Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 262: Paddle in the water? Sister Pei ran towards him against the crowd!

"Tsk high-profile!"

" are noble!"

Many netizens are bitter and envious. MD Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu are really becoming more and more high-profile now. Those who know are young lovers who have been in love for more than a year, and those who don't know are still thinking about an old couple.

You have to say that CP fans think it's okay. Pei Ban takes care of CP and just sprinkles sweets on them to make them happy.

But be a fan...

Steamed blue skinny!

Many Wei fans themselves were devastated by the fact that Pei Jingshu was in love. Their show of affection was like putting a knife in the heart of Wei fans.

To be honest, it is Pei Jingshu. For other female celebrities, as long as they fall in love, there will be no such thing as "only fans".


The most clownish person is Zheng Yunbin.

This kid and Gu Huaian have never dealt with each other, and the two of them don't communicate much. Gu Huaian usually doesn't care about him when nothing happens, but he has no time to mind Gu Huaian's business. Isn't this scolding?

So what if the boyfriend and girlfriend slept together, let alone touching them?

What does this have to do with you?


One thing to say, Zheng Yunbin is really feeling uncomfortable at the moment. He can't compare to Gu Huaian in terms of professionalism, traffic, or popularity as a woman.

It's very uncomfortable.

"You can't keep a low profile..."

What hurt Zheng Yunbin the most was that instead of saying that what Gu Huaian said was wrong, Pei Jingshu pulled his arm and said this shyly.

She was just shy and didn't object.

To be honest, Pei Jingshu's boldness in love really surprised many people...

Can you even make something like "imported hangover soup"?

Speaking of this, it was really hard for Pei Jingshu. If Pei Jingshu knew that Gu Huaian wanted to drink more, she might really fall out with Gu Huaian...

God knows how strong the taste in this old man's mouth was when he was fed "imported hangover soup"!

How hard she endured!

But this is the person she loves after all, so what can she blame him for?


Looking at the two of them, the audience may have said all sorts of things, but many people at the scene probably still laughed.

For example, Jiang Ma and Teacher He, this kind of sweet love between young people at their age is really incomprehensible to them. It is so sweet and has a loud voice.

Gu Huaian did not participate in their "sports meeting" activities, partly because he came late, and partly because...

It's raining.


When Gu Huaian was "squatting on the grass" just now, he saw a dark cloud floating in the distant sky. As expected, it started to rain suddenly.

The weather at the seaside is really unpredictable. It's even worse than inland. When Gu Huaian got up this morning, it was still cloudless outside. He thought it wouldn't rain all day. But now, it's raining harder and harder. !


It was raining lightly at first, but then it became heavier and heavier, and the guests were forced to hide in a temporary shed set up by the program crew.

"What to do?"

"Isn't this held in vain?"

"Tsk tsk..."

The guests were all worried. Almost everyone was hiding under the tent to take shelter from the rain, wondering when the rain would pass.

Only Gu Huaian, the old man, stared at the sea in the rain outside with an expression of eagerness to try...

I was a little full after eating and drinking at noon, and slept all afternoon. I haven't done much exercise so far today. Looking at the sea in the rain, with everyone around me hiding here and not daring to go out, Gu Huaian suddenly wanted to rush out for a swim.

I'm leaving after recording today and will come back to record next week. It's been two days since I recorded the show at the beach. Isn't it ridiculous that I didn't go for a swim?

"What are you going to do?"

When Pei Jingshu noticed something strange about Gu Huaian, the guy was already picking wheat from his body.

"I'm going to go for a swim..."

Gu Huaian chuckled, threw away the wheat in his hand, and rushed directly into the big pot of water... Bah! In the pouring rain!


Pei Jingshu called him, "It's raining outside. It's raining heavily. Everyone is taking shelter here. This guy is so lucky. Why did he just rush out?" !

They were at the beach at this time. Gu Huaian ran directly into the sea within a few steps. He ran a few steps on the beach. When the water reached his belly, he leaned forward and took advantage of the situation. Into the sea!

It was a very standard freestyle swim and I swam into the sea after a while.


When they saw that scene, many viewers felt inexplicably being poked.

