Participating in a love show, this little guy is too down-to-earth

Chapter 263 Cohabitation: Password to Sister Pei’s apartment, Jack’s wedding authorization!

"I'm just telling you..."

Shen Yuqi pouted. Today she was wearing a pair of white stockings. She really loves all kinds of socks.

She must have been able to survive to this point either because she has no brains, or she just feels too sad to see Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu showing off their affection...

Pei Jingshu is really enviable. Not only is she so good-looking, but she also has such an excellent boyfriend who surrounds her. He writes her a few songs and directly makes her aspire to the status of queen. Which female star doesn't want one? Such a boyfriend?

"Be honest..."

Xu Shiyun rolled her eyes at her, obviously knowing what she was thinking.

"By the way, will Shang Zhuoyan come next week? She wouldn't tell me if I asked her..."

Shen Yuqi pouted her mouth, feeling a little depressed.

"She will come."

Xu Shiyun smiled slightly. The skirt she wore today was a pink and white gradient style, which matched her hair color very well.

Looking at Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu in the sea from a distance, she didn't believe that Shang Zhuoyan could sit still after seeing the scene of them showing off their affection.

She didn't even believe that she, Shang Zhuoyan, could not bear to come where Gu Huai'an was.

It is now evening, and the orange-red sunset is getting closer and closer to the western horizon. The sky is not completely dark yet, but it is starting to become darker and darker, and the sea surface is gradually being rendered with a color like burning clouds.


The rain was still falling, but no one cared about the rain at this time. Everyone was enjoying the joy of getting wet in the sea.

As Gu Huaian started and Jiang Ma led, the guests went into the sea one after another. The program team got a few floating boards. Some guests lay on them to enjoy the leisurely moment, and some held their mobile phones to take pictures and videos...

Teacher He is sitting on the floating board, so his microphone is not picked, just enough to capture a little sound, and most of the cameras focus on him with the sound of microphone.

"Shredded pork!"

What's funny is that the camera was showing Teacher He at that time, and then suddenly Gu Huaian's voice floated in.

When the camera turned, Pei Jingshu was probably tired from swimming and was sitting on the floating board with a pair of jade-legged ducks curled up. Gu Huaian, the old man, was very funny. He was in the water, holding the edge of the floating board with both hands, and then looked at Pei Jingshu shouted:

"Shredded pork!"


"You're a conspicuous bag!"

The audience laughed like crazy and expressed:

"Why on earth are you trying to restore the Titanic with labor and management?!"

"You don't want me, Sister Pei, to call you Jack to cooperate with me, do you?"

"You die, you Gu Laolu! You die!"

To be honest, this is not the first time that Pei Jingshu feels that Gu Huaian is embarrassed...

So what are you calling Jack's Shredded Pork in the sea?

What a strange and evil taste!

However, Gu Huaian said to Pei Jingshu eagerly:

"Please cooperate with me, Jack..."


Pei Jingshu shook her head repeatedly. When the camera was turned to her, everyone could see the gentle "disgust" on her face.

She has never disliked Gu Huaian, but there are some things she really can't do!

Believe it or not, if she just calls "Jack" and cooperates with Gu Huaian, Gu Huaian can immediately climb on the floating board, hug her from behind, and then let her open her arms and make the "classic pose" of Jack's flesh!

Pei Jingshu has always been a thin-skinned girl. It is enough for her boyfriend to do such things as embarrassing her. She does follow her husband and wife, but this kind of thing is really not something she can do.

If it were Shang Zhuoyan, maybe she would be very cooperative...

People are different and have different personalities.

The audience and fans are deeply pleased about this. If Sister Pei really cooperates with Gu Huaian's shouts of jack meat and classic poses, then she will really be a broken filter.

Of course, Gu Huaian would not force Pei Jingshu to do anything. It was funny that after swimming around for a while, the old man ran to find Teacher He, lay down on his floating board, and shouted:

"Shredded pork!"

