports meeting was going well, but this old guy suddenly showed up. It was so offensive!

Pei Jingshu also pursed her lips and smiled slightly, and asked:

"Are you okay?"

Of course she was asking about Gu Huaian's drunkenness.

"My crotch is fine..."

Gu Huaian waved his hand and said carelessly:

"Who can get drunk with just a little wine? You underestimate my drinking capacity."

Pei Jingshu rolled her eyes at him, and Xu Shiyun and the others beside her giggled. They deeply felt the same about Gu Huaian's "drinking capacity".

"Are you a good drinker?"

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind, and Gu Huaian trembled after hearing it!

Turning around, he saw Mother Jiang standing there with her hands behind her back, looking at him with a smile on her face.

The smile is a bit... scary.

"Dan...Dan's mother."

Gu Huaian called for someone with a smile.

Teacher He was standing next to Jiang Ma. Gu Huaian noticed that Teacher He was winking at him crazily. At that time, Gu Huaian didn't know what he meant until the next moment...

"How dare you come here!"

Jiang Ma pulled out a rolling pin from nowhere and started beating Gu Huaian!

"Hey hey..."

"What are you doing!"

"The show is being recorded here!"

"Hiss... didn't you really hit me?!"


Gu Huaian was chased and intercepted by Jiang Ma because Pei Jingshu exposed her identity!



The way he ran wildly made countless people laugh to death. One Xiu'er compared the screenshot of him jumping up after being slapped by Mother Jiang with the picture of Sun Wukong jumping on the beach when he was just born in Journey to the West, and they turned out to be exactly the same!

How funny!

"Gu Huaian, stop!"

"You don't listen to a word I say, right?!"

"I...I told you not to listen!"

"Whip you to death!"

Mother Jiang was always angry, and she chased Gu Huaian all the way because of her old age.

"Dan Mama Dan Mama..."

"Oh, it won't be..."

Everyone tried to persuade me, but I couldn’t stop it.


Finally, Jiang Ma was so exhausted that she pointed at Gu Huaian with a rolling pin and said:

"If I catch you running around without reporting or eating and drinking randomly again, I will prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, I know..."

Gu Huaian rolled his eyes. At this time, this old man was hiding behind Pei Jingshu. To be honest, it was a pity that Pei Jingshu felt sorry for him and he came over to pull Jiang Ma. Otherwise, you can see who among these people can hold her back.

"Are you being honest this time?"

Pei Jingshu tucked the messy hair behind her ears and looked at Gu Huaian behind her in a funny way.

"...I have always been honest."

Gu Huaian rolled his eyes, this is a program that doesn't allow you to do this or that, so where do the system points come from? !

You said you want Gu Huaian to obey?

That definitely cannot exist...

He is probably that kind of person now. If he makes a mistake, he will dare to do it next time.


The sea breeze blows and lifts Pei Jingshu's hair. Her hair quality is really unparalleled. It is not frizzy at all. Each hair is thick and long. It is said that the annual maintenance cost of this hair alone is Hundreds of thousands.

"Don't drink so much in the future."

Pei Jingshu stood facing the wind, and the wind blew all her hair to the back of her face. That superior face was displayed in front of Gu Huaian and all the audience.

"Okay, whatever you say is what it is."

Gu Huaian didn't make any excuses, mainly because the "imported hangover soup" was so exciting.

Of course, Gu Huaian just said that it is impossible for a man to quit drinking, especially when Pei Jingshu is here, it is even more impossible for you to ask Gu Huaian to quit drinking.


That "imported hangover soup" can only be served when Gu Huaian is drunk, right?

Just for this "imported hangover soup", Gu Huaian would have to get drunk a few times, okay?

It was just because of this jealousy that he made this dumpling meal!

Do you think!

"Look at you..."

Compared to himself, Gu Huaian was more concerned about Pei Jingshu. She just fell down and came over to "break up the fight" without having time to pat the sand on her body. There was still a lot of sand on her body.

Especially the chest area...

"Is there water?"

He asked the staff around him.


The assistant brought a bottle of water over.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Pei Jingshu looked frightened when she saw him opening a bottle of water and pouring it on herself.

"do not move."

As a result, Gu Huaian called her and she stayed still.

In front of the camera...

The audience and fans clearly saw Gu Huaian, the old man, holding a bottle of water and pouring it on Pei Jingshu's chest.

It’s not even finished after pouring, I even reached out to wipe it...



The barrage exploded directly on the spot!

"Gu Laolu, what the hell are you doing?!"

"Be careful, the boss chops off your hands!"

"Good guy, are you taking advantage of others in public? You want to die too!"

The area below a girl's neck and on her chest is also a sensitive place. Maybe everyone saw that Gu Huaian was wiping the sand off Pei Jingshu's body, but this action was a bit indecent!

"Hey, where are your hands touching?!"

Zheng Yunbin, who is not far away, can’t stand it any longer...

This guy happens to be nearby. He pursued Pei Jingshu before, and then Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian fell in love. Now he is still showing off their affection in a high-profile show on this show. He has been feeling uncomfortable watching it for the past two days. Yes, I really can’t stand it now.

As for whether men and women are intimate, even if you two are boyfriend and girlfriend, it would be a bit impolite for you to do this in front of the camera, right?

But who knew, Gu Huaian's expression remained unchanged, he turned around and said calmly:

"My girlfriend, I can touch you wherever I want!"

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