Barrage blast:

"Wow, he is so wanton and bold!"

"Ah, I was just thinking that if I were there, I would definitely go for a swim in the sea. This guy must have installed a surveillance camera in my mind!"

" I the only one who noticed his swimming style?"

"Pfft... Let's talk about it, freestyle is still photogenic. It would be really embarrassing if my breaststroke was taken here."

[Ding, the host has successfully grounded himself and gained exposure, and the points are +91X69! 】

Gu Huaian seems to be different from other celebrities and artists. He always seems to be quite casual, quite real, and quite arbitrary.

Just say it now...

Everyone knows that getting caught in the rain is a bad thing. The guests all have makeup on their faces, and even the bikinis they wear are worth a lot of money, so they don't want to get caught in the rain, let alone get into the water.

Celebrities should be glamorous all the time. Wouldn't they be embarrassed if they got into the water? Wouldn't they be nothing?

But Gu Huaian didn't have any makeup on him, he didn't even have his hair styled, and the clothes he was wearing were not cheap anymore, but he didn't care at all and just got into the sea in the rain!

You can say that you will catch a cold or catch a cold if you get caught in the rain, or you will worry about this and that...

But what if you get into the water and swim?

How will you respond?

This kind of Gu Huaian is very enviable and desirable. He always dares to do many things that others dare not do.

Others may have thought about swimming in the sea in the rain just now, like Chen Feng. He was a little eager to try it just now, but he was very hesitant and didn't know whether he should do it or whether it was the right thing to do...

But Gu Huaian didn't hesitate. He just did what he said and what he wanted to do. He picked the wheat and rushed directly into the sea in the rain!

This state is really enviable...

"Gu Huaian went into the water?"


"Wow, he is so brave..."

When the other guests began to notice Gu Huaian in the water, every look they received from the camera was filled with admiration and envy.

It is now evening, and the sun has finally turned into the ultimate orange-red color, hanging at the end of the distant sky in the west, about to merge with the horizon.

Although the sky was gloomy, it was still bright because the setting sun had not completely disappeared.

Gu Huaian in the sea went swimming in the sea without even having time to put on a life jacket...

Sometimes it's freestyle, sometimes it's backstroke. You can see him lying on the sea, swimming forward, and then turning over and lying down. That state really makes people smile.

Sea water is more buoyant than fresh water. In the sea, he is really like what people often say: "like a fish in water!"

Let’s talk about it, for this to be photogenic, it really needs to be freestyle, butterfly stroke is fine, but it really can’t be breaststroke!

It’s not discrimination, it’s really not very photogenic!

Can you imagine that when a group of guests were hiding in a tent, the handsome Gu Huaian rushed out like the hero of an idol drama and rushed into the sea to swim breaststroke?

I can’t imagine it, okay!

Otherwise, the filter will explode!

At this time, some netizens commented:

"He is so down-to-earth, I thought it was a dog paddle in the water..."

"a ha ha ha……"

This statement caused a burst of laughter, and countless netizens liked and praised it. One person said that if Gu Huaian was dog-pawing just now, then he would really be considered a "down-to-earth" person!

A very funny scene is that Gu Huaian’s assistant and several staff members stood on the shore holding life jackets and shouted:

"elder brother!"

"You come back first!"

"Wear a life jacket!"

"Safety is the most important thing!"

This scene will be broadcast...



Netizens all laughed and got rich.

When artists go on shows, they do it for their own safety on the one hand, and on the other hand they also promote safety knowledge in front of the camera. Therefore, they generally wear safety gear when doing dangerous activities such as swimming in the sea, rock climbing, etc. facility.

Even if you are a good swimmer or a world champion, you still have to wear a life jacket when recording a program, otherwise the program team will not be able to shoulder this responsibility.

Gu Huaian was about to go into the sea just now, but he didn't communicate with the program team at all. He didn't know that there was such a thing, so he didn't wear any life jackets or anything like that when he went into the sea.

He wasn't even wearing a swimsuit, just ordinary clothes and went straight into the sea!

The assistants and staff looked at that picture and felt anxious!