Then Teacher He laughed and shouted in harmony with him:



The audience is really going to get rich because of Gu Huaian's laughter. Sister Pei didn't cooperate with him, so he went to find Teacher He. He is really a talent!

One thing to say is that he was lucky to find Teacher He. If he had found a woman, the audience and fans would really curse.

Pei Jingshu also giggled, and will always be moved by Gu Huaian's "sense of proportion".

Everyone played until dark. Although everyone was quite embarrassed in the end, everyone felt very happy, and because of this "unbridled" play, the distance between everyone was unknowingly narrowed. .

For example, Chen Feng, Jiang Mi and Gu Huaian are all very familiar with each other. The specific reason starts with Gu Huaian's "Jack Pork Shreds". After this old man "Jack Pork Shredded" with Mr. He, he went to another male guest to "Jack Pork Shredded" Okay, this time I was doing something weird. When I saw Jiang Mi swimming, I even pushed him into the water a few times...

In fact, they are familiar with the fight.

It is worth mentioning that even though Shen Qingqing was close to Gu Huaian all day today, she hardly touched him, let alone shouted "Brother Huaian"...

Sister Qing may not have much brains, but she is still very capable in some aspects. She knows very well that her real girlfriend Pei Jingshu is next to her, and she is just looking for scolding at this time.

"Let's take a group photo..."

Finally, under Teacher He's suggestion, everyone took a wet group photo at the beach, which was not glamorous and even a little embarrassing. This episode of the program came to an end.

The recording method of "Hello Life Partner" is to record once a week, and now it is the end.

"Ah...Is this the end?"

"I haven't seen enough yet..."

"I don't know when it will be next time I see Pei Ban taking care of CP and spreading sweets."

Many viewers are a little reluctant to give up. "Pei Ban takes care of CP" is really not easy to combine. This is the first time they have seen these two together since the end of "Crystal Love Season" last year. It has been almost a year, okay? !

Don't say they are reluctant to leave...

Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu didn't want to leave either.

After the recording is over, everyone has to go back and pack their things. If you are not in a hurry, you can stay tonight and leave tomorrow morning. If you are in a hurry, you may fly away tonight.

Needless to say, Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu were busier than the other. If Pei Jingshu hadn't been unavailable during her schedule, she would have been a permanent resident. How could she be just a guest on the flight...

Logically speaking, Gu Huaian shouldn't be busy. Jiang Ma's role for him is to film movies and variety shows in the past few months. The arrangements are not tight, but who let...

This old 6 came to record the show for two days and sang a lot of new songs!

Yesterday there were only three songs, "Listen to Mom", "Unconditional", and "Possessed", and today there are two more songs "Heart Wall" and "You Will Marry Me Today".

From the moment he finished singing these works, the platform began to come over to press for copyright and official versions. He had to rush to arrange recording studios to record them and put them online!

There are five songs in one recording. After the recording is completed, it must be released in conjunction with the announcement. There may also be song promotion activities by the platform or short video platform...

There’s so much work to do!

Gu Huaian can be regarded as the first person in the history of domestic entertainment to do extra work for himself.

And this time he not only gave himself extra work, but also gave Pei Jingshu an extra task. After all, the two of them sang "You Will Marry Me Today" together!

In her busy schedule, Pei Jingshu also found time to record the female vocal part of this song.

Speaking of this song, many "Pei Ban Take Care" CP fans are quite happy, because Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu finally have a second male-female duet besides "Under the Flying Clouds".

When Sister Pei appears on stage in the future, she no longer has to sing "Under the Flying Clouds".

Of course, some netizens said that there is finally a song that my boyfriend (girlfriend) and I can sing together.

In Gu Huaian's previous works, there was only one song "Under the Flying Clouds" sung by men and women due to each other. This song is good to listen to, but...

It’s so hard to sing!

So far, there are many couple bloggers singing covers on the Internet, but no one can sing the taste. It requires the purest timbre, pitch, and singing skills!

Gu Huaian and Pei Jingshu are both capable singers. Not everyone has their ability, so singing covers is really a hurdle, and gradually few people sing covers.