It was raining heavily at this time. Gu Huaian was in the sea. In fact, his ears were just on the surface of the water. The sound of raindrops hitting the sea kept ringing in his ears, making Gu Huaian unable to hear what they were shouting on the shore.



"what are you guys saying?"

"What Dongmei?"

Jiang Nuan and the others stood in the rain holding an umbrella and swinging their life jackets around wildly. They all got wet, but Gu Huaian still had no intention of swimming back.

They almost cried...


The audience laughed like crazy and expressed their pity for these staff members for a minute. They were so funny.

Gu Huaian was so happy that he got into the water for a while, but the staff was going crazy with anxiety, okay?

"Eh? Jingshu, why are you going?"

At this time, Jiang Yao's voice suddenly came from the camera, and then the camera turned, and everyone saw...

I don't know when, Pei Jingshu actually took off her clothes, and then put the coat on her body and the clothes that Gu Huaian had given her for safekeeping on the chair, while raising her jade hand to prick her hair. Hair, while walking out of the tent without hesitation...

Walked into the rain.

Headed towards the sea.


Walked towards Gu Huaian.


That moment!

I don’t know how many people got goosebumps on their bodies!

Obviously at this moment, there were no lighting effects, no singing skills, and no performance, but they were still moved by Pei Jingshu's unhesitating move toward Gu Huaian.

She is always so gentle, so smooth, so...

husband! Sing! woman! Whatever!

From the beginning of "Crystal Love Season", she followed whatever Gu Huaian did. Some people always said that Sister Pei was a bad learner, but she was led astray by Gu Huaian!

"Ah! So romantic!"

Even the little clip Shen Qingqing was moved by Pei Jingshu's move towards the sea.

From their perspective at this time, they can see the endless sea. The waves on the sea are not big, but because of the heavy rain, there are a lot of splashing water droplets...

On such a sea, Gu Huaian was swimming continuously. Strictly speaking, such a background was desirable at best, but it could not be said to have any artistic conception...


When Pei Jingshu, who was tying her hair with her hands, walked slowly towards the sea under their gazes, walking towards him in the sea...

When the camera showed her back, her profile, her beautiful figure, and every position of hers!

That kind of romance really gives people goosebumps, okay!

I hope the shadows of light add a bit more atmosphere to Pei Jingshu. Her appearance makes the whole picture very artistic!

The cameraman of the program team also knows how to take pictures. He took the shot from Pei Jingshu’s arm with her hair tied up. The shadow of the setting sun complemented Pei Jingshu’s figure. This scene can be regarded as a goddess that has hit all the major platforms. Is this a picture?

"elder brother!"

"Come back!"

"You come here first!"

"What the hell, Ma Dongmei! Come here!"

"Please, you are my brother, okay?"

At this time, Gu Huaian's assistant and the staff of the program team were still standing on the shore in despair.

At this time, Pei Jingshu, who had already tied her hair, walked over and said lightly:

"give it to me."

God knows what good news this "Give it to me" is to the desperate Jiang Nuan and others!

At that time, Jiang Nuan looked at Pei Jingshu as if she was saying, she is indeed my goddess!

Pei Jingshu took a life jacket that the assistant gave her and put it on, then took one for Gu Huaian, and walked to the sea without any hesitation, walking along the beach to the sea.

She could swim, so the life jacket she was wearing was like a burden on her at this time, making it difficult for her to walk.

Even so, there was no trace of displeasure on her beautiful face, but she swam hard into the sea.


At that time, many viewers felt that Sister Pei was acting out a play with them, a play about how difficult it was for her to move towards Gu Huaian!

Great feeling!

It is worth mentioning that Gu Huaian, the old man, just pretended not to hear the assistant and program staff shouting from the shore for a long time, "What's the matter? What's Dongmei?" for a long time.

But when Pei Jingshu came out of the sea, he immediately turned around and swam over...

He didn't even let Pei Jingshu go for long before he swam over.

"You old 6!"

Jiang Nuan couldn't help but complain on the bank, cooperating with Gu Huaian was intentional!

"Ah ha ha……"

The audience laughed. It is worth mentioning that when Gu Huaian was swimming towards Pei Jingshu in the sea, the program team had a zoomed-out aerial shot, which happened to capture them swimming towards each other in the sea.

That picture is like interpreting their feelings, it is always like this...

Running in both directions.

"How many times do I have to say the word envy!!!"

The audience can't stand it anymore. Every scene of "Pei Ban taking care of CP" is so enviable!

"What are you doing down here?"

Gu Huaian saw that Pei Jingshu was swimming very hard, so he quickly swam over and took the life jacket from her hand.

"I'll give you a life jacket."

Although her hair was tied up with a headband, she was not wearing a swimming cap, so Pei Jingshu's hair was a little messy, with a few strands sticking to the side of her face.

Gu Huaian helped her reach it with his hands and said:

"Aren't you afraid of catching a cold?"

Pei Jingshu smiled and said:

"You're not afraid, so what am I afraid of?"

What she said really touched Gu Huaian. Gu Huaian, who originally didn't want to wear a life jacket because it was troublesome, didn't waste her kindness and wore the life jacket obediently.

The two of them were talking while swimming in the sea. Because they were not wearing microphones, even though the camera could zoom in on them, no one could hear what they were saying.

But seeing them smiling, they thought, they must be talking about happy things, right?

"I said……"

Perhaps she was also influenced by Gu Huaian going to sea, so Jiang Ma took the initiative and said:

"Shall we go for a swim too?"

Compared to Gu Huaian, I feel like they are really too pretentious...

What does it sound like to be at the beach, wearing a swimsuit, and hiding in a tent when it rains?

Even if you have to hide, you should hide in the sea, okay?


Xiang Zi and Jiang Yao were the first to respond to the call. Chen Feng, Jiang Mi, and Zheng Yunbin could not sit still for a long time. Even the little clipper Shen Qingqing had long wanted to go to the sea.

In response, a group of people began to go to the sea.

On the contrary, it was Xu Shiyun and Shen Yuqi who found a reason to refuse to go into the sea...

What Jiang Ma just said was a suggestion, not an opinion. The opinion must be listened to, and the suggestion can be heard or not. It is not mandatory, No posh, so of course they don't force it if they don't like it.

"Hey, do you think if we told Pei Jingshu what happened that night, would she still be able to laugh so happily?"

The short-haired beauty Shen Yuqi was sitting under a tent on the beach, raising her beautiful legs wrapped in white tiles, pouting her little mouth, and saying something sour to her teammate Xu Shiyun.

After watching them show off their affection for two days, Shen Yuqi really couldn't stand their faces...

"you're so dumb?"

In the end, Xu Shiyun just rolled her eyes, gently shook her pink hair, and said:

"Let's not talk about whether people believe it or not. Which of these two can we afford to offend?"


Regardless of whether Pei Jingshu believed it or not, as long as they told the story, Pei Jingshu and Gu Huaian would definitely be offended.

Of these two, one is the new king of the music industry, and the other is a big-name queen who has always been at the top. In terms of celebrity status, traffic, popularity, and reputation, both of them are higher than them.

Don't talk about Pei Jingshu, just talk about Gu Huaian. His boss is Jiang Dan. Gu Huaian has been here all the way. Anyone who is familiar with it can see what role Jiang Ma plays in it. She is famous for her ruthlessness. , are you really not afraid of being tendered to death?

As an evergreen figure in domestic entertainment, even if Pei Jingshu doesn't have a company and is just a personal studio, do you think she has nothing to do with her being famous until now?

Just the interest relationship between various endorsement companies is enough for them to drink from a pot, right?

They may not be bad, but in fact they are just members of a well-known girl group. In terms of fan base, number of fans, and ability to compete...

No one is a match for these two.

Shang Zhuoyan can still compete with them when she comes. As for them, there is really a huge disparity in strength...

In this case, if Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu are disgusted because of the sourness and the eyesore, that is not cheating, that is asking for death.

Xu Shiyun didn't know why Shen Yuqi had such thoughts, but she needed to remind Shen Yuqi not to do things that only an idiot would do.

Don't destroy yourself first before destroying others.

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