Now, finally, they have released a more relaxed male-female duet song "Today You Will Marry Me", which really makes them quite happy.

It is worth mentioning that in the comment area of ​​the video related to the song "Today You Will Marry Me", many comments are saying:

"Ah! I'm getting married tomorrow, and I just don't know what song to choose. This one is so suitable!"

"That's right! Sister, I'm going to get married in a while, and I must use this song too!"

"This is just made for weddings, isn't it?"

Because it is really suitable for weddings, this song has been well received by friends who are about to get married.

And because of this...

Gu Huaian collected a few more copyright fees when authorizing.

What for?

Authorization requests from several well-known large-scale wedding companies!

In fact, the authorization of music copyright is quite complicated, and there are many types. You see...

Music platform, video platform, short video platform, audio platform, offline KTV...etc., various authorizations.

Many singers have very popular masterpieces, and the copyright fees alone every year are enough to support them for retirement.

This is actually the amount of copyright fees that Gu Huaian usually collects, but for example, the copyright fees from a wedding company, this is really the first time he has collected them...

The main reason may be that this song will be widely used in weddings in the future. In order to avoid copyright disputes, these large wedding companies found Gu Huaian.

Their internal intention is quite clear. They want the exclusive authorization of this song, but Gu Huaian does not intend to give it. After all, songs written for weddings should not be so commercialized. Everyone can use it if they want...

Gu Huaian also made many hot searches today, such as eating a banquet, talking nonsense after drinking too much...etc., so I won't list them one by one. It's too watery.

In short, after two days of "Hello Life Match", Gu Huaian's popularity has really reached its peak again.

Not only him, Pei Jingshu's popularity is also soaring. One of the reasons why these two are so enviable is because their marketing popularity soars whenever they are combined...

Who wouldn't be envious of a real couple who really spreads their love and their careers can rise along with them?

And maybe because of the soaring popularity, they will probably be busier recently.

Pei Jingshu doesn't know when she will see Gu Huaian again next time...

She doesn't really want to do this...

Although I usually video chat a lot, every time I see her I want to be together more often.

She had to find a way.

"Ding dong."

In the evening, after returning from the beach and changing clothes, Gu Huaian saw a message on his phone from Pei Jingshu.

There were several strings of numbers on the message, and I didn’t know what they were for.

"what is this?"

At this time, Pei Jingshu had already changed out of the one-piece swimsuit she wore at the beach and changed into a lighter, light green floral dress, showing off her ladylike temperament.

She gently smoothed the messy hair on her temples, straightened her demeanor, and looked a little shy. She was about to say something to Gu Huaian, but Gu Huaian suddenly said:

"Bank card password?"

Pei Jingshu: "..."

"Be serious!"

Looking around, she couldn't help but raise her beautiful hand and pat Gu Huaian a few times.

Why does it seem that the more familiar I become, the more deviant Gu Huaian becomes?


Gu Huaian then waved his hand and sat on the edge of the bed leisurely.

The assistant was waiting outside. Although he had a flight at night, the time was actually not too tight and he still had time to say goodbye to Pei Jingshu.

After giving Gu Huaian a roll of her eyes, Pei Jingshu said softly:

"It's the password for my apartment in... Shanghai."


Gu Huaian was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Pei Jingshu to give her such a thing.


Although they have been in love for a year, they really haven't had time to go to each other's place to stay.

Gu Huaian lives in the capital for work reasons, and the company is also in this part of the capital. After he became popular last year, in order to avoid paparazzi, proxy shoots, illegitimate meals, etc., the company also rented a higher-end apartment that was more private and relatively A more luxurious apartment.

But for Pei Jingshu, most of her work focus is on the Shanghai stock market, so her apartment is in the Shanghai stock market.

The two of us are not in the same place. We are usually busy with work and don't go back even if we have an apartment. We stay in hotels, so it doesn't matter whether we live in the same place or not. So far, neither of us has been to the other's apartment. Rarely mentioned.

Gu Huaian was invited, but Pei Jingshu was busy. Besides, even in the capital, she might not actually go to Gu Huaian's apartment...

So being deceived into going home is not equivalent to a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, right?

Given the nature of Lao Lu, he almost ate her here last night. When he arrived at his apartment in the capital, could Pei Jingshu leave intact?

What a joke!

All in all, neither of them seemed to have mentioned much about where they lived.

Gu Huaian also didn't expect that Pei Jingshu would suddenly tell him the password to her apartment.

At this moment, Gu Huaian looked at Pei Jingshu with doubts in his eyes...

"I just...want to"

Pei Jingshu blushed, wringing her hands gently behind her back, hesitating and not knowing how to speak.

After a while, she gathered her words and then continued:

"I just want to say that if you work in Shanghai, you can go... stay in my apartment."

She wanted to have more of Gu Huaian's atmosphere in her life. She wanted to see Gu Huaian's things in her home. That would make her feel that she and Gu Huaian were living together, and would have a greater sense of belonging and security.

It won't be like before, just like "online dating".

Her point...

Gu Huaian must have gotten it.

To be honest, he was a little moved when he looked at the string of numbers and the address sent by Pei Jingshu on his cell phone.

But at the same time, it's also a bit of a bad taste...

He smiled and asked Pei Jingshu:

"Then we are living together like this?"

From falling in love to living together is a big step, right?

Pei Jingshu was so shameless that she would definitely not nod and say they were living together. She just turned slightly to the side, blushed and muttered in a low voice:

"Whatever...whatever you think."

Gu Huaian chuckled and went over to hug Pei Jingshu. Pei Jingshu was almost used to being hugged and kissed by Gu Huaian.

Gu Huaian said in a low voice:

"Did you know that couples who live together sleep together every day, every day...hehehehe..."

As he spoke, he began to swish again. Pei Jingshu blushed shamelessly, struggled slightly in Gu Huaian's arms, raised her jade hand and pushed him, and said:

"You are really becoming more and more immoral..."

That being said, do you think Pei Jingshu hadn't made such a plan before bringing up the matter of "living together"?

I must have thought about it!

However, she felt that since she and Gu Huaian were so busy at work, it would be difficult for them to stay together, so even if Gu Huaian would live in her apartment, it would be difficult for them to live together.

"Let me tell you in advance, I don't have much self-control. You just need to be mentally prepared."

Gu Huaian directly gave Pei Jingshu a "vaccination" in advance. This was not the first time that Pei Jingshu experienced the lack of self-control.

"...Then I'd better go back and change the password. Don't come here."

Seeing this guy say bullying things to her, Pei Jingshu would definitely not obey him.

"Hey, don't, don't, don' won't be..."

Gu Huaian immediately surrendered.

Pei Jingshu smiled and pushed him. Gu Huaian was tired of standing and wanted to sit down. Pei Jingshu sat on his lap, with two pairs of jade lotus-like legs dangling gently under the hem of her skirt, which was extremely attractive. .

Gu Huaian couldn't help but touch it. No one else felt like MD...

Then he kissed Pei Jingshu several times. Perhaps because he knew that they were about to break up, Pei Jingshu did not refuse, and even welcomed her despite being dejected.

It wasn't until the staff couldn't wait to knock on the door that they packed up and went out.

Before leaving...

Gu Huaian also sent the address and password of his apartment to Pei Jingshu.

I feel that these things are mutual. Gu Huaian may have ignored the initiative as a boy sometimes, but as long as Pei Jingshu can do it, he should do it accordingly.

This is probably how couples become more and more intimate step by step.

Gu Huaian could already imagine what it would be like to have Pei Jingshu's things, clothes, personal belongings, etc. in his apartment.

Of course, in comparison, he was more curious about what Pei Jingshu's private apartment looked like.

For a goddess like her, her private apartment should be very luxurious, right?

To be honest, Gu Huaian has never been to a celebrity friend's house. The apartment he lives in now feels quite luxurious. He really wants Pei Jingshu to give him a knife to pull his butt...

Open your eyes!